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What does God want from you?


Well-Known Member
Absolutely. I already know what I think gives rise to god belief. I just don't think it is God as a mighty person-like creation engineer or afterlife amusement part manager. The sacred is the sacred, it just isn't the trademarked property of any religious institution.
Religion is mankind's attempt to understand God. I have found no religion that really understands God at all. Further, so much is said about God that simply isn't true. The example description you give clearly demonstrates that.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!


Well-Known Member
What is your guess about last level ?
This physical time-based causal universe is perfect for Learning, however there will come a time when one no longer requires the physical. From here there is still more to learn, just the limits of being bound by the physical laws of the universe are not needed.

Eternity has purpose. There is always something to do. When one reaches the point of understanding it all, there is more one can do. One can teach.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!


This physical time-based causal universe is perfect for Learning, however there will come a time when one no longer requires the physical. From here there is still more to learn, just the limits of being bound by the physical laws of the universe are not needed.

Eternity has purpose. There is always something to do. When one reaches the point of understanding it all, there is more one can do. One can teach.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!
OP asks the question: What does God want from you ?
Now taking your above reply into consideration, if I answer: God want you to teach.

What do you think ? is this the correct answer for this ? :)


Veteran Member
Bored???? There is a simple solution. Do something!!

Interaction is a key part of God's system. If one refuses, one gets lonely and bored.

Hmmm??? How does that work? I would say pretty well!!

That's what I see. It's very clear!!
Do you read the posts you reply to? It doesn't sound like it.

I didn't say "i" was bored.

Messianic Israelite

Active Member
Ok, Good answer but I have questions.
Is this an Intelligence way of doing things? Will playing favorites really bring the best results?
What are you teaching the kiddies by playing favorites?
What talents will be missing that simply obedience children might be missing?
Are these actions of a Being at a Higher Level? If you say yes, how? I couldn't even to that to my kids.

I think you greatly underestimate God. God is at a Higher Level above all the petty things mankind holds so dear. As such, all those kiddies must make it.

OK, pick your best people. Place them in a Heavenly state. How long would it be before that Heavenly state would not be Heavenly? 10 minutes maybe, being generous??

How about this: God creates a time-based causal universe because it is Perfect for learning. God returns our actions back to us, not as a punishment but to teach us what our choices really mean. When one understands all sides, Intelligence will make the best choices. Life is the education of God's children.

There is too much learning for one mere lifetime, but what else are you doing for eternity? Given enough time and lessons, one will learn what the best choices really are from experiencing all sides. One also will learn to Love Unconditionally. After all, that is what one wants returning. One will reach a time when that causal time-based physical body will no longer be required. One will be able to create a Heavenly state for oneself and others. We will be there long past 10 minutes.

With this system, there is no need for Judging, Hating, Condemning, Anger, Wrath, Intimidating, Coercing, Manipulating, Controlling, Ruling, We against they, Good or Evil and all those petty things mankind holds so dear. Take all that garbage out and it leaves High Intelligence at a Higher Level, Unconditional Love.

God hides nothing. Look around, God is working on multiple levels with multiple views. There is a lot going on around us to see.

Yes, I would say God created us all. God just isn't through with the process just yet. Learning and growing takes time and lessons. There is a lot to Learn!!

Like I said. I think most underestimate God. God is creating a True Heavenly State all through our own free choices. Ah yes, Education at it's best. We are Living our Lessons!!

That's what I see. It's very clear!!
Hi Bird123. Good afternoon. You ask if this is an intelligent way of doing things. Psychologists have ascertained that the best way to teach a person in the right way is to give people rewards for doing the right thing, while punishments for doing the wrong thing. This is Yahweh's system and it works. Those who do not wish to adhere to Yahweh will simply receive punishments both in this life and eternal death to follow. However, Yahweh's way is that righteousness is not necessarily rewarded straight away. As a matter of fact, righteous people will not see a full reward for their righteousness until the end of their lives. This fosters patience, and faith, which again is a necessary ingredient for Yahweh's people if they want to be in the Kingdom and be used by Yahweh for future plans.

