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What does God want from you?


Veteran Member
Widen your view! God hides nothing. It is all staring you in the face.
God hides whatever He chooses to hide, and much remains hidden.
Is this the time you place limits on yourself saying that's impossible? Does this justify your inaction? Why do you do this to yourself? It's as if you do not want to Discover anything at all.
More straw men. I don't place limits on myself and I do not have to justify inaction since I am active.
I will Discover what is discoverable. That is not everything.


Veteran Member
The Bible is not God's word. It is mankind's word.
What is the ole saying? Words are cheap. Actions speak louder than words. This is why I say study God's actions instead of holy books. Unlike holy books, God's actions can not be altered by mankind. Further, instead of faith, it is better to Discover what actually is.That's what I see. It's very clear!!
Yes, actions speak LOUDER than words, and the action that Jesus said to do at Matt. 24:14; Acts 1:8 is LOUD in the sense that the good news ( gospel ) of God's kingdom is now proclaimed world wide to earth's nations.
Such international gospel spreading is Not altered by mankind but being done as Jesus instructed to do in his like manner - Luke 4:43
Bible faith is Not credulity ( blind faith ) but confidence in the teachings of Jesus.


Veteran Member
...................The Bible is not telling people what to do. It teaches that we have free will. Preachers tell Christians what to do but that is a different matter. Nobody should ever be told what to do, they should freely choose.
Yes, there are preachers (many) who tell their flock what to do......... ( What to do but Not what the Bible teaches to do )
This is why there are confused parishioners because they aren't taught to stick to God's Word aka Bible.
No wonder the infected world today thrives on violence ( see the news ) because what is around one affects one.


Veteran Member
I consider nature to be indifferent, not cruel. Nature appears to be a process - neutral and non-sentient, completely unaware and oblivious.
God is considered by many to be a sentient, thinking being, in which case, indifference might even be worse than cruelty.
Since Jesus ' forewarned us so that we would be forearmed ' ( Matt. 24; Mark 13; Luke 21 ) then God is Not indifferent.


Veteran Member
See mother nature to observe 'god's actions'.................
.... and we can read about how Jesus will regulate ' nature ' at Mark 6:47-51; Mark 4:39; Matthew 8:26-27
Jesus will control or regulate weather phenomenon under his coming thousand-year reign over Earth - 1st Cor. 15:24-26


Well-Known Member
.... and we can read about how Jesus will regulate ' nature ' at Mark 6:47-51; Mark 4:39; Matthew 8:26-27
Jesus will control or regulate weather phenomenon under his coming thousand-year reign over Earth - 1st Cor. 15:24-26
not even NASA can regulate nature. What you are claiming is beyond just magic. But nature being controlled.


Veteran Member
not even NASA can regulate nature. What you are claiming is beyond just magic. But nature being controlled.
No only that, it doesn't even say that in the Bible.
He says: Jesus will control or regulate weather phenomenon under his coming thousand-year reign over Earth - 1st Cor. 15:24-26
1st Cor. 15:24-26 which has nothing to do with Jesus regulating weather phenomena.

24 Then the end will come, when he hands over the kingdom to God the Father after he has destroyed all dominion, authority and power. 25 For he must reign until he has put all his enemies under his feet. 26 The last enemy to be destroyed is death.


Well-Known Member
No only that, it doesn't even say that in the Bible.
He says: Jesus will control or regulate weather phenomenon under his coming thousand-year reign over Earth - 1st Cor. 15:24-26
1st Cor. 15:24-26 which has nothing to do with Jesus regulating weather phenomena.

24 Then the end will come, when he hands over the kingdom to God the Father after he has destroyed all dominion, authority and power. 25 For he must reign until he has put all his enemies under his feet. 26 The last enemy to be destroyed is death.
I can see that. Some folk will even lie about their own religion.

Let's see the person bring up 1 Cor 14:34-35 and explain that.

Letter between church should not be used to express Jesus. They are used to subdue people.


Veteran Member
not even NASA can regulate nature. What you are claiming is beyond just magic. But nature being controlled.
Yes, control nature by regulating the weather. There will be No destructive storms, etc. - Luke 21:11
Definitely beyond magic because God does Not approve of magic, but certainly it will be super natural.
Besides the weather, Jesus will resurrect restore life to the dead - John 6:40,44 - on the last day meaning Jesus coming Millennium-Long Day governing over Earth for a thousand years. - 1st Corinthians 15:24-26


Veteran Member
..........Let's see the person bring up 1 Cor 14:34-35 and explain that........................
Simple: Don't interrupt the public meeting.
Paul was discussing matters concerning at meetings - Hebrews 10:24-25
The objective of the meetings is to uplift the congregation - 1st. Cor. 14:4-5,12,26
Paul was showing or recommending what should be discussed and how. Start with 1st Cor. 14:1-6
Keep silent for the reason: that all things take place decently.....-1st.Cor. 14:40
The brothers are the ones assigned to teach inside the congregation.
Keep quite so as Not to interrupt - 1st Cor. 13:34.40
So, because of the headship arrangement first if a wife had a question first ask her husband at home.
If he can't answer then the two of them would go to the spiritually older men to get help with an answer.
In other words, no reason to blurt out anything at public meeting time, but afterwards to ask about things.


Well-Known Member
How do you know that I place limits on myself? How do you know that I am not open to all the possibilities? I am open to all possibilities.

How do you know that I am blind to the goodness that does exist? I am not blind to it.

You won't solve those problems with Unconditional Love. Give it up for lost. Jesus preached that we were to love one another 2000 years ago, and what good has that done? Clearly, this has not solved the problems of evil people.

