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What do you want done to your corpse?

Which method?

  • Total voters


Revasser said:
Reanimated as a zombie and sent into the world as a shambling servant of evil.

Just look out for Shaun!


Jayhawker Soule

-- untitled --
Premium Member
I have family who cares deeply about me, and no amout of intellectual posturing will effectively short circuit the need to process and mourn. I only ask that they do so in a manner respectful of both my commitment to naturalism and their religious sensibilities. What is most important to me is that I be remembered honestly and that they heal with dignity.


Terrible Dancer
Maize said:
So basically more of the same...


With a bit more shambling and mindless hunger for brains and a bit less of my charming personality (though with enough preserved as to keep me among the more pleasant undead).


Well-Known Member
I want to be buried and actually return to the earth. I want a wooden casket that isn't lined with steel or concrete. Sadly, there are very few cemetaries where that is allowed.

EDIT: And yes, I want to donate all useful organs and such to save as many as I can. : hamster :


Not your average Mormon
It's My Birthday!
I didn't vote because I'm kind of undecided. My first thought was "cremation," but I'm not really firm in that. It is unusual for a Latter-day Saint to be cremated, but I have checked and it is not prohibited. I would actually prefer to leave the decision to my family. I'm not going to be around to know one way or the other, so I think I'd probably want them to do whatever brought them the most peace.

The main reason I'd prefer cremation is because I am bothered by the process of decay over a period of time. When a person is buried, he generally looks fairly "presentable" -- at least as presentable as is possible for a dead person. But every time I go to a cemetary, I can't help but wonder about the varying states of decay of the bodies buried there. I'd kind of just like to the the process over and done with. I don't think I'd want my ashes scattered somewhere, though. I'd rather have them in an urn or something. I know that seems morbid to some people, but I've had several pets cremated, and I just liked having there ashes in my home with me.

Feathers in Hair

World's Tallest Hobbit
I think Kat and Jay make great points- perhaps our best intention would be to let our families and loved ones heal by leaving the decision up to them.


Well-Known Member
Feathers said:
I think Kat and Jay make great points- perhaps our best intention would be to let our families and loved ones heal by leaving the decision up to them.
I think there should certainly be a dialogue about it before the time comes. If my family wishes to do differently, I obviously won't be able to do anything about it... but it is just important to me that my coffin be plain, wooden and allowed to decompose and that the grave marker be simple. My husband has no issue with my wishes, my daughter is too young to have input and I don't believe my parents and sisters would fight it... except to perhaps have me buried in Virginia, close to my family.


Active Member
Viking ship funeral. That or be buried under a tree as a marker. Oh and a big wake with all my family getting drunk and telling stories.


The Devil's Advocate
GeneCosta said:
What do you want done to your corpse?
What do I care, I'll be dead! :p

I'm signed up for organ donation. Other than that, whatever's cheapest and least harmful to the environment.

Mercy Not Sacrifice

Well-Known Member
GeneCosta said:
Besides that. :p

Honestly? If I were the last human on the earth to die, it wouldn't matter to me if my body were left for the wolves. But considering that there's a 99.999999% chance that that won't happen...

Funerals are for the survivors, not the deceased. They allow the living a chance to mourn. And I believe that a funeral should be done right, to give them an opportunity to grieve their losses.

In addition, I do believe in organ donation. I will have a clause written into my will to make damn sure I'm dead BEFORE plucking my eyes out, :p but once I'm 100% for-sure gone, my organs have better use for those who greatly need them. If that ****s up my body beyond decent condition for burial, oh well, I guess cremation is the way to go. Keep in mind that there's nothing functionally different about placing a dead body underground or feeding it too the wolves, aside from the obvious hygene issue.

Course, I'm pretty young and not married, so hopefully this is just contingency stuff for now. :eek:

Also, I hereby renounce any fascination with wolves or what they eat. :D


Well-Known Member
I want to be cremated and have my ashes either spread at the steps of CBGBs or across Darby Crash's grave.


Well-Known Member
Before I read the replies to this post, my automatic initial response to the question is that I prefer to be cremated. First off, I don't see the rationality of putting my family and friends through any trepidation over my dead body that's going to rot in the ground and turn to ashes anyhow. I think funerals are sensless and meaningless, I actually despise them. I believe that death is a beautiful concept and it shouldn't be mourned over. In addition to that, financial burden and my loved ones planning something that will end up being an upsetting experience for the most part is unecessary. Being concerned with that is the only reason that I fear death.
Edit: YES definitely organ donation!!:yes: