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What does God want from you?


Veteran Member
You speak as if your belief in only one God is absolute truth, but it is not. It is merely what you believe, but it is not a definitive fact.
The big-bang theory of how the universe came to be is also not a definitive fact .. so what?
Many people believe it, whether it is "absolute truth" or not.

..but some people, when they see the word "God", they have to try and ridicule belief.


Well-Known Member
God is a generous being. If he could've created us as his equals, he would have. But he is absolute and there is no repeating that. That cannot be but one being. It's inclusive of all possible life.

What does God want? He wants to bless me with his unseen treasures which include incredible powers and might. However, he can't force it without it harming us or he can make it easy from the start, and there is little ascension and paradise becomes a pale materialistic place. We have to embrace him and the blessings, and believe in the unseen guides and signs.

He hid himself to some degree, so that obedience to him has meaning. He wants us to obey him and trust in his guidance, not of benefit for himself.

The greatest thing he can bestow is recognition of his praise, which will give us love and appreciation and trust in his guidance.

When he created all things he called them and took a pledge like a person scratching lotto tickets wanting to win the jackpot. The jackpot in my view is Mohammad (s) and his family (a) - they loved him and responded with utmost submission and completest form of trust and love.

After that, he looked again, took a pledge from Mohammad (s) and his family (a) upon creation. The strongest to respond where the Prophets (a) and Messengers (a) and holy ladies (a) with those chosen households (a).

He took a pledge so that all of creation would be blessed through his trusted representatives.

In his pre-books before the world came to be, there were many plans and back up plans, and back up plans to back up plans.

What God wants from me is to worship him not thinking I can favor God or bestow blessings to God or feed God.

He also wants me to trust him against the evil creation and use his light as a force against darkness. He allowed this place of battle so I can rise by this to reliance on him and his guides and guidance.

Why are we all in this together? So we can help one another towards righteousness and hold each other away from evil.

It has he expressed:

وَمَا خَلَقْتُ الْجِنَّ وَالْإِنْسَ إِلَّا لِيَعْبُدُونِ | I did not create the jinn and the humans except that they may worship Me. | Adh-Dhaariyat : 56
مَا أُرِيدُ مِنْهُمْ مِنْ رِزْقٍ وَمَا أُرِيدُ أَنْ يُطْعِمُونِ | I desire no provision from them, nor do I desire that they should feed Me. | Adh-Dhaariyat : 57
إِنَّ اللَّهَ هُوَ الرَّزَّاقُ ذُو الْقُوَّةِ الْمَتِينُ | Indeed it is Allah who is the All-provider, Powerful and All-strong. | Adh-Dhaariyat : 58
Do you seek incredible power and might? To what end? For what purpose? Do you value power and might? Why? Is this really God's goal?

Do you really think any of our choices would prevent God from fixing? It doesn't matter whether anyone obeys trusts or believes. It has never ever been about these things.

God is not hiding. God does not just pop in because God does not want to intimidate our choices. God's system runs on free choices. In order to learn what the best choices really are, one must be free to choose anything.

God does not use specific messengers or prophets.This is mankind wanting you to follow them. That is why they say God sent them. Why would you ever think God would need a middleman? Since, God wants us to have total freedom of choice, why oh why do you think God would send a messenger or prophet to intimidate or coerce anyone's choices? Is your logic really God won't do it so send somebody else to do it? Where is your math?? In fact, when anyone says they come with a message from God, that proves it does not come from God. You will also find in holy books those threats used in an attempt at using fear to alter the actions of others to follow. Is this really God? This is not a Higher Level of Intelligence. This will not bring the best results.

Not Thinking??? Are you kidding me? They do not want you to think so you will not see things as they really are. Look at this world. God created this world in a way so that Brains win. Look at past history. Thinking leads the way to all the advances in capabilities. God set it up this way because Life is the education of God's children. Thinking moves one forward.

God gave everyone a different view to guaranty mankind a larger view than any one person could see. Why? It increases the possibilities of learning and Discovering. Diversity and interaction is a gift that opens doors one might be blind to see.

You do not Understand. It has never ever been about good verses evil. It's about learning through our free choices what the Best choices really are. There is no need to define good or evil since in the end when one understands all sides, Intelligence will make the best choices.

Mankind wants to Rule, Control, Judge, Condemn, Punish, Payback,Revenge,Intimidate, Manipulate, Coerce create a We against They and so many petty things. This will never lead to a Heavenly state or the best choices for anyone. These things just create an excuse to Hate. People will choose these petty things until they understands all sides. At this point, these will no longer be viable choices one could make. Why not? It isn't an Intelligent thing to do. Thinking and Brains lead to one acquiring the capability to create a heavenly state for oneself and others.

