Thank you for your childish insults. However, they only serve to make yourself look like a complete fool.
So to begin with lets cite something a little more authorititave that an article posted on "", okay? Instead of your source, I went to Stanford University's Philosophy department online pages. I assume you are familiar with Stanford University? Wouldn't you agree they would be a better source of authority than ""? Let's see what it says:
Atheism: ‘Atheism’ means the negation of theism, the denial of the existence of God.
"The denial of the existence of God." Hmmm.... "Undecided" is not the same thing as the "denial" of God. No. That's a different very common term you seem to have missed somewhere along the line in your classes on atheism you took online, or wherever it was you got your education from.
Let's see what it says for Agnosticism:
Huxley thought that we would never be able to know about the ultimate origin and causes of the universe.... Perhaps such a logical positivist should be classified as neither a theist nor an atheist, but her view would be just as objectionable to a theist. ‘Agnostic’ is more contextual than is ‘atheist’, as it can be used in a non-theological way, as when a cosmologist might say that she is agnostic about string theory, neither believing nor disbelieving it.
As was hinted earlier, a person may call herself an agnostic, as Huxley did, because of questionable philosophical motives. Huxley thought that propositions about the transcendent, though possibly meaningful, were empirically untestable.
What we see here is the agnostic is the one who claims they can't know, and therefore are undecided, neither affirming nor denying, whereas the atheist on the other hand, denies. Now maybe this source isn't enough for you? Maybe your prefer as a source of authority?
Now, as far as my familiarity with atheism which you stupidly presume I have none, I'd say it's pretty darned extensive considering I self-identified as one for quite a number of years, arguing right-alongside the like of Dawkins and Harris and whatnot, teaching in various groups the sorts of arguments against creationism, teaching the differences between atheism and agnosticism, and the various theisms, and whatnot,until I finally found my views become a tad bit beyond what could be jammed into that tight like restricted box of thinking. You can call me a post-atheist, if you wish. But the point is, you sound ridiculously foolish to me, as well as my partner who considers herself atheist, as opposed to agnostic, when I read your comments to me a little bit ago. She was a bit dumbfounded by your ignorance that confused atheism with the "undecided" point of view of agnosticism
Sorry, but that was really foolish of you.
Anyway, I'm done debating this. It's too much like arguing with fundamentalists for me. Believe what you want.