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What does God want from you?

Clizby Wampuscat

Well-Known Member
What if what God wants has never been what it's all about? Is that really negligent if what God wants doesn't matter?

God is Unconditional Love. The time-based causal nature of the universe is perfect for learning. This universe was never created for God. It was created for us.

Life is the education of God's children. Our actions and choices show God and the world what we know and what we need to Learn. They, alone determine our lessons. What is there to figure out? Be who you must. It's a part of the plan!! Choose freely and you will Discover what your choices and actions really mean. It's a journey to great knowledge and wisdom.

WE are not left without help. How long did mankind watch birds fly before they figured out how? God places knowledge around us all. It waits to be Discovered. One can even Discover all about God with some effort.

Adversity and challenges can be challenging. On the other hand, knowledge and wisdom is acquired along the journey to resolution. If one absolutely needs help, it will show up from somewhere. This does not mean it will be done for us. God and mankind have different goals. Mankind wants to have it made. God wants us to acquire Great Knowledge and Wisdom. Very little is learned from got it made.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!
This is all well and good but why should I believe you over another person's ideas about god?

CG Didymus

Veteran Member
A Baha'i believes whatever the Baha'i Faith tells them to believe.
Okay, let me reword that... A person that becomes a Baha'i should listen to and follow all the teachings of the Baha'i Faith, because it is believed by Baha'is, to be the very word of God. If they don't believe it, then why in the %#$^ are they Baha'is?


Jesus in me
Actually there is a step before that which you are ignoring because it doesnt suit your narrative in my view.

If you accepted what the priests of Huitzilopochtli judged as true and rejected what the priesthood of Huitzilopochtli judged as false you would reject Christianity and claim it was God doing the judging in my view.

This clearly demonstrates that before acceptance of your god's judgement you had to reject acceptance of Huzipochtli which required judgement of Huitzilopochtli on your part as false in my opinion.

That is simply you ascribing your own judgement of the gods to your god as i see it.
I believe I don't know why I would take an a priori view that the H guy was worth listening to when it is God I listen to. So if God says he speaks truth then he does but if not then he does not.

I believe that is false.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
I believe I don't know why I would take an a priori view that the H guy was worth listening to when it is God I listen to. So if God says he speaks truth then he does but if not then he does not.

I believe that is false.
I believe the voice in your head is simply regurgitating your indoctrinated biases.

I believe a competent psychiatrist could assist you to see the voice in your head is false.


Veteran Member
I see. It's very interesting, don't you think, that the "first human" (according to the Bible) was born when there were already civilizations. It is known, now, that our species is at least 200,000 years old -- but I'm guessing you don't consider them "human" in quite the same way you see Jesus and yourself as human. But what about the people living in Australia at least 50,000 BCE (and possibly as much as 80,000 BCE)? How about the people who created the oldest known civilization in China, the Jiahu, who were extant from about 7,000 BCE to 5,700 BCE? Were they, likewise, not "quite human?"
I'm sure you see my problem -- we have excellent archaeological evidence of what look to be very much like humans all over the world (except Antarctica) before the time the Bible claims Adam was born, so of course I have to assume that they weren't the descendants of Adam. (Oh, unless, like Merlin, he "grows backwards" or "youthens instead of ages.")
Do you have any explanations for this slight anomaly?
Also, here we are, with the most advanced science in the history of the world, helping people to live longer and longer lives, the average lifespan having increased beyond what it has ever been in history, and yet the best we can do (as in the case of Jeanne Calumet of France) is 122 years and 164 days. It seems quite a feat, therefore, for Adam to have live more than 7 1/2 times as long, doesn't it?
I'm sure you can see, I'm just looking for a little help understanding the discrepancies that, to me at least, seem so glaringly obvious.
Yes, many think as the ^ above ^ but I am posting about Adam that if Adam had Not broken the law of the land of Eden Adam would still be alive today.
God granted everlasting life on Earth to humans. Earth was never originally meant to be a stepping stone to anywhere else.
As far as dating things way back before the Flood, that will be known during Jesus' Millennium-Long Day governing over Earth for a thousand years.
Advanced science can Never stop the cause of death -> which is sin - Romans 6:23
No sin is what will equal No death. Jesus will undo death - 1st Corinthians 15:24-26
Resurrected people will have sound happy-and-healthy physical bodies.
( only some people like those of Luke 22:28-30 will have a heavenly resurrection )
I realize this does Not help with the discrepancies you posted, but to me the world scene today is showing the pattern found at 2nd Chronicles chapter 20.
Daily the odds are growing against those called as Christians.
Just as in the " Valley of Jehoshaphat " the nations, coalition of nations, will come together to close ranks. This time first against Christendom.
With backing the United Nations can be strengthen to become God's modern-day arm of the law to get rid of troubled-filled religion.
However, the odds are Not up to chance for the figurative 'sheep' mentioned at Matthew 25:31-34,37.
So, even if the ancient past poses questions there will be No question as to the coming future.


Veteran Member
First of all, it's better to say Allah rather than God, one more thing is important God always be written with a capitalized G, not with a small g. Now come to the question, In my opinion, Allah ordered everyone to be a human with good character. Allah sent us into the world to do worship and live like his messenger Hazrat Muhammad SAW. It's also compulsory to stand with Palestine against Israeli genocide. If you see Allah name anywhere say thanks to him for giving you parents and everything to be alive.
On a side note, as far as the Bible goes, it is better than the title God/god or Lord/lord but God's personal name as found in the King James Bible at Psalm 83:18 translated into English as: Jehovah from the Hebrew Tetragrammaton YHWH.