It doesn't matter what everyone else does. It's what you choose to do that counts. Remember free choices? Each person's choices show God and the world what they know and what they need to learn. That is what generates the lessons. On the other hand, each is free to choose what they want. Is this really an excuse to hate others for what they choose? Perhaps, it's time to copy God and work at fixing things by placing Real Truth in the world so that it can be seen when it is ready to be Discovered.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!


Well-Known Member
Only to people who don't realize they don't actually have such knowledge. It's not unusual that some religious believers treat their beliefs as certain, factual, and knowledge when it isn't.

The word "God" is too broad and poorly defined for anyone to actually claim they have knowledge of one, or more. It's also not unusual for religious believers to attempt imposing their beliefs onto others without any authority or permission. It's a sort of attempt at bullying.

Your answers are claims. You offer no evidence. You are oblivious to what you are attempting here as explanations.

Facts are observered and demonstrable.

But think of the dilemma you create for yourself, you insist we know a God exists, but if you suggest we question facts how can you really know?

No, that was the limit of knowledge.

Misleading question based on your previous untrue comment. But feel free to question if your God exists.

One less than you because I don't assume a God exists as knowledge.

See how trying to be clever backfires?

You apply this to yourself, then get back to us when you are an atheist.

Wait, you claimed above that God was known to exist, now you admit it isn't known to science.

Will it happen at the mall during holiday shopping? At a concert? I will be surprized.

You should question that "fact".
You place so many limits on yourself. Clearly you are comfortable with those beliefs and do not want to see anything else.

Me, an Atheist??? Clearly not going to happen because I do not value Beliefs as you do.

Science does not know God exists. On the other hand, science has not ruled out the possibility God exists. In the end, God will be Discovered but it is a long way away. Still, science is far from the know all you see it as.

I know God exists. I know you exist. I have evidence to those facts.

Do I question? A hungry student never ever runs out of Questions. Why not? There is always more to Learn!!

I noticed you are always pointing to others. Science does this. Religious people do that. It doesn't matter what everyone else does. It's what you choose to do that counts. Forget everyone else and concentrate on yourself. What do you do? Why? What do you really seek? Why?

You want questions. Where are your questions???

That's what I see. It's very clear!!

blü 2

Veteran Member
Premium Member
Superman is a fictional character. This is true and sufficient. On the other hand, If I were to come across evidence to the contrary, I would investigate. Why? Curiosity. Of course, I do not seek information about Superman being anything other than a fictional character. Why not? To what end? What would be gained? Not much even if I found Superman was a real person.
You'll recall my definition of 'truth' ─ that truth is a property of statements, and a statement is true to the extent that it corresponds with / accurately reflects objective reality.

Do you agree with it?

If not, what exactly do you disagree with?


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Do you seek incredible power and might? To what end? For what purpose? Do you value power and might? Why? Is this really God's goal?
Power and might when done with love and attraction to God, is very honorable. The more might and power, the more you subdue the evil within. It's also part of ascension since God is powerful. It's part of goodness to overwhelm the caprice with power and might out of love towards God.

Do you really think any of our choices would prevent God from fixing?
I do believe that. Have explained why many times.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
You do not Understand. It has never ever been about good verses evil.
I think this is what your world view comes down to. It denies that there is a choice between good and evil. That it's just about learning what seems to me to be a meaningless lesson.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
God does not use specific messengers or prophets.This is mankind wanting you to follow them. That is why they say God sent them. Why would you ever think God would need a middleman?

I believe he would send middle men because it's better than listening to everyone else. Not that everyone else can't have a voice, but that God's voice as well as his chosen middle men are the guidance. That relying on God and his guidance is better then relying on others.


Jesus in me
Yeah, everybody "knows" their God exists and they have proof or evidence. A lot of which is... "We know because our Scriptures say so." And like I've said before, I believe they have experienced their God or things have happened that show them that their God is real. But they all say that, and they all believe something different about God.

Conclusion? No matter what the beliefs, they seem real and become real to those that believe. So, a true believer in one religion "knows" their stuff is true and "knows" that the stuff someone else believes in another religion isn't true... and vice versa.
I believe a belief that one know something is true does not make it true. As Jesus said: I am the Truth.


Jesus in me
"their God" ??
You speak as if there is more than One .. there is not!

The same could be said about many subjects..
That is the nature of humans .. we all have different opinions.
I believe if anyone should know this, it should be a Muslim because it is stated often enough. I believe it because it is stated only once in the Bible.


Well-Known Member
Show us how any version of God has any more evidence for existing than Superman. Your belief, and your claims are not evidence.

Right. Let's say you pass by a phone booth and look inside since so few exist these days, and you see a cape. There's your evidence for Superman existing right there. Got to investigate, right?

