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What does God the father look like?

Epic Beard Man

Bearded Philosopher
Okay but, it's a thread that I started, and I don't mind the topic of the thread changing. I didn't used to know that humans are Apes and how much we have in common with chimpanzees.

I find it an interesting topic of discussion but would rather not create a whole new thread about it, so this one is fine.

Ok. Whatever you say

Epic Beard Man

Bearded Philosopher
The proper thing to do is to acknowledge your error. Trolling is simply rude and also against the rules of the forum.

I don’t have to acknowledge anything and anyone is free to believe as they wish.

Stop being a child and move on. If I don’t accept what you say keep it pushing. I don’t but you even though I present verifiable proof. I am doing the exact thing you do towards me. Accept it and move on.

Epic Beard Man

Bearded Philosopher
Why can't you admit that you're wrong? I admit that I'm wrong and apologize all the time. I've seen you proven wrong on multiple threads, and not once have I seen you admit that you were ever wrong or errored in judgement.

I make fun of myself, but do not make fun of your heritage.

You accused me of insulting your heritage, when I criticized Muhammad for saying negative things about black faces. You find insults where there are none.

I was simply being critical of some poor judgment and insensitivity towards others in the Quran.

This has relevance to this thread based on some of the things you've posted here. Just please stop taking offense to things when there is nothing offensive about the remarks.

Admit what? You can present evidence from a thousand scientist I don’t have to accept it just as we deal with the issues concerning proof of God. It is my choice. Deal with it like you do everything else. I think you’re wrong with your hidden racial prejudices but I’m not going to incessantly bug you about it. It is what it is.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
I don’t have to acknowledge anything and anyone is free to believe as they wish.

Stop being a child and move on. If I don’t accept what you say keep it pushing. I don’t but you even though I present verifiable proof. I am doing the exact thing you do towards me. Accept it and move on.

You provided no "proof". I presented evidence for my claims. I could present more. Though you probably won't let yourself understand.

Of course part of your problem appears to be that you are an extremist. That sort of personality cannot afford to admit an error even though you make them quite often

Epic Beard Man

Bearded Philosopher
You provided no "proof". I presented evidence for my claims. I could present more. Though you probably won't let yourself understand.

Of course part of your problem appears to be that you are an extremist. That sort of personality cannot afford to admit an error even though you make them quite often

I never claimed to have proof I stated a belief. I can’t believe there are people with a mind of a child on here that want to continue fine, I’ll be the adult and ignore this stupid conversation. You may continue to respond to yourself.


Veteran Member
Admit what? You can present evidence from a thousand scientist I don’t have to accept it just as we deal with the issues concerning proof of God. It is my choice. Deal with it like you do everything else. I think you’re wrong with your hidden racial prejudices but I’m not going to incessantly bug you about it. It is what it is.
Just chill out and get along with everybody okay. You've called me an idiot and insulted me multiple times. I have actually given you many compliments. But it's all good in the hood.

Perhaps you should ask yourself why it's not healthy to be taking offense at everything. It isn't good for you. I understand that I do things that are not good for me, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong about this.

It's true, I've corrected you when you were wrong, but that doesn't qualify as insulting you (in my opinion).

Just get along with people. Stop taking life with such a heavy heart. I know I can be quite negative too, but I rarely let things get me angry, especially when there is no insults that are present.

Fine, have it your way. I'm an ape. I'm not going to say that you are too.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
I never claimed to have proof I stated a belief. I can’t believe there are people with a mind of a child on here that want to continue fine, I’ll be the adult and ignore this stupid conversation. You may continue to respond to yourself.

Amazing projection.

But just in case, unfounded beliefs can be shown to be wrong. When that occurs the adult action to take is to admit one's error.


Veteran Member
I never claimed to have proof I stated a belief. I can’t believe there are people with a mind of a child on here that want to continue fine, I’ll be the adult and ignore this stupid conversation. You may continue to respond to yourself.
You shut down and ignored me when I've proven you wrong on multiple threads.

The mature thing to do is admit you were mistaken. We are all human beings and have been mistaken many times. It's okay bro.

Yet, you were proven wrong, and now you just end the conversation without backing up your claims.

Yet you are the one telling us to grow up. Okay.... Whatever you say...:shrug:

Shia Islam

Quran and Ahlul-Bayt a.s.
Premium Member
In my opinion and experience he looks like a charming version Richard Nixon, with a big ear-to-ear grin.

This is how he is commonly portrayed though:
View attachment 24560 View attachment 24561

Thing is, God gets to choose what he looks like right? He could choose to be better looking than Leonardo Decrapio.

Why would he choose to be some senior citizen who never shaves?

No wonder Muslims don't allow depictions of God or Muhammad. You see what happens when you allow such things? :p

Here is my latest related SM post:

Wahhabis believe that Allah SWT is a very very big body with two real eyes, two big hands and face, literally sitting above the throne (Arsh). Their books are replete with explicit statements attesting to this. We have posted some evidences that this is their claim on our page (religioninform.com). On the contrary, the Hadiths of Ahlulbayt teaches us that Allah SWT is not a body, can't be seen, and we can't cognize his essence, whtever we imagine of him is something other than him, he is not a material thing, we must only describe him with what he has described himself with of his great attributes and beautiful names.

In the attached video, Adnan Ibrahim, the well known Palestinian Sunni scholar, admitted that "the Shiites .. are the farthest of all the creatures of God from believing that Allah has a body", in his Arabic words: الشيعة ..أبعد خلق الله عن التجسيم.

This is an important admission that must be spread so that people know better about the true beliefs of the Shiites.

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Veteran Member
Here is my latest related SM post:

Wahhabis believe that Allah SWT is a very very big body with two real eyes, two big hands and face, literally sitting above the throne (Arsh). Their books are replete with explicit statements attesting to this. We have posted some evidences that this is their claim on our page (religioninform.com). On the contrary, the Hadiths of Ahlulbayt teaches us that Allah SWT is not a body, can't be seen, and we can't cognize his essence, whtever we imagine of him is something other than him, he is not a material thing, we must only describe him with what he has described himself with of his great attributes and beautiful names.

In the attached video, Adnan Ibrahim, the well known Palestinian Sunni scholar, admitted that "the Shiites .. are the farthest of all the creatures of God from believing that Allah has a body", in his Arabic words: الشيعة ..أبعد خلق الله عن التجسيم.

This is an important admission that must be spread so that people know better about the true beliefs of the Shiites.

<iframe src="Facebook" width="560" height="420" style="border:none;overflow:hidden" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowTransparency="true" allowFullScreen="true"></iframe>
I've been praying a lot for Shiites. They've been persecuted for 1400 years. My hope is that Allah will finally end the conflict and convert the middle East to Shia Islam. The war has gone on far too long.

I'm praying for a miracle and hope that America will not harm Iran.

I'm also glad to see the government in Iraq is Shiite now. I'm also very pleased with how much Shiite Iran has grown in tolerance and freedom.

Now I wish America would stop supporting Saudi Arabia and their agenda to crush Shi'ite resistance to Sunni regimes and tyranny.

Thanks for informing me about the Shi'ite vision of Allah. If that is how they see it, I respect that! :)