Hi Bird123. Good afternoon. You ask if this is an intelligent way of doing things. Psychologists have ascertained that the best way to teach a person in the right way is to give people rewards for doing the right thing, while punishments for doing the wrong thing. This is Yahweh's system and it works. Those who do not wish to adhere to Yahweh will simply receive punishments both in this life and eternal death to follow. However, Yahweh's way is that righteousness is not necessarily rewarded straight away. As a matter of fact, righteous people will not see a full reward for their righteousness until the end of their lives. This fosters patience, and faith, which again is a necessary ingredient for Yahweh's people if they want to be in the Kingdom and be used by Yahweh for future plans.
Yahweh doesn't play favorites as you have indicated. As a matter of fact, Yahweh is not a respecter of persons (Acts 10:34 and Romans 2:11-16). Yahweh has respect to those that fear Him (Psalm 147:10-11).
If we are fully obedient in keeping the commandments of Yahweh, we can learn life-long lessons that will last us for eternity. Lessons that cannot simply be taught except by experiencing and doing the commandments. No not everyone will make it to the Kingdom. Yahshua our Savior said specifically to enter in the narrow gate, for wide is the path and broad is the way that leads to destruction (Matthew 7:13-14). I think this is your problem. You've actually diminished from Yahweh by not thinking about justice. Justice means that wicked people will perish and righteous people will be rewarded. Yahweh is an Elohim of justice (Deuteronomy 32:4). That's why we love Him so much.
You said take your best people and put them in a heavenly state and they won't last 10 minutes. Interesting thought. We are living a heavenly life every day while we are keeping the commandments of Yahweh. Keeping the commandments of Yahweh has a purifying effect on us and this allows us to be heavenly. The Kingdom of Yahweh will be a heavenly Kingdom on this earth, operated by heavenly beings, including those who have proven themselves in this life i.e. the saints. Take righteous people out of this world and they will last in an heavenly environment. However, the wicked will not (Isaiah 26:10). So I disagree with you on that one.
You refer to a time-based casual universe as being more appropriate for learning than this one. Actually, I disagree. You say actions should be returned to us. This is the system that is already in place. Isaiah 3:10 explains this. However, one of the problems that several of the writers of the Hebrew Scriptures write about is, Why do the wicked prosper? (see Job 21:7-17) Sometimes, wicked people do not receive the just reward for their actions in this life. Sometimes that evil is passed on to their children. However, Psalm 73:16-19 tells us that the wicked do not have it good. They are set in slippery places. They could fall and shatter at any time and that will be the end of them. It's a curiosity that Yahweh doesn't judge the wicked right away, but the scriptures also teach that Yahweh is long suffering towards all (2 Peter 3:9). You refer to a non-time based physical body. Yahweh will not give such a body to people who have not proven themselves and this I think is the most logical thing to do. Look what happened to Satan and he has become the most evil Being this earth has ever known.
With the system you propose you say "With this system, there is no need for Judging, Hating, Condemning, Anger, Wrath, Intimidating, Coercing, Manipulating, Controlling, Ruling, We against they, Good or Evil and all those petty things mankind holds so dear. Take all that garbage out and it leaves High Intelligence at a Higher Level, Unconditional Love." Sorry, how is justice and righteousness garbage? The Bible tells us that "Righteousness and justice are the foundation of thy throne" in Psalm 89:14. You also void out emotions like anger. Would you prefer us to be mindless, emotionless, apathetic beings with no interest whatsoever in life. Good and evil will always exist, just as light and darkness. You cannot remove the one, or the other. Those who refuse to do good are evil, and those who refuse to do evil are good. This idea that all a Creator would be required to show in your system is "unconditional love" is in my opinion quite absurd. Reciprocity is important in Yahweh's Covenant. It means Yahweh will bless if we keep our terms of the Covenant. Look what they did to Yahshua the Messiah. Yahshua was a very loving individual and they killed him, just as they killed the righteous prophets down through history. If it was just a case of showing unconditional love, wicked people would take advantage of this, using it as a weakness and do all kinds of evil resulting in much misery, harm and ill will, not just adversely affecting themselves but also those around them.
What are your results? If you simply reward, people will learn no more than how to get a reward. As soon as the reward is gone they will go back and choose the opposite just to Discover the other side. At some point if they deem the reward not good enough, they will be gone as well. On the other hand, if one learns through living those lessons, Intelligence will choose the best choices. There has never ever been a need for God to define good or evil. Each will decide for themselves.
Those who are punished will learn to hate, seek any revenge possible, hurt others as payback for being slighted. Is this really what you want to teach your children? Why would God be so helpless not to fix all His children or be so hateful not to?
What is more important, Justice or fixing the problem? What is more important, Punishment or fixing the problem? What is more important, payback or fixing the problem?
Until the problem is fixed it will never go away.
What does Righteousness create? We against they? An excuse to hate? What do these things teach? Goodness? Not on your life.
By teaching all children through their free choices and interaction with others, it is a WE only. This eliminates the excuse to Hate or even be jealous. When everyone reaches the point of understanding and wisdom to make the best choices, won't everyone be so-called righteous? Why would you deny anybody Heaven? Why would you want to? What does that say about you? If God would deny, what would that say about God? That is not a Higher Level. It is petty.
If you attempt to alter the actions of others through pain, anger, wrath, hate, intimidation, threats , manipulation or coercion, what are you teaching the children? Don't these things just generate anything but the best answers and a Heavenly state? Do you want to teach your children this is the way to get results?
You say God isn't playing favorites through the system you describe, however by allowing a select few over others Heaven, that is exactly what you describe. What would God be teaching those children then? It certainly isn't goodness. It certainly isn't a Higher Level!
We all have the power to choose what we deem important. People will choose to value those petty things mankind holds so dear until they understand all sides. At this point, those petty things will no longer be a viable choice one could make. Why not? It would not be Intelligent to do because one has already learned they will not bring the best results.
You speak of judging people good or evil. In a multilevel classroom, one will see others learning lessons one has already learned. Is this the time to Hate, Judge, Condemn, Wrath, Angry, Threaten, Intimidate through pain? Heavens no!!! It's the time to work at Fixing the real problem instead generating more of those petty things mankind holds so dear. It is the true path to a Heavenly state.
For those of us who must watch others learning lessons one has already learned, it is a reminder of what those best answers really are.
It doesn't matter what everyone else does. It's what each person chooses to do that counts.
That's what I see. It's very clear!!