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What church is the true church?


It's not very fair, but Christians seem to get judged more harshly and by a stricter standard than others. The thing I like most about those I deem as "good" Christians is honesty. You do a pretty good job of being honest, thanks.

I see it as perfectly fair, if they're going to present themselves as representatives of a religion that is meant to have higher, stricter, standards, what makes them immune to being help up to those higher, stricter standards, especially when they resort to interpretations and theologies that try to water down those standards or the reason for upholding them?

Flat Earth Kyle

Well-Known Member
I see it as perfectly fair, if they're going to present themselves as representatives of a religion that is meant to have higher, stricter, standards, what makes them immune to being help up to those higher, stricter standards, especially when they resort to interpretations and theologies that try to water down those standards or the reason for upholding them?

When you know this much *holding my hand high* you are expected to do this much *holding my hand high*, but when you know this much *holding my hand high* and are doing this much *holding my hand low* that is when we bump into problems.

If a child hits someone or bites someone they get told, "no no don't hit."
But if an adult hits someone or bites someone there are much more severe consequences."


Active Member
There are nearly ten thousand flavors of Christianity today. When we add to the mix the churches that did not survive to the present date, the number of churches are even higher. What criteria should a person use to determine the true church? I define the “true church” as a church that teaches an accurate teaching of Jesus Christ. If you know of such a church, please explain in detail why that church is the true church.

God has given us a means to test if a religion is true. They tell no lies. If a religion has one, or more major false doctrines, would it be from God?
Make a list of false doctrines. Delete religions that present falseness as truth. It need not be a long list.


Truth Seeker
God has given us a means to test if a religion is true. They tell no lies. If a religion has one, or more major false doctrines, would it be from God?
Make a list of false doctrines. Delete religions that present falseness as truth. It need not be a long list.

That's exactly what I believe. Contradictions mean falsehood.


I do stuff
Christ never taught anyone to pray to statues, or anyone other than our heavenly Father. It is very very clear Catholics are a reformed church of Christ, Latter-day saints however believe The Church of Jesus Christ of Ladder-day Saints is the restored Church of Christ.

I’m not well versed in Catholic apologetics, but I do know at least Catholics do not worship statues. The purpose of statues in the Catholic Church is to recall the thing or person depicted in the statue. It is not the thing or person depicted. It is similar to having a picture of a loved one. Looking at the picture a person is reminded of the person in the picture. The remembrance of the person in the picture may invoke emotions. The emotions do not come from the paper or the colors on the paper. The emotions do not come from a matt or glossy finish on the picture. The only purpose the picture serves is an aid to recall the person depicted. The same applies to Catholic statues. Catholics know they are not worshiping marble, granite, cement or wood.
A good web site on Catholic apologetics is Catholic Answers. http://www.catholic.com/
Do Catholics Worship Statues? http://www.catholic.com/tracts/do-catholics-worship-statues


Well-Known Member
all of them things are objects of veneration. so much better to worship God in a way he will accept.

Flat Earth Kyle

Well-Known Member
I’m not well versed in Catholic apologetics, but I do know at least Catholics do not worship statues. The purpose of statues in the Catholic Church is to recall the thing or person depicted in the statue. It is not the thing or person depicted. It is similar to having a picture of a loved one. Looking at the picture a person is reminded of the person in the picture. The remembrance of the person in the picture may invoke emotions. The emotions do not come from the paper or the colors on the paper. The emotions do not come from a matt or glossy finish on the picture. The only purpose the picture serves is an aid to recall the person depicted. The same applies to Catholic statues. Catholics know they are not worshiping marble, granite, cement or wood.
A good web site on Catholic apologetics is Catholic Answers. http://www.catholic.com/
Do Catholics Worship Statues? http://www.catholic.com/tracts/do-catholics-worship-statues

Okay, putting that aside, they still pray to St. Peter, St. Paul, and even the Virgin Mary. All of which is something that was not found at all in Christ's Church.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
God has given us a means to test if a religion is true. They tell no lies. If a religion has one, or more major false doctrines, would it be from God?
Make a list of false doctrines. Delete religions that present falseness as truth. It need not be a long list.
And which church do you belong to?


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
Okay, putting that aside, they still pray to St. Peter, St. Paul, and even the Virgin Mary. All of which is something that was not found at all in Christ's Church.
No, they don't.

You really need to be careful about throwing stones, because "marriage for all eternity" was also not found at all in the church Christ founded.
Plus, using water instead of wine at the holy meal was not found at all in the church Christ founded. That being said, y'all can do whatever pleases you, but don't judge the rest of us for "departing from tradition."
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Active Member
And which church do you belong to?

