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What does God want from you?


Veteran Member
Not quite.

You seem incredulous that @Bird123 was using his (allegedly god given) brain to judge your God when you said, "It is as if YOU get to decide what is petty to the Almighty God."

Being incredulous at such a thing is not the same as disallowing such a thing, but it is in my view misplaced as YOU, ME and EVERYONE ELSE should be deciding using our brains whether or not a person's god is petty and/or false since in the context of a creator God we would be gifted with the ability to judge for a reason (in case I need to spell it out for you the reason being so we do not get lead astray by false man-made gods)
Where you and I part ways is that I do not believe humans should be judging God, and what God reveals through a Messenger, thinking that we 'know more' than the Messenger. Obviously, you don't believe that Baha'u'llah was a Messenger of God, but I do, so I do not question what He revealed about God.

However, the things that @Bird123 calls 'petty things tat man holds dear' are also in the Bible and the Qur'an so when he insists they are petty I consider this arrogant and absurd. It is as if he knows more than all the holy scriptures, when he has no way to know anything about God...

This is all in my view of course.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
Meaningless. A mother has love for their infant newborn (children) about naturally. The experience of LOVE is a human experience and should be appreciated. Claiming what you just did, discounts the capability.

Another claim that is rubbish. The A&E story is about the transition from instinctive life to conscious and capable.

Hell is most often observed while alive. The suffering.

No place to go, but many live in hell as they stand.

Again suffering but never left or went elsewhere.

In both time periods, the majority could not even define death. except as sleeping. Unconscious.

For someone claiming to be incapable of judging, why do you?

Jesus taught people not to judge. To leave it to god

Punishment? From songs of david?

You use a letter to a church (romans) to reference a book of creation?

All you just did was evidence to yourself and the rest of us that jesus did not fulfill. "The unveiling" Which is what proves which who is 'the coming' of long ago prophecy.
You mention letters. That helps, because Moses wrote down his experiences and observations. They were not letters but history. Others after him who believed in the same God also wrote their reflections and experiences, and then some did write letters to their contemporaries. Eventually these writings were compiled in a book.


Well-Known Member
You mention letters. That helps, because Moses wrote down his experiences and observations. They were not letters but history. Others after him who believed in the same God also wrote their reflections and experiences, and then some did write letters to their contemporaries. Eventually these writings were compiled in a book.
I am aware. Very few could even read or write.

The historical part is the narrative from the writers point of view. What i get a kick out of are how a persons name/identifier can be changed practically at will of upon an event.

To read the Moses narrative, he claimed to be born in egypt and lived in the house of pharaoh. That would mean as a child, HE had access and could learn well beyond most. The ancient libraries of egypt and all of that art/stone work, could have been understood directly. Arks were storage and normal for nomads.

Knowledge was prized. Calendars, tool making, how to find water, what plants are edible, maps......and even medical understanding.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
I believe it is a matter of accepting what is judged as true and rejecting what is judged as false and it is God doing the judging.
Actually there is a step before that which you are ignoring because it doesnt suit your narrative in my view.

If you accepted what the priests of Huitzilopochtli judged as true and rejected what the priesthood of Huitzilopochtli judged as false you would reject Christianity and claim it was God doing the judging in my view.

This clearly demonstrates that before acceptance of your god's judgement you had to reject acceptance of Huzipochtli which required judgement of Huitzilopochtli on your part as false in my opinion.

That is simply you ascribing your own judgement of the gods to your god as i see it.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
I am aware. Very few could even read or write.

The historical part is the narrative from the writers point of view. What i get a kick out of are how a persons name/identifier can be changed practically at will of upon an event.

To read the Moses narrative, he claimed to be born in egypt and lived in the house of pharaoh. That would mean as a child, HE had access and could learn well beyond most. The ancient libraries of egypt and all of that art/stone work, could have been understood directly. Arks were storage and normal for nomads.

Knowledge was prized. Calendars, tool making, how to find water, what plants are edible, maps......and even medical understanding.
Yes, it is interesting that Moses was privy to the education of privilege being he was taken in by Pharaoh's daughter. Good point, thanks.


Well-Known Member
No I don't, because there are no petty things that mankind holds so dear in my religion.

I don't see them because they are not there. All that is there is what you BELIEVE are petty things that mankind holds so dear.
It is as if YOU get to decide what is petty to the Almighty God.

Worry not. The lessons will come to you but you probably will never Understand.
You will just continue to Believe what you Believe.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!
More knowledge lives beyond the surface. It stares you in the face. One can choose to ignore anything until the lesson shows up at your door to bring clarity. Judgment calls change with more knowledge. In time, one will realize it isn't about Beliefs. It's about What actually is. Further, one will also Discover what is will be Better.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!


