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What did Jesus Look Like?


Rogue Theologian
besides the facial appearance.....I heard a tv evangelical report something he claimed to be written by a Pharisee
as Jesus rode into town on His approach to the Holy City....

His hair is the color of ripe chestnuts and His arms and chest are magnificent to see.

so....if that 'report' can be believed....
Jesus came bare chested into the City on the back of small animal......showing off?


I don't have much respect for any mythologies. I liked the Iliad a lot but the mythology in it was rather stupid, I thought.

Well, the OT does refer to the sons of God twice in Genesis 6.

Isaiah refers to a son who is God in 9:6.

None of these verses have to be taken as anything mystical, or about actual Sons of god.

King David was a Son of God.

All of Israel are Sons of God.

Judges of Israel are called Elohiym, and Sons of God.

In Isaiah 9:6 it is usually translated “Mighty God” and “Everlasting Father” – however

That “God” is also “Mighty,” and as for “Father Everlasting,” in the Greek Septuagint they used πατὴρ τοῦ μέλλαντος αιὼνος, "the father of the yet to come ages" – and Jerome in the Vulgate translates it “Pater futuri saeculi, "Father of the future generations/ages". Thus = Mighty Warrior, Father of future generations.

Thus we could more properly translate it as something like -

Isaiah 9:6 For is born a child, a son given to take the rule/government upon his shoulders; and his name is called Wonderful Adviser, Mighty Warrior, Father of future generations, Ruler/keeper/prince of peace.

Isaiah 9:7 To increase the government/empire and the welfare/safety/peace of the throne of David, and over his kingdom, to strengthen the justice and righteousness, from this time, and to eternity. Zealously YHVH of Hosts will do this.

It is NOT speaking of a future Jesus. This is a human Warrior and Father of generations. Note that 9:6 is in present tense.


Brian Schuh

Well-Known Member
Okay, no one likes my previous answers, so here is my final answer on what Jesus looks like. His hair is white as snow, his eyes look like fire, his feet look like refined polished brass, and his face shines brighter than the sun (so wear your sunglasses if you want to talk to him.) And the strangest thing is he likes his double edged sword when he wears it coming out of his mouth. Revelation 1 the only description I can find.


Rogue Theologian
besides the facial appearances.....

what if we step up into the next life....and....
we find the Carpenter wearing armor?.....and carries an iron rod?


besides the facial appearance.....I heard a tv evangelical report something he claimed to be written by a Pharisee
as Jesus rode into town on His approach to the Holy City....

His hair is the color of ripe chestnuts and His arms and chest are magnificent to see.

so....if that 'report' can be believed....
Jesus came bare chested into the City on the back of small animal......showing off?

Yep I've read several very-old quotes saying Jesus had reddish hair and paler "ruddy" skin.

Description of Jesus by Publius Lentulus, Governor of Judea, addressed to Tiberius Caesar, Emperor of Rome. Found in an excavated city written in Aramaic, on stone.

"THERE lives, at this, time, in Judea, a man of singular virtue, whose name is Jesus Christ, whom the barbarians esteem as a prophet, but his followers love and adore him as the offspring of the immortal God. He calls back the dead from the graves, and heals all sorts of diseases with a word or a touch.

He is a tall man, and well shaped, of an amiable and reverend aspect; his hair of a colour that can hardly be matched, the colour of chestnut full ripe failing in waves about his shoulders. His forehead high, large and imposing; his cheeks without spot or wrinkle, beautiful symmetry; his beard thick and of a colour suitable to his hair, reaching below his chin. His eyes bright blue, clear and serene, look innocent, dignified, manly and mature."


(The description above could be, and likely is, an early forgery.) But it shows they all seem to think he was reddish.

Interestingly he is supposedly from the line of King David, and there are verses calling King David fair and "ruddy" in appearance.

1Sa 16:12 And he sent and brought him in. And he was ruddy, with beautiful eyes and good form. And YAHWEH said, Rise up, anoint him, for this is he.

1Sa 17:42 And when the Philistine looked about, and saw David, he disdained him: for he was but a youth, and ruddy, and of a fair countenance.



Transitioning from male to female
Pretty much he looked like a human,could talk,answered questions asked.
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Transitioning from male to female
Opinion noted. However, I wasn't addressing you with any questions. Have a good day.
You,too have a wonderful day but neither did I. Why did you need to express this ?

Ohh, I see it now... :) it is the language. I made the necessary grammatical correction.

First Baseman

Retired athlete
You,too have a wonderful day but neither did I. Why did you need to express this ?

Ohh, I see :) it is the language. I meant; Jesus was a human to answer questions asked.

I said that as a nice way of informing you that I was not speaking to you and do not desire to engage in a conversation with you about what I had asked the other individual.