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What Do All Religions Have In Common?


Active Member
Please note that this thread is not "What do all groups that Syberpriend considers religions have in common" but "What Do All Religions Have In Common".

Please note that the two are quite different, and this does exclude monotheism, and, indeed, theism.

Brother, I reply as per the topic, study alll the religion basics , and u will find concept of only 1 God, either if its semetic or non-semetic religion, all of them believe in 1 God, which is omnipotent and omniscient.

Can u plz clarify ur idea of the common thing in all the religions of the world, so I may see if I understood the topic wrong.


RF Addict
Brother, I reply as per the topic, study alll the religion basics , and u will find concept of only 1 God, either if its semetic or non-semetic religion, all of them believe in 1 God, which is omnipotent and omniscient.

Can u plz clarify ur idea of the common thing in all the religions of the world, so I may see if I understood the topic wrong.

Not all religions contain are monotheistic (a single god) as you presume. There are polytheistic religions, which means multiple gods (one example of this is hinduism, in which all gods and godesses are seen as manifestations of a single God), and there are religions without gods (such as buddhism).

There is more to religion than Christianity and Islam.


Active Member
Brother, I reply as per the topic, study alll the religion basics , and u will find concept of only 1 God, either if its semetic or non-semetic religion, all of them believe in 1 God, which is omnipotent and omniscient.

Can u plz clarify ur idea of the common thing in all the religions of the world, so I may see if I understood the topic wrong.

As I mention above sister, the common thing in all the religion is 1 God, now some religions like Hinduism, Christianty etc believe in incarnated god, and 3 in 1 (Christians)or many gods goddesses (Hindus), but in the end their logic went to one God.
Like in religion scriptures of Hindus, VEDAS, its clearly menntion god is 1, which dont have any image, picture, or figure, who control the world,but later on, normal worshipers made idols, and created themselves gods goddess., man god etc etc, even if u ask them in ur books is 1 god, they will say, we believe in 1 god, but we made symbol as an idol, so our worship can be with more devotion.
Same in christiaity, concept of trinity also is same concept, at the end of father, son and holy spirit, is 1 God, and in their book, BIBLE also u will find 1 God only.
For Judaism, and Islam, is 1 God, difference came fr following the teachings of prophets, which u can find which 1 follow more.
Rest for Buddhism, if u see the history, Budha introduce reforms in the religion from Hindus, he never claim there is no god, but he stop worshiping those gods, and moreover, he never claim to be a god, and told his followers to worship him.
Same is like for Sikhsm, Parsi etc etc, but for Karl Marx, and others, they have only followers, and they made reforms by themselves, u cannot categorize them in religion, coz by defintion of any authentic and well known dictionary of the world, is "Belief in and reverence for a supernatural power or powers regarded as creator and governor of the universe"
Hope it clarify my view to all, also to u rojse.

Wannabe Yogi

Well-Known Member
As I mention above sister, the common thing in all the religion is 1 God, now some religions like Hinduism, Christianty etc believe in incarnated god, and 3 in 1 (Christians)or many gods goddesses (Hindus), but in the end their logic went to one God.
Like in religion scriptures of Hindus, VEDAS, its clearly menntion god is 1, which dont have any image, picture, or figure, who control the world,but later on, normal worshipers made idols, and created themselves gods goddess., man god etc etc, even if u ask them in ur books is 1 god, they will say, we believe in 1 god, but we made symbol as an idol, so our worship can be with more devotion.

My sect of Hinduism teaches that God is ONE. That means that all is GOD. I am God, you are God the Stars and Trees are GOD, there is nothing but GOD. This is not Monotheism but Monism. Also the Vedas talk about images of Gods and that the Sages of old made images. Rg Veda 8.29

This is a very popular view that many Muslims teach about Hinduism. Thank you for the interst but you are incorrect. Monism, Monotheism, and Atheism all exist in Hinduism.


Active Member
Dear Yogi, Thanks for the message, but as u said ur sect teaches u, brother, sect is part of ur religion, that does'nt change the teaching of parent religion, i mean Hinduism.