I belong to NO religious group. I take Gods word from the Bible, and the Scrolls.
There is not one church that tells people the truth.


Going to heaven. Man was not designed to go to heaven. Man was created to care for the earth. Gods plan has not changed. religions who teach going to heaven are telling a bold face lie.

I could go one, and on...but I will not. Believe what you want. follow the rest who make up fairy tails.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
I belong to NO religious group. I take Gods word from the Bible, and the Scrolls.
There is not one church that tells people the truth.


Going to heaven. Man was not designed to go to heaven. Man was created to care for the earth. Gods plan has not changed. religions who teach going to heaven are telling a bold face lie.

I could go one, and on...but I will not. Believe what you want. follow the rest who make up fairy tails.

You belong to no religious group? Even though archeological and biblical evidence is OVERWHELMING in its indication that "group" is what the Christian faith is all about? Jesus, in renaming Simon "Rocky," said that Peter's faith was what he was going to build his church upon. That word church, in the Greek, is ekklesia, or "assembly"; more commonly known as "community." In other words, group of religious people.

Jesus gathered a group of disciples to himself. They lived together, worked together, learned together, worshiped together, prayed together, ate together. yet, you consciously refuse to do that with other people in the name of Jesus?

The entities that produced the gospels, themselves, were groups, or communities of people. Paul wrote to groups of Christians that he, himself brought together in community. In fact, the faith was established because groups of people came together in intentional community.

I don't see how it gets any more "real" than that. Perhaps it might be you who needs to take a closer look at the bible as a product of community (the bible was, in fact, put together by community effort), before you continue to stand in judgment of the religious practices of other Christian folk.

CG Didymus

Veteran Member
God has given us a means to test if a religion is true. They tell no lies. If a religion has one, or more major false doctrines, would it be from God?
Make a list of false doctrines. Delete religions that present falseness as truth. It need not be a long list.
Isn't that the problem? We judge each others beliefs by our "superior" standards and find all the others to be false. The only one left standing is ours. We are left very lonely and very vulnerable to criticism, because, even ours, has a few "holes" in it. We ignore them, try to explain them away, but they are there.

CG Didymus

Veteran Member
I see it as perfectly fair, if they're going to present themselves as representatives of a religion that is meant to have higher, stricter, standards, what makes them immune to being help up to those higher, stricter standards, especially when they resort to interpretations and theologies that try to water down those standards or the reason for upholding them?
It's probably a good time to ask: How do other Christians justify eliminating God's Law? I know they say "it was a shadow," "Christ fulfilled the Law." You believe different. Should the "true" church keep the Law? And, since some of the laws seem out of date, is there a way to "adjust" them to bring them in-line with modern society?


Active Member
Isn't that the problem? We judge each others beliefs by our "superior" standards and find all the others to be false. The only one left standing is ours. We are left very lonely and very vulnerable to criticism, because, even ours, has a few "holes" in it. We ignore them, try to explain them away, but they are there.

I do not gather together with those who belong to religions that teach lies. As to being alone, look up, we are never alone. Those who follow a religion, are following men, not Gods word. They are alone.


Active Member

You belong to no religious group? Even though archeological and biblical evidence is OVERWHELMING in its indication that "group" is what the Christian faith is all about? Jesus, in renaming Simon "Rocky," said that Peter's faith was what he was going to build his church upon. That word church, in the Greek, is ekklesia, or "assembly"; more commonly known as "community." In other words, group of religious people.

Jesus gathered a group of disciples to himself. They lived together, worked together, learned together, worshiped together, prayed together, ate together. yet, you consciously refuse to do that with other people in the name of Jesus?

The entities that produced the gospels, themselves, were groups, or communities of people. Paul wrote to groups of Christians that he, himself brought together in community. In fact, the faith was established because groups of people came together in intentional community.

I don't see how it gets any more "real" than that. Perhaps it might be you who needs to take a closer look at the bible as a product of community (the bible was, in fact, put together by community effort), before you continue to stand in judgment of the religious practices of other Christian folk.

I read your profile: You stated, Occupation clergy. This means you make money by selling Gods word. Have you never read Gods word? "You receive freely, give freely." You charge money for serving God? When Jesus comes, you will tell him, "Look at all the good things I have done in your name." You know what he will say. "You have your reward."
Gods word is not for sale.


I do not gather together with those who belong to religions that teach lies. As to being alone, look up, we are never alone. Those who follow a religion, are following men, not Gods word. They are alone.

It is important not to gather with those who teach false doctrines, yet the scriptures clearly say... And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works, not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching. Hebrews 10:24