There's a series of questions that popped into my mind while I was thinking about belief and whether it is a choice. If it is a choice, then surely there is a way to achieve belief. So here's the questions:
In your religion, what does someone who doesn't believe have to do to believe?
Does this process take a long time?
If your belief involves god(s), do your god(s) reply back in a voice, a sign, or something else?
How do you know it to be real and not your imagination?
What if this person does everything but still doesn't believe?
You can answer the questions however you want, you can pick and chose the ones applicable or if the questions aren't quite right, you can explain your perspective.
I personally don't have any answers because I don't have a belief, per say but I'd love to hear from different religions. I am open to challenging my non-belief.
Edit: remembered some religions don't have gods or aren't so deity focused, so edited the questions to be more inclusive.
You seem to have in you what Christians believe that God put within man, when He created him, the desire to search for his maker. This is called Christian Existentialism.
The only way to get belief in the one and only True God is by reading and studying His words, in The Holy Scriptures, The Bible. To get belief, to believe, you must also pray to God in sincerity, because some do not really want to know truth, which is required by God, John 4:23,24, 1Corinthians 2:10. The Bibletells us that wicked people, who do not really want to know God, cannot understand His words, Daniel 12:9,10. When Jesus was on earth he spoke to many people in Parables, which, many times the did not understand. Jesus wanted all who really wanted to understand, to ask what the Parables meant, to show they really wanted to understand his teaching.
God does not want anyone to blindly believe, without proof, so He has put many things in the Bible that no one, at the time written, knew these things, such the shape of the earth, Job 26:7,10, Isaiah 40:22. The Mosaic Law Covenant was a protection for the Jews who were living in a dry climate, and would have died many times over had they eaten pork, not knowing how to keep it, even shrimp was not to be eaten.
Consider the Bible itself, written by about 40 men, all in complete harmony, even though written over about 1,600 years. Then think about all the powerful people in history who tried to destroy the Bible, and the ones who tried to keep it in languages that few understood, under punishment of death to translate the Bible so that anyone and everyone could read it for themselves. God, Himself promised to keep His words true in all generations, Psalms 12:6,7. All these things would be impossible, if God was not watching over His word!!
About showing your belief, the Bible gives us the greatest instructions, we must follow in Jesus’ footsteps, 1Peter 2:21. We must be DOERS of the word and not HEARERS only, James 1:22. Christianity is st up for the spread of the Gospel about Jesus and his Kingdom that will be set up very shortly.
If you study the Bible as Proverbs tells us, at Proverbs 2:1-9, you will trust in God and His son Jesus, because, as the Bible seems to say, the only way to everlasting life is through Jesus, Acts 4:9-12, John 14:6, 20:30,31.
There is one Scripture, that many call, The Gospel in Miniature, John 3:16, because so many truths are in this one Scripture.
If you take time to read and study the Chapters, Matthew 24, Mark 13, and Luke 21, you can understand that Jesus gave all this information about the time we are living in, as positive sign that Jesus is going to return to earth very soon, so it is vital that we get to know God and obey Jesus, so we can be allowed to live in that Paradise earth that Jesus will bring about, 2Thessalonians 1:6-10, Acts 17:31, Revelation 21:1-5. Agape!!!