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What does God want from you?


Well-Known Member
Present the math. No English. Just math. Go
Each must Discover for themselves. There is no need to define good or evil. Each will decide for themselves. There is no need to define right or wrong. Each will decide for themselves. We are Living our Lessons.

Everything about God and the sum of all knowledge will add up perfectly. If it doesn't you wander from the truth. If you look at the world and see only a mess, you wander from the truth. This is the math. It is so simple, but so far reaching.

Ebb and Flow of knowledge: If you build a car, all cars must have certain things: An engine, A way to stop, a way to steer, a place to ride. You get the idea. It will help one put the puzzle together.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!


Well-Known Member
We do. and we reject your claims because 1. they aren't factual, and 2. you offer us no reason to believe you, which requires evidence and a coherent explanation.

Apparently you think that God mingles at cocktail parties.
Reject!! It will do you no good. On the other hand, If you can see no door, no direction, or where I point, then you choosing to do nothing is expected. Feel free to wander if you choose.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!


Veteran Member
Reject!! It will do you no good. On the other hand, If you can see no door,
I'm not in a religious prison like you are, so no door needed.
no direction, or where I point,
What makes you think you have anything to offer? Your posts aren't that interesting.
then you choosing to do nothing is expected. Feel free to wander if you choose.
You seem to think I have to answer to you.

blü 2

Veteran Member
Premium Member
Do you not know who you are? You are a Spiritual being yourself. You are trapped in a physical body because this binds you to the physical laws of this universe? Why? The time-based causal nature of the universe is Perfect for Learning.
You live in a free country, I trust, so you can believe in fairies if you wish.

I prefer to be persuaded by examinable evidence. Interesting, indeed informative, how you have none, no?

Find a nice quiet dark place away from all distractions. Close your eyes and focus inward. Say to yourself: It's me. That is who you really are. That physical body is no more than your transportation in this world.
We're quadrupeds, animals, mammals, Homo sapiens sapiens. Like all other large living things, we have a start, a life, and a death, an ending. The rest is simply imaginary. If it were otherwise, you could show me; but of course you can't.


Veteran Member
Do you not know who you are? You are a Spiritual being yourself. You are trapped in a physical body because this binds you to the physical laws of this universe? Why? The time-based causal nature of the universe is Perfect for Learning.
Cite the facts behind this set of ideas. Let's note that "you" and "yourself" and any other word that the self recognizes as identifying the self from others or the environment requires a functioning, material brain that is part of the body you claim imprisons the self. Would suicide free the self, and not end it? If you say yes, then I wonder why you choose to stay in your prison.
Find a nice quiet dark place away from all distractions. Close your eyes and focus inward. Say to yourself: It's me. That is who you really are.
Is this a practice that helps you avoid some confusion? I don't need it.
That physical body is no more than your transportation in this world.
Well I am a cyclist, but don't forget about sex. A body comes in handy, take my word for it.


Veteran Member
Why is it taught only messengers know God? You keep telling me only messengers can know God. All I hear about are those messengers from God telling people what they should do and how they should live. God sends no one to intimidate those free choices.
Messengers reveal teachings and laws. They do not come to intimidate anyone's free choices. What we do is always a choice.
Don't they teach Faith??? Don't they teach to Believe?? This alone shows me it is not God.
How would you know it is not God?
Names of God???? God has no names.
That does not mean God has names. These are the attributes of God.
Trail and error is part of it. More accurate is learning through one's own free choices. There is much more to free choices than trial and error.
That's true, we learn by making choices and acting on them. Nobody is trying to take our free choices away or make us do anything.


Well-Known Member
It is called the Kingdom of God because that is how the Bible referred to it, but it is not God's Kingdom and God does not rule or control it.
It is a new world order that will be built by humans.

“Beseech ye the one true God to grant that all men may be graciously assisted to fulfil that which is acceptable in Our sight. Soon will the present-day order be rolled up, and a new one spread out in its stead. Verily, thy Lord speaketh the truth, and is the Knower of things unseen.”
Gleanings From the Writings of Bahá’u’lláh, p. 7
All men already are fulfilling that which is acceptable in God's sight. This is God's world. If it were not acceptable, God would change it. Do you really think God is going to change the system He has in place when it is working so well?

What you say reflects mankind and what mankind wants. Why are so many looking to have it made and be saved? Poof creation is not reality. Why would anyone think Poof save me and got it made is going to work?

Would not one move forward to understand just how this world is the solution?

