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What Do All Religions Have In Common?


RF Addict

This is inaccurate.

The fact that Hinduism sees multiple manifestations of A SINGLE GOD means that it (at least as originally revealed) is indeed monotheistic!

And while not stressing God, Buddhism in fact does believe in a Supreme Being as this quote from Buddhist scripture demonstrates:

"There is, O monks, an Unborn, Unoriginated, Uncreated, Unformed. Were there not, O monks, this Unborn, Unoriginated, Uncreated, Unformed, there would be no escape from the world of the born, originated, created, formed. Since, O monks, there is an Unborn, Unoriginated, Uncreated, Unformed, therefore is there an escape from the born, originated, created, formed. What is dependant, that also moves; what is independent does not move."
—(Udana 8:3)

Buddhist scriptures also speak of “gods and men.”

(Granted, Buddhism has since split into theistic and non-theistic branches.)

Peace, :)


I'm finding a lot of contradictory information on the subject. I'll just have to agree to disagree on this one.
Religions are alike in that they seem to explain through mythology the science of the earth and its higher mysteries. The ancients needed a reason to explain earthquakes and volcanos, snakes, scorpions, floods... Occurences which modern science has rational explanations of at this time...which in my own personal view (which I will not try to convince others of) decrees that religion, for all intents and purposes originally, is simply dead in the water and practiced by those who feel the need for purpose in their lives.

Wannabe Yogi

Well-Known Member

This is inaccurate.

The fact that Hinduism sees multiple manifestations of A SINGLE GOD means that it (at least as originally revealed) is indeed monotheistic!
Peace, :)


Some Hindu's are monotheists, some Atheists, I am a Monist. I am told you can find all of these beliefs in our scriptures. This way we move from lower truth to higher truth. Not from false beliefs to the one true religion like so many people believe in today. There might be some polytheists since there are many indigiouness people in South Asia that I know nothing about.
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Active Member
Some Hindu's are monotheists, some Atheists, I am a Monist. I am told you can find all of these beliefs in our scriptures. This way we move from lower truth to higher truth. Not from false beliefs to the one true religion like so many people believe in today. There might be some polytheists since there are many indigiouness people in South Asia that I know nothing about.

Dear Yogi, I dont undersand ur logic of this, that some Hindus are monotheists, Atheists, and some are diff, im not on fun or to say any religion wrong, but u can't say in 1 relgion, diff tastes are found, in Christianity, if they dont belief in JJesus, they are not regarded as christians, in muslims, if they dont believe in Allah and prophets, they are not muslims, so how come its possible, in Hindus, there are so many diff theists??
As regard for Zakir Naik, he debated with Ravi Shankar, as well as others, n there are many hindu audiece there as well, I told u, u knw much i think for ur religion, y dont u write him, and point out his mistake, ofcourse no one will hurt u.
2ndly I askedd my hindu friends as well for ur thoughts, thhey dont seems to be agree, so how come there are so many contradictions ?? I copied the concept of hinduism, but it was not an abuse or critism, i posted the concept of God, do u think it was an abuse? or wrong concept of hindusim? As u saidd there are many theists in hinduism, maybe this 1 concept of God is followed by certain monotheism?


Reincarnation of 'Anti-religion'
I dont undersand ur logic of this, that some Hindus are monotheists, Atheists, and some are diff, im not on fun or to say any religion wrong, but u can't say in 1 relgion, diff tastes are found, in Christianity, if they dont belief in JJesus, they are not regarded as christians, in muslims, if they dont believe in Allah and prophets they are not muslims, so how come its possible, in Hindus, there are so many diff theists??

Because the three religions u told are abrahamic ones.But Hinduism & Co is dharmic.There is no hard book to follow.The truth is based on realisation and direct experience.
The whole concept of dharmic religions is similar to ur heretic sufism,kabbala ,gnosticism.
Monotheism is infact an coarse concept,as it takes its base in relatively changing standpoints. Monism is the essence.
Polytheism in Hinduism ,is actually misinterpretation by some abrahamic faith's people or ignorance of some hindus.
Hinduism gives us freedom to worship God in any form,as long u know that he is beyond form.In yogic practices,"saguna brahman(God with Form)" is first stage of samadhi followed by highest "Nirguna brahman"(God without form).

