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What did Jesus Look Like?


I do stuff
On the contrary, you go back in time and prove that the miracle worker did. Don't forget the needed photos of walking on water, and changing water to wine.

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.
If you told me you had walked on water and I was able to prove you didn't, would that mean you don't exist?

Brian Schuh

Well-Known Member
I believe I do not agree with that,

I believe there is a big difference. God is a Spirit but Zeus was a god. God did not have sex with Mary. He created a conception in her and entered it.
Are you saying that a spirit went up into Mary's vagina? Now look, no matter how you say it, the claim is that God got Mary pregnant.

Jesus is not the Father. Jesus is son of the Father. So the Father God and Mary are the parents of Jesus. As proof that Jesus is not the Father, Jesus prayed and he wasn't talking to himself. Now it makes a lot more sense that God got Mary pregnant than that God's Spirit climbed up inside her, impregnating himself inside her, to be born

But the bottom line is that the story is ridiculous no matter how you say it.

First Baseman

Retired athlete
Are you saying that a spirit went up into Mary's vagina? Now look, no matter how you say it, the claim is that God got Mary pregnant.

Jesus is not the Father. Jesus is son of the Father. So the Father God and Mary are the parents of Jesus. As proof that Jesus is not the Father, Jesus prayed and he wasn't talking to himself. Now it makes a lot more sense that God got Mary pregnant than that God's Spirit climbed up inside her, impregnating himself inside her, to be born

But the bottom line is that the story is ridiculous no matter how you say it.

It certainly is ridiculous the way you say it.

Brian Schuh

Well-Known Member
The suffering servant of Isaiah had no beauty to the point of disfigured, so if this foretells Jesus, then Jesus was butt ugly and all the modern pictures of Jesus as a handsome man are a lie. Plus they picture him with a nicely trimmed beard. Rabbis don't trim their beard.

First Baseman

Retired athlete
The suffering servant of Isaiah had no beauty to the point of disfigured, so if this foretells Jesus, then Jesus was butt ugly and all the modern pictures of Jesus as a handsome man are a lie. Plus they picture him with a nicely trimmed beard. Rabbis don't trim their beard.

Isaiah was speaking of Christ being disfigured during His suffering not being disfigured from birth. You really didn't know that?

Not sure which scripture it is but Jesus is described as not having anything distinguishing about His looks. He looked "average."

Brian Schuh

Well-Known Member
Maybe the Bible isn't telling us everything. Maybe God has a lot of relatives. Like the Sister of God, the Uncle of God, the Nephew of God. And they all get together once in a while for a family reunion. Now this might sound like a joke, but there have been people who believe that God is just one member of a whole species of Gods. In my faith this belief is a heresy. But look at the mythologies of the Romans and Greeks. All kinds of gods getting married and having baby gods. This is what I think of when I think of God having a son.


Advaita Vedanta, Theosophy, Spiritualism
Premium Member
What did Jesus look like is the thread title. Here is what many believe is an actual image. The story behind it makes it all the more interesting.

Jesus Photo

Jesus was at the age of 28 or 29 (at the end of His missing years).


Advaita Vedanta, Theosophy, Spiritualism
Premium Member
A picture? From India? That's sure hard to take seriously.
Why? It is often believed that Jesus travelled as He spirituality developed during HIs missing years. Some go into that in great detail too. I think the story is likely true myself.

First Baseman

Retired athlete
Why? It is often believed that Jesus travelled as He spirituality developed during HIs missing years. Some go into that in great detail too. I think the story is likely true myself.

"Likely" I can deal with. Maybe. But I believe nothing is absolutely true that isn't God's holy word.

Brian Schuh

Well-Known Member
"Likely" I can deal with. Maybe. But I believe nothing is absolutely true that isn't God's holy word.
Algebra is absolutely true, as well as chemistry. Most of physics besides some quantum mechanics is absolutely true. It is absolutely true that 2+2=4. Show me the verse in the Bible that says this? Obviously there is a lot of truth besides what God revealed in a Bible.

Obviously, the Bible characters did a lot in their lives and most of it wasn't put in the Bible. Jesus didn't magically go from 12 years old to 30, just because nothing was written in the New Testament about it. Noah's wife had a name that wasn't mentioned. The Talmud says what her name was. Are you going to say she didn't have a name, just because the Talmud isn't on the same level as the Bible? Is the Bible the only book you own?

First Baseman

Retired athlete
Algebra is absolutely true, as well as chemistry. Most of physics besides some quantum mechanics is absolutely true. It is absolutely true that 2+2=4. Show me the verse in the Bible that says this? Obviously there is a lot of truth besides what God revealed in a Bible.

Obviously, the Bible characters did a lot in their lives and most of it wasn't put in the Bible. Jesus didn't magically go from 12 years old to 30, just because nothing was written in the New Testament about it. Noah's wife had a name that wasn't mentioned. The Talmud says what her name was. Are you going to say she didn't have a name, just because the Talmud isn't on the same level as the Bible? Is the Bible the only book you own?

Actually, Brian, Kurt Godel proved that mathematics is inconsistent in and of itself. I suggest you read up on him. There is no Absolute truth in mathematics.

Chemistry and physics are based on theories that were made based on assumptions made by learned men. You can accept that as absolute truth if you will, however I certainly will not. Learned men change their theories around all the time and the best they can do is modify their axiomatic ideas to be more close to what they think is truth. In my world view that doesn't cut it as Absolute truth.

For all you know theories of chemistry, mathematics and physics could be changed dramatically by learned men tomorrow.

As a student of Talmud, are you not taught that God only is Absolute truth?

Brian Schuh

Well-Known Member
Actually, Brian, Kurt Godel proved that mathematics is inconsistent in and of itself. I suggest you read up on him. There is no Absolute truth in mathematics.

Chemistry and physics are based on theories that were made based on assumptions made by learned men. You can accept that as absolute truth if you will, however I certainly will not. Learned men change their theories around all the time and the best they can do is modify their axiomatic ideas to be more close to what they think is truth. In my world view that doesn't cut it as Absolute truth.

For all you know theories of chemistry, mathematics and physics could be changed dramatically by learned men tomorrow.

As a student of Talmud, are you not taught that God only is Absolute truth?
Kurt Gödel never claimed mathematics is inconsistent. What Gödel proved is that there is an infinite number of mathematical statements that can't be proven true or false. As for chemistry and physics, much of it is more than theory. Newtonian physics is absolutely true. Then why is it that we now believe Ensteinian physics? Simple, Newtonian still gives the right answers and always will, Einsteinian physics is just more powerful in that it gives the right answers in more extreme situations.


The suffering servant of Isaiah had no beauty to the point of disfigured, so if this foretells Jesus, then Jesus was butt ugly and all the modern pictures of Jesus as a handsome man are a lie. Plus they picture him with a nicely trimmed beard. Rabbis don't trim their beard.

Isaiah isn't about Jesus.

The "suffering servant" is the Nation of Israel.

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Rogue Theologian
people used to look at me and say so......You look like Him!
and when I had long hair ....I did
at least that brown colored oil painting by Warner makes it seem so.....