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What church is the true church?


Well-Known Member
What does Jesus wish his true church would believe? That's the problem. We all have different views on what that is because some verses point one direction while others point somewhere else.

The Father( Jehovah) is searching for such ones to worship him in spirit and truth--- this is what Jesus wants as well. Not different views-1 cor 1:10)

CG Didymus

Veteran Member
The Father( Jehovah) is searching for such ones to worship him in spirit and truth--- this is what Jesus wants as well. Not different views-1 cor 1:10)
I know. It seems like it should be so easy, yet so many Christians have different views.


Amen to that, but what does he want us to do? Even that gets confusing.

What you believe is directly corrolated with what you believe you must do.

If you don't believe in the Jewishness and Mosaic-Lawfulness of Jesus's message, it drastically changes your perspective of what you are to do. If you believe that all you have to do is believe in Jesus and that your works are just the "Fruit of being saved", that as well drastically changes what will you do.

CG Didymus

Veteran Member
Love. How is that confusing?
I've heard love your neighbor, love your enemy, love one another, love God with all your heart. It sounds simple. I guess what confuses me is how way too many professing Christians don't express God's love very well.


I've heard love your neighbor, love your enemy, love one another, love God with all your heart. It sounds simple. I guess what confuses me is how way too many professing Christians don't express God's love very well.

All the commandments HANG on "love of God and love of neighbor".

It appears the definition of "Love" is wrapped up in each of the commandments for the culture Jesus was speaking to.

"The love of God is obedience to the commandments" - 1 John 5:3.

Otherwise, "Love" is just some abstract of which anyone can define as they please.

Flat Earth Kyle

Well-Known Member
I believe The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is the true church because
1) The first place we ask you to find out if this is the true church is by asking God through personal prayer after sincerely pondering over its teachings. We promise that God will testify the truth of it unto you by the power of the Holy Ghost. I wouldn't be a member if I had not had this special witness for myself.
2) We believe in the same organization that existed in the Primitive Church, namely, apostles, prophets, pastors, teachers, evangelists, and so forth.
We also believe that a man must be called of God, by prophecy, and by the laying on of hands by those who are in authority, to preach the Gospel and administer in the ordinances thereof just as things were done in church Christ set up and organized.
3) We believe in key doctrine that the New Testament taught plainly that the rest of the world chooses not to practice or believe in. A. We are literally God's children. B. The importance of Temples and the ordinances performed there in, (They were not just used for animal sacrifices) C. the practice of vicarious baptisms for those that are dead. D+ many other principals after that.
4) It makes the most sense and encourages the asking of questions.

CG Didymus

Veteran Member
All the commandments HANG on "love of God and love of neighbor".

It appears the definition of "Love" is wrapped up in each of the commandments for the culture Jesus was speaking to.

"The love of God is obedience to the commandments" - 1 John 5:3.

Otherwise, "Love" is just some abstract of which anyone can define as they please.
I do find it strange that God gave his people laws, writing some in stone, then most Christians moved away from those laws. Did I say, moved away? No, I meant did away, yet, they still claim that the Hebrew Scriptures are the Word of God. I know that the complaint was that the Law was practiced in a legalistic way. But, it seems like too many Christians practice their religion in a legalistic, dogmatic way, more head than heart. What's the difference? So how does love become the main focus?


Well-Known Member
I don't think Jesus is nearly so concerned with what we believe as he is with what we do.

The Father is searching for ones to worship him in spirit and truth--- see the word truth--- God is concerned with what we believe--then so to is Jesus.


I do stuff
Is it possible to co-exist and have a mutual respect between the different religions?

That's a pretty tall order. I can respect another person's religion as long as that religion doesn't infringe on my right to pursue life, liberty and happiness. I see myself as a Christian but not an Orthodox Christian. I define orthodoxy as one who believes in the Nicene Creed. 500 years ago I would have been burned at the stake for being a heretic. I don't think I would take being burned at a stake very kindly. How can I respect a religion that wants me dead? People still do get burned at the stake, even in the 21st century. It was the Church that planted the seed that later blossomed into the Holocaust.There are Christian pastors that wish homosexuals were dead. I do not blame the Church. I blame some very misguided people within the Church. In there own eyes they see themselves as representatives of the Church. If a church has sinned, how can I respect that church? The church would be propagating falsehood.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
I've heard love your neighbor, love your enemy, love one another, love God with all your heart. It sounds simple. I guess what confuses me is how way too many professing Christians don't express God's love very well.
We're fallen human beings, like everyone else in the world.

CG Didymus

Veteran Member
We're fallen human beings, like everyone else in the world.
It's not very fair, but Christians seem to get judged more harshly and by a stricter standard than others. The thing I like most about those I deem as "good" Christians is honesty. You do a pretty good job of being honest, thanks.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
The Father is searching for ones to worship him in spirit and truth--- see the word truth--- God is concerned with what we believe--then so to is Jesus.
But for Jesus -- and for God, according to Mosaic Law -- belief is pragmatic and lived out in one's actions, not merely a mental exercise.

Flat Earth Kyle

Well-Known Member
Wouldn't that make you Catholic?

Christ never taught anyone to pray to statues, or anyone other than our heavenly Father. It is very very clear Catholics are a reformed church of Christ, Latter-day saints however believe The Church of Jesus Christ of Ladder-day Saints is the restored Church of Christ.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
It's not very fair, but Christians seem to get judged more harshly and by a stricter standard than others. The thing I like most about those I deem as "good" Christians is honesty. You do a pretty good job of being honest, thanks.
There's a virtue called "humility." I try, but often stumble, because my brain gets in the way.:facepalm:

But :foryou: for saying so!