Hinduism is commonly perceived as a polytheistic religion. Indeed, most
Hindus would attest to this, by professing belief in a multitude of
Gods.Some Hindus believe in the system of three God while Some
Hindus actually believe in the existence of thirty-three crore i.e. 330
million Gods. However learned Hindus who are well versed with their
scriptures insist that a Hindu should believe in and worship only one God.
Consider the following verse from the Geeta :
Those whose intelligence has been stolen by material desires surrender
unto demigods and follow the particular rules and regulations of worship
according to their own natures.
[Bhagwad Geeta chapter 7 verse 20 (B.G. 7:20)]
The Geeta is referring to people who are materialistic and therefore
worship demigods i.e. besides the True God.
The upanishads are also considered sacred scriptures by the Hindus.
Consider the following verses from the Upanishads :
i) Ekam evaditiyam
"He is One only without a second"
[Chandogya Upanishad 6:2:1]
ii) Consider again, the following verses from the Upanishads :
Na casya kasuj janita na cadhipah.
"Of Him there are neither parents nor Lord"
[Svetasavatara Upanishad 6,9] [ part II page 263.]
iii) Consider the following verses from the Upanishads :
Na tasya pratima asti
(There is no likeness of Him.)
[Svetasvatara Upanishad chapter 4:19]
Nainam urdhvam na tiryancam na madhye na parijagrabhat
na tasy pratime asti yasya nama mahad yasah.
"There is no likeness of Him whose name is great glory".
[The principal Upanishad by S. Radhakrishnan pg 736 & 737]
[Sacred Books of the East, volume 15, the Upanishad part II page no 253]
Compare the above verses with the following verses of the Holy Qur an
And there is none like unto Him.
[Holy Qur an , 112:4]
There is nothing whatever like unto Him.
[Holy Qur an ,42:11]
iv) The following verses from the Upanishad allude to the inability of
Man to imagine God in a particular form :
"Na samdrse tisthati rupam asya, na caksusa pasyati kas
canaiam. Hrda hrdistham manasa ya enam, evam vidur amrtas te bhavanti".
"His form is not to be seen; no one sees Him with the eye. Those who
through heart and mind know Him as abiding in the heart become
[Svetasvatara Upanishad 4:20]
The Holy Qur an refers to this aspect in the following verse:
No vision can grasp Him But His grasp is over
All vision: He is Above all comprehension,Yet is acquainted
with all things .
[Holy Qur an 6:103]
i) Consider the following verses from the Yajur ved :
Na tasya pratima asti
"There is no image of Him"
[Yajurved 32 : 3]
It further says as He is unborn, He deserves our worship.
There is no image of Him whose glory verily is great. He sustains within
Himself all luminous objects like the Sun etc. May He not harm me, this
is my prayer. As He is unborn, He deserves our worship
[The Yajurveda by Devi Chand M. A. pg 377]
ii) He is bodyless and pure. Is mentioned in Yajurved 40 : 8:
He hath attained unto the Bright, Bodiless, Woundless, Sinewless, the
pure which evil hath not pierced. Far-sighted, wise, encompassing, he
self-existent hath prescribed aims, as propriety demands, unto the
Everlasting Years .
[Yajurved 40 : 8]
[Yajurveda samhita by Ralph I. H. Griffith pg 538]
iii) It is also mentioned in the Yajur Veda :-
Andhatama pravishanti ye asambhuti mupaste
"They enter darkness, those who worship natural things", for example air,
water, fire etc "They sink deeper in darkness those who worship sambhuti
Sambhuti means created things, for example table, chair, idol, etc".
[Yajurved 40 : 9]
iv) It also mentions a prayer stating
"Lead us to the good path and remove the sin that makes us stray and
[Yajurveda chapter 40 :16]
2. Atharva ved
Consider the following verses from Atharva ved :-
i) Dev maha osi
"God is verily great"
[Atharvaveda 20 58 :3]
Verily, Surya, thou art great; truly, aditya, thou art great.As thou art
great indeed thy greatness is admire: yea, verily, great art thou,O God .
(Atharveda Samhiti vol 2 William Dmight Whitney pg 910)
A similar message is given in Qur an in Surah Rad :
He is the Great, the most High .
[The Holy Qur an 13 :9]


