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What does God want from you?


Veteran Member
Huh? So when a calculator is presented with 2+2 and it responds with 4, you think it is making a choice? I think it is, but I am surprised that you do.
Isn't a calculator programmed ? It can't make a choice outside of its programming. It does Not have the free-will choice to change anything.


Well-Known Member
Isn't a calculator programmed ? It can't make a choice outside of its programming. It does Not have the free-will choice to change anything.
I get that. But you are still saying that it is making aa choice, right? Just not a choice made with free will.

Or do you think that all choices are made with free will?

Basically, I am trying to figure out if when you say "free-will choice" If the "free will" part means anything that the word "choice" does not already convey.


Well-Known Member
Like I said ─ God never appears, never says, never does.

And is only one of many gods, all sharing those qualities.

Of course. All mammals ─ all critters ─ have life-plans built into their bodies.

Humans are smart, I know. That's why they play golf, and bridge, and make the casino owners and the gambling companies very rich.

In your case that seems to be the fact. Whether you're loyal to your chosen dream, or lasciviously dreaming around, only you know.

Now now!

More like, you get to copy their homework. If they're smarter, chances are they'll still be smarter when you're both 60.

The record says otherwise. Prayers are answered at a rate indistinguishable from chance, information is not provided on demand, effective sympathy in the form of cures, rescues, provisions of food or money, all have to be provided by humans. Realistically it's exactly like, godwise, there's no one there.

What makes sense when compared with reality is the observation that the world proceeds exactly as if gods existed solely as concepts and things imagined in individual brains.
Ah but are you really looking? How long did mankind watch birds fly before they figured out how? Wasn't it all staring everyone in the face?

I see you are making a few observations. Very good!! On the other hand, that is just the beginning. You must work at Discovering Why. What purpose does adversity serve? God never shows Himself. Why not? Could there be a good reason? Why helps to paint the picture that leads to understanding.

I am not going to steal anyone's homework. I am going to be asking a million questions. I am also going to be their best friend. Since many very smart people, lacking social skills, have few friends we can both learn from each other.

Where do you get your statistics on Prayer? Do you really know exactly what is said?
God will give His children anything they want as long as it does not interfere with their lesson or the lessons of another. Plug that into your statistics and how does it look then?

Prayer can be as simple as a thought. God hears all whether one thinks He does or not. Let me tell you a story. It was a beautiful spring day in my youth. I went to the park. On a park bench I saw the fattest lady I had ever seen. She seemed so ugly to me. This is where I made my first mistake. I said : God, who would ever go out with that girl??????

Well, a week or so went by and I was getting these strange phone calls at night. Nothing was said on the other line. After getting several calls through the next week, I was getting very little sleep. I finally said to my caller: At least breathe!!! Well, this girl started talking. After a week or two of talking at a decent hour, we decided to go on a blind date. When I arrived at her house, she was standing in the doorway looking for me as I arrived. To my surprise it was the same girl that was on the park bench that day.

Let's refresh: I said: God, who would ever go out with that girl??????
God's reply: You, my son, YOU!!!!!

God gave me the answer without saying a word. Did I get the message? Have many lessons did I learn from God and from the interaction with this young lady? Too many to count!!

God does hear it all. Be very careful what you ask for. You just might get it!!

That's what I see. It's very clear!!


Well-Known Member
Again, why should I believe your view of faith over another persons differing view about faith?
You do not understand me. Each person decides for themselves. If I wanted to get you to believe, I would give you a sales pitch. I do not want you to believe.

I copy God. I place truth in the world. What people choose to do with truth is entirely up to them. If you want to value beliefs instead of what is, that is your choice to make, not mine. Your journey has never been up to me.

Look around you. Isn't this what God is really doing around us all? It is mankind who serves up Beliefs. It is mankind who wants you to value Beliefs above all else. You decide the path you take and why. It is not up to me.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!


Well-Known Member
Yes, free-willed choices does require for oneself instead of what others want.
Jesus chose to use his free-will choice to Not do what others want but to do what his God required of humankind.
Along the journey everyone will either end up as a figurative 'sheep' or 'goat' - Matthew 25:31-34,37
God is teaching His children through the multilevel classroom of Life. God has no requirements. Each will learn through their free choices. No child is better or worse than another. Each child is at a different level of knowledge and understanding. A sheep or a Goat, it is all the same. It isn't God who claims one better than another.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!

blü 2

Veteran Member
Premium Member
Ah but are you really looking? How long did mankind watch birds fly before they figured out how? Wasn't it all staring everyone in the face?
The understanding of flight, for insects, spiders, possums, birds, bats &c arises from observation and experiment. Hot air devices were used for military signaling in the 3rd century CE, we have rockets by the 13th century, Da Vinci left us some early sketches and ideas, humans have flown in balloons since the 18th century, the Wright brothers (or just maybe Richard Pearse) finally got heavier than air into the air, the first piloted rocket planes flew before 1930 ─ and so on. A whole lot of people were continually doing a whole lot of figuring, apparently while you weren't looking.
Where do you get your statistics on Prayer? Do you really know exactly what is said?
If the supernatural is (contrary to its name) real, then it's a resource we should be putting to work. Why not simply tell me ─ tell us all ─ a repeatable and reliable method by which prayers of all kinds are at once miraculously answered? I couldn't find one on YouTube but no doubt you have just such a thing regardless. Before midday tomorrow, world peace, and global warming solved, and a parking space available every time I arrive at the mall ─ yeah, bring it on !


Well-Known Member
Nobody has to be "really looking" to see that birds exist.
Do they have to be really looking to understand how birds fly????
Does one have to be really looking in order to see the actions of God? Granted a Spiritual Being may not be seen as a physical bird. however the results of their actions can equally be seen. Of course, the magnitude and diversity of God's actions will take more time and effort, however ,just like the bird, nothing is being hidden.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!


Well-Known Member
Nor do they have to look very hard to see that @Bird123 exists.
More knowledge lives beyond the surface. Who understands flight while looking at a bird?

It's the same with Bird123. So much knowledge lives beyond the surface. Who can see? Who wants to see? Who wants to ignore that which stares them in the face? The knowledge surrounds us all. Free choice , will, a wide view, and open to all possibilities determine how good one's vision really is and how much goes over one's head.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!


Believer in God
Premium Member
God creates the universe and God creates you. What does God want from you?
Since I believe that God is the universe and the universe is God and that God is also rational and that it is rational to want to be happy I'd say God wants his humans to all be happy as our happiness is his happiness.


Well-Known Member
The understanding of flight, for insects, spiders, possums, birds, bats &c arises from observation and experiment. Hot air devices were used for military signaling in the 3rd century CE, we have rockets by the 13th century, Da Vinci left us some early sketches and ideas, humans have flown in balloons since the 18th century, the Wright brothers (or just maybe Richard Pearse) finally got heavier than air into the air, the first piloted rocket planes flew before 1930 ─ and so on. A whole lot of people were continually doing a whole lot of figuring, apparently while you weren't looking.

If the supernatural is (contrary to its name) real, then it's a resource we should be putting to work. Why not simply tell me ─ tell us all ─ a repeatable and reliable method by which prayers of all kinds are at once miraculously answered? I couldn't find one on YouTube but no doubt you have just such a thing regardless. Before midday tomorrow, world peace, and global warming solved, and a parking space available every time I arrive at the mall ─ yeah, bring it on !
You assume so much. Do the efforts of mankind change what I said? How long did mankind watch birds fly before they figured out how??? The knowledge was there all along staring them in the face? What is it that the wright brothers saw that changed everything?

If God wanted mankind to fly, God would have given mankind wings. The Wright brothers were open to all possibilities. They had will and a wide view. They worked at trying to Discover what actually is instead of what they wanted it to be. They essentially copied the flight dynamics of a bird then transferred this in scale to a much larger apparatus.

Let's not forget the bravery to actually fly the first planes. How many are brave enough to venture into undiscovered country in order to Discover the truth that Mankind can fly. God has never restricted man's capabilities. The knowledge had been placed around us all. It merely waited to be Discovered. What else is waiting to be Discovered? I point to God, Himself!!

Do you really expect to find all the information and knowledge to be on YouTube??

Me! Me! Me! It's a sad thing you can't get God to do exactly what you want!! Are you looking for the why not or are you just angry you can't have your way. How about this? You and God have different goals. You want to have it made. God wants to educate His children.

Is having it made really the best for you? If you had it made, you would just enjoy the ride. What would you learn? How could you acquire Wisdom? How could you even know what is good and what is bad? You would be so lacking in so many ways.