Knowledge would be gained. But don't worry about because critical thinkers know fictional characters from real beings. Thus far all gods we hear about fall into the imaginary category. Sorry.
Let's get in the real world. A cape is a cape. If I find any reason to Discover something, I might work at Discovering the origin of the cape.

Since no religion really understands God at all, there really is no version of beliefs that really reflect the truth. As for myself, I am not giving you evidence to believe in. Further, I am not giving you beliefs. I am placing truth in the world and pointing to where one can Discover the evidence and the proof.

Do you really think that one has to be a critical thinker in order to know Superman is a comic book character? I bet even most children know this one.

There are a lot of stories about gods that are fiction. Does that justify the assumption that God is not possible?
Superman is a story, however does that justify the assumption that a being from another world with heavier gravity might not tend to be physically stronger?

It comes down to what you really seek. One can come up with plenty of excuses to justify their beliefs in order to avoid the effort needed to Discover the truth. I took the effort. I Discovered the real truth. I continue to take the effort for I have found there is much more to Discover. There are no rules, demands or laws. Choose freely. As for myself, I have always been one who just had to know the Real Truth. That is who I am. Feel free to be who you must be.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!


Well-Known Member
You'll recall my definition of 'truth' ─ that truth is a property of statements, and a statement is true to the extent that it corresponds with / accurately reflects objective reality.

Do you agree with it?

If not, what exactly do you disagree with?
Is truth really just a statement. You can have truth without even a word. When that light bulb goes off over your head and you understand, that realization will not come with a statement.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!


Veteran Member
You place so many limits on yourself.
Yes, no more than two beers per week.
Clearly you are comfortable with those beliefs and do not want to see anything else.
Whatever beliefs I have they are well evidenced, and not faith based.
Me, an Atheist??? Clearly not going to happen because I do not value Beliefs as you do.
You are a theist and want to remain a believer in an idea that lacks evidence and is inconsistent woith reality.
Science does not know God exists.
Right because science follows factual evidence. Gods aren't known to exist.
On the other hand, science has not ruled out the possibility God exists.
Or any other imagined character.
In the end, God will be Discovered but it is a long way away. Still, science is far from the know all you see it as.
And of course this is a guess that has no foundation in reality.
I know God exists. I know you exist. I have evidence to those facts.
Yet you can't show this is true to anyone, so we suspect you are confused.
Do I question? A hungry student never ever runs out of Questions. Why not? There is always more to Learn!!
You seem to be at a very basic level, and show no interest in learning much at all.
I noticed you are always pointing to others. Science does this. Religious people do that. It doesn't matter what everyone else does. It's what you choose to do that counts. Forget everyone else and concentrate on yourself. What do you do? Why? What do you really seek? Why?
What is your point here with these ramblings?
You want questions. Where are your questions???
I want questions, and where are they? How is this coherent in your mind?


Well-Known Member
Power and might when done with love and attraction to God, is very honorable. The more might and power, the more you subdue the evil within. It's also part of ascension since God is powerful. It's part of goodness to overwhelm the caprice with power and might out of love towards God.

I do believe that. Have explained why many times.
Forcing with power and might will never be the answer. Try Understanding.
Power and might are some of the petty things mankind holds so dear. Overwhelming will generate the opposite of what you think.

What lesson did many dictators learn doing just that? No one likes being overwhelmed or controlled. One will fight for what God really wants for His children: to have Free Choices. They will do the opposite as soon as they are free to choose.

Power, might , and overwhelming does not solve the problem. It does not address the real underlying causes of the problems. It just creates more problems.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!


Well-Known Member
I think this is what your world view comes down to. It denies that there is a choice between good and evil. That it's just about learning what seems to me to be a meaningless lesson.
There are good choices and there are bad choices. Each will decide for themselves which are which.

If one makes the choice of what is a good choice or bad choice for others, this opens the door for so many of the petty things mankind holds so dear to walk in. One hates evil. One fights evil, One wants to control others. We are good. They are bad. divides, pushes people apart, creates anger, hurt, and leads everyone away from God. I will not even mention what bad lessons others are learning from your choices.

When one understands all sides, one has learned that bad choices do not bring the best choices. Yes, sometimes the only way to Discover this is to make that bad choices. Have not you ever said: I'll never do that again!!? What happened with that? You have learned that was not a good choice to make. Learning has always been much more than merely being told or having others try to control one.

One can place truth in the world. One can point others in the right direction. One can work at solving and fixing problems. One can teach through example. One can make it a WE instead of a we against they. Doing all this leaves out any need for hate to take root. This opens the door to Unconditional Love and that Heavenly state everyone wants. See how the world changes for the better then.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!