As regard for Zakir Naik, he debated with Ravi Shankar, as well as others, n there are many hindu audiece there as well, I told u, u knw much i think for ur religion, y dont u write him, and point out his mistake, ofcourse no one will hurt u.
Please tell me which subforum to write abt zakir naik,i will write the lies he is spreading on other religions(esp.abt Buddism and Jainism).I can accept Islam to be right path.But casting nasty aspersion on other religious philosophy.--->Unethical.

Let him restict himself to Islam only.
Sri sri Ravi shankar is not a vedic scholar,he is yogi,he is not religious at all(he is spiritual).

Let Zakir naik,debate with authentic vedic scholar like Shankaracharya .And then see.

2ndly I askedd my hindu friends as well for ur thoughts, thhey dont seems to be agree, so how come there are so many contradictions ??

This is not mathematics.Dvaita sect(monothiesm) completely contradicts Advaita(Monism) in theory,but not in its essence(practice).Upanishads is the book of contradictions,if u can read every line has many contradictions.

I copied the concept of hinduism, but it was not an abuse or critism, i posted the concept of God, do u think it was an abuse?
U can burn Vedas,Upanishads,Bhagavat Gita and throw to dust bin .No one will abuse u .They are just lumps of paper.God is not a thing to be defined in words.
or wrong concept of hindusim?
A concpet is just a concept whether it is right or wrong.
As u saidd there are many theists in hinduism, maybe this 1 concept of God is followed by certain monotheism?
Monotheism is just one of the concept of Indian Philosophy.U r free to follow ur own concept.
So,ur aim to prove monotheism in Hinduism may work out well.But Buddhism is strictly not monotheism.Hence,ur statement that every religion preaches monotheism is wrong.
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Active Member
Because the three religions u told are abrahamic ones.But Hinduism & Co is dharmic.There is no hard book to follow.The truth is based on realisation and direct experience.
The whole concept of dharmic religions is similar to ur heretic sufism,kabbala ,gnosticism.
Monotheism is infact an coarse concept,as it takes its base in relatively changing standpoints. Monism is the essence.
Polytheism in Hinduism ,is actually misinterpretation by some abrahamic faith's people or ignorance of some hindus.
Hinduism gives us freedom to worship God in any form,as long u know that he is beyond form.In yogic practices,"saguna brahman(God with Form)" is first stage of samadhi followed by highest "Nirguna brahman"(God without form).

Please tell me which subforum to write abt zakir naik,i will write the lies he is spreading on other religions(esp.abt Buddism and Jainism).I can accept Islam to be right path.But casting nasty aspersion on other religious philosophy.--->Unethical.

Let him restict himself to Islam only.
Sri sri Ravi shankar is not a vedic scholar,he is yogi,he is not religious at all(he is spiritual).

Let Zakir naik,debate with authentic vedic scholar like Shankaracharya .And then see.

This is not mathematics.Dvaita sect(monothiesm) completely contradicts Advaita(Monism) in theory,but not in its essence(practice).Upanishads is the book of contradictions,if u can read every line has many contradictions.

U can burn Vedas,Upanishads,Bhagavat Gita and throw to dust bin .No one will abuse u .They are just lumps of paper.God is not a thing to be defined in words.

A concpet is just a concept whether it is right or wrong.

Monotheism is just one of the concept of Indian Philosophy.U r free to follow ur own concept.
So,ur aim to prove monotheism in Hinduism may work out well.But Buddhism is strictly not monotheism.Hence,ur statement that every religion preaches monotheism is wrong.

Ok, I believe ur points, the clarification ur posted ffor Hinduism is quite clear now,
For Zakir Naik, I will copy his contact link, where u can post any question, remarks, critisize him, thn we will see what answer will come.
Hope all things are clear now.
Its not a matter oc convert to Islam brother, nor im forcing or implementing my thoughts to any1, if sum1 like the teachings, they are most welcome, ofcourse its not good to make fun or mock any religion, no muslim is allowed to do that.
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Active Member
it is the hindus who first put forward the concept of one god many thousands of years ago and for spiritual practice majority choose one god concept.

If we agree on ur statement that, if the hindus were the 1st to put one concept of God, thn what changed them to millions of gods?


Active Member
lol, there are thousands of websites describing faults and contradictions in quran and those too should be reliable.

are those websites posted and articles writen by muslims? what i posted is writen by a Hindu, so ur own ppl are contradicting, further its also meentioned in one post here that Upanishd is contradicting, did any Muslim said Quran is contradicting, whatever u say brother, come with proof, not jjust throwing stones in darkness, andd without any knowledge, get some before posting dear


Active Member
zakir naik is not dared to invite intelligent hindu scholars for debate, he does all the home work to challenge hindu scriptures and then he invites less intellectual hindu saints as guest. Once these saints are in the stage, zakir shows his real intention, he starts to question hindu scriptures and the saints gets cheated before the big crowd. To the dualists he asks about non-dualism and to non-dualist he asks about dualism. People often describe zakir naik is a juvenile in character.

If we take ur words as proof, 1st bring any auuthentic source or proof to justify ur statement, living in India, where Hindus are in vast majority, he is giving lectures, so y dont India govt or hindus there protest? I never came acrros a single prrotest or statement y any known hindu scholar against him? beside there is annother 10 day conferecen being held in Bombay on 30 oct, in which scholars from all over the world, even non-muslims are taking part, y did Indian govt, which is Hindu based allow him?
If hindu saints are cheated, means hindus are very lack i knowledge in their faith, and they dnt knw wat they are following? those ppl sayy negative about him, who have lost their debates, and have negative approach in their minds.If some non-muslim scholar do this on large scale, and tell wrong mis-conception of Islam, any muslim will straight away point on him that he is saying wrong, and this is wrong concept, y havent any hindu ever raised in the audience, or in media, or from govt. or religious schoilar?

And for the crowd, it does not matter. They are hungry to see anything or anyone praising islam. Hitler too had a big crowd behind him, that does not justifies him, same in the case of islamic terrorists. If you feels he is right just posts his views here, we shall discuss those .

ur statement here is childish, ppl come to listen, y do non-muslims come to the gathering? soome 1 is forcing them to come there> bring ur proof of Islammic terrorists, already I said, dnt say words, which u dont know, come with some proofs, otherwise its just a talk of a looser. His work is showing he is brining all the religio close, not making them far, but pplz like u dnt like, and love to keeeo the differences, dats y u ppl dnt like harmony and peace in the world

zakir naik is a juvenile, liar and terrorism well wisher. He has his own explanations on vedas and buddhism. He alters vedic texts to develop confusion in ignorant people and also in favor of islam.

I posted already the link to his website, go there and tell he is a liar and whateverr, just negatively saying without any proof, just shows how negative ur approach is, and how mature u r, as fir him, he is internationaly recognised, wat about u? show me proof of wat u said, did he altered vedic by himself? its self quote from vedic, but some1 said here throw and burn the vedics, geetas etc etc, they meann nothing to Hindus, show me where he said he is terrorism lover? come with proofs brother, dnt show ur negative approach to every1 here
An article found in his website

could;nt understannd wat u want to show here, doesnt make any sennse of ur statement brother

this shows how matured zakir is and what he is upto.

If Budha dont believe in any god, was he an ahtiest? just cause he feel suffer in humans, does'nt make his statement correct that there is no God, its not us who ask him to born in Kings family, and not our mistake his parents ddidnt show him suffer andd misery, misery and suffer is part of humman life, which person have to bare , u can;t say a person won't get sick if the person takes bath in winter in cold water, ofcourse there is high chance of getting sick. that does'nnt prove that there is no god


The Creator
If we agree on ur statement that, if the hindus were the 1st to put one concept of God, thn what changed them to millions of gods?

yes, hindus have only one god, but that god is not limited to any form, name, time and space. So people have right to worship god in any form they like. Some people worship god as shiva, some worship as vishnu and so on. And even people has freedom to create new god. People has different taste, some may feel more love towards to shiva and not towards vishnu. But at the end, all path will reach at the same point. Hinduism is not an organised religion, it offers much freedom and it is this freedom makes possible for Hindus to create a number of spiritual personalities.

the concept of god in Hindusm is not limited to time,space, form, name etc, so there are millions of god.
but it is seen that concept of god in quran has one and only one name, why is that? is god limited to name?


Reincarnation of 'Anti-religion'
are those websites posted and articles writen by muslims? what i posted is writen by a Hindu, so ur own ppl are contradicting, further its also meentioned in one post here that Upanishd is contradicting, did any Muslim said Quran is contradicting, whatever u say brother, come with proof, not jjust throwing stones in darkness, andd without any knowledge, get some before posting dear

Contradiction is part of Hinduism ,It is not a problem as seen by you.


