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What did Jesus Look Like?


Just adding some references from those who know. Try reading them and become that teeny weeny bit wiser.

This is getting ridiculous.

There are no such references - because the word - WIFE - is NOT in the Hebrew text.

Thus, anything else is nothing but speculation.



I do not speak with a forked tongue.

Poor thing now attacking me with unsubstanted nonsense becomes meaningless It is obvious that you know only your preconceived ideas.

Yeah sure Peter cut of someones ear, but Jesus healed that mans ear.

Tell me how many technological devices can you name that are found in the OT and NT?

LOL! "Preconceived."

I gave the actual verses, translations of terms, and outside information on them.

You give us nothing.



Would some of you CHRISTIANS please use your online translation tools to prove to this guy that the word - WIFE - is not in either 7:14, or 8:3.

His insistence without knowledge - is getting very irritating.

The idea that it is his wife is merely later speculation. It does not say wife. He has gone to join Ahaz in a war situation. I'm going to guess he didn't drag his wife along. Nor are we told anywhere in the Bible that his wife is a Prophetess.

Isa 7:11 Ask thee a sign of the LORD thy God; ask it either in the depth, or in the height above.

Isa 7:14 Therefore the Lord himself shall give you (Ahaz and Isaiah) a sign; Behold, a maiden/virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel.

Isa 8:3 And I (Isaiah) went unto the prophetess; and she conceived, and bare a son. Then said the LORD to me, Call his name Mahershalalhashbaz. (Meaning something like - quick to the plunder = a warrior.)

Isa 8:18 Behold, I (Isaiah) and the children whom the LORD hath given me are for signs and for wonders in Israel from the LORD of hosts, which dwelleth in mount Zion.

Again - even a Strong's will tell you Emmanuel is Isaiah's son. The number is Hebrew 6005.



His insistence without knowledge - is getting very irritating.

Let it go.

You cannot debate some people no matter how credible the information is. [Ya i know I'm the last person that should claim this]

You cannot debate Judaism or history with an orthodox jew, debate history or science with a muslim, and biology/science or history with a YEC.

Beating your head against a wall makes more sense and feels better. You feel sad for humanity.


Let it go.

You cannot debate some people no matter how credible the information is. [Ya i know I'm the last person that should claim this]

You cannot debate Judaism or history with an orthodox jew, debate history or science with a muslim, and biology/science or history with a YEC.

Beating your head against a wall makes more sense and feels better. You feel sad for humanity.



Kelly of the Phoenix

Well-Known Member
Jesus the thief coming for you ... he was found ... there was a witness ...

Would you care to expound on what exactly you mean by this?
The text means he is a literary character.

This may be factual but Muhammed also did not write anything found in the Koran. He did the dictation and his scribes did the writing.
Most of Jesus's disciples were fishermen and it is doubtfull that they could read or write
Saul of Tarsus - later renamed Paul - was blinded by a light from the sky and asked why is he persecuting "his" people. As he had a direct communication does this count as a meeting ?
Did any of the apostles who had met Jesus witness this? No, visions don't count in reality.

This is how the average height of an ancient middle eastern man compares to modern man...
Cool. I'm that tall too. :)

Dear me it has nothing to do with what I believe, I merely face the facts that he was said to be a carpenter and common sense should thus tell you that you should reconsider your conclusion.

A painter smells of paint, a cook smells of the odours of his kitchen, a mechanic smells of oil and grease. Surely this is not so hard to understand or are you prejudiced against all Jews and wish to label them in accordance with your own prejuice-dices (N.B. deliberate misspelling) because some of them have a body odour juiced with the pong of garlic:)
Where does it say Jesus worked as a carpenter? I don't recall any scenes where he is "carpenting", LOL. He DOES ride livestock AND told his followers in front of religious authorities that he didn't wash his hands because it is not what goes into you that defiles you, but what comes out (sadly, omnipotence did not include basic hygiene).


Where does it say Jesus worked as a carpenter?

And they use the word tekton as you know. It was poorly translated in the past as artisan of wood or carpenter.

Today we know that the translation to the specific time period really works out to be in this case. Displaced hand workers who were often renters who were forced off their land.

There are said to be a step below the common peasant. Similar to a fisherman. These people amounted to slave labor to Antipas for the rebuilding and feeding of Sepphoris by all my studies.


And they use the word tekton as you know. It was poorly translated in the past as artisan of wood or carpenter.

Today we know that the translation to the specific time period really works out to be in this case. Displaced hand workers who were often renters who were forced off their land.

There are said to be a step below the common peasant. Similar to a fisherman. These people amounted to slave labor to Antipas for the rebuilding and feeding of Sepphoris by all my studies.

Did you see number 244?



Did you see number 244?


Yes. I was trying to avoid conflict while you were trying to get through to him.