Yahweh doesn't play favorites as you have indicated. As a matter of fact, Yahweh is not a respecter of persons (Acts 10:34 and Romans 2:11-16). Yahweh has respect to those that fear Him (Psalm 147:10-11).

If we are fully obedient in keeping the commandments of Yahweh, we can learn life-long lessons that will last us for eternity. Lessons that cannot simply be taught except by experiencing and doing the commandments. No not everyone will make it to the Kingdom. Yahshua our Savior said specifically to enter in the narrow gate, for wide is the path and broad is the way that leads to destruction (Matthew 7:13-14). I think this is your problem. You've actually diminished from Yahweh by not thinking about justice. Justice means that wicked people will perish and righteous people will be rewarded. Yahweh is an Elohim of justice (Deuteronomy 32:4). That's why we love Him so much.

You said take your best people and put them in a heavenly state and they won't last 10 minutes. Interesting thought. We are living a heavenly life every day while we are keeping the commandments of Yahweh. Keeping the commandments of Yahweh has a purifying effect on us and this allows us to be heavenly. The Kingdom of Yahweh will be a heavenly Kingdom on this earth, operated by heavenly beings, including those who have proven themselves in this life i.e. the saints. Take righteous people out of this world and they will last in an heavenly environment. However, the wicked will not (Isaiah 26:10). So I disagree with you on that one.

You refer to a time-based casual universe as being more appropriate for learning than this one. Actually, I disagree. You say actions should be returned to us. This is the system that is already in place. Isaiah 3:10 explains this. However, one of the problems that several of the writers of the Hebrew Scriptures write about is, Why do the wicked prosper? (see Job 21:7-17) Sometimes, wicked people do not receive the just reward for their actions in this life. Sometimes that evil is passed on to their children. However, Psalm 73:16-19 tells us that the wicked do not have it good. They are set in slippery places. They could fall and shatter at any time and that will be the end of them. It's a curiosity that Yahweh doesn't judge the wicked right away, but the scriptures also teach that Yahweh is long suffering towards all (2 Peter 3:9). You refer to a non-time based physical body. Yahweh will not give such a body to people who have not proven themselves and this I think is the most logical thing to do. Look what happened to Satan and he has become the most evil Being this earth has ever known.

With the system you propose you say "With this system, there is no need for Judging, Hating, Condemning, Anger, Wrath, Intimidating, Coercing, Manipulating, Controlling, Ruling, We against they, Good or Evil and all those petty things mankind holds so dear. Take all that garbage out and it leaves High Intelligence at a Higher Level, Unconditional Love." Sorry, how is justice and righteousness garbage? The Bible tells us that "Righteousness and justice are the foundation of thy throne" in Psalm 89:14. You also void out emotions like anger. Would you prefer us to be mindless, emotionless, apathetic beings with no interest whatsoever in life. Good and evil will always exist, just as light and darkness. You cannot remove the one, or the other. Those who refuse to do good are evil, and those who refuse to do evil are good. This idea that all a Creator would be required to show in your system is "unconditional love" is in my opinion quite absurd. Reciprocity is important in Yahweh's Covenant. It means Yahweh will bless if we keep our terms of the Covenant. Look what they did to Yahshua the Messiah. Yahshua was a very loving individual and they killed him, just as they killed the righteous prophets down through history. If it was just a case of showing unconditional love, wicked people would take advantage of this, using it as a weakness and do all kinds of evil resulting in much misery, harm and ill will, not just adversely affecting themselves but also those around them.


Veteran Member
For me to be happy and healthy.
Happy and Healthy as described in Isaiah's 35th chapter.
When No one will say, " I am sick....." - Isaiah 33:24
Happy and Healthy is why we are all invited to pray the invitation to God for Jesus to come ! - Rev. 22:20, 2
Come and bring ' healing ' to earth's nations.


Veteran Member
I can agree with that in part. After our physical bodies die, the physical world will no longer be needed. Our physical bodies bind us to the physical laws. After we die physically we will not want the limits or restrictions a physical body requires. We will be happy to have been released from this body, like a bird who is let out of a cage.
Seems to me the first lie was the lie Satan told to Eve that she would Not die.
By thinking only the physical body dies seems to be perpetuating that Not die thought.
In Scripture, Adam went from non-life, to life, and simply returned back to non-life.
A person can Not return to a place he never was before. All of Adam and Eve lost ALL life.


Veteran Member
Of course, what you've stated in your posts are your beliefs and interpretation of the Bible. FYI, Trailblazer, being a Baha'i, doesn't believe in Satan.
A lot of people do Not believe in Satan, but that does Not change the devilish world scene that we now see world wide.
Seems to me someone is the behind-the-scenes Puppet Master pulling the world's strings.


Veteran Member
....................... I just don't think it is God as a mighty person-like creation engineer or afterlife amusement part manager. The sacred is the sacred, it just isn't the trademarked property of any religious institution.
To me the sacred is the sacred in what Jesus taught.
Jesus did Not teach ' afterlife' ( being more alive after death than before death ) but Jesus taught future Resurrection.
ALL the resurrections Jesus performed were happy-and-healthy physical resurrections.
Jesus was giving us a sample coming attraction of what he will be doing on a GRAND global scale under his 1,000 year reign over Earth. - Acts 24:15
Jesus will awaken the sleeping dead from death's deep sleep to live again.

Sleep, No pain in death - John 11:11-14; Psalm 6:5; Psalm13:3; Psalm 115:17; Isaiah 38:18; Ecclesiastes 9:5


Active Member
To me the sacred is the sacred in what Jesus taught.
Jesus did Not teach ' afterlife' ( being more alive after death than before death ) but Jesus taught future Resurrection.
ALL the resurrections Jesus performed were happy-and-healthy physical resurrections.
Jesus was giving us a sample coming attraction of what he will be doing on a GRAND global scale under his 1,000 year reign over Earth. - Acts 24:15
Jesus will awaken the sleeping dead from death's deep sleep to live again.

Sleep, No pain in death - John 11:11-14; Psalm 6:5; Psalm13:3; Psalm 115:17; Isaiah 38:18; Ecclesiastes 9:5

Yeah that feels like pie in the sky to me but you do you. I think faith in something greater is pretty important but some things seem excessive or just unlikely and unnecessary to me.


Veteran Member
Seems to me the first lie was the lie Satan told to Eve that she would Not die.
By thinking only the physical body dies seems to be perpetuating that Not die thought.
In Scripture, Adam went from non-life, to life, and simply returned back to non-life.
A person can Not return to a place he never was before. All of Adam and Eve lost ALL life.
I believe that Adam and Eve is an allegorical story, but if the story was true, they would have only lost physical life, not life.
Only Adam's body returned to non-life, his soul (spirit) continued to live.

The physical body was only designed for life on earth which lasts a very short period of time.
After the body dies the spirit leaves the body and passes from one world into another.
In the Bible, “death” signifies resurrection and continuation of life.

Ecclesiastes 12:7 Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was, and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it.

The Resuscitation of Man from the Dead and His Entrance into Eternal Life

421. When the body is no longer able to perform the bodily functions in the natural world that correspond to the spirit’s thoughts and affections, which the spirit has from the spiritual world, man is said to die. This takes place when the respiration of the lungs and the beatings of the heart cease. But the man does not die; he is merely separated from the bodily part that was of use to him in the world, while the man himself continues to live. It is said that the man himself continues to live since man is not a man because of his body but because of his spirit, for it is the spirit that thinks in man, and thought with affection is what constitutes man. Evidently, then, the death of man is merely his passing from one world into another. And this is why in the Word in its internal sense “death” signifies resurrection and continuation of life.
Heaven and Hell, p. 351


Veteran Member
Yeah that feels like pie in the sky to me but you do you. I think faith in something greater is pretty important but some things seem excessive or just unlikely and unnecessary to me.
and some of the things some believers believe on faith are so bizarre that any person of reason would know they cannot be true.


