God is not literally sitting on a Throne. Sitting on a Throne is just symbolic for God's Sovereignty.
God is not Controlling anyone. God gave man free will to make his own choices.
God Ruling and Controlling is not what mankind values and wants. Mankind wants to do what they want to do.
It is true that God's attributes are reflected in His creation, that is a Baha'i belief, but you don't know God's actions and choices by looking at His creation.
God's actions are altered only by God. If man alters the holy books they are no longer holy.
What you see is according to your perception and the same applies to me. You see a Masterpiece because you believe the world is a Masterpiece. I see God's Masterpiece and the mess man has made out of the Masterpiece.
I get my knowledge 'about God' from the Holy Books because that is where it is. There is nothing Easy about it.
Learning and Discovering does not stop just because people read holy books and accept what is written in them. There is always more to be Discovered and that is Discovered by living life and learning through experiences, not by reading books.
No, everything we need to Know is not contained in books, be they holy books or any other books. We need to live and make choices in order to learn. That is the purpose of this earthly existence. I have learned quite a few hard lessons and I am sure more are on their way.
That's what I see. It's very clear!!
When one understands God, God's system, and what God is really doing, the view changes. One can see clearly that holy books do not reflect God. So much that is said about God simply isn't true whether one chooses to believe or not.
God is at a Higher Level. God is above the petty things mankind holds so dear. Look at holy books. Do they incorporate petty things like: Blaming, Judging, Condemning, Hating, Ruling, Controlling, Anger, Wrath, Manipulation, Intimidating, Threatening, Coercing, WE against They, Punish, Revenge, Pay Back, and so many other things??? Are you really Flawed from birth? Don't you see that these petty things reflect those who do not understand these petty things will never ever bring the best results nor any Heavenly state for anyone.
This world IS a Masterpiece, including the people. In a multilevel classroom, one will see others learning lessons one has already learned. One says: I could never choose to do that. For those who must watch, it is a reminder of what the true answers really are.
Choose: Is this the time to say We against they? Is this the time to label others as evil? Is this the time to Blame, Anger, Payback, and Hate? Does that Solve the problems? Doesn't it just generate more bad things? What is being taught to the children watching? How many kids relish Payback?
This is the time to set the petty things aside and work at Fixing the problems. Is this world a mess? This world is the Fix. Every day people are Discovering the results of themselves choosing those petty things mankind holds so dear. When one Understands all sides, Intelligence will make the best choices. When one chooses not to incorporate those petty things mankind holds so dear, then works at Fixing the problems, the goodness and results will return. Sadly, so many have been taught to value those petty things that they are blind to even see what the real problems are.
How long did mankind watch birds fly before they figured out how? How long will mankind teach and choose those petty things before enough knowledge returns and they understand how to Fly?
Petty things are taught by Religion and society alike. The so called mess Is the Masterpiece!!! It leads to a Higher Level. There is no time limit on learning and growing. Step by step, choice, by choice, lesson by lesson all God's children will make it to a Higher Level, all within their own free choices. Yes, pretty Remarkable!!!
The Mess is High Intelligence!! Feel free to choose your own path and beliefs. Choosing is an important part of God's system. Real Learning and Growing never happens without one's free choice. I merely place the truth out there to be seen. Each must choose and walk their own path. I but merely point!!
That's what I see. It's very clear!!