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What do you think about hinduism ?

Estro Felino

Believer in free will
Premium Member
This might help:

This leads me to believe that sexuality was indeed tied to spiritualism and religion.

Well, my speech has been influenced by an interesting research, made by an Italian anthropologist, who explained why Hindu people are so prolific. In fact, nobody can deny that India and Bangladesh are among the most overpopulated countries in the world. The reason is that Hinduism sees genital pleasure as sacred, so people have sex just to celebrate the beauty of nature.
Sexual activity in India is unbelievably intense because people have sex not because they are in love, but just to obey a general Hindu law. That's the reason why there are arranged marriages too. Marriages without love between strangers.

The anthropologist explained that countries like Usa and Uk are quite prolific, because Nordic people are beautiful, so they easily are attracted to each other. That's why sexual activity (and birth rate) is quite high. Countries like Italy and Greece have a very low birth rate because people are tendentiously ugly, so it is very difficult that two people are attracted to each other.

Obviously what an anthropologist says is not the Gospel truth, but it is true that in Italy people don't usually mate because of their ugliness.

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
The truth is that ugly people difficultly can fall in love with each other, because falling in love is extremely related to beauty (aesthetic contemplation).
Well, if ugly people have sex, that's probably lust.

I don't want to go off topic. But if Hindus think that beauty is not necessary, they are different than us Christians. God is beauty and truth. As the poet Keats wrote: Beauty is truth and Truth is beauty.
By truth he meant God.

True beauty comes from the inside. You can be aesthetically beautiful according to cultural standards, but have an ugly heart and soul. Look at Naomi Campbell. She's widely considered to be physically beautiful but she's a horrible human being. Plus, God sees the soul and not the body. It is the beauty of our souls that ultimately matter.

According to forensic anthropologists, this is close to what Jesus would've looked like:


That is not "beautiful" by our standards or classical standards but He was God in the flesh. Jesus saw the beauty and holiness in lepers like Lazarus. You have completely misunderstood Christian concepts of beauty.

Anyway, I think Let the Right One In is a far more beautiful love story than stupid Romeo and Juliet.

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
All right, but I don't understand why those carvings are located in a Hindu temple.

Those carvings are a reminder to leave the material outside of the temple. There's no such things inside of those temples. It's symbolism.

By the way, you can also find sexual carvings outside of centuries-old churches in Europe. So Christians have no room to judge Hindus over that.
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Premium Member
Those carvings are a reminder to leave the material outside of the temple. There's no such things inside of those temples. It's symbolism.

Wow, I'm impressed. I'd actually forgotten that reason, for gopurams in particular. :) The mystic temples built according to agamas always have a well defined inside/outside, and you have to step across, right foot first.

Estro Felino

Believer in free will
Premium Member
According to forensic anthropologists, this is close to what Jesus would've looked like:

That is not "beautiful" by our standards or classical standards but He was God in the flesh. Jesus saw the beauty and holiness in lepers like Lazarus. You have completely misunderstood Christian concepts of beauty.

Well, yes. It's very probable that Jesus was not attractive. I guess that's the reason why he had no children (and he did well).
By the way beauty exists. And by ugly I mean people with whom nature has been unfair. But we all are supposed to be proud of ourselves and of who we are. Envy is a devilish thing. So ugly people have to be happy for beautiful people, and should accept their condition, because their uniqueness is a God's gift.
We are unique and unrepeatable beings. We are not meant to do the same things. It's devilish to homologue all the people of the world.

there are people who are meant to be beautiful, to get married with a beautiful person, and to make beautiful children.

There are people who are ugly, and they are meant to be single all life. But at least they won't make children, who will suffer too for being ugly.

As for inner beauty, of course all human beings are potentially beautiful inside. But even if you have the most beautiful and the purest of the souls, that doesn't imply that you deserve to stay with a beautiful person.
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Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
Well, yes. It's very probable that Jesus was not attractive. I guess that's the reason why he had no children (and he did well).
By the way beauty exists. And by ugly I mean people with whom nature has been unfair. But we all are supposed to be proud of ourselves and of who we are. Envy is a devilish thing. So ugly people have to be happy for beautiful people, and should accept their condition, because their uniqueness is a God's gift.
We are unique and unrepeatable beings. We are not meant to do the same things. It's devilish to homologue all the people of the world.

there are people who are meant to be beautiful, to get married with a beautiful person, and to make beautiful children.

There are people who are ugly, and they are meant to be single all life. But at least they won't make children, who will suffer too for being ugly.

As for inner beauty, of course all human beings are potentially beautiful inside. But even if you have the most beautiful and the purest of the souls, that doesn't imply that you deserve to stay with a beautiful person.

This is absurd and offensive. :facepalm:

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
Wow, I'm impressed. I'd actually forgotten that reason, for gopurams in particular. :) The mystic temples built according to agamas always have a well defined inside/outside, and you have to step across, right foot first.

I think I read it on Wikipedia. Lol.


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
I think that I've gone off topic and I ask for forgiveness. By the way I think that love at first sight is something sacred and approved by God. When I fall in love with a person, I think of their beauty (face), certainly not of their body. And I certainly don't care about their intelligence, which is irrelevant.

Well, I couldn't POSSIBLY disagree more vehemently(frankly I find the notion of "intelligence being irrelevant" personally insulting, but understand it's the notion I take general offense to, and don't feel like you personally insulted me), but you're right, this has gone on too long. Discussing Shakespeare is a VERY deep topic, and worthy of its own thread. Heck, maybe I'll go make one in the proper area, so we can continue. (I actually wanted to try linking the discussion back to Hinduism somehow, and couldn't think of how.)