I have a wonderful friend whose son would not get a job. He did nothing all day but eat and play video games. She loved her son so she tried to give her son everything he wanted. Was that the best thing for her son? Isn't that what you want God to do?

I told this lady to lock the fridge and feed her son nothing but beans and rice. You will keep her son alive but he will get a job just to buy and eat the junk food. She was like you and blind to what was really best for her son. She would not do as I suggested. The results: at 40 years old, her son had a massive heart attack caused by clogged arteries due to bad eating and virtually no exercise. Can't get much exercise just walking to the fridge and back eating and playing video games all day. This poor lady cried and cried. Unconditional Love does what is best for the other not just give them everything they want just to have it made.

Still want Me! Me! Me!??
God is working on multiple levels with multiple views. I have seen this. Picture all the possible combinations of say 8 billion people and all the issues and combinations of interaction going on. There is a lot to know before one can choose to make the best choice for everyone. Remember, making judgment calls with a limited view and knowledge leads to bad calls.

All the problems will be solved once the lessons are learned. Case in point: How many diseases have disappeared? The lesson was learned now they are gone. New diseases pop up from nowhere. Why? It's the next lesson in a long line of lessons that will bring Great knowledge and Wisdom to God's children. WE are on the path of learning how to create a Heavenly state for ourselves and others. I'm afraid there are no shortcuts regardless of how badly one want to have it made.

Learn the Lessons. Be the Hungry student. As I see it, that is the quickest way to actually move forward and really Discover what it takes to create a Heavenly state for oneself and others.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!


Well-Known Member
Do they have to be really looking to understand how birds fly????
Who cares? The existence of birds can be demonstrated to me even if I am not looking for birds. No discussion about how they do bird stuff is required. Can you demonstrate the existence of your god without my looking for it? Without discussion of your god alleged actions?

No. No you cannot.


Veteran Member
More knowledge lives beyond the surface. Who understands flight while looking at a bird?

It's the same with Bird123. So much knowledge lives beyond the surface. Who can see? Who wants to see? Who wants to ignore that which stares them in the face? The knowledge surrounds us all. Free choice , will, a wide view, and open to all possibilities determine how good one's vision really is and how much goes over one's head.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!
More knowledge lives beyond the surface. Who understands flight while looking at a bird?

It's the same with Messengers of God. So much knowledge lives beyond the surface. Who can see? Who wants to see? Who wants to ignore that which stares them in the face? The knowledge surrounds us all. Free choice, will, a wide view, and open to all possibilities determine how good one's vision really is and how much goes over one's head.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!

blü 2

Veteran Member
Premium Member
You assume so much. Do the efforts of mankind change what I said? How long did mankind watch birds fly before they figured out how???
So what? Look at the cosmology of the bible, with a flat earth, immovably fixed at the center of creation, and the sky a hard dome to which the stars are attached such that if they come loose they'll fall to earth. No concept of gravity, orbits, satellites, planets, deep space, stars, galaxies, on and on.

Bit by bit we've arrived at what we know today. Who knows what else we'll know in another hundred years, and what present concepts have had to be modified or abandoned?

The knowledge was there all along staring them in the face?
Don't be silly. Knowledge advances step by step. You can't go from flat earth to E=mc^2 in an afternoon.

What is it that the wright brothers saw that changed everything?
Technical stuff, not theoretical stuff. They were developing ideas that others had already worked on and were working on. And of course whether they were the first to make a successful machine-powered flight is contested.

If God wanted mankind to fly, God would have given mankind wings.
Why? Why not alter the rules of physics and make everyone Superman-like? God and Hans Christian Andersen and Mickey Mouse and the Marvel world and so on all have magic in common.


Well-Known Member
Since I believe that God is the universe and the universe is God and that God is also rational and that it is rational to want to be happy I'd say God wants his humans to all be happy as our happiness is his happiness.
Your rely makes me want to ask you the Question. Are you Happy??? If not, why not? Happiness is no more than a Choice.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!


Well-Known Member
Who cares? The existence of birds can be demonstrated to me even if I am not looking for birds. No discussion about how they do bird stuff is required. Can you demonstrate the existence of your god without my looking for it? Without discussion of your god alleged actions?

No. No you cannot.
Without Seeking, can one really Discover anything?