Well-Known Member
God wants me to destroy all humans by resetting their minds and turning them into harmless butterflies instead . If we taught our children they are butterflies instead of human , they'd grow up much more placid . A butterfly doesn't need a flashy car , a gold chain and a grand design to live in .
Ah, but is the goal really to be more placid??

You are right. I do not need a flashy car. Mine is 30 years old. I have discovered I have learned much about car repairing along my journey. How much better am I for not choosing flashy?

You are right. I do not need a gold chain. In fact I have no gold at all. I have found the money is better spent helping to solve the problems like people hungry in the world.

You are very wrong about a grand design. If you could see the final results, you could not help but see the Genius behind everything. Great Intelligence can't help but make the best design possible. After all, the other choices are not viable choices one could make after understanding what choices bring the best results.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!


Well-Known Member
I've always wondered if we're some sort of failed lab experiment.
God is very very High Intelligence. God is working on multiple levels with multiple views. One is going to have to stretch to see and understand all that is really going on. Couple that with the statistical possibilities of say 7 billion people interacting and there is far too much for a mere human to keep up with. On the other hand, one can Discover the basic system and many of the reasons things are as they are.

Failed system? Not this one!! On the other hand, it will take much time before the final results will be seen. What else are you doing with eternity? It just gets better the farther one is along the journey.

Yes, there is Method to the Madness!! There is Order to Chaos!! It Stares us all in the Face!!

That's what I see. It's very clear!!


Veteran Member
More knowledge lives beyond the surface. It stares you in the face. One can choose to ignore anything until the lesson shows up at your door to bring clarity. Judgment calls change with more knowledge. In time, one will realize it isn't about Beliefs. It's about What actually is. Further, one will also Discover what is will be Better.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!
In time, one will realize it isn't about Beliefs. It's about What actually is. Further, one will also Discover what is will be Better than what we see now.

“God’s purpose is none other than to usher in, in ways He alone can bring about, and the full significance of which He alone can fathom, the Great, the Golden Age of a long-divided, a long-afflicted humanity. Its present state, indeed even its immediate future, is dark, distressingly dark. Its distant future, however, is radiant, gloriously radiant—so radiant that no eye can visualize it............” The Promised Day is Come, p. 116

God’s Purpose


Veteran Member
And you do not see the petty things mankind holds so dear? Since it is incorporated in your religion and you blindly believe. It's no wonder you do not see. Worry not. The lessons will come until you Understand................
Credulity is blindly believing ( Blind faith ) whereas the faith the Bible speaks of is confidence in God's Word aka Scripture.
We can all see a Bible, but Not everyone wants to see what the Bible really teaches.
The unfolding lessons as found in the world scene will come.
When men are saying, " Peace and Security......" that will be the precursor to the coming great tribulation of Rev.7:14.
That Rosy saying will lead most people down that old Primrose Path........


Veteran Member
God is very very High Intelligence....................
Failed system? Not this one!! On the other hand, it will take much time before the final results will be seen. What else are you doing with eternity? It just gets better the farther one is along the journey.
Yes, there is Method to the Madness!! There is Order to Chaos!! It Stares us all in the Face!!...................
I find what is starring us in the face is the coming of Jesus' Glory Time of separation as found at Matthew 25:31-34,37.
Satan's system (Rev. 12:12,9) is the failed system.
The final results will be seen when the powers in charge are saying, " Peace and Security....." ( 1st Thess. 5:2-3 ) that will prove to be the ' final signal', so to speak, before the outbreak of the great tribulation of Rev. 7:14 .
As for the figurative 'sheep', 'what else will they will be doing with eternity' is: gaining everlasting life on Earth.
Life as promised at 1st Corinthians 15:24-26 when 'enemy death' will come to a final end on Earth.
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Veteran Member
I've always wondered if we're some sort of failed lab experiment.
Perhaps we could say more like some sort of failed satanic experiment by Satan's challenge at Job 2:4-5.
Satan claims ' touch our flesh.... ' ( meaning loose physical health ) and we would Not serve God under adverse conditions.
Both Job and Jesus being faithful to God under adverse conditions proved Satan a liar and so can we.

CG Didymus

Veteran Member
Its as if anyone who wrote the scriptures knows more when they had no more way to know anything more about God than what @Bird123 does in my view
Baha'is don't believe this... "I do not believe humans should be judging God, and what God reveals through a Messenger" It sure seems like Baha'is have made a judgement... that what all the other religions say about God is wrong is one way or another. Only the Baha'i Faith has accurate information about God and what he wants from people.

But I don't see anything wrong with that. I've looked into Christianity and what they say was "revealed" by God and judged it lacking. Then I did the same with the Baha'i Faith. And found it lacking in some ways. If a Baha'i or Christian wants to lead a better life and help others, I've got no problem with that. I think it's very commendable.

But, we all know, true believers in either one can't stop with that... they've got to go preach or teach their message and tell everybody how their beliefs are The Truth. They can't prove it but act as if they can and have.

CG Didymus

Veteran Member
Credulity is blindly believing ( Blind faith ) whereas the faith the Bible speaks of is confidence in God's Word aka Scripture.
We can all see a Bible, but Not everyone wants to see what the Bible really teaches.
The unfolding lessons as found in the world scene will come.
When men are saying, " Peace and Security......" that will be the precursor to the coming great tribulation of Rev.7:14.
That Rosy saying will lead most people down that old Primrose Path........
You have "confidence" in what the Bible says. Then the Baha'is tell us how they have confidence in what their religion says. And they say Jesus, or the "Christ", has already come... more than 150 years ago. It's great you each have so much "confidence". But one of you is wrong... or maybe both of you.


Veteran Member
You have "confidence" in what the Bible says. Then the Baha'is tell us how they have confidence in what their religion says. And they say Jesus, or the "Christ", has already come... more than 150 years ago. It's great you each have so much "confidence". But one of you is wrong... or maybe both of you.
Yes, why else would a person belong to a religion unless they believed it (had confidence) it was the right one.
Anyone can say: Jesus came, is coming, or is not coming.
This month a woman told me if Jesus was coming he would have already came, but she was not interested in hearing anything else.
Since Jesus is coming to bring ' healing ' to earth's nations (Rev. 22:2) then we know Jesus did Not already come more than 150 yrs ago.
Plus, Jesus said to ask for God's Kingdom to come ( thy kingdom come.... ) the kingdom (Daniel 2:44) has Not yet come and Jesus has Not yet taken the action found at Isaiah 11:3-4; Rev. 19:14-15.
So, I don't think my confidence is the wrong one.


Veteran Member
........... I've looked into Christianity and what they say was "revealed" by God and judged it lacking. Then I did the same with the Baha'i Faith. And found it lacking in some ways. If a Baha'i or Christian wants to lead a better life and help others, I've got no problem with that. I think it's very commendable.
But, we all know, true believers in either one can't stop with that... they've got to go preach or teach their message and tell everybody how their beliefs are The Truth. They can't prove it but act as if they can and have.
I agree with 'go preach and teach' because that is what Jesus did and instructed his followers to do - Matt. 24:13-14; Acts 1:8
The theme of Jesus' preaching was God's kingdom (Luke 4:43) that God's kingdom would be the government left standing.
God's kingdom will end all corrupted governments - Daniel 2:44.
Jesus as King / President of God's Kingdom is the one who will bring Peace on Earth - 1st Corinthians 15:24-26
The 'sword-like executional words from Jesus' mouth ' will rid the Earth of the wicked - Isaiah 11:3-4; Rev. 19:14-15


Veteran Member
In time, one will realize it isn't about Beliefs. It's about What actually is. Further, one will also Discover what is will be Better than what we see now.
“God’s purpose is none other than to usher in, in ways He alone can bring about, and the full significance of which He alone can fathom, the Great, the Golden Age of a long-divided, a long-afflicted humanity. Its present state, indeed even its immediate future, is dark, distressingly dark. Its distant future, however, is radiant, gloriously radiant—so radiant that no eye can visualize it.................................
Yes, God's purpose as explained by Jesus is that humble meek people will inherit the Earth - Matt. 5:5; Psalms 37:9-11; 22:26
The immediate future (great tribulation Rev. 7:14) is dark.... but then the future is gloriously radiant because Jesus will take the separating action as described at Matthew 25:31-34,37. The figurative 'sheep' will be here to see calendar Day One of Jesus' Millennium-Long Day governing over Earth for the Golden Age of a thousand years - 1st Cor. 15:24-26.
The 'sheep' will have the opportunity to live forever on Earth as originally offered to Adam before his downfall.


Veteran Member
This month a woman told me if Jesus was coming he would have already came, but she was not interested in hearing anything else.
You are also not interested in hearing anything else except Jesus is coming back to earth.

The problem is, Jesus said He was not coming back to this earth.
Jesus said that His work was finished on earth, which means Jesus is not coming back to build a Kingdom.

John 14:19 Yet a little while, and the world seeth me no more; but ye see me: because I live, ye shall live also.

John 17:4 I have glorified thee on the earth: I have finished the work which thou gavest me to do.

John 17:11 And now I am no more in the world, but these are in the world, and I come to thee. Holy Father, keep through thine own name those whom thou hast given me, that they may be one, as we are.

You cannot make these Bible verses fit with the Christian belief that Jesus is coming back to earth. Logically speaking, if these Bible verses are incorrect, there is NO reason to trust any other Bible verses as being correct. That means all of your beliefs that are based upon Bible verses go right out the window.