That's what I see. It's very clear!!


Well-Known Member
I'm not in a religious prison like you are, so no door needed.

What makes you think you have anything to offer? Your posts aren't that interesting.

You seem to think I have to answer to you.
You are answering me.

Was it really my goal to be interesting?

Why would you think I am in a prison? I am not choosing limits for myself. This hungry student gladly walks through the door of ignorance in order to Discover the more advanced knowledge that exists beyond that door. There is always more to Discover.

God's greatest moment is when that light bulb goes off over one of His children's head and they Understand. This can be about any subject.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!


Well-Known Member
That is English. You lied about the math, didn't you? Of course you did.
I realize Math is hard for many to Understand. On the other hand, given enough effort, everyone is capable of seeing it and learning it for themselves. There is no time limit on learning.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!


Well-Known Member
You live in a free country, I trust, so you can believe in fairies if you wish.

I prefer to be persuaded by examinable evidence. Interesting, indeed informative, how you have none, no?

We're quadrupeds, animals, mammals, Homo sapiens sapiens. Like all other large living things, we have a start, a life, and a death, an ending. The rest is simply imaginary. If it were otherwise, you could show me; but of course you can't.
I have pointed to where you can Discover these things for yourself. You do not want these things to be true. You have closed yourself off from them. That's perfectly OK. There will come a point when you are going to be surprised.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!


Well-Known Member
Cite the facts behind this set of ideas. Let's note that "you" and "yourself" and any other word that the self recognizes as identifying the self from others or the environment requires a functioning, material brain that is part of the body you claim imprisons the self. Would suicide free the self, and not end it? If you say yes, then I wonder why you choose to stay in your prison.

Is this a practice that helps you avoid some confusion? I don't need it.

Well I am a cyclist, but don't forget about sex. A body comes in handy, take my word for it.
There is so much you do not know or understand. If you chose suicide to free yourself from being trapped in a physical body, you would just choose to be trapped in one again. Lessons not learned are due to be repeated. How many times will you choose to learn the very same lessons??

You want what I have been telling you to be wrong so badly that you are not open to any possibility than your own. More knowledge lives beyond the surface than you can imagine. One must widen that view and be brave enough to delve beyond the surface.

I see lots of people fighting and fighting to have things their way. So many fight truth in favor of what they want to be the truth. Little do they realize that even through the struggles and the drama of it all, in the end, Truth and Reality will be better with better results.

We all have the power to choose what we deem important. How many see only bad in others thinking everyone is out to get them? In reality, there are good wonderful people everywhere each struggling to learn and grow, thereby moving forward. Has religion corrupted one's view creating we are good; they are bad? Doesn't this generate hate? Are they teaching one to see the bad in everyone? How else would one think this world is a mess?

That's what I see. It's very clear!!


Well-Known Member
Messengers reveal teachings and laws. They do not come to intimidate anyone's free choices. What we do is always a choice.

How would you know it is not God?

That does not mean God has names. These are the attributes of God.

That's true, we learn by making choices and acting on them. Nobody is trying to take our free choices away or make us do anything.
I know it is not God because God isn't teaching Faith nor Beliefs. God is about what is.

How can messengers teach laws when there are no laws? Mankind is the one creating laws in an attempt to control. Ruling and controlling are petty things mankind holds so dear!!

Once again, God does not use special messengers. God will not tell you what to do nor coerce or intimidate your choices. Why do you think God would send messengers to do just that?

That's what I see. It's very clear!!


Veteran Member
All men already are fulfilling that which is acceptable in God's sight. This is God's world. If it were not acceptable, God would change it. Do you really think God is going to change the system He has in place when it is working so well?
No, all men are not already are fulfilling that which is acceptable in God's sight. If they were this world would be a lot different.
For starters, there would be no division between races and no war and no crime, but we all know that isn't the case.

No, God would not change it just because it is not acceptable because God honors human free will, so God allows people to do as they please.

Working so well? Do you ever watch the news, or do just live in your little bubble?
What you say reflects mankind and what mankind wants.
It reflects what some of mankind wants, but all of mankind is not on board yet. However, they will be in the future.
Why are so many looking to have it made and be saved? Poof creation is not reality. Why would anyone think Poof save me and got it made is going to work?
I have no idea what you are talking about. Saved from what?
Would not one move forward to understand just how this world is the solution?
How is the world the solution? What does the world do to solve anything?