That is how some of the ancient people viewed the word. But it is also one of the older modern positions recent archeology has modified. It never had a strong following and was rejected by most.

Johnathon Reed, Marvin Meyers, Marcus Borg, and Stephan Patterson, and John Crossan all follow what I was saying.


Carolyn Osiek, Jonathan Reed, Jodi Magness, Mordecai Aviam, Stephen J. Patterson, Marcus Borg, Lawrence Schiffman, and Shimon Gibson

As scholars have recently noted, the word usually translated “carpenter” (tekton) can also mean someone who worked with his hands, or a stone worker. As Joseph may have done stonework and manual labor rather than being a craftsman with wood, this would have put him in the lowest of the lower class. Therefore, the family Jesus grew up in would not have owned land, but they would have been subsistence farmers accustomed to menial labor. According to Stephen Patterson, the family of Jesus was a step below the normal peasant. This being the case, neither Joseph nor Jesus was a carpenter; they were more likely workers with stone and general manual labor.


Yes. I was trying to avoid conflict while you were trying to get through to him.

That is how some of the ancient people viewed the word. But it is also one of the older modern positions recent archeology has modified. It never had a strong following and was rejected by most.

Johnathon Reed, Marvin Meyers, Marcus Borg, and Stephan Patterson, and John Crossan all follow what I was saying.


Carolyn Osiek, Jonathan Reed, Jodi Magness, Mordecai Aviam, Stephen J. Patterson, Marcus Borg, Lawrence Schiffman, and Shimon Gibson

As scholars have recently noted, the word usually translated “carpenter” (tekton) can also mean someone who worked with his hands, or a stone worker. As Joseph may have done stonework and manual labor rather than being a craftsman with wood, this would have put him in the lowest of the lower class. Therefore, the family Jesus grew up in would not have owned land, but they would have been subsistence farmers accustomed to menial labor. According to Stephen Patterson, the family of Jesus was a step below the normal peasant. This being the case, neither Joseph nor Jesus was a carpenter; they were more likely workers with stone and general manual labor.

Yes I've heard this idea. :)

However tracing back the word, as the article shows, does go to magic "crafting."

If you think about it - calling Jesus - a miracle worker - really is no different then calling him - a magic worker.

His followers used name magic. Hence we get that verse where they are mad that an outsider was casting out demons - using Jesus' name.

They also believed in the magic (can't remember the name) of them just touching something - and power being transferred to it. The cloths they sent out to heal, etc.

Jewish writings actually call him a Sorcerer.

And of course we have all kinds of magic objects from the Hebrew and early Christians - in museums.



If you think about it - calling Jesus - a miracle worker - really is no different then calling him - a magic worker.

It is.

Ill share how professors explained it to me.

In mark we get some details, in later text they are literally tying to hide and reduce this knowledge.

We see the evolution of the concept and later authors embarrassed over the original usage trying to minimize damage so to speak .

Also, if they were portraying a positive view of tekton, they would say tekton of wood, or tekton of miracles.

Now I personally see Nazareth as a work camp, for rebuilding Sepphoris. Nazareth was not really a place for any artisan. But stone work in Sepphoris is possible for Galilean peasants.

Jewish writings actually call him a Sorcerer.

And they base every bit of what they know from gospel text.

His followers used name magic.

We really cannot say that, we know the NT authors make statements, but they were so far removed from jesus himself, they would have known nothing about the Galilean real followers who fled on arrest.


Active Member
Let it go.

You cannot debate some people no matter how credible the information is. [Ya i know I'm the last person that should claim this]

Beating your head against a wall makes more sense and feels better. You feel sad for humanity.
The two bibles I mentioned do not agree with her and neither do the two sources as per the links I provided. So put that in your pipe and smoke it
Four sources outnumber two.
I actually gave another third link which was apparently also ignored.

I feel sad for you and her.
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Active Member
He never met the man. The man was dead.

Anything else is not historical.
Can you read and understand? He does not claim to have met Jesus in person. A voice and light from the sky is what he said. He does not claim to have seen him because he was blinded by the light.
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Active Member
He never met the man. The man was dead.

Anything else is not historical.
Sure but left, right and centre some of you are now saying he was a magician and a sorcerer; So does this intimate that, as the yogi did and still do, go into a deep trance and everone seeing him in that state would in those times, think he was dead. Others to bypass the resurrection say Jude, who was his spittin' image died on the cross.

In the following link to the jewishvoice.org they speak of this event of "never met him"-

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Active Member
LOL! "Preconceived."
I also said - "Tell me how many technological devices can you name that are found in the OT and NT?"
I asked this question to see how open minded you are and and if you are capable of seeing beyond your preconceived ideas.
Just one would be enough - as a clue I can tell you it has a rather shocking behaviour.
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