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What do you feel is wrong with Islam?


Active Member
maro what was the point of your post its too long to quote and doesnt get your point across

Credance islam is at odds with itself with sunni on shia violence and vice versa
My friend, will the message ever get across? Not likely, especially as many people are just intent on hating Islam, with or without a cause. What was wrong with the verses maro provided. You can quote, one at a time.
Sunnis and Shias' may fight. It is wrong, however and these fights are a result of misunderstanding, and intolerance. Not because of Islam, but because of intolerance towards different views.


My friend, will the message ever get across? Not likely, especially as many people are just intent on hating Islam, with or without a cause. What was wrong with the verses maro provided. You can quote, one at a time.
Sunnis and Shias' may fight. It is wrong, however and these fights are a result of misunderstanding, and intolerance. Not because of Islam, but because of intolerance towards different views.

maybe with a messenger that does not speak in riddles or can only quote scripture in response , stop playing the victim , who hates Islam? ,i have no idea if anything is wrong with the verses Maro provided , i was asking why he provided them?


Active Member
maybe with a messenger that does not speak in riddles or can only quote scripture in response , stop playing the victim , who hates Islam? ,i have no idea if anything is wrong with the verses Maro provided , i was asking why he provided them?
I think he did that in response to Autodictats post.........


Well-Known Member
maybe with a messenger that does not speak in riddles or can only quote scripture in response , stop playing the victim , who hates Islam? ,i have no idea if anything is wrong with the verses Maro provided , i was asking why he provided them?

If you wish to define Islam is there a better source than the Qur'an? Prophets speak in parable and symbol, if you can't cut it, or at least make an effort to cut it why should anyone try to explain it? It's obvious you are highly intelligent, so is the unwillingness to consider the words in metaphoric terms purposeful?



If you wish to define Islam is there a better source than the Qur'an? Prophets speak in parable and symbol, if you can't cut it, or at least make an effort to cut it why should anyone try to explain it? It's obvious you are highly intelligent, so is the unwillingness to consider the words in metaphoric terms purposeful?

thats my whole sticking point with all religions this utter nonsense of parables , symbols,allegories , and use all the metaphors you like to make your belief more believable but you are only convincing yourself, i like straight talking and if there was a god he would not talk in anything other than plain fact justifiable to all and not open to interpretation. and believe me i do listen and learn , and i have learned that there is nothing in any scripture that a religious person cannot bend and twist or interpret to suit themselves.

and my biggest puzzle at the moment is your steadfast apologetic stance to Islam


Through the Looking Glass
Religion gone horribly awry:

Saudi Cops Grab U.S. Woman In Starbucks, Kingdom's Religious Police Take Her To Jail For Sitting With Man In Coffee Shop - CBS News

An American businesswoman was carted off to jail by religious police in Saudi Arabia for sitting with a male colleague at a Starbucks in Riyadh, the Times of London reported.

The woman, who spent a day behind bars, was strip-searched and forced to sign a false confession before being released, the newspaper said. The Times declined to publish her name at her request.

The 37-year-old businesswoman works for a finance company in Riyadh. Her problem began when her office lost electricity. She and her male colleagues then went to a nearby Starbucks to use the coffee shop's Internet connection.

She sat with a male colleague in the Starbucks' family area, the only place women are allowed to sit with men.

“Some men came up to us with very long beards and white dresses. They asked 'Why are you here together?' I explained about the power being out in our office. They got very angry and told me what I was doing was a great sin,” she told the Times.

Following her arrest and interrogation, the woman was hauled before a judge.

“He said 'You are sinful and you are going to burn in hell.' I told him I was sorry. I was very submissive. I had given up. I felt hopeless,” she told the Times.


Well-Known Member
doppelgänger;1065500 said:
Religion gone horribly awry

Nope, that is the perfectly logical result of a religion that allows men to have four wives. You end up with women being at a premium, and you have to start separating the ones who aren't snapped up from the desperate men who have none.


Well-Known Member
thats my whole sticking point with all religions this utter nonsense of parables , symbols,allegories , and use all the metaphors you like to make your belief more believable but you are only convincing yourself, i like straight talking and if there was a god he would not talk in anything other than plain fact justifiable to all and not open to interpretation. and believe me i do listen and learn , and i have learned that there is nothing in any scripture that a religious person cannot bend and twist or interpret to suit themselves.

and my biggest puzzle at the moment is your steadfast apologetic stance to Islam

Well, Islam as Muhammed described is not the same thing as Islam observed b y the worldy authorities of today. I love the first, and am well aware of the ungodly nature of the latter.

Want to bash bin Laden or, Khomeini . . . . they SHOULD be bashed they are not in any association with the faith of Islam they are bigots filled with hatred and desiring only influence and power in this world.

As to desiring God to speak as you demand Him too is silly, really. God does as HE wills not you or I.