Active Member
3. Rig Ved
i) The oldest of all the vedas is Rig veda. It is also the one considered
most sacred by the Hindus. The Rig Ved states that "Sages (learned
Priests) call one God by many names".
[Rigveda 1:164:46)]
Describing Almighty God in anthropomorphic terms also goes against the
following verse of Yajurveda :
Na tasya Pratima asti
(There is no image of Him)
[Yajur Ved 32 : 3]
Another beautiful attribute mentioned in the Rigveda Book II hymn 1
verse 3 (R.V. 2:1:3) is Vishnu. Vishnu means The Sustainer .
Translated into Arabic it means Rabb . Again, Muslims can have no
objection if Almighty God is referred to as Rabb or Sustainer or
Vishnu . But the popular image of Vishnu among Hindus is that of a God
who has four arms, with one of the right arms holding the Chakra ie
a discus and one of the left arms holding a conch shell , riding a bird or
reclining on a snake couch. Muslims can never accept any image of God.
As mentioned earlier this also goes against Yajurveda chatper 40 verse
iii) Consider the following verses from the Rigved:
Ma chidanyadvi shansata
O friends, do not worship anybody but Him, the Divine One.
[Rigveda Book 8 :1:1]
[Rigveda samhiti vol ix, pg 1 and 2 by swami Satyaprakash Sarasvati
and satyakam Vidhya Lankar]
iv) The wise yogis concentrate their minds; and concentrate their
thought as well in the Supreme Reality, which is Omnipresent, Great and
Omniscient. He alone, knowing their functions, assigns to the sense organs
their respective tasks. Verily, great is the glory of to Divine Creator .
[Rigveda 5:81]
[Rigveda Samhiti volume 6 page 1802 and 1803 by Swami SatyaPrakash
Saraswati and Satyakam Vidhyalanka]
Brahma Sutra of Hindu Vedanta:
The Brahma Sutra of Hindu Vedanta is:
Ekam Brahm, dvitiya naste neh na naste kinchan
"There is only one God, not the second; not at all, not at all, not in the
least bit".
Thus only a dispassionate study of the Hindu scriptures can help one
, and clear my point to u brother Yogi .


Reincarnation of 'Anti-religion'
Dear Yogi, Thanks for the message, but as u said ur sect teaches u, brother, sect is part of ur religion, that does'nt change the teaching of parent religion, i mean Hinduism.