EDIT: Here, I just made a thread about Romeo and Juliet in particular, if you want to debate further there:

I just wanted to know what Hindus think about the aesthetic sense , and what role beauty plays in their religion.
That I can answer by simply directing you to a Google image search of pictures of the Gods. Here's a sample:

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Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
Well, yes. It's very probable that Jesus was not attractive. I guess that's the reason why he had no children (and he did well).
By the way beauty exists. And by ugly I mean people with whom nature has been unfair. But we all are supposed to be proud of ourselves and of who we are. Envy is a devilish thing. So ugly people have to be happy for beautiful people, and should accept their condition, because their uniqueness is a God's gift.
We are unique and unrepeatable beings. We are not meant to do the same things. It's devilish to homologue all the people of the world.

there are people who are meant to be beautiful, to get married with a beautiful person, and to make beautiful children.

There are people who are ugly, and they are meant to be single all life. But at least they won't make children, who will suffer too for being ugly.

As for inner beauty, of course all human beings are potentially beautiful inside. But even if you have the most beautiful and the purest of the souls, that doesn't imply that you deserve to stay with a beautiful person.

I've long ago stopped caring about what's "deserved", because what's "had" is rarely what's "deserved". My entire life experience has also shown me that people who are, to my eyes, physically unattractive, are more than capable of being good people, and quite capable of holding down relationships. Meanwhile, people who care strongly about physical beauty, and thus tend to be physically attractive, tend to be egotistical and self-centered: not the kind of person I want anything to do with.

And I'll link this back to Hinduism quite easily. What do you make of this?



RF Goddess
Staff member
Premium Member
Well, my speech has been influenced by an interesting research, made by an Italian anthropologist, who explained why Hindu people are so prolific. In fact, nobody can deny that India and Bangladesh are among the most overpopulated countries in the world. The reason is that Hinduism sees genital pleasure as sacred, so people have sex just to celebrate the beauty of nature.
Sexual activity in India is unbelievably intense because people have sex not because they are in love, but just to obey a general Hindu law. That's the reason why there are arranged marriages too. Marriages without love between strangers.

The anthropologist explained that countries like Usa and Uk are quite prolific, because Nordic people are beautiful, so they easily are attracted to each other. That's why sexual activity (and birth rate) is quite high. Countries like Italy and Greece have a very low birth rate because people are tendentiously ugly, so it is very difficult that two people are attracted to each other.

Obviously what an anthropologist says is not the Gospel truth, but it is true that in Italy people don't usually mate because of their ugliness.

Lol this could literally be the silliest thing I've ever heard in my life and absurdly incorrect...

There is no sexual law in India. Indians are very prudish about sex. But they have the same views about sex and marriage that Christian and Muslim nations have had now and in the past. Love marriage in modern countries is a relatively recent thing.

And PLEASE, Italians and Greeks are gorgeous and highly sexual. As someone who lives in Sicily you surely know that!


Premium Member
Lol this could literally be the silliest thing I've ever heard in my life and absurdly incorrect...

I tried to respond but just couldn't. The mixture of laughter and sadness at the sheer ignorance was too much. But congratulations on having more patience than me. You are indeed a patient soul. :)


ॐ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय
Staff member
Premium Member
I couldn't respond either. But I did do a :facepalm: in real life. Sometimes I wonder how our species has survived for over 200,000 years. :shrug:

Oh wait, I know... Indians can't keep their dhotis and saris tied!

No, he did not just say that! :run:

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
The anthropologist explained that countries like Usa and Uk are quite prolific, because Nordic people are beautiful, so they easily are attracted to each other. That's why sexual activity (and birth rate) is quite high. Countries like Italy and Greece have a very low birth rate because people are tendentiously ugly, so it is very difficult that two people are attracted to each other.

Obviously what an anthropologist says is not the Gospel truth, but it is true that in Italy people don't usually mate because of their ugliness.

Lol! That's completely ridiculous! Americans are a very mixed people of various ethnicities from all over the world. We might be the most mixed nation of people in world history since almost all of us are descended from immigrants and slaves, and we just hump anyone. Lol. White Americans are mostly just hybrids of different European ethnicities and many of them have Native American and black ancestry, if you go back long enough and if their families have been here long enough. People from the UK are not Nordic, according to outdated racial categorizations. The Nordic subtype is mostly found in Scandinavia and you can even find people with those same features in Russia (since Russia was founded by Vikings).

Italians are a very attractive people. The whole world knows that, since Italy gave us Monica Bellucci, Sophia Loren, Asia Argento and Isabella Rossellini. They're a sexy people like the French and Spaniards are.


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
You seriously think that movie is scary? :biglaugh: You must be terrified by the Vampire Chronicles, as well.

Anne Rice's work? Not at all. They're two different interpretations of the vampire.

Remember that Eli abandoned Hakan for Oskar? Well, Oskar is basically now doomed to share that fate. No life, but in service to a vampire's literal bloodlust, to be discarded when no longer of any use.

The vampire that is Eli is far more in line with Dracula than even Gary Oldman's Dracula was.

It's frightening because there are real human beings who do that sort of thing.

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
Anne Rice's work? Not at all. They're two different interpretations of the vampire.

Remember that Eli abandoned Hakan for Oskar? Well, Oskar is basically now doomed to share that fate. No life, but in service to a vampire's literal bloodlust, to be discarded when no longer of any use.

The vampire that is Eli is far more in line with Dracula than even Gary Oldman's Dracula was.

You really need to read the book, along with the short story sequel, Let the Old Dreams Die.

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
I will someday. I'm going by the movie on its own.

I can see how you could come to that interpretation, but I never saw it that way even before I read the book and found out what happened to them after in the sequel. I always viewed it as primarily a love story.