Veteran Member
You do not understand. God is Unconditional Love. This time-based causal universe is perfect for learning. This universe is not for God. It is all for US!!!
It doesn't matter what everyone else does. It's what you choose to do that counts!!! That's what generates your lessons.
God loves all His children even those some have labeled as evil. In time, all God's children will acquire Great Knowledge and Great Wisdom............
When I say God I am referring to the God of the Bible.
Sure God loves everyone, but as you posted above " It's what you choose to do that counts !!! "
This is why we find the word " if " at 1st John 1:7. " IF we walk......."
This is why Jesus' ransom sacrifice covers MANY and does Not say ALL at Matthew 20:28; Mark 10:45.
MANY prove false - Matthew 7:21-23


Well-Known Member

That may be because the recipe has been duly followed, that may mean I don't like the recipe's ingredient X or procedure Y, that may mean I can't be bothered too. Especially if I'm very intelligent, then I'm very efficient, and do exactly enough and no more to achieve whatever it is I want.

It isn't me, it's God who wants to get to the Golf Club (whether the course or the club house). [He]'s done what [he] wanted to do, already knows everything that will happen as a result, why should he hang around?

No, I'm not grumbling, I'm not complaining, I'm not refusing to act. I'm getting on with my life.

You're the one with the God hang-up. Why aren't you getting with your life instead of dreaming around?
Can you be so sure there is no reason for God to hang around? What makes you think God is not around?

Getting on with your life??? Great, there is Purpose!! There are Goals!!

Is God really a hangup?? Am I really dreaming around?? Are you no more than a Dream?

Question? What happens when one sits next to the smartest kid in the class??? Anyone? Anyone? Some of those smarts rub off on one. Would not the smartest thing one could do is to hang around God? As long as I am learning, growing and advancing ever forward, this hungry student will get as close as possible to the Brains!!.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!


Well-Known Member
This is all well and good but why should I believe you over another person's ideas about god?
Ah, religion has corrupted your thinking. It has never ever been about BELIEVING!!!! It's about Discovering what Is. I do not want anyone to believe me. I point to where one can Discover for oneself.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!


Well-Known Member
When I say God I am referring to the God of the Bible.
Sure God loves everyone, but as you posted above " It's what you choose to do that counts !!! "
This is why we find the word " if " at 1st John 1:7. " IF we walk......."
This is why Jesus' ransom sacrifice covers MANY and does Not say ALL at Matthew 20:28; Mark 10:45.
MANY prove false - Matthew 7:21-23
Learning through free choices requires one chooses for oneself instead of what others want.
Religion can create a We are Good. They are Bad. This encourages people to value so many of those petty things mankind holds so dear. This will never bring the Best results.

It is an US!!

Unconditional Love is the path. Regardless of your choices, all my choices will be what is Best for you. Of course, that does not mean give you everything you want, now does it? Along this journey, everyone will learn and grow.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!

blü 2

Veteran Member
Premium Member
Can you be so sure there is no reason for God to hang around? What makes you think God is not around?
Like I said ─ God never appears, never says, never does.

And is only one of many gods, all sharing those qualities.
Getting on with your life??? Great, there is Purpose!! There are Goals!!
Of course. All mammals ─ all critters ─ have life-plans built into their bodies.

Humans are smart, I know. That's why they play golf, and bridge, and make the casino owners and the gambling companies very rich.

Is God really a hangup?? Am I really dreaming around??
In your case that seems to be the fact. Whether you're loyal to your chosen dream, or lasciviously dreaming around, only you know.

Are you no more than a Dream?
Now now!

Question? What happens when one sits next to the smartest kid in the class??? Anyone? Anyone? Some of those smarts rub off on one.
More like, you get to copy their homework. If they're smarter, chances are they'll still be smarter when you're both 60.

Would not the smartest thing one could do is to hang around God?
The record says otherwise. Prayers are answered at a rate indistinguishable from chance, information is not provided on demand, effective sympathy in the form of cures, rescues, provisions of food or money, all have to be provided by humans. Realistically it's exactly like, godwise, there's no one there.

What makes sense when compared with reality is the observation that the world proceeds exactly as if gods existed solely as concepts and things imagined in individual brains.


Veteran Member
Learning through free choices requires one chooses for oneself instead of what others want.
Religion can create a We are Good. They are Bad. This encourages people to value so many of those petty things mankind holds so dear. This will never bring the Best results.
It is an US!!
Unconditional Love is the path. Regardless of your choices, all my choices will be what is Best for you. Of course, that does not mean give you everything you want, now does it? Along this journey, everyone will learn and grow.
Yes, free-willed choices does require for oneself instead of what others want.
Jesus chose to use his free-will choice to Not do what others want but to do what his God required of humankind.
Along the journey everyone will either end up as a figurative 'sheep' or 'goat' - Matthew 25:31-34,37


Well-Known Member
Yes, free-willed choices does require for oneself instead of what others want.
Jesus chose to use his free-will choice to Not do what others want but to do what his God required of humankind.
Along the journey everyone will either end up as a figurative 'sheep' or 'goat' - Matthew 25:31-34,37
What is a non free will choice?