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What did Jesus Look Like?


Active Member
Sorry it is.

Ancient aliens TV show is telling more lies! quick turn it on and study harder.
So please substantiate it. Until such time you do it will remain "not credible"

For you information I am not in America and I have not watched any TV shows in the past six years.
You keep harping on ancient aliens. How many times must I point out to you that you changed "äncient lost earth civilizations" with this your strawman tactics by changing it to ancient aliens.


Active Member
Exactly someone who is not a scholar and ignorant to reality

Does not have any historicity as written. If there was such a person, the OT does not offer any accuracy what so ever.
So according to you a top ranking engineer from NASA is ignorant to reality
It is quite obvious that you did not read what he said.


It boggles my mind
The following is a link regarding an investigation by an engineer, who even registered a patent, while studying and analyzing what Ezekiel saw. His original intention was to debunk what von Daniken wrote on this matter in Chariots Of The Gods.

If there is a simpler more logical explanation, - that fits the time, - logically - it is more likely to be the truth.

"There we see a quasi-conical main body, supported by four helicopter units, which carries the command capsule atop its rounded upper portion. We should consider that Ezekiel first saw this vehicle at a distance of about 1,000 meters; at the moment the nuclear engine fired, probably with some white clouds of condensation (because of the engine’s "chill down" phase) shooting past the craft’s main body."

What he says there is speculation, and doesn't fit what we already know.

And you are debating with a person whom has seen a flying saucer, - and has no problem with aliens visiting us in the past.

You can't take every ancient text that you don't understand, - and say it must have been aliens from space.

And by the way I have read all of Von Daniken's books.

Where he is wrong, or jumping to conclusions, he is very entertaining. :) And when he is right - that is very interesting. For instance he told us the Baghdad Battery - was a battery, - and got tons of crap from the establishment for saying so, - and then they found out it really was a battery.


But that doesn't "necessarily" make the other far-out speculation - correct.

In the case of Ezekiel we know they had a Sun God in his solar Chariot, - and used the zodiac. This is a simpler, more logical, explanation for the text.



Well-Known Member
He knows. He did not do what he requires me to do.
On the contrary, he did provide a post from a scholarly work that has been peer reviewed. It is not the responsibility of the poster answering to provide links. You had the name of the author and what she was addressing. All you had to do, and I did this myself, was look for it and read it yourself. I am not sure why you think that was not credible.


Well-Known Member
How do we after this lapse of time determine that it did not happen?
Theologians study the history of various faiths and the cultures that they came from. I wonder, do you have any idea how many history courses I had to take to get my PhD? More than a little, I can assure you. Once we begin that study, which of necessity would include the writers of that time period which would include Josephus, the Bible, Taticus, and many more. We compare, contrast and try to find evidence from preserved ancient papyrus and so on, If an historical event of this magnitude did occur there would be more scholars that would have written it down. And yet we don't have that. Take, for example, the Great Flood. Recorded in the Bible as having been the entire world and yet there is zero evidence of that. This is what I was referring to.


Well-Known Member
I don't think she can narrow it down to 4 with certainty. But I would say the text were in an almost constant state of evolution, I think 4 covers the major redactions vaguely

In desperation he/she is just blurting out rhetoric.

Never being able to provide any credible links or source to back the absurd claims brought forth.
1. I have not thoroughly read her works yet but a cursory review left me with quite a few questions so I will be returning to read it more indepth. I will say that the bit I did read seemed reasonable but I don't agree she can do as you mention either. I will look into this at a later point.
2. You and I have seen this how many times now? The tendency to not provide sources or to answer the sources that were provided, IMO, is based in fear. Challenging one's long held beliefs is a very place for some to go. I wonder...have you ever read the 15 book series by Robert Jordan? Many parallels in those books to the dichotomous issues with the monotheistic faiths. The either black or white thinking contained therein is very telling, IMO. One cannot have good without bad.


Well-Known Member
It boggles my mind
The following is a link regarding an investigation by an engineer, who even registered a patent, while studying and analyzing what Ezekiel saw. His original intention was to debunk what von Daniken wrote on this matter in Chariots Of The Gods.
The link is to a blog with absolutely no credibility at all. No references whatsoever. Not in required formats; MLA, APA. No peer reviews to be found and clearly Apologetic rhetoric. I'm sorry but that just doesn't work.


Take, for example, the Great Flood. Recorded in the Bible as having been the entire world and yet there is zero evidence of that. This is what I was referring to.

Actually we do. There is no mystery here. The modern debate is now, if one flood or multiple floods on the Euphrates started the Sumerian mythology.

I think it is one. Because right after the 2900 BC flood, we get mythology about king Ziusudra going down the flooded river on a barge. He is on the known kings list, and his city was supposed to be destroyed in this one flood described in detail down to a 6 day thunderstorm that overflowed the already swollen river.

Soon after the Akkadian version of a river flood emerges in mythology.

Then the epic of Gilgamesh turns this into a sea deluge.

