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What does God want from you?


Well-Known Member
More knowledge lives beyond the surface. Who understands flight while looking at a bird?

It's the same with Messengers of God. So much knowledge lives beyond the surface. Who can see? Who wants to see? Who wants to ignore that which stares them in the face? The knowledge surrounds us all. Free choice, will, a wide view, and open to all possibilities determine how good one's vision really is and how much goes over one's head.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!
That bird is showing you much much more than you realize. If you could only ask the wright brothers.

I'm sure one could Discover more about specific people you claim to be messengers. On the other hand, if the goal is to Discover the real truth about God, it is very clear those messengers do not really know God at all. All one must do to Discover this is to read their writings. I know you do not want what I said to be true but I can't change the facts.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!

Frank Goad

Well-Known Member
What if could have an out of body experience?And start to warp the world like in star trek?Like the Q?Like in hide and Q?:):cool:
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Well-Known Member
So what? Look at the cosmology of the bible, with a flat earth, immovably fixed at the center of creation, and the sky a hard dome to which the stars are attached such that if they come loose they'll fall to earth. No concept of gravity, orbits, satellites, planets, deep space, stars, galaxies, on and on.

Bit by bit we've arrived at what we know today. Who knows what else we'll know in another hundred years, and what present concepts have had to be modified or abandoned?

Don't be silly. Knowledge advances step by step. You can't go from flat earth to E=mc^2 in an afternoon.

Technical stuff, not theoretical stuff. They were developing ideas that others had already worked on and were working on. And of course whether they were the first to make a successful machine-powered flight is contested.

Why? Why not alter the rules of physics and make everyone Superman-like? God and Hans Christian Andersen and Mickey Mouse and the Marvel world and so on all have magic in common.
Come now, let's stay in the real world

Granted there is an almost limitless supply of knowledge to Discover surrounding us all. Further, building on the work of others can be a help, however depending solely on the work of others shows the lack of seeking and a lack of being open to all possibilities. Indeed, there is much to Discover. That's why I am sitting next to the Smartest Being I have yet to Discover to date. Sorry, I was not referring to you.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!

It Aint Necessarily So

Veteran Member
Premium Member
God never shows Himself. Why not?
The choices are that no gods exist, gods exist but are unaware of our existence, indifferent to it, or unable to modify it. Does it really matter which of those is correct? Such gods whether they exist or not are irrelevant, and having an answer to such a question would be useless.
God will give His children anything they want as long as it does not interfere with their lesson or the lessons of another.
That's a claim without support, and my experience has been contrary.
Let's refresh: I said: God, who would ever go out with that girl??????
God's reply: You, my son, YOU!!!!!

God gave me the answer without saying a word.
Be careful. Early in my Christian walk - first year, actually, while in the Army - I was sitting on the barracks steps one evening with my girlfriend, the Christian who brought me to Jesus, where I witnessed crepuscular rays piercing through the clouds, felt a frisson travel my spine, and thought that the Holy Spirit was guiding me to ask this woman to be my wife. So, I asked her, and we got married. Big mistake. You really don't want to be making decisions based in such notions.
God is teaching His children through the multilevel classroom of Life.
Or, we learn through experiencing the world with no gods needed or involved.
How long did mankind watch birds fly before they figured out how??? The knowledge was there all along staring them in the face?
No, the knowledge of how to fly came millennia after observing flight in the animal kingdom, and it didn't come from any deity.
It's a sad thing you can't get God to do exactly what you want!!
Not sad, but it is reason to disregard the notion of gods (apatheism) and reject the assorted promises (atheism). The god idea obviously is of some benefit to you, but not to me. I'm as comfortable living without it and without religion than I was with both until the seams of that religious belief began unraveling. Here's the rest of that story above:

It was experience that revealed to me that my intuition that I was experiencing the Holy Spirit during church services was false and that I was only experiencing my own mind, that is, mistaking endogenous experience with received or sensed information from without. The revelation came when I left my first congregation (I converted in the Army) upon discharge from the military, and a return home to another state. I tried a half dozen congregations, all of them dead by comparison. It was then and had stumbled upon a gifted and charismatic preacher. It was then that I realized that my experience wasn't of a spirit but the product of my own mind in the hands of a gifted, charismatic preacher. This led to my leaving the religion, a return to atheistic humanism, and a satisfying life.


