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what do you feel is wrong with homosexuality?

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Through the Looking Glass
What is the original Greek word you've translated as "homosexual"?
First of all the citation is wrong. It's 1 Cor. 6, not 9. The word is arsenokoitēs. It's obscure and difficult to pin down as far as its usage and meaning in the Greek of the time. An alternative meaning often put forward is that it refers to "pederasty" rather than homosexuality in general.


Veteran Member
It is! And it's pretty damn hard to reconcile the Bible's announcement that "God is Love" with the belief of some folks that the Biblical God hates lovers.
The only rational conclusion is that those folks are at best misguided. Indeed they turned me off the Bible for a long time. I'm learning to see past them now however.


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
doppelgänger;1055146 said:
First of all the citation is wrong. It's 1 Cor. 6, not 9. The word is arsenokoitēs. It's obscure and difficult to pin down as far as its usage and meaning in the Greek of the time. An alternative meaning often put forward is that it refers to "pederasty" rather than homosexuality in general.

The meaning one gives to that passage sounds to me suspiciously like guesswork, Dopp. But I'm just a country-boy lost in the big city. What do I know?


Wonder Woman
1 Cor 9:9,10 9Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders 10nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.

Are you sure about that? I look up that book, chapter, and verse in my bible and have a totally different thing going on. It's talking about muzzling oxen for crying out loud :p

doppelgänger;1055146 said:
First of all the citation is wrong. It's 1 Cor. 6, not 9. The word is arsenokoitēs. It's obscure and difficult to pin down as far as its usage and meaning in the Greek of the time. An alternative meaning often put forward is that it refers to "pederasty" rather than homosexuality in general.

Ok, that explains it. I couldn't for the life of me see where oxen had anything to do with it :p


Wonder Woman
The meaning one gives to that passage sounds to me suspiciously like guesswork, Dopp. But I'm just a country-boy lost in the big city. What do I know?

Phil, in the bible I have, KJV, it uses the word effeminate there instead of homosexual. Seems they can't make up their mind what it is suppose to say from version to version. So the ones doing each version just put their own spin on it.


Through the Looking Glass
Phil, in the bible I have, KJV, it uses the word effeminate there instead of homosexual.

The word your KJV as as "effeminate" is actually malakos (which is translated as "male prostitutes" in the NIV). Your KJV renders arsenokoitēs as "abusers of themselves with mankind" (whatever the hell that means :shrug:).


Wonder Woman
doppelgänger;1055154 said:
That actually malakos (which is translated as "male prostitutes" in the NIV). Your KJV renders arsenokoitēs as "abusers of themselves with mankind" (whatever the hell that means :shrug:).

Ahh, so male prostitues are effeminate and homosexuals are abusing themselves with mankind. Okie dokie then. Suppose the next version will call male prostitutes "manginas"?


Intentionally Blank
I didnt make the translation! That is straight from the NIV I can check the other translations for variance if you would like!
I lack expertise in Koine Greek myself. As I understand it, the basic idea is that word that Paul uses, arsenekoi, is unknown outside of this context, and not used anywhere else in the Bible, so it is hard to know what it meant. Translators did their best and took a wild guess, based on the roots "man" and "bed", but we really have no idea. What is certain is that it does not refer to women, and it is not the common Greek word for homosexual behavior. Here's a link that expounds on this: HOMOSEXUALITY IN THE NEW TESTAMENT: CONSERVATIVE AND LIBERAL VIEWS

Vasilisa Jade

Formerly Saint Tigeress
doppelgänger;1055159 said:
Exactly. "God" made it so clear so we'd know just what to do and not to do. :bow:

The answer to this would be that God wants us to "have faith" in our own ignorant notions and translations of the abstract squishy-shape-shiftable laws we were given. I wonder if He counted on people running with it backwards, carrying a loaded gun, knowing all the while they are as blind as a bat...?


Wonder Woman
The answer to this would be that God wants us to "have faith" in our own ignorant notions and translations of the abstract squishy-shape-shiftable laws we were given. I wonder if He counted on people running with it backwards, carrying a loaded gun, knowing all the while they are as blind as a bat...?

Sure He did. That's why all those rakes and garden hoes are laid out so nicely behind them.


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
The answer to this would be that God wants us to "have faith" in our own ignorant notions and translations of the abstract squishy-shape-shiftable laws we were given. I wonder if He counted on people running with it backwards, carrying a loaded gun, knowing all the while they are as blind as a bat...?

I reckon some folks just lust after condemning others to hell.


Well-Known Member
And in the NKJV, NLT, NIV, ESV, NASB, HNV all translate that Greek word with the NLT being the closest translation to the actual greek! All from that site!


Well-Known Member
There lies no more of a condemnation against homosexuals than liars or those who act in violence! The whole standpoint of a Christian remains the same your lifestyle does not send you to hell but rather your standpoint on Christ himself. To believe forgives you of all sin, to deny Grace condemns. Furthermore no Christian is to judge another save Christ.


Through the Looking Glass
And in the NKJV, NLT, NIV, ESV, NASB, HNV all translate that Greek word with the NLT being the closest translation to the actual greek! All from that site!

Based upon . . . ? If there's no consistent, external usage of a word contemporaneous with the work one is translating, the translation will increasingly amount to guesswork.
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