The noahs version turns it into a global deluge. And the bible even says noah is from where this real flood took place.

Much of the word tracks are almost identical. Thousands of years of plagiarized rhetoric, we have a global flood :)


2. You and I have seen this how many times now?

To many times.

He has been shut down at every turn and is now getting to that desperate point since no one lets him proselytize his ilk.

I wonder...have you ever read the 15 book series by Robert Jordan?

No I have not.

but a cursory review left me with quite a few questions so I will be returning to read it

That is the key.

Keep reading.

There is almost nothing certain in this field with the DH. We now it happened to the point of factual. But the details get murky at best and there is a wealth of good credible opinions that can help you decide how you want to process the information.

DH = documentary hypothesis

Basically we have multiple collections of northern and southern polytheistic traditions that went through multiple redactions within the monotheistic reforms of the multiple cultures that made up these peoples.

The best reading is over 100 years old, its a classic, but the work so well done, it still serves as a foundation for anyone researching this particular topic.


I keep it in my favorites


Active Member
On the contrary, he did provide a post from a scholarly work that has been peer reviewed. It is not the responsibility of the poster answering to provide links. You had the name of the author and what she was addressing. All you had to do, and I did this myself, was look for it and read it yourself. I am not sure why you think that was not credible.[/QUOTE]
You are missing the point;
He demands a link or a source from me.. If I do give a link he rejects it
He however fails to provide that which he demands from me.
Thus you see I am using his style of doing things against him!

I am still waiting for his link ! Until such time he provides a link I will do as he does - viz say it is not credible For the onus rests upon him to prove his claim.


Active Member
The link is to a blog with absolutely no credibility at all. No references whatsoever. Not in required formats; MLA, APA. No peer reviews to be found and clearly Apologetic rhetoric. I'm sorry but that just doesn't work.
Yet he got a patent from studying it?
If you read it then you will find he wrote a book about it. His initial aim was to debunk what Erich von Daniken had to say about it.
In what way can an investigation by a NASA engineer be regarded as "clearly Apologetic rhetoric"?



Lets post that up :)

The Nobel disease is a term used to describe a phenomenon in which Nobel Prize-winning scientists endorse or perform "research" in pseudoscientific areas in their later years. In reality, this "disease" most likely demonstrates that even the most brilliant people are not immune to crank ideas and belief in such ideas will persist to some degree even among Nobelists. It also makes for a convenient argument from authority for lesser cranks, because if a Nobel Prize-winning scientist says it, it must be true! Some of the more (in)famous victims of Nobel disease include:


Active Member
Your link is not relevant to the question I asked.
This man clearly stated his reasons which was "to debunk Erich von Daniken". It is quite obvious that he was scornful etc of what von Daniken said.

Of course it can be construed as an attempt to label this engineer as a crackpot or to ridicule him and his findings.
This is the same kind of ridicule from a stance of ignorance as applied to the German scientists who looked at ancient earth civilization writings from a non-religious or non-mythical point of view. In other words their thought patterns were not stuck in a groove of skepticism, rejection and academia. A true scientist investigates all things and poses questions that the faint of heart hide from and criticize from behind their gossamer shields.

Were Sister Theresa, F W DeKlerk and Desmond Tutu scientists? Only the gullible believe what they say. In some parts of the world they stink to high heaven Mahatma Ghandi was nominated several times for the Nobel Peace Price yet when he lived in South Africa he exhibited his extreme racism by regarding the black people as less than human.

N.B. on edit - typo corrected
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Well-Known Member
Theunis said: I am still waiting for his link ! Until such time he provides a link I will do as he does - viz say it is not credible For the onus rests upon him to prove his claim.

You need someone to do all the work for you? As I said to Outhouse, it took me a bit to find that reference but I did find it and since I did, I am quite sure you can do the same. It never fails to amaze me when someone needs to have all the work done for them. If a student of mine were to exhibit this, I would fail them.


Well-Known Member
Actually we do. There is no mystery here. The modern debate is now, if one flood or multiple floods on the Euphrates started the Sumerian mythology.

I think it is one. Because right after the 2900 BC flood, we get mythology about king Ziusudra going down the flooded river on a barge. He is on the known kings list, and his city was supposed to be destroyed in this one flood described in detail down to a 6 day thunderstorm that overflowed the already swollen river.

Soon after the Akkadian version of a river flood emerges in mythology.

Then the epic of Gilgamesh turns this into a sea deluge.

The noahs version turns it into a global deluge. And the bible even says noah is from where this real flood took place.

Much of the word tracks are almost identical. Thousands of years of plagiarized rhetoric, we have a global flood :)

Mea Culpa and thank you for correcting me. I should have been more clear. I do recognize all that you have said here as being the impetus of the flood stories. I have read the same things you have. I was trying to speak the the entire world being flooded which is not true but of course, the tales told would have seemed as such. Again, thank you for correcting me. I give myself an F for that.