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What do you feel is wrong with Islam?

S.Z (Muslim)

Humble Slave of Allah.
No, what some people do is wonder why anyone feels the need to interpret flowery and ambiguous language in a holy book with the spin required to turn it into some sort of scientific text with the object of proving a point, when it's quite clear to anyone who has read/participated in the myriad of threads on such a subject (and it's not just you guys that do it, there's been Scientific Proof Of The Validity of The Bible) that you wont sway anyone but the most naive individual who's been locked in a cupboard with a bunch of dustbunnies for most of his life by claiming that no-one without an electron microscope could possibly know some of the most basic necessary knowledge of any society that's settled down and set up a farm, so it must have been a revelation from god.
Frankly, some people would rather believe their ancestors were dimwits than just take faith for what it is and should be.
Qur'an contains more than basic knowledge.
So, you start with a pretentious ...
You can also try to prove to me a single thing in Islam which is bad. A single thing. I am just asking for one.​
And then redefine it as ...
You can also try to prove to me a single thing in submitting to God Almighty which is bad. A single thing. I am just asking for one.​
as if by playing pathetic word games were were achieving something. :rolleyes:
Okay...prove to me a single thing in Islam which is bad. I'm waiting.
Anyway...this is getting off hand...why don't people start asking questions?


Active Member
So, you start with a pretentious ...
You can also try to prove to me a single thing in Islam which is bad. A single thing. I am just asking for one.​
And then redefine it as ...
You can also try to prove to me a single thing in submitting to God Almighty which is bad. A single thing. I am just asking for one.​
as if by playing pathetic word games were were achieving something. :rolleyes:
Well, talk about being paranoid, wasn't the guy just asking to remove misconceptions?
Whats wrong with that? If someone criticizes a belief how else is the follower of that religion supposed to respond?

S.Z (Muslim)

Humble Slave of Allah.
Well, talk about being paranoid, wasn't the guy just asking to remove misconceptions?
Whats wrong with that? If someone criticizes a belief how else is the follower of that religion supposed to respond?
It's okay. People love to criticize Islam for some reason, but can't find ONE SINGLE REASON.


i don't know why i am always able to guess whom such kind of threads are going to attract :rolleyes: , or may be i know why :D


Veteran Member
It's okay. People love to criticize Islam for some reason, but can't find ONE SINGLE REASON.
I don't know anything about Islam so I cannot criticise it. Some who follow Islam seem very strident in the manner they put their views forward. I find this very off-putting. Suicide bombers, laws such as that invoked recently in Sudan regarding the teddy bear, and laws such as that invoked in Saudi against the rape victim recently generate an image of Islam as intolerant and extremely narrow in its world view. I also find this off putting.
I also have to say that I have difficulty reconciling the things mentioned above with my experience of the small number of Muslim people that I do know. But then the Muslims I do know have a beer and live like I do so maybe they're not really representative?

S.Z (Muslim)

Humble Slave of Allah.
I don't know anything about Islam so I cannot criticise it. Some who follow Islam seem very strident in the manner they put their views forward. I find this very off-putting. Suicide bombers, laws such as that invoked recently in Sudan regarding the teddy bear, and laws such as that invoked in Saudi against the rape victim recently generate an image of Islam as intolerant and extremely narrow in its world view. I also find this off putting.
I also have to say that I have difficulty reconciling the things mentioned above with my experience of the small number of Muslim people that I do know. But then the Muslims I do know have a beer and live like I do so maybe they're not really representative?
Muslims that have beer are committing the "mother of all evils".


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
Muslims that have beer are committing the "mother of all evils".

Surely, there are far worse things in this world than beer? For instance, how does beer measure up to murder? Is beer still the "mother of all evils" when compared to murder?

S.Z (Muslim)

Humble Slave of Allah.
Surely, there are far worse things in this world than beer? For instance, how does beer measure up to murder? Is beer still the "mother of all evils" when compared to murder?

Well yes and also why its bad to do something which appears as mundane to me as drinking a beer
It is the mother of all evils, because it causes other evils like murder, fights, etc. It itself is not so bad, but it leads to worse things. It also causes diseases,etc.


Veteran Member
It is the mother of all evils, because it causes other evils like murder, fights, etc. It itself is not so bad, but it leads to worse things. It also causes diseases,etc.
I can see why you as an individual might hold that view, I might hold the same view about driving cars or dancing, I cannot see why it has anything to do with religion.

S.Z (Muslim)

Humble Slave of Allah.
I mean that you have a point of view about beer, I have a different view. It seems that Islam has decided ny view is wrong. Further the issue of drinking a beer seems to me a trivial one that has nothing to do with religion.
Ah! It does have to do with religion. Islam teaches safety, modesty, peace etc. So beer is bad and not allowed to drink. It does have to do with religion.


Veteran Member
Ah! It does have to do with religion. Islam teaches safety, modesty, peace etc. So beer is bad and not allowed to drink. It does have to do with religion.
OK we're going to have to agree to disagree. But it leads me to the question- Your religion says that something that I do/like is the mother of all evils, given that I don't intend changing my ways where do I stand in the eyes of Islam?

Jayhawker Soule

-- untitled --
Premium Member
f someone criticizes a belief how else is the follower of that religion supposed to respond?
They are suppose to give a reasonably manageable definition of the religion being defended. It is simply childish to challenge:
You can also try to prove to me a single thing in submitting to God Almighty which is bad. A single thing. I am just asking for one.

Quoth The Raven

Half Arsed Muse
Qur'an contains more than basic knowledge.

Okay...prove to me a single thing in Islam which is bad. I'm waiting.
Anyway...this is getting off hand...why don't people start asking questions?
Ah, so you chose to share only the very basic agrarian knowledge it imparts and left out the quantum physics on purpose?:rolleyes:
It doesn't matter what people say they think is a negative of your religion, you'll have an answer, which in all likelyhood wont change the mind of the person who thinks it's a negative.Nor will you see the negative as an actual negative, because you have no interest in doing so.
I think it's bad that a religion can view homosexuals as anything other than normal people,let alone be seen to condone their persecution. You apparently don't think it's bad, because after all, they are people of bad mind and unatural lust. Islam justifies it's position - with complete bollocks, might I add - so the fact it is actually a negative thing to doesn't even register on your radar.
Pointless thread.


Bodhisattva in Recovery
Islam considers those people of a bad mind, and having unnatural lusts. What does your religion say? Oh and for the misconceptions and question thing...well...there is nothing wrong in Islam. Prove to me one thing.
Well thank your for your edifying and exhaustive effort in answering my question. My misconception is now all cleared up. So a natural thing, even found practiced by animals in the wild, is "unnatural lust". Brilliant. Thank you for clarifying this. Do you have anything to support your esteemed opinion or am I just supposed to take your word.

My religion says that homosexuality is a perfectly normal practice and that in no way is the homosexual inferior or superior to his fellow human animals. Just in case you are interested, my religion is also called Reality.

Nothing wrong in Islam?

How about these little gems.

1. Authorizing the brutal beheading or cutting off of hands or feet of a trangressor.
2. Causing the believer to love the Prophet more than a mother loves her children.
3, Causing a mother to sadly state that she wished she had more sons to offer up to the cause of Martyrdom.
4. Creating an atmosphere of oppression that stunts the growth of Muslim nations.
5. Allowing the follower to take up arms to defend their religion at the slightest provocation.
6. Allowing the continuing practice of female circumcision to go on. (I realize that this is a cultural issue but oddly enough it seems to exist in ONLY Muslim countries.)
7. By allowing a man to beat his wife even if it is only with a pencil thin branch.
8. The continued oppression of their women under the thumb of a male dominated society. (It may have allowed for minor liberating moves 1400 years ago, but Islam has simply not kept up with the times and is now considered quite backward in this regard.)
9. The blatant intolerance of other religions within Muslim countries regardless of what the Qur'an has to say on the matter. (Saudi Arablia is a pristine example or if you are very masochistic you could try being a Baha'i in Iran... etc)
10. The fostering of ignorance amoungst the masses by destroying schools designed specifically to help educate them (Afghanistan for example through the brilliant work of the god fearing Taliban.)
11. The endless provocation of the State of Israel for no other reason than the perception that Israel has no right to exist, which impacts directly on the Palestinian people.
12. The virtual silence from Muslims concerning the abuses that are ongoing in Darfur where Muslims are killing other Muslims over the colour of their skin.

I could add to the list indefinately. If you need anything more, feel free to ask and I will actually sit down and give it some thought. That dozen was just off the top of my head. Keep on point and good luck --- you are going to need it.

ISLAM is the direct cause of all of these things and you have the temerity to imply that there is nothing wrong in Islam? Methinks that someone is in need of a reality check... and it isn't me.