Hinduism is commonly perceived as a polytheistic religion. Indeed, most
Hindus would attest to this, by professing belief in a multitude of
Gods.Some Hindus believe in the system of three God while Some
Hindus actually believe in the existence of thirty-three crore i.e. 330
million Gods. However learned Hindus who are well versed with their
scriptures insist that a Hindu should believe in and worship only one God.
Consider the following verse from the Geeta :
Those whose intelligence has been stolen by material desires surrender
unto demigods and follow the particular rules and regulations of worship
according to their own natures.
[Bhagwad Geeta chapter 7 verse 20 (B.G. 7:20)]
The Geeta is referring to people who are materialistic and therefore
worship demigods i.e. besides the True God.
The upanishads are also considered sacred scriptures by the Hindus.
Consider the following verses from the Upanishads :
i) Ekam evaditiyam
"He is One only without a second"
[Chandogya Upanishad 6:2:1]
ii) Consider again, the following verses from the Upanishads :
Na casya kasuj janita na cadhipah.
"Of Him there are neither parents nor Lord"
[Svetasavatara Upanishad 6,9] [ part II page 263.]
iii) Consider the following verses from the Upanishads :
Na tasya pratima asti
(There is no likeness of Him.)
[Svetasvatara Upanishad chapter 4:19]
Nainam urdhvam na tiryancam na madhye na parijagrabhat
na tasy pratime asti yasya nama mahad yasah.
"There is no likeness of Him whose name is great glory".
[The principal Upanishad by S. Radhakrishnan pg 736 & 737]
[Sacred Books of the East, volume 15, the Upanishad part II page no 253]
Compare the above verses with the following verses of the Holy Qur an
And there is none like unto Him.
[Holy Qur an , 112:4]
There is nothing whatever like unto Him.
[Holy Qur an ,42:11]
iv) The following verses from the Upanishad allude to the inability of
Man to imagine God in a particular form :
"Na samdrse tisthati rupam asya, na caksusa pasyati kas
canaiam. Hrda hrdistham manasa ya enam, evam vidur amrtas te bhavanti".
"His form is not to be seen; no one sees Him with the eye. Those who
through heart and mind know Him as abiding in the heart become
[Svetasvatara Upanishad 4:20]
The Holy Qur an refers to this aspect in the following verse:
No vision can grasp Him But His grasp is over
All vision: He is Above all comprehension,Yet is acquainted
with all things .
[Holy Qur an 6:103]
i) Consider the following verses from the Yajur ved :
Na tasya pratima asti
"There is no image of Him"
[Yajurved 32 : 3]
It further says as He is unborn, He deserves our worship.
There is no image of Him whose glory verily is great. He sustains within
Himself all luminous objects like the Sun etc. May He not harm me, this
is my prayer. As He is unborn, He deserves our worship
[The Yajurveda by Devi Chand M. A. pg 377]
ii) He is bodyless and pure. Is mentioned in Yajurved 40 : 8:
He hath attained unto the Bright, Bodiless, Woundless, Sinewless, the
pure which evil hath not pierced. Far-sighted, wise, encompassing, he
self-existent hath prescribed aims, as propriety demands, unto the
Everlasting Years .
[Yajurved 40 : 8]
[Yajurveda samhita by Ralph I. H. Griffith pg 538]
iii) It is also mentioned in the Yajur Veda :-
Andhatama pravishanti ye asambhuti mupaste
"They enter darkness, those who worship natural things", for example air,
water, fire etc "They sink deeper in darkness those who worship sambhuti
Sambhuti means created things, for example table, chair, idol, etc".
[Yajurved 40 : 9]
iv) It also mentions a prayer stating
"Lead us to the good path and remove the sin that makes us stray and
[Yajurveda chapter 40 :16]
2. Atharva ved
Consider the following verses from Atharva ved :-
i) Dev maha osi
"God is verily great"
[Atharvaveda 20 58 :3]
Verily, Surya, thou art great; truly, aditya, thou art great.As thou art
[The Holy Qur an 13 :9]
This is the nth time i am seeing a muslim taking the same verses from a website.I have seen on Zakir Naik websites too.
If u want to see say Hinduism is montheistic ,u can say,i dont say it is incorrect.But,it is monist in essence.Monists interpretation of abrahamic religions also exists.

Wannabe Yogi

Well-Known Member
Dear Yogi, Thanks for the message, but as u said ur sect teaches u, brother, sect is part of ur religion, that does'nt change the teaching of parent religion, i mean Hinduism.

Thank you for your kindness but you are taken our texts are out of context and others are from bad translations.

Here are just a few

Consider the following verses from the Upanishads :
i) Ekam evaditiyam
"He is One only without a second"
[Chandogya Upanishad 6:2:1]

Please read it in context. All is God even you are God.

“‘In the beginning there was Existence, One only, without a second. Some say that in the beginning there was nonexistence only, and that out of that the universe was born. But how could such a thing be? How could existence be born of non-existence? No, my son, in the beginning there was Existence alone–One only, without a second.” (Chandogya Upanishad 6:2:1,2)

There is only God there is only One Existence.

Once more context

"Of Him there are neither parents nor Lord"
[Svetasavatara Upanishad 6,9]

Svetasvatara Upanishad 6

9 No one in the world is His master, nor has anybody any control over Him. There is no sign by which He can be inferred. He is the cause of all, and the ruler of individual souls. He has no parent, nor is there any one who is His lord.
10 May the Supreme Being, who spontaneously covers Himself with the products of Nature, just as a spider does with the threads drawn from its own navel, grant us absorption in Brahman !
11 God, who is one only, is hidden in all beings. He is all-pervading, and is the inner self of all creatures. He presides over all actions, and all beings reside in Him. He is the witness, and He is the Pure Consciousness free from the three Gunas of Nature.