"The spirit that animateth the human heart is the knowledge of God, and its truest adorning is the recognition of the truth that "He doeth whatsoever He willeth, and ordaineth that which He pleaseth."




thats my whole sticking point with all religions this utter nonsense of parables , symbols,allegories , and use all the metaphors you like to make your belief more believable but you are only convincing yourself, i like straight talking and if there was a god he would not talk in anything other than plain fact justifiable to all and not open to interpretation. and believe me i do listen and learn , and i have learned that there is nothing in any scripture that a religious person cannot bend and twist or interpret to suit themselves.

and my biggest puzzle at the moment is your steadfast apologetic stance to Islam

So should a poem which uses metaphor, personification and symbolism be considered fallacious for not being literal? The only reason a poem is ever successful is because it makes people think truly and wholely. People may have their own interpretation of that poem, but when it all comes down to it, the author who wrote it had a single intention in mind.

When you put all the parables, psalms and analogies from the Bible togther, and contrast them, put them into context, and actually read them without an agenda, then the true meaning is as plain as day. The use of poetic devices only makes it insightful, not vague or misconstrued.

As for being defensive of Islam... why shouldn't someone accept another religion? We're all one people afterall. The sooner we accept that, the better.


So should a poem which uses metaphor, personification and symbolism be considered fallacious for not being literal? The only reason a poem is ever successful is because it makes people think truly and wholely. People may have their own interpretation of that poem, but when it all comes down to it, the author who wrote it had a single intention in mind.
a poem is a poem remember the straight talk no one lives or dies by a poem
When you put all the parables, psalms and analogies from the Bible togther, and contrast them, put them into context, and actually read them without an agenda, then the true meaning is as plain as day. The use of poetic devices only makes it insightful, not vaugue or misconstrued. quite the opposite i feel it just makes anyone able to make what they will of it, you can justify anything by it from it and people do

As for being defensive of Islam... why shouldn't someone accept another religion? We're all one people afterall. The sooner we accept that, the better.

If you are refering to scott my question is that he continuosly defends a religion which considers him a heretic ,and persecutes his fellow baha'i. and dont give me were all one people c--p we are all different were all humans yes but we are not clones


Well-Known Member
If you are refering to scott my question is that he continuosly defends a religion which considers him a heretic ,and persecutes his fellow baha'i. and dont give me were all one people c--p we are all different were all humans yes but we are not clones

Kai, I do not need to defend myself here. Baha`u'llah tells me I must respect Muhammed and Islam or I cannot say I believe in Baha`u'llah.

Quite frankly if you say I am doing wrong by mny beliefs and Baha`u'llah says I am doing right, well, your opinion is worth c**p to me in comparison.

As to you downplaying a perfectly correct analysis of the value of metaphor in poetry and scripture by another poster, do not try to brush him off by referring to me. I agree with him and find your opinion worthless on the matter.



England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
Today in the news something quite refreshing,the Archbishop of Canterbury who says we should allow courts run by Muslims(capital)administering Sharia law(2 a's) has been bombarded by complaints and requests to resign.
The refreshing part of this is a Muslim woman says the last thing she wants is to have a medaeval system of justice which is dominated by men,whats even more refreshing is she calls herself a "modern Muslim" which i take to mean she like many Muslims in the west are changing for the better,well we can hope.

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
If you wish to define Islam is there a better source than the Qur'an? Prophets speak in parable and symbol, if you can't cut it, or at least make an effort to cut it why should anyone try to explain it? It's obvious you are highly intelligent, so is the unwillingness to consider the words in metaphoric terms purposeful?


Maybe we are not the only ones who can't cut it when it comes to making sense of the Qur'an(notice the capital)and the pinch of salt required to digest it.
Maybe its not us that "can't cut it" but maybe its the followers of the religion that have trouble understanding reality and live in a blinkered world where it is hoped a little patch of paradise maybe gained.
Plain easy to understand writing without symbols,metaphors etc,otherwise we end up with a book that we can interpret as we wish when we read the Qur'an for example.


Kai, I do not need to defend myself here. Baha`u'llah tells me I must respect Muhammed and Islam or I cannot say I believe in Baha`u'llah.
you do not have to defend yourself if no one is attacking you i am merely saying you puzzle me.
Quite frankly if you say I am doing wrong by mny beliefs and Baha`u'llah says I am doing right, well, your opinion is worth c**p to me in comparison. i am not saying you are wrong in your beliefs and have not stated that in any post to you or any Baha'i

As to you downplaying a perfectly correct analysis of the value of metaphor in poetry and scripture by another poster, do not try to brush him off by referring to me. I agree with him and find your opinion worthless on the matter.

i am down playing his analysis of the value of metaphor in religious Scripture sure i am, its called free speech, i am not brushing anyone off Scott and certainly not by referring to you ,its not about you, and i am sorry you find my opinion worthless when i find every bodies opinion of some value, alas as i say we are all different



every body is entitled to an opinion in my country at least so chill out man:)


Well-Known Member
every body is entitled to an opinion in my country at least so chill out man:)

You are entitled to yours, and I to mine. I base this particular opinion on what Baha`u'llah requires of His followers. If you treat me with disdain, I also have an opinion about that.

Taking my chill pill, but you take yours.:yes:
