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What does God the father look like?


Active Member
Most 'Arabs' aren't Arabs ethnically, they just speak Arabic.

Actual Arabs from the Arabian peninsular are ethnically different from Mediterranean 'Arabs' who are similar to Southern Europeans ancestrally.
But they're still "reasonably" white.?


In my opinion and experience he looks like a charming version Richard Nixon, with a big ear-to-ear grin.

This is how he is commonly portrayed though:
View attachment 24560 View attachment 24561

Thing is, God gets to choose what he looks like right? He could choose to be better looking than Leonardo Decrapio.

Why would he choose to be some senior citizen who never shaves?

No wonder Muslims don't allow depictions of God or Muhammad. You see what happens when you allow such things? :p

We found out the answer to this question back in the 1970s.

But they're still "reasonably" white.?

"White", "non-white" classifications of people are often very arbitrary and a bit pointless. Southern Europeans are considered 'white' like Northern Europeans, but are more closely related to many people who would be considered 'non-white' Middle Easterners than they are to Northern Europeans.

Blue = "Levantine" genetic origin (Southern European type 'white')
Green = "Arabian/East African" genetic origin ('brown')
Black = All other



Well-Known Member
The trickster-creator is a shape shifter. So God looks like any number of His messengers.
LOL! Well, I know a lot of Jews that don't look a thing like Jesus, but if He looks like Jesus, I'm fine with that. But Heaven forbid, He actually looks like something other than air. :eek:

Storm clouds! That's it. I heard God had a job once as a storm god.

Or is that just God's beard.


Nets of Wonder
I see a lot of creativity in this thread.

Sometimes He looks to me like the Wizard looked to Dorothy the first time she saw him.
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