Again God is the inter self of all beings. All beings are God.

[Yajurveda samhita by Ralph I. H. Griffith pg 538]

Griffith is a poor translator that is rejected by all the Hindu’s I know.
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RF Addict
As I mention above sister,
brother; I am male
the common thing in all the religion is 1 God,
This is wrong.

From the wikipedia page "Polytheism" Polytheism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Polytheism is the belief in and worship of multiple deities, called gods and goddesses. These are usually assembled into a pantheon, along with their own mythologies and rituals. Many religions, both historical and contemporary, have a belief in polytheism, such as Hinduism, Shinto, Ancient Greek Polytheism, Roman Polytheism, Germanic Polytheism, Slavic polytheism, Chinese folk religion, Neopagan faiths and Anglo-Saxon paganism.

To emphasise my previous point,

In certain religions, such as Hinduism and Wicca, the various deities seen as emanations of a greater Godhead

I would also take the opportunity to point out that there are many religions and religious groups that are atheistic, or have atheist followers. Some of the more well-known religious organisations that have atheist followers include:
- Unitarian Universalism
- Buddhism (which, to many practicioners, involves a rejection of the concept of God)
- Raelian

...coz by defintion of any authentic and well known dictionary of the world, is "Belief in and reverence for a supernatural power or powers regarded as creator and governor of the universe"
Hope it clarify my view to all, also to u rojse.


Firstly, please cite the dictionary that you have used to find this definition.

Secondly, we are on a site specifically created to argue about religious concepts. I think that we are all beyond using a simple dictionary to argue our case.


Its only a Label
Friend rojse,

What Do All Religions Have In Common?

Religion is nothing but a PATH or a WAY to realise the *SELF*.
It offers directions following which one can reach to that emptiness within.

In other words the *GOAL* is common for all religion.

Love & rgds

n.b.[friend eselam {islam follower} may not agree with the above, is a different question]


To Extinguish
Friend rojse,

Religion is nothing but a PATH or a WAY to realise the *SELF*.
It offers directions following which one can reach to that emptiness within.

In other words the *GOAL* is common for all religion.

Love & rgds

n.b.[friend eselam {islam follower} may not agree with the above, is a different question]

friend Zenzero, I admire you very much.



Reincarnation of 'Anti-religion'
Thank you for your kindness but you are taken our texts are out of context and others are from bad translations.

No,his argumentis correct,but he has used extracts which used several times to reconcile Hinduism and Islam.Monotheism is an important philosophy in Hinduism.It is called Dvaita started by Madhavacharya.

Vedic texts can be intrepreted ( the shrutis Upanishad,Brahmasutra,Bhagavat Gita)in any of the three ways(or u can invent some ways) Dvaita....Vishishtadvaita(qualified nonduality Ramanajuacharya).....advaita(from sankara---complete monism).Advaita is the most abstract concept that symbolises divine union and it takes up absolute unchanging standpoint.Buddhist Sunyata is the exact conceptual opposite to advaita.They are non-contradictory perspectives of truth.

To emphasize monotheism is common Islamic perspective ,in fact it was used by MAdhva to save himself from Mughal Islamic conquests.It is called Tawheed in Islam. Islamic Monism has roots in sufism,

"There is no God but allah"----------->Monotheism(duality)
there are few Sufi interpretations like this
"there is nothing but allah"----------->Monism(non-Duality)
"There is nothing in wujud [existence] except God...Wujud [Existence] only belongs to the Real One". The fruit of spiritual ascent of the Sufi is to "witness that there is no existence in the world save God and that 'All things are perishing except his face' (Qur'an 28:88)(from wiki)

These concepts have presence in the words of Christ.

I am the Messenger of God--------------duality
I am the Son of God------------Qualified Non duality.
I and my Father are one----------Non-duality.
Then they took up stones again to stone him. Jesus answered them, Many good works have I shown you from my Father; for which of these do you stone me? They answered him, saying, For a good work we stone you not; but for blasphemy; and because that you, being a man, make yourself God. Jesus answered them, "Is it not written in your law: I said 'you are gods?" - John 10:30-34,
Buddha had already warned book-readers
"To find out where the truth lies, you should not depend on certain things: the first is tradition. Also do not depend on hearsay, on the scriptures, on rumours. Do not decide on the good and bad only on the good reputation of a teacher, or on the appearances of things. Remember also that you do not have the means to know all the facts of truth; therefore, you should not come to the conclusion, 'My conclusion is the only true one, everything else is false'. You would become dogmatic."As the wise test gold by burning, cutting and rubbing it (on a piece of touchstone), so are you to accept my words only after examining them and not merely out of regard for me"

Now Orthodox muslims call Polytheists as kafirs and polytheism shirk,then monotheist are the same kafirs for monists.
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Active Member
brother; I am male
This is wrong.

From the wikipedia page "Polytheism" Polytheism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

To emphasise my previous point,

I would also take the opportunity to point out that there are many religions and religious groups that are atheistic, or have atheist followers. Some of the more well-known religious organisations that have atheist followers include:
- Unitarian Universalism
- Buddhism (which, to many practicioners, involves a rejection of the concept of God)
- Raelian

ok, sorry i took u as sister, i just read in a glimpse as rose, but brother, try to look history, find me how many nations or tribe until the 19th centuary who brought the concept of atheism, atheism is not a religion, it rejects the concept of religion etc etc.
Buddha, read his life history, he was a reformer, he neverv claim to rejectthe concept of god, but his worshipers did, and they start following him astheir saviour etc etc.


Firstly, please cite the dictionary that you have used to find this definition.

Secondly, we are on a site specifically created to argue about religious concepts. I think that we are all beyond using a simple dictionary to argue our case.

and as u said we are here to discus religious concept, so im giving the right concept of religion, if u believe take it, im not forcing u to accept it dude.


Active Member
Thank you for your kindness but you are taken our texts are out of context and others are from bad translations.

Here are just a few

Please read it in context. All is God even you are God.

“‘In the beginning there was Existence, One only, without a second. Some say that in the beginning there was nonexistence only, and that out of that the universe was born. But how could such a thing be? How could existence be born of non-existence? No, my son, in the beginning there was Existence alone–One only, without a second.” (Chandogya Upanishad 6:2:1,2)

There is only God there is only One Existence.

Once more context

Svetasvatara Upanishad 6

9 No one in the world is His master, nor has anybody any control over Him. There is no sign by which He can be inferred. He is the cause of all, and the ruler of individual souls. He has no parent, nor is there any one who is His lord.
10 May the Supreme Being, who spontaneously covers Himself with the products of Nature, just as a spider does with the threads drawn from its own navel, grant us absorption in Brahman !
11 God, who is one only, is hidden in all beings. He is all-pervading, and is the inner self of all creatures. He presides over all actions, and all beings reside in Him. He is the witness, and He is the Pure Consciousness free from the three Gunas of Nature.

Again God is the inter self of all beings. All beings are God.

Griffith is a poor translator that is rejected by all the Hindu’s I know.

Whatever u understand, its from ur scripture brother, its like this, If i say its night, u will say "NO, Its not night, its dark, or sun has vanished this time".


Active Member
This is the nth time i am seeing a muslim taking the same verses from a website.I have seen on Zakir Naik websites too.
If u want to see say Hinduism is montheistic ,u can say,i dont say it is incorrect.But,it is monist in essence.Monists interpretation of abrahamic religions also exists.

Dude, ofcourse if the verses are kept on the website, its reliable, i can't read Vedar, and other books, and write of my own, dat would take longggggg time, and Zakir Naik in his lectures also told these verses as u said, y never a hindu stand their and reject his remarks,? there is open q/a session, also in debate with Hindu scholars, no hindu scholar rejected these verses, concepts of hindus, wat is real is if ppl will change or add some ideas in the scriptures or teachings, that does'nt make the original script and teaching void.


Reincarnation of 'Anti-religion'
Dude, ofcourse if the verses are kept on the website, its reliable, i can't read Vedar, and other books, and write of my own, dat would take longggggg time, and Zakir Naik in his lectures also told these verses as u said, y never a hindu stand their and reject his remarks,? there is open q/a session, also in debate with Hindu scholars, no hindu scholar rejected these verses, concepts of hindus, wat is real is if ppl will change or add some ideas in the scriptures or teachings, that does'nt make the original script and teaching void.

Zakir Naik,he is academician and not like Rumi,he has problems understanding non-duality and Buddhist philosophy.

The verses are important part of Dvaita(monotheism,duality) philosophy,similar to Islam and Christianity.There is nothing like rejection of theory here.Advaita (non-duality) parallels certain Sufism in Islam and Gnosticism in Christianity.

All of them are correct from their respective standpoints and is not contradictory in practice.Moreover, contradiction is for science like maths,but it essential for metaphysics.
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Active Member
1quote=Anti-religion;1740624]Zakir Naik,he is academician and not like Rumi,he has problems understanding non-duality and Buddhist philosophy.

Lets not debate on Zakir Naik, just 1 remarks for him, lets suppose he is wrong, y never any1 stop him or point him in large gatherings, and the gathering is not of 50-100 ppl, its more than 1000's in number , and not only i his country, mostly outside his country and in west aswell. if u r right, post it in his website, or ao any of his seminar, and give ur point rather thn just sitting on pc and putting ur remarks.

The verses are important part of Dvaita(monotheism,duality) philosophy,similar to Islam and Christianity.There is nothing like rejection of theory here.Advaita (non-duality) parallels certain Sufism in Islam and Gnosticism in Christianity.

I already said earlier brother, Hindus believe in 300000gods, but wats the summary of their scripture? where do all these 300000 god reach at the end? in 1 God, , ask any Hindu scholar, good vedantist, and thn tell us. By the way, sufism is not part of Islam, there is no space of so-called sufism promoted through Media in Islam,, I can't remarks on Gnosticism Christianity, but the real teaching of Jesus ends up in 1 God, now if he follower changed it, u can;t blame Jesus forthis my friend.

All of them are correct from their respective standpoints and is not contradictory in practice.Moreover, contradiction is for science like maths,but it essential for metaphysics.
I fully agree with u at this point, contradiction is in science, maths etc, but u cant judge religion or keep on finding god in light of science as some ppl make it must.


RF Addict
and as u said we are here to discus religious concept, so im giving the right concept of religion, if u believe take it, im not forcing u to accept it dude.

Your concept of religion does not encompass many groups that are widely considered religious. The fact that you would not like these organisations called religions does not mean that they are not.


Active Member
Your concept of religion does not encompass many groups that are widely considered religious. The fact that you would not like these organisations called religions does not mean that they are not.

Rojse, the topic here is common amongthe religions, now if u thnk i brought something uncommon, give ur statement of common thing in all religions, so we could know aswell. u rbringing un-common thing, making all religions away,so stuck to topic and bring something positive..


RF Addict
Rojse, the topic here is common amongthe religions, now if u thnk i brought something uncommon, give ur statement of common thing in all religions, so we could know aswell. u rbringing un-common thing, making all religions away,so stuck to topic and bring something positive..

The topic is what do all religions have in common.

You stated that all religions believe in one God.

I, and several other posters, have pointed out why this is incorrect - there are religions that do not believe in one God - some religions have no Gods, some religions have multiple Gods.

I remember posting along a eerily similar response to such a thread when I started posting here. I have since learnt the error of making such generalisations, particularly when they are based on quite limited experience of world religions. My advice is to take the opportunity to learn from this - see what other posters have to teach you instead of telling them all that they are wrong. :yes:

As to what all religions have in common... all of their followers call what they are doing religion. That's my answer.