I could now start quoting all the sayings in Q-lite that are mystical or connected to mysticism, but you can check it out for yourself:Too many people think spirituality is only about imaginary ghosts and demons; disembodied beings, and all that sort of nonsense. Whereas I think it's first and foremost about the essence of who we are as individual beings. About our biological and circumstantial uniqueness. Our "soul". This was a minimal and somewhat foreign concept in the patriarchal-clan culture of Jesus time, but it was an idea that was developing because his culture was becoming 'Hellenized' by the Roman occupation. So Jesus was introducing this kind of pragmatic (not mystical) 'spiritual' construct to his fellow Jews, and using it to better connect them to each other, and to their own God. So that rather than this 'Hellenization' pulling them apart and obliterating their Jewishness, as an oppressed and subjugated culture, it could actually bring them together, and cohere them.
The reconstructed sayings of the tantric-mystic Master Yeshua
In fact, the whole sayings collection is about how to lead a mystic life style and help spread that life style to others.
Christianity of course is a different matter, that is about spreading the Christian religion.