The Creator
are those websites posted and articles writen by muslims? what i posted is writen by a Hindu, so ur own ppl are contradicting, further its also meentioned in one post here that Upanishd is contradicting, did any Muslim said Quran is contradicting, whatever u say brother, come with proof, not jjust throwing stones in darkness, andd without any knowledge, get some before posting dear

absolutely yes, those are posted by muslims(exmuslims- those who can no more witstand islam and not converted to any new faith).
Yes, if you compare some upanishads each other it seems that they are contradicting each other, some upanishads say shiva as supreme and some say vishnu is supreme, but they are all talking about the same god. Books on shiva is written for those who worship shiva and books on vishnu is written for those of vishnu's, but at the same time Hinduism says they all are one, seen in different form, so when seen from absolute sense they are not contradicting each other.

And to see faults in quran see other few threads in this forum, even a single muslim in this forum could not justify quran in case of origin of rain, they are just speechless.
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Active Member
yes, hindus have only one god, but that god is not limited to any form, name, time and space. So people have right to worship god in any form they like. Some people worship god as shiva, some worship as vishnu and so on. And even people has freedom to create new god. People has different taste, some may feel more love towards to shiva and not towards vishnu. But at the end, all path will reach at the same point. Hinduism is not an organised religion, it offers much freedom and it is this freedom makes possible for Hindus to create a number of spiritual personalities.

the concept of god in Hindusm is not limited to time,space, form, name etc, so there are millions of god.
but it is seen that concept of god in quran has one and only one name, why is that? is god limited to name?

Brother, again ur knowledge is very limited and week, u r contradicting in ur statements. 1st u said Hindus have 1 god, without any names, space figure etc. Thn u r saying hindus have freedom to make any idol of god, give any name, so which 1 is true?
u said we can call any name to god in hinduism, sum1 can give bad kinda name? ofcourse not, there is limit as well. but incarnation of god in human, is beyond sense. can ur mind think of logic, that god cannnot recognise his own son, and killed it and thn place elephant headd (Ganesh)???
In Islam, the proper name is Allah, but its not limited, there are 99 more names, and person have to use beautiful and nice names for Allah, which have good meaning.
Make ur knowledge strong brother before any argument, otherwise its not valid and week always.
2ndly can u consider different god for Hindu area, different god for west area, for east for north. That means the god(s) of hindus, made only part of India, where hindus originate, or Himalayas to be more precise, rest of the world who made???


Reincarnation of 'Anti-religion'
If we take ur words as proof, 1st bring any auuthentic source or proof to justify ur statement, living in India, where Hindus are in vast majority, he is giving lectures, so y dont India govt or hindus there protest?

Indian Govt is not Saudi Arabian Govt to protest against personal attacks on religion.Nor does this mean killing of other religions just because of one man.
I never came acrros a single prrotest or statement y any known hindu scholar against him? beside there is annother 10 day conferecen being held in Bombay on 30 oct, in which scholars from all over the world, even non-muslims are taking part, y did Indian govt, which is Hindu based allow him?
"Naik extolled the moral and spiritual superiority of Islam and lampooned other faiths and the West in general", adding that Naik's words "fostered a spirit of separateness and reinforced prejudice"
Zakir Naik - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Dr. Zakir Naik exposed on his belifs
Hindus ,Christians hate him,including many muslims.
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Reincarnation of 'Anti-religion'
Zakir attacks Buddhism -- Contd
1."At the age of 35, one evening as he sat beneath a giant fig tree (Bodh
tree), he felt that he had found the solution to his problem and felt that
he had attained enlightenment."
Response:Nirvana is a like eating icecream for this guy.
2."Buddha was silent about the existence or non-existence of God. It may
be that since India was drowned in idol worship and anthropomorphism that
a sudden step to monotheism would have been drastic and hence Buddha may
have chosen to remain silent on the issue of God."
Read again
"that a sudden step to monotheism would have been drastic"
Response:CRAP!!! Budddhism is pure Non-theistic monism.
Monotheism has been their in India for a very long time.It is nothing new.
Buddha lived in the Golden age of Indian Philosophy.The Jain and
Upanishads have developed around the same time .
This guy has never heard of Monism or Non-Duality.The essence of
Buddhist scriptures is non-duality.He is bluffing the things he studied
from orthodox abrahamic religions.