Well-Known Member
I believe he would send middle men because it's better than listening to everyone else. Not that everyone else can't have a voice, but that God's voice as well as his chosen middle men are the guidance. That relying on God and his guidance is better then relying on others.
God will not intimidate one's choices. That means each chooses for themselves. Each learns for themselves.
Don't you want your children to be able to stand on their own two feet? Why do you think God wants you to rely on others?

If God wanted a person to have certain information, God could easily implant that knowledge in a person's brain. Why would God rely on any holy book written and printed by mankind? Does everyone have a copy of those holy books? Why would God rely on such poor communication?

A person was never ever meant to never make bad choices. More is learned from bad choices than you realize. One learns what not to do. Let's say it together: I'll never do that again!! It will not bring the best results.

God has set the parameters of lives. The stage is set. The people in one's life along with the interactions are there for reasons. It's so simple. CHOOSE, then Learn what your choices really mean.

In a multilevel classroom, one sees others learning lessons one has already learned. Is this the time to hate, condemn, and attempt to control? Isn't this the time to teach and work at fixing the problem with Love and Kindness?

Choose and Learn.

For those of us that must watch, it is just a reminder of what the true answers really are.

The dynamics of God's system is simply amazing.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!

blü 2

Veteran Member
Premium Member
Is truth really just a statement. You can have truth without even a word. When that light bulb goes off over your head and you understand, that realization will not come with a statement.
The question of truth will not arise in the absence of a statement capable of being true or false.

Truth is not a quality of a thing such as a light bulb. It is not a quality of a quality a thing, such as a light bulb that is off.

Instead it's a quality of a statement, as I said. If there is a statement but you don't say it out loud, it can still be true or false. If you don't compose the statement in your mind, or speak or write or otherwise communicate it, there's nothing to be true or false.

A question is not true or false ─ Is the lightbulb on? But the answer (a statement) can be true or false ─ "The lightbulb is off."


Veteran Member
Premium Member
If God wanted a person to have certain information, God could easily implant that knowledge in a person's brain. Why would God rely on any holy book written and printed by mankind? Does everyone have a copy of those holy books? Why would God rely on such poor communication?
There is not much alternatives. If he speaks to us directly through veils whether the guides or Angels, Quran shows we will accuse the veils of being evil sorcerers or demons, possessing us. If he opens doors to ascension and we are not ready and hateful, it will just make us more rebellious and accuse the signs of not being proofs but of evil. This is what evil people think of Angels that punish them in the grave, they can't see they are God's forces and from his light.

The alternative is he forces the proof but then there is no room to love God out of free-will at that point.

He spread his revelations all over the earth. The Quran is not the only divine book. Every culture has a breath from God and enough light to see his truth.

Just as majority of Muslims do not see the truth of Quran - only a minority does - I'm guessing same is true of most holy books out there.

You can hypothetically imagine what you want, but scripture + middle man can work to provide guidance. The only thing it's complicated is usually you can go to the middle-men for miracles. Now they have disappeared and the last one his hidden from public. But if you ask God and make yourself ready, the Imam of time, the Mahdi, might show up to you and if you ask for miracles, he will provide by God's permission. Who knows?

But if you are full of envy and hatred towards the best exalted souls and envy them, and feel you don't need God's guidance out of self-deception, that's up to you and on you.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
There are good choices and there are bad choices. Each will decide for themselves which are which.

If one makes the choice of what is a good choice or bad choice for others, this opens the door for so many of the petty things mankind holds so dear to walk in. One hates evil. One fights evil, One wants to control others. We are good. They are bad. divides, pushes people apart, creates anger, hurt, and leads everyone away from God. I will not even mention what bad lessons others are learning from your choices.

When one understands all sides, one has learned that bad choices do not bring the best choices. Yes, sometimes the only way to Discover this is to make that bad choices. Have not you ever said: I'll never do that again!!? What happened with that? You have learned that was not a good choice to make. Learning has always been much more than merely being told or having others try to control one.

One can place truth in the world. One can point others in the right direction. One can work at solving and fixing problems. One can teach through example. One can make it a WE instead of a we against they. Doing all this leaves out any need for hate to take root. This opens the door to Unconditional Love and that Heavenly state everyone wants. See how the world changes for the better then.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!

You mean beneficial or harmful choices. But I don't think you believe in real good and real evil, as in one brings positive value and the other negative value to the soul. Please correct me if I'm wrong about your view.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Forcing with power and might will never be the answer. Try Understanding.
Power and might are some of the petty things mankind holds so dear. Overwhelming will generate the opposite of what you think.

What lesson did many dictators learn doing just that? No one likes being overwhelmed or controlled. One will fight for what God really wants for His children: to have Free Choices. They will do the opposite as soon as they are free to choose.

Power, might , and overwhelming does not solve the problem. It does not address the real underlying causes of the problems. It just creates more problems.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!

Power and might as in the soul's power and might, I'm not talking social or politics.