Messengers do not teach Blaming,Judging,Wrath, Anger, Payback, Revenge, Ruling, Controlling, Coercing, Intimidating, Manipulating, Hate, We against They or Labeling others as Evil.

So what are we left with? Punishing. People need to be punished for committing crimes, but that is NOT Payback or Revenge. It is justice.

This is not about whether I have learned more from the Messengers or from living Life in general. I have learned a lot from living Life in general, but I have learned how to live Life from the Messengers.

Following the teachings of the Messengers does not limit my life in any manner shape or form. It only prevents me from doing what I should not be doing, breaking God's Laws.

I am not missing anything and I am not limiting my view by following a religion.

I place no limits on myself. You place limits on yourself by rejecting everything God revealed through Messengers. In so doing, all you have left is your own self-proclaimed religion called Discovery.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!
Is science a religion? They work at Discovery as well.

Any time you say something is impossible out of your beliefs, that limits yourself. I can't count how many times I have been told it is impossible. I don't listen. I don't limit myself.

God has made no laws. Mankind makes laws in an attempt at control. God isn't about ruling and controlling.

Patience. Learning can take time. You, for example, are blind to those petty things the messengers value. Living your lessons through many lifetimes, you will Discover and see for yourself. There will come a time when you will take the rose colored glasses off through your own free choice. When one understands all sides, Intelligence will make the best choices. New knowledge can change beliefs, the view, and judgment calls.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!


Well-Known Member
When did I ever say that God does ANY of those things? I do not believe that God does any of those things.

God did not tell you anything.

The Bible does reflect mankind but it also reflects God. It is our job to find the part tat reflects God.

The Bible is not telling people what to do. It teaches that we have free will. Preachers tell Christians what to do but that is a different matter.
Nobody should ever be told what to do, they should freely choose.
Perhaps God had told me something. The first thing God pointed out to me is that mankind carries such a narrow view.

God also confirmed what I had already Discovered on my own.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!


Well-Known Member
Yes, actions speak LOUDER than words, and the action that Jesus said to do at Matt. 24:14; Acts 1:8 is LOUD in the sense that the good news ( gospel ) of God's kingdom is now proclaimed world wide to earth's nations.
Such international gospel spreading is Not altered by mankind but being done as Jesus instructed to do in his like manner - Luke 4:43
Bible faith is Not credulity ( blind faith ) but confidence in the teachings of Jesus.
What would you expect a religion to do? Without followers, they have nothing.

Confidence is not a determining factor of Truth. Do not assume the Bible comes from God. It reflects mankind more than anything else. It stares you in the face. Do you seek confidence or Truth?

That's what I see. It's very clear!!


Well-Known Member
Yes, control nature by regulating the weather. There will be No destructive storms, etc. - Luke 21:11
but what about the current increase in destructive storms?
Definitely beyond magic because God does Not approve of magic, but certainly it will be super natural.
supernatural is magic if controlled by a single party.
Besides the weather, Jesus will resurrect restore life to the dead - John 6:40,44 - on the last day meaning Jesus coming Millennium-Long Day governing over Earth for a thousand years. - 1st Corinthians 15:24-26
funny stuff.

Jesus is not here saving any lives unless you believe that AA meetings are jesus saving lives.

As for raising the lives of the elders to the flesh, then you are completely misunderstanding how and what that means


Veteran Member
Is science a religion? They work at Discovery as well.
No, science is not a religion. Science has a different scope than religion..
God has made no laws. Mankind makes laws in an attempt at control. God isn't about ruling and controlling.
God has revealed laws. Mankind has made laws.
God doesn't reveal laws to rule and control. Whether or not we follow God's laws has always been a free choice.


Veteran Member
Perhaps God had told me something. The first thing God pointed out to me is that mankind carries such a narrow view.

God also confirmed what I had already Discovered on my own.
God doesn't point out anything to anyone or confirm things for people.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!


Well-Known Member
No, science is not a religion. Science has a different scope than religion..

God has revealed laws. Mankind has made laws.
God doesn't reveal laws to rule and control. Whether or not we follow God's laws has always been a free choice.
I have a different scope than religion as well.
God has revealed no laws. So much is said about God that simply isn't true. God is not going to tell anybody what to do, nor intimidate your choices in any way. The laws you think are God's come from mankind alone.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!


Well-Known Member
God doesn't point out anything to anyone or confirm things for people.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!
Are you now making rules of what God will and will not do? Control is a petty thing mankind holds so dear. I have evidence to the contrary that your attempt at controlling God is not working. Won't you be surprised at the depth at what God will do. I'm afraid limiting yourself to that box of beliefs limits yourself from seeing so much that is going on. It stares you in the face.

That's what I see, It's very clear!!


Veteran Member
God has revealed no laws. So much is said about God that simply isn't true. God is not going to tell anybody what to do, nor intimidate your choices in any way. The laws you think are God's come from mankind alone.
God has revealed laws. So much of what you have said about God simply isn't true. The laws you think are from mankind come from God alone.

God is not going to tell anybody what to do, nor intimidate our choices in any way. God's laws don't do any of these things.
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Veteran Member
Are you now making rules of what God will and will not do?
I don't make any rules. I am just telling you what God does not do.
Control is a petty thing mankind holds so dear. I have evidence to the contrary that your attempt at controlling God is not working.
My attempt at controlling God? This just gets worse and worse. I was just telling you what God does not do.
Won't you be surprised at the depth at what God will do.
No, I won't be surprised because God will never do what you believe He will do. You live in a world of delusion.

That's what I see, It's very clear!!