Veteran Member
Without Seeking, can one really Discover anything?
Even Zephaniah 2:3 mentions seeking:
Seek God (discover through prayer and the pages of Scripture to maintain a warm personal relationship with Him )
Seek righteousness ( seeking to uphold God's standards )
Seek meekness ( humbly cultivating a submissive attitude in responding to God's will, His purpose for mankind )


Veteran Member
I'm sure one could Discover more about specific people you claim to be messengers. On the other hand, if the goal is to Discover the real truth about God, it is very clear those messengers do not really know God at all. All one must do to Discover this is to read their writings. I know you do not want what I said to be true but I can't change the facts.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!
I'm sure one could Discover more about specific people I claim to be messengers and if the goal is to Discover the real truth about God, it is very clear that those messengers are the ONLY ONES who know anything about God at all. All one must do to Discover this is to read their writings. I know you do not want what I said to be true but I can't change the facts.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!


Veteran Member
Come now, let's stay in the real world
Granted there is an almost limitless supply of knowledge to Discover surrounding us all. Further, building on the work of others can be a help, however depending solely on the work of others shows the lack of seeking and a lack of being open to all possibilities. Indeed, there is much to Discover........
The ' real world ' was the paradisical Garden of Eden.
We can't get in the ' real world ' because of father Adam's downfall keeping us out.
On the other hand, Jesus is the one who will bring us, restore us, to the real world of Eden.
First, the passing of time has allowed for us to be born and think who we would like as Sovereign over us.
Earth would have to be populated before Jesus will take action - Genesis 1:28; Isaiah 11:3-4; Rev. 19:14-15
So, this now real world of badness whose ' god ' is Satan - 2nd Corinthians 4:4 - is nearing its final curtain.
Soon the sun will rise on the coming Millennium-Long Day of Jesus governing over Earth for a thousand years.
The ' figurative sheep ' of Matthew 25:31-34,37 will be here to see calendar Day One of Jesus' millennial reign over Earth.
Jesus will have subjects/ citizens from sea to sea - Psalm 72:8, 12-14
These can gain everlasting life on Earth -> the coming ' real world of righteousness ' on Earth forever and ever.

Frank Goad

Well-Known Member
I'm sure one could Discover more about specific people I claim to be messengers and if the goal is to Discover the real truth about God, it is very clear that those messengers are the ONLY ONES who know anything about God at all. All one must do to Discover this is to read their writings. I know you do not want what I said to be true but I can't change the facts.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!
In a book called why so many gods Its tell you everything about the tao and the aftferlife.It' by thomas nelson.It tells you all the jesus stuff about the afterlife.:)

blü 2

Veteran Member
Premium Member
Come now, let's stay in the real world

Granted there is an almost limitless supply of knowledge to Discover surrounding us all. Further, building on the work of others can be a help, however depending solely on the work of others shows the lack of seeking and a lack of being open to all possibilities. Indeed, there is much to Discover. That's why I am sitting next to the Smartest Being I have yet to Discover to date. Sorry, I was not referring to you.
Well, there's no accounting for taste, they say.

Me, I'll stay in reality.

Though come to think of it, there's a great opportunity for you to clean up here ─ get God to dictate the proof of Riemann's Hypothesis to you. There's a respectable prize attached to the first person to do that.

And it sounds less ─ ahm, vulgar ─ than asking God for next week's Powerball numbers, because it would represent an advance in mathematics, though heck, if [he]'s in a good mood, you might as well try your luck with that for seconds.

Let me know how it goes.


We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
OK. God creates the universe and God creates you. What does God want from you?

If you are an atheist, speculate. If God really exists and creates the universe and God creates you. What does God want from you?

Before you just give a quick answer, consider a Being capable of creating the universe and you has to be very very smart. Consider High Intellect with your answers. Make God's answer High Intellect.
He wanted to be known so created us to know Him. This is from an Islamic tradition and makes a lot of sense to me.

I was a Hidden Treasure; I loved to be known, so I created the creation in order to be known.

And Baha’u’llah says:

O SON OF MAN! I loved thy creation, hence I created thee. Wherefore, do thou love Me, that I may name thy name and fill thy soul with the spirit of life.

Clizby Wampuscat

Well-Known Member
You do not understand me. Each person decides for themselves. If I wanted to get you to believe, I would give you a sales pitch. I do not want you to believe.
Actually you would just need to give me good evidence. If you had it I bet you would give it to me.
I copy God. I place truth in the world. What people choose to do with truth is entirely up to them. If you want to value beliefs instead of what is, that is your choice to make, not mine. Your journey has never been up to me.
Beliefs are just what you are convinced is true. That means I value truth and what is. You use the word belief as believing without evidence, That is not what it means.
Look around you. Isn't this what God is really doing around us all? It is mankind who serves up Beliefs. It is mankind who wants you to value Beliefs above all else. You decide the path you take and why. It is not up to me.
Like I said my beliefs are based on good evidence. How do I know what God is doing around me? Where is the good evidence God is doing something. All you are doing is saying there is all this "truth" around you but then do not want to show me how you know it is truth. I can tell you why I have my beliefs, you can't or won't.