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What does God the father look like?

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
Homo Sapiens are not apes but if you consider yourself to be one, be my guest.
Wrong, homo sapiens are apes. Think of it this way, chimps and us are more closely related to each other than either is to gorillas. Why would a chimp be an ape and not us?

More specifically we are great apes:

Hominidae - Wikipedia

But we are of course part of the larger group of apes which includes members of the gibbon family as well:

Ape - Wikipedia

And of course we belong to the group of Catarrhini which includes old world monkeys:

Catarrhini - Wikipedia

Enough of the links for now but the next group up would be simians which includes New World monkeys, and then primates which includes lemurs, tarsiers, etc. and so on.

Epic Beard Man

Bearded Philosopher
Wrong, homo sapiens are apes. Think of it this way, chimps and us are more closely related to each other than either is to gorillas. Why would a chimp be an ape and not us?

More specifically we are great apes:

Hominidae - Wikipedia

But we are of course part of the larger group of apes which includes members of the gibbon family as well:

Ape - Wikipedia

And of course we belong to the group of Catarrhini which includes old world monkeys:

Catarrhini - Wikipedia

Enough of the links for now but the next group up would be simians which includes New World monkeys, and then primates which includes lemurs, tarsiers, etc. and so on.

Whatever you say

Epic Beard Man

Bearded Philosopher
There is no dishonour in physically being an animal, so long as one doesn’t give in to the lower nature

There is a saying in the Qur'an (109:1-6):

Say: O disbelievers!
I worship not that which ye worship;
Nor worship ye that which I worship.
And I shall not worship that which ye worship.
Nor will ye worship that which I worship.
Unto you your religion, and unto me my religion.

This verse is poignant in my response to yours because as a Bahai, you ought to be aware that there are people in the world that do not believe as you, and I'm surprised that you would have this herd mentality along with everyone else who find it necessary to prove that humans are apes. I really don't care whether humans are related to apes. It's not detrimental in my life, and regardless whether I believe its true or not, its not even the point of this thread and to argue further is as ridiculous as my comment in response to yours but I find my ridiculous comment I'm making necessary to highlight how ridiculous and pointless trying to prove to me that humans are related to apes. THUS THE JEAN-LUC PICARD MEME



Veteran Member
In my opinion and experience he looks like a charming version Richard Nixon, with a big ear-to-ear grin.

This is how he is commonly portrayed though:
View attachment 24560 View attachment 24561

Thing is, God gets to choose what he looks like right? He could choose to be better looking than Leonardo Decrapio.

Why would he choose to be some senior citizen who never shaves?

No wonder Muslims don't allow depictions of God or Muhammad. You see what happens when you allow such things? :p

He looks like a Spirit, not a man, seven times brighter than the Sun.


Veteran Member
I'm literally just saying Ok. Whatever you say, you're the one that keeps responding. But dude just let it go

View attachment 24581
Okay but, it's a thread that I started, and I don't mind the topic of the thread changing. I didn't used to know that humans are Apes and how much we have in common with chimpanzees.

I find it an interesting topic of discussion but would rather not create a whole new thread about it, so this one is fine.


Veteran Member
Please, not me. That is the opinion of experts in the filed. Did you not understand that chimps are more closely related to us than to gorillas? And that chimps are much more more closely related to us than they are to orangutans?
I find it fascinating.


Veteran Member
Ok. Whatever you say.
Why can't you admit that you're wrong? I admit that I'm wrong and apologize all the time. I've seen you proven wrong on multiple threads, and not once have I seen you admit that you were ever wrong or errored in judgement.

I make fun of myself, but do not make fun of your heritage.

You accused me of insulting your heritage, when I criticized Muhammad for saying negative things about black faces. You find insults where there are none.

I was simply being critical of some poor judgment and insensitivity towards others in the Quran.

This has relevance to this thread based on some of the things you've posted here. Just please stop taking offense to things when there is nothing offensive about the remarks.