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What do you feel is wrong with Islam?

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
I wonder what the taliban would say if they were told"i'm sorry to tell you this,although you go to prayers and follow the word of the qur'an and muhamed unfortunately you lot are not real muslims"
would they say"yep we knew that" or "in the name of allah we are going to cut your necesarys off" .
How about the council of experts,ayatollahs all,sorry to tell you this but etc etc

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
Don't you realize we are speaking of the 7th-14th century AD?

Shooting people with an AK 47 was not a possibility until 1947 AD when Kalashnikov re-design the German SG-44.

Besides the AK 47 is becoming rarer and rarer around the world as the weapons just wear out and have long been replaced with the AK 74 and AKM which are mostly chambered with the 5.45mm round instead of the 7.62mm Soviet short.

By the way, both The Bab and Baha`u'llah were bastinadoed, which is caning the bottoms of the feet until they are bleeding and broken. Baha`u'llah was bastinadoed twice actually. Neither of them were women.


Not true actually as you can have an ak built for you in afghanistan or even pakistan by hand these old men are very skilled and to see it being done is very interesting


Well-Known Member
I wonder what the taliban would say if they were told"i'm sorry to tell you this,although you go to prayers and follow the word of the qur'an and muhamed unfortunately you lot are not real muslims"
would they say"yep we knew that" or "in the name of allah we are going to cut your necesarys off" .
How about the council of experts,ayatollahs all,sorry to tell you this but etc etc

And there is a point?



Well-Known Member
Not true actually as you can have an ak built for you in afghanistan or even pakistan by hand these old men are very skilled and to see it being done is very interesting

Sure, but why get an earlier model when you can have a newer version built on the spot.

Yes, it's a fascinating process. Back in the 1890's those same traditional gunsmiths could build you a Lee-Metford magazine rifle right down to the bolt. They could not machine the parts sufficiently by hand. It was big business for the Afghans who worked around the British Army to steal, not whole rifles, but just the bolt to trade them to the hillmen for a pretty penny.

Of course, they solved the problem by hand building lathes with the proper tolerances within a few years when they figured out what they needed.


England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
And there is a point?


There are'nt any real muslims ,its all a fallacy and the islamic states are not really islamic they only go through the motions but what they get out of it who knows.
And if they are'nt real muslims they maybe could do something about the human rights issues especially to the fairer sex.


Well-Known Member
There are'nt any real muslims ,its all a fallacy and the islamic states are not really islamic they only go through the motions but what they get out of it who knows.
And if they are'nt real muslims they maybe could do something about the human rights issues especially to the fairer sex.

But there are real muslims. The problem is not the teachings, but the politicization of the teachings. So those governments are working counter to the teachings of Muhammed.

I am all for doing something about human rights violations whether they are violations by the governments of Iran, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Syria, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Dubai, the Omani Emirates, Kuwait, Iraq etc,. OR if they are violations in Guatemala, The Phillipines, Malaysia, Burma, Laos, Sri Lanka, India, Australia, or the United States.

Apples to Stones again . . . . . . .


England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
You have at least one person who thinks like you,the interior minister for pakistan prefered to call islamic extremists criminals after they held some kids in a school hostage although they were islamic extremists.
I mentioned to a muslim about people like al qaeda syria iran etc not being real muslims and he retorted quite vigorously that they are more muslim than the ones in the west.


Well-Known Member
You have at least one person who thinks like you,the interior minister for pakistan prefered to call islamic extremists criminals after they held some kids in a school hostage although they were islamic extremists.
I mentioned to a muslim about people like al qaeda syria iran etc not being real muslims and he retorted quite vigorously that they are more muslim than the ones in the west.

And England is home to some seriously extremist muslims who are bound to be of the opinion to match your premise.

That's a fallacy of Authority. An appeal to authority can be a valid argument, but when one carefully chooses their authority to match their premise then that is propaganda, not logic.



Well-Known Member
The whole islamic world is a fallacy.

I think that argument requires you to stick your thumbs in your ears and wiggle the fingers while making "splatty" by protruding your tongue through your lips and teeth and blowing air through the loose seal provided by your lips. It certainly is bare of any other proof.


England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
What proof have you got? if you had to prove it in court how would you fare,i suspect not very well.
Anyway i'm off to football training which does'nt require a leap of faith. Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
EMLH, you seem to be a narrow-minded. You see the actions of 3% out of 100% of muslims, and judge the remaining 97% on their actions. The fact is, maybe the Qu'ran does say to kill non-believers, but in todays society, i really would not expect a human to do that, i mean if you belonged to a religion and it said that, would you do it? Most musims are good people. And it seems you are becoming like a lot of idiotic brits, they are stupid and racist, they call me paki and dont realise i am not muslim or pakistani. I for one am trying to help the people around me to not become one of them.

Man... i need to learn how to spell. ON the keyboard that is, otherswise, im a really really good speller/


The Islamic public states islam is a peaceful religion and violence is not taught in the Quran [ but from what i have read it does teach and accept violence ] however if the are speaking the truth and they truly believe that islam is a peacful religion where is the outcry of the violence done in the name of islam. Violence is every day done in islams name yet the islamic public remain silent when you would think if violence is not being truly taught they would be apauled with violence being done in the name of islam. I for one see their silence as acceptance and approval. :cool:

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
My point is simple a taliban,syrian,iranian etc etc is no less a muslim than any other and to say they are not REAL muslims is nonsense ,icall a dog a dog i will not call it a daffodil.


Well-Known Member
My point is simple a taliban,syrian,iranian etc etc is no less a muslim than any other and to say they are not REAL muslims is nonsense ,icall a dog a dog i will not call it a daffodil.

Taliban? That's a political party, not a nationality. There are Afghani Christians and Jews, you know.

There are Syrian Jews, and Christians who are not Muslim at all.

There are Iranian Jews, Christians, Zoroastrians and Baha`i's who are not Muslim at all.

Your bigotry is overwhelming, thick, miasmic, revolting.

EMLH, learn something then come back to try and challenge our view of Islam, because, at the moment you sound like every other white boy in england i know.


My point is simple a taliban,syrian,iranian etc etc is no less a muslim than any other and to say they are not REAL muslims is nonsense ,icall a dog a dog i will not call it a daffodil.
as an old campaigner you Really must do some research in order to back up your claims ,otherwise they Will rip your argument to shreds an make your comments look foolish which i am afraid they are


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
I for one see their silence as acceptance and approval. :cool:

The "silence" (which you exaggerate) of Muslims on terrorism is no greater than the silence of Americans on the Dominionist and Reconstructionist Movements within Christianity. You don't see large numbers of Americans turn out to protest those movements, despite their evil nature, nor do you see large numbers of Muslims turn out to protest terrorism, despite its evil nature. That's not because large numbers of Americans or Muslims accept and approve of those evils. It's because their leaders have not yet mobilized them against those evils.