Veteran Member
I know it is not God because God isn't teaching Faith nor Beliefs.
No, God isn't teaching anything. The Messengers of God are doing the teaching.
God is about what is.
How do you think you know what is?
How can messengers teach laws when there are no laws? Mankind is the one creating laws in an attempt to control. Ruling and controlling are petty things mankind holds so dear!!
God's laws come from God through the Messengers. Mankind does not create them.
There is nothing petty about God's laws. If everyone followed them there would be no evil in the world.

“The beginning of all things is the knowledge of God, and the end of all things is strict observance of whatsoever hath been sent down from the empyrean of the Divine Will that pervadeth all that is in the heavens and all that is on the earth.”​
Once again, God does not use special messengers.
You are free to hold that opinion, but I would be careful not to state it as a fact unless you can prove it.
God will not tell you what to do nor coerce or intimidate your choices. Why do you think God would send messengers to do just that?
Why do you think that Messengers coerce or intimidate our choices? It is always our choice whether we want to follow their teachings and laws or not. There has never been any intimidation.

blü 2

Veteran Member
Premium Member
I have pointed to where you can Discover these things for yourself.
I'm afraid not. You haven't even tried to describe a real God to me, such that if I find a real suspect I can determine whether it's God or not.

I'd say all your gods are purely personal mental events. They don't exist in reality. But of course you know that, because you can't show them to me,

You do not want these things to be true.
In fact I'd be immensely curious about them were they true. But as you know better than most, they're imaginary / conceptual and nothing more.

As for what's true, it seems clear enough that you lack a clear definition of truth, one that will give you an objective test that would tell you what's true and what's not.

If you think that's wrong, simply state the objective test you use.

You have closed yourself off from them.
A friendly tip ─ you might be better off if you cut back on the affected condescension.


Veteran Member
There is so much you do not know or understand.
Right, like all other 8 billion people on earth. We can't know everything. But we do have knowledge available on the internet, if we are curious and know reputable sources from bogus sources.
If you chose suicide to free yourself from being trapped in a physical body, you would just choose to be trapped in one again.
No, I have plans this wekend.
Lessons not learned are due to be repeated. How many times will you choose to learn the very same lessons??
What lessons?
You want what I have been telling you to be wrong so badly that you are not open to any possibility than your own.
No, you are plenty wrong by being wrong all by yourself. You don't defend your claims with evidence, so possibilities are irrelevant.
More knowledge lives beyond the surface than you can imagine. One must widen that view and be brave enough to delve beyond the surface.
Yup, that's why serious thinkers are at work.
I see lots of people fighting and fighting to have things their way.
Including you, so is this a confession?
So many fight truth in favor of what they want to be the truth.
Like you on these pointless posts? We know already.
Little do they realize that even through the struggles and the drama of it all, in the end, Truth and Reality will be better with better results.
Yet you think more highly of your beliefs than the critical thinkers that you try to lecture. You lack evidence and coherent explanations, the one thing we are asking of you.
We all have the power to choose what we deem important. How many see only bad in others thinking everyone is out to get them? In reality, there are good wonderful people everywhere each struggling to learn and grow, thereby moving forward. Has religion corrupted one's view creating we are good; they are bad? Doesn't this generate hate? Are they teaching one to see the bad in everyone? How else would one think this world is a mess?
A lot of broad questions that aren't directly related, and can't be answered with simple answers. Why do you keep creating these posts? They seem to be your thoughts as you eat breakfast. What do they have to do with me?


Well-Known Member
No, all men are not already are fulfilling that which is acceptable in God's sight. If they were this world would be a lot different.
For starters, there would be no division between races and no war and no crime, but we all know that isn't the case.

No, God would not change it just because it is not acceptable because God honors human free will, so God allows people to do as they please.

Working so well? Do you ever watch the news, or do just live in your little bubble?

It reflects what some of mankind wants, but all of mankind is not on board yet. However, they will be in the future.

I have no idea what you are talking about. Saved from what?

How is the world the solution? What does the world do to solve anything?
This world Teaches.

In a multilevel classroom one will see others learning lessons one has already learned. Why are those learning lessons from their choices less acceptable in God's eyes? Isn't it a form of hate to judge and condemn others in the learning process?

What lessons might you or I be learning that others who have already learned might see? Should we be viewed as less acceptable in God's eyes?

Doesn't it come down to those petty things mankind holds so dear? When one chooses not to value the petty things mankind holds so dear, one can work at solving the problems rather than generating that which will never lead to the Best choices.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!