Reincarnation of 'Anti-religion'
Zakir Naik on Jains Philosophy --Another attack
1."So it is clear that it is not possible for any Jaina to achieve Moksha
by leading normal household life. One must become an ascetic giving away
all worldly affairs to achieve ultimate goal of Jainism - the Moksha. One
has to leave all his activities and become a Sadhu or a Sadhwi, and then
only it will open his or her path for Moksha or salvation. If all the
people in the world agree and follow this concept, then no one would lead
normal household life. No one will be allowed to become a doctor, or an
engineer or a scientist or an agriculturist or a businessman. No farmer
will farm the field. This will result in scarcity of food and close down
of all the trades Imagine what will happen to the world. Will world remain
Islam does not separate religion from the state, but rather dynamically integrates them with due balance Allaahuakbar......An Invitation to Discover True Islaam [Salaf][Quran][Hadith][Islam][sunnah][allaahuakbar.net][Muslim][Christianity] [Hinduism]a
Response:Nonsense--Jainism is not like Zakir's version of Islam to force things oon people.
2.See this crap of sectarianism
"Vegetarianism is riddled with delusional thinking from which even
scientists and medical professionals are not immune".
We Muslims do not mind if some people are pure vegetarians. However they
should not condemn non-vegetarians as ruthless. In fact if all Indians
become non-vegetarians then we Muslims will be losers since the prices of
meat would rise."
So,all Dharmic people should eat vegetarian food to give cheap meat for
muslims like Zakir.


Reincarnation of 'Anti-religion'
He is agianst Jain ahimsa
We agree that plants have life and they also feel pain. But plants only
have two or three senses while the animals have five senses. Therefore
killing a plant is lesser crime than killing an animal”. Suppose your
brother is born deaf and dumb and has got two senses less as compared to
other human beings He becomes mature and someone murders him. Will you ask
the law to give murderer a lesser punishment because your brother has two
senses less? In fact you would say that he has killed a masoom!!, an
innocent person and you should give the murderer a greater punishment.
Islam does not separate religion from the state, but rather dynamically integrates them with due balance Allaahuakbar......An Invitation to Discover True Islaam [Salaf][Quran][Hadith][Islam][sunnah][allaahuakbar.net][Muslim][Christianity] [Hinduism]a
Response:Killing and Eating of animals is good for this rotten flesh eating materialist.With this logic,he may start eating human beings.
Further Zakir says
If every human being becomes a vegetarian, it will lead to overpopulation of cattle in the world, since the reproduction and multiplication of cattle is very swift.
Response:There are many lions and tigers like Zakir Naik to eat the cattle.Nature does nt need Zakir to take care of it.

This thread is for muslim creed who follow Zakir Naik and mistreat all other religions.Ya not for all muslims.
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England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
As the title of the thread states, what do all religions have in common? What aspects of a religion make it a religion?

IMO is the common denominator


Active Member
He is agianst Jain ahimsa
We agree that plants have life and they also feel pain. But plants only
have two or three senses while the animals have five senses. Therefore
killing a plant is lesser crime than killing an animal”. Suppose your
brother is born deaf and dumb and has got two senses less as compared to
other human beings He becomes mature and someone murders him. Will you ask
the law to give murderer a lesser punishment because your brother has two
senses less? In fact you would say that he has killed a masoom!!, an
innocent person and you should give the murderer a greater punishment.
Islam does not separate religion from the state, but rather dynamically integrates them with due balance Allaahuakbar......An Invitation to Discover True Islaam [Salaf][Quran][Hadith][Islam][sunnah][allaahuakbar.net][Muslim][Christianity] [Hinduism]a
Response:Killing and Eating of animals is good for this rotten flesh eating materialist.With this logic,he may start eating human beings.
Further Zakir says
If every human being becomes a vegetarian, it will lead to overpopulation of cattle in the world, since the reproduction and multiplication of cattle is very swift.
Response:There are many lions and tigers like Zakir Naik to eat the cattle.Nature does nt need Zakir to take care of it.

This thread is for muslim creed who follow Zakir Naik and mistreat all other religions.Ya not for all muslims.

No muslim follows Zakir Naik, we follow Quran and hadith, I already mentioned, u disagree with him, I posted his webbsite link, go n complain there, rather thn filling pages here, it was just a clearance, y never any1 point him straight away? and u think saudi arabbia is the only example of Islamic country? y hindus are not giving ights to worship in Pakistan andd other coutirries? rathen India is destroying worshiiping place of Muslims, e.g Bari Masjid, and riots in gujrat, where they kept silent, . ppl who hate Zakir Naik, give their justification, and give ur remarks on his own website, we as muslims follow Quran, and establish the rules of Quran.