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What does God want from you?


Well-Known Member
The evidence tells me that Baha'u'llah was a Messenger of God.

Why would God want a direct connection to every human being on earth? Why would that be necessary?
No, I can think of no other way except middlemen, who are mediators between God and man. God uses them because there is no other way for man to get messages from God, since ordinary men could not understand God if God spoke to them directly.

How would I know what sounds like God?

It is not what I like that makes me believe they are from God. I don't like everything they say.

No, Baha'u'llah is not on a Higher Level than God. God is on a Higher Level.
Baha'u'llah did not teach anything petty that mankind holds dear. You say it is petty because you don't like it, but Truth is not about what we like.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!
So many limits you choose to place on yourself. You must have your reasons.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!


Veteran Member
OK. God creates the universe and God creates you. What does God want from you?......................
I find an answer is found at Zephaniah 2:3 to seek God, be humble (meek), observe His righteous decrees, seek righteousness.......
Jesus wants humble meek people who will inherit the Earth as mentioned at Matthew 5:5 from Psalms 37:9-11; 22:26


Well-Known Member
I find an answer is found at Zephaniah 2:3 to seek God, be humble (meek), observe His righteous decrees, seek righteousness.......
Jesus wants humble meek people who will inherit the Earth as mentioned at Matthew 5:5 from Psalms 37:9-11; 22:26
Does this humble mean to never question? Does this mean to Blindly accept? Does this really sound like God? Does this really sound like High Intelligence? Is this no more than the manipulation of mankind?

Will cause I said so really be the answer?

That's what I see. It's very clear!!


Veteran Member
Does this humble mean to never question? Does this mean to Blindly accept? Does this really sound like God? Does this really sound like High Intelligence? Is this no more than the manipulation of mankind?..............................
An inquiring mind wants to know.
We are invited to take in Bible knowledge - John 17:3
So, No, Not blindly accept (credulity) and we are to have an open mind.
( However, some people's minds are so far wide open like a parachute that one might think one's brains fell out.)
Since the Bible is Not written like a novel we need to research the Bible by topic or subject arrangement - Acts 17:11
A comprehensive concordance can help put the Bible in ABC order for us.

I find corrupted clergy often teach what is Not in Scripture as being Scripture.
That does Not make the Bible as wrong, just wrong teachings as wrong.
So, by researching the Bible's corresponding cross-reference verses and passages we can get a more complete picture of what the Bible really teaches.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
Any literature can help, by the simple expedient of giving you a new angle from which to look and think. The Bible is no different, and certainly no better than a lot of other choices. Especially all those begats and slayings, which I find not in the least spiritual. And the rape and murder of whole peoples are not among the things I call "godly qualities." But hey, whatever floats your ark.
I used to read the Bible even when I did not have any faith, because I thought maybe it could help me. I was wrong. It was not until I called out to God for understanding that I began to understand it. Have a good day/evening. Oh, P.S. I used to read other types of spiritualistic writings, too. None of those helped me to understand anything much except that the mind of the person writing was influenced by something. But in essence, until I reached out in prayer to God, asking for help to understand, none of it made any much sense to me.
(Have a good day.)


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
Any literature can help, by the simple expedient of giving you a new angle from which to look and think. The Bible is no different, and certainly no better than a lot of other choices. Especially all those begats and slayings, which I find not in the least spiritual. And the rape and murder of whole peoples are not among the things I call "godly qualities." But hey, whatever floats your ark.
Do you think that God will ever stop all wars? There are wars and terrible things going on now in the name of something, not sure what in all cases, but the question is: how do you feel about it, and do you think wars will ever stop and peace will reign?


Veteran Member
You still do not understand me. My goal has never ever been about getting you to believe anything. I point to where you can Discover for yourself. Perhaps part of my goal was to widen your view.
I do understand your views. Where are you pointing and what am I going to Discover?
One who seeks questions everything. I question everything.
Do you question yourself, what you believe you have Discovered? Do you question that you got a visit from God?
Discover the answers then get the visit. An audience with God is a very powerful thing. It is something that can not be duplicated by oneself or anyone. Further, I continue. There is so much more waiting in front of us all.
This is where we part ways in our views. I do not believe anyone ever gets a visit from God or an audience with God, so I believe that anyone who thinks they got a visit or an audience is mistaken.
I think religion has corrupted us all in that believing factor. The results are so much better when one moves beyond mere believing. When one seeks proof, sometimes one does find the proof one seeks. If one does not seek at all, what can one really expect to find?
As I have said so many times before, all you have are beliefs. They are your own beliefs as opposed to religious beliefs.
You have no proof of anything you claim, and that is why all you have are beliefs.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!


Veteran Member
So many limits you choose to place on yourself. You must have your reasons.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!
I do not limit myself, but God limits Himself.
You limit yourself to your own personal Belief System. You must have your reasons.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!


Well-Known Member
An inquiring mind wants to know.
We are invited to take in Bible knowledge - John 17:3
So, No, Not blindly accept (credulity) and we are to have an open mind.
( However, some people's minds are so far wide open like a parachute that one might think one's brains fell out.)
Since the Bible is Not written like a novel we need to research the Bible by topic or subject arrangement - Acts 17:11
A comprehensive concordance can help put the Bible in ABC order for us.

I find corrupted clergy often teach what is Not in Scripture as being Scripture.
That does Not make the Bible as wrong, just wrong teachings as wrong.
So, by researching the Bible's corresponding cross-reference verses and passages we can get a more complete picture of what the Bible really teaches.
God gave everyone a different view to guaranty mankind a larger view than any one person could have. I'm sure everyone teaches from their viewpoint of what they want it to be, however regardless of viewpoint that does not change the words.

The bible does contain good words about Love, however do you really think God wants people humble and accepting valuing beliefs above all else? What about born with sin? What about Hell? What about Blame, Judging, Condemning, Punishing, Wrath and all the petty things mankind holds so dear that it values? The Bible reflects mankind more than anything else. On the other hand, God is in everything. Perhaps the words on Love reflect God to a point.

God needs no holy book. It stares us all in the face waiting to be Discovered.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!


Veteran Member
God needs no holy book. It stares us all in the face waiting to be Discovered.
Of course God needs no holy book. It is humans who need holy books.
Whatever you Discover is only a product of your own ego. What good is that?

That's what I see. It's very clear!!


Well-Known Member
I do understand your views. Where are you pointing and what am I going to Discover?

Do you question yourself, what you believe you have Discovered? Do you question that you got a visit from God?

This is where we part ways in our views. I do not believe anyone ever gets a visit from God or an audience with God, so I believe that anyone who thinks they got a visit or an audience is mistaken.

As I have said so many times before, all you have are beliefs. They are your own beliefs as opposed to religious beliefs.
You have no proof of anything you claim, and that is why all you have are beliefs.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!
I have the proof. It's you who do not have the proof. You can only seek proof for yourself. I can not do it for you. You will not find the proof at the beginning of your journey.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!


Veteran Member
I have the proof.
So what is your proof?
It's you who do not have the proof.
I have the proof that Baha'u'llah was a Messenger of God.

“Say: The first and foremost testimony establishing His truth is His own Self. Next to this testimony is His Revelation. For whoso faileth to recognize either the one or the other He hath established the words He hath revealed as proof of His reality and truth. This is, verily, an evidence of His tender mercy unto men. He hath