Veteran Member
...................................Ecclesiastes 12:7 Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was, and the spirit shall return unto God who gave """"it.""""

The Resuscitation of Man from the Dead and His Entrance into Eternal Life

421. When the body is no longer able to perform the bodily functions in the natural world that correspond to the spirit’s thoughts and affections, which the spirit has from the spiritual world, man is said to die. This takes place when the respiration of the lungs and the beatings of the heart cease. But the man does not die; he is merely separated from the bodily part that was of use to him in the world, while the man himself continues to live. It is said that the man himself continues to live since man is not a man because of his body but because of his spirit, for it is the spirit that thinks in man, and thought with affection is what constitutes man. Evidently, then, the death of man is merely his passing from one world into another. And this is why in the Word in its internal sense “death” signifies resurrection and continuation of life. Heaven and Hell, p. 351
One's spirit "IT" has No thoughts or affections because "IT" is genderless, neutral.
One's neuter spirit "it" does Not think.
Do sinning angels merely pass from one world into another ?
Enemy ' death ' comes to final end according to 1st Corinthians 15:24-26; Isaiah 25:8
Once death stops taking place on Earth, that will be after Resurrection Day (John 6:40,44; Acts 24:15 - Jesus' 1,000 year day governing over Earth )
Biblical hell ( the grave) comes to final end - Rev. 20:13-14
After everyone in biblical hell is ' delivered up ' then emptied-out biblical hell is cast empty into that symbolic 'second death ' for vacated biblical hell/grave.


Nothing my eye, Something for sure
God wants an infallible character of heart that is only upright. God wants equal hearted friendship and fellowship. Intellect, skill, and knowledge are all secondary. What comes first and foremost is virtuous infallible character.

It's all about the heart, everything else is minor details.

That's the benevolent God I've envisioned. Now someone show me how such God exists.

Wisdom is far more precious than knowledge, skill, and intellect. And a true heart is paramount with such God.

The only equality that matters is the heart. The Truth only has everyone's best interest in mind, whereas God wants things in order as deserved.

God wants equality of heart. Having to rule inferiors for all eternity is not God's plan.

Nothing is withheld from those that only desire truth of virtues. The heart is where God never compromises.

If an ideal, supreme God exists that's what such wants more than anything.

God wants evil gone forever. Mercy and repentance are virtues that God will not withhold. They go hand in hand.

Truth be done everywhere is what God wants. Everyone gets what they deserve eventually or nothing changes for the better.

Everyone who repents starts at the bottom floor.

That's what I see! It's clear too!

There's no shortcuts to being royalty with God.


Veteran Member
Human's are pulling all the strings by virtue of the free will that God gave them. There is no evil entity called Satan.
Wicked humans are going against God's will, His purpose, for humans.
Most people say they want peace, so then logically there should be more peace on Earth.
True, there are lots of people who do Not believe in angelic life, but does that have to mean there is No angelic life.
I don't believe that dead people turn into angels, but that does Not mean there is no angelic life.


Veteran Member
God wants an infallible character of heart that is only upright. God wants equal hearted friendship and fellowship. Intellect, skill, and knowledge are all secondary. What comes first and foremost is virtuous infallible character.

It's all about the heart, everything else is minor details.

That's the benevolent God I've envisioned. Now someone show me how such God exists.

Wisdom is far more precious than knowledge, skill, and intellect. And a true heart is paramount with such God.

The only equality that matters is the heart. The Truth only has everyone's best interest in mind, whereas God wants things in order as deserved.

God wants equality of heart. Having to rule inferiors for all eternity is not God's plan.

Nothing is withheld from those that only desire truth of virtues. The heart is where God never compromises.

If an ideal, supreme God exists that's what such wants more than anything.

God wants evil gone forever. Mercy and repentance are virtues that God will not withhold. They go hand in hand.

Truth be done everywhere is what God wants. Everyone gets what they deserve eventually or nothing changes for the better.

Everyone who repents starts at the bottom floor.

That's what I see! It's clear too!

There's no shortcuts to being royalty with God.
You are a Baha'i, you just don't know it. ;)