God is a generous being. If he could've created us as his equals, he would have. But he is absolute and there is no repeating that. That cannot be but one being. It's inclusive of all possible life.
What does God want? He wants to bless me with his unseen treasures which include incredible powers and might. However, he can't force it without it harming us or he can make it easy from the start, and there is little ascension and paradise becomes a pale materialistic place. We have to embrace him and the blessings, and believe in the unseen guides and signs.
He hid himself to some degree, so that obedience to him has meaning. He wants us to obey him and trust in his guidance, not of benefit for himself.
The greatest thing he can bestow is recognition of his praise, which will give us love and appreciation and trust in his guidance.
When he created all things he called them and took a pledge like a person scratching lotto tickets wanting to win the jackpot. The jackpot in my view is Mohammad (s) and his family (a) - they loved him and responded with utmost submission and completest form of trust and love.
After that, he looked again, took a pledge from Mohammad (s) and his family (a) upon creation. The strongest to respond where the Prophets (a) and Messengers (a) and holy ladies (a) with those chosen households (a).
He took a pledge so that all of creation would be blessed through his trusted representatives.
In his pre-books before the world came to be, there were many plans and back up plans, and back up plans to back up plans.
What God wants from me is to worship him not thinking I can favor God or bestow blessings to God or feed God.
He also wants me to trust him against the evil creation and use his light as a force against darkness. He allowed this place of battle so I can rise by this to reliance on him and his guides and guidance.
Why are we all in this together? So we can help one another towards righteousness and hold each other away from evil.
It has he expressed:
وَمَا خَلَقْتُ الْجِنَّ وَالْإِنْسَ إِلَّا لِيَعْبُدُونِ | I did not create the jinn and the humans except that they may worship Me. | Adh-Dhaariyat : 56
مَا أُرِيدُ مِنْهُمْ مِنْ رِزْقٍ وَمَا أُرِيدُ أَنْ يُطْعِمُونِ | I desire no provision from them, nor do I desire that they should feed Me. | Adh-Dhaariyat : 57
إِنَّ اللَّهَ هُوَ الرَّزَّاقُ ذُو الْقُوَّةِ الْمَتِينُ | Indeed it is Allah who is the All-provider, Powerful and All-strong. | Adh-Dhaariyat : 58
Do you seek incredible power and might? To what end? For what purpose? Do you value power and might? Why? Is this really God's goal?
Do you really think any of our choices would prevent God from fixing? It doesn't matter whether anyone obeys trusts or believes. It has never ever been about these things.
God is not hiding. God does not just pop in because God does not want to intimidate our choices. God's system runs on free choices. In order to learn what the best choices really are, one must be free to choose anything.
God does not use specific messengers or prophets.This is mankind wanting you to follow them. That is why they say God sent them. Why would you ever think God would need a middleman? Since, God wants us to have total freedom of choice, why oh why do you think God would send a messenger or prophet to intimidate or coerce anyone's choices? Is your logic really God won't do it so send somebody else to do it? Where is your math?? In fact, when anyone says they come with a message from God, that proves it does not come from God. You will also find in holy books those threats used in an attempt at using fear to alter the actions of others to follow. Is this really God? This is not a Higher Level of Intelligence. This will not bring the best results.
Not Thinking??? Are you kidding me? They do not want you to think so you will not see things as they really are. Look at this world. God created this world in a way so that Brains win. Look at past history. Thinking leads the way to all the advances in capabilities. God set it up this way because Life is the education of God's children. Thinking moves one forward.
God gave everyone a different view to guaranty mankind a larger view than any one person could see. Why? It increases the possibilities of learning and Discovering. Diversity and interaction is a gift that opens doors one might be blind to see.
You do not Understand. It has never ever been about good verses evil. It's about learning through our free choices what the Best choices really are. There is no need to define good or evil since in the end when one understands all sides, Intelligence will make the best choices.
Mankind wants to Rule, Control, Judge, Condemn, Punish, Payback,Revenge,Intimidate, Manipulate, Coerce create a We against They and so many petty things. This will never lead to a Heavenly state or the best choices for anyone. These things just create an excuse to Hate. People will choose these petty things until they understands all sides. At this point, these will no longer be viable choices one could make. Why not? It isn't an Intelligent thing to do. Thinking and Brains lead to one acquiring the capability to create a heavenly state for oneself and others.
It doesn't matter what everyone else does. It's what you choose to do that counts. Remember free choices? Each person's choices show God and the world what they know and what they need to learn. That is what generates the lessons. On the other hand, each is free to choose what they want. Is this really an excuse to hate others for what they choose? Perhaps, it's time to copy God and work at fixing things by placing Real Truth in the world so that it can be seen when it is ready to be Discovered.
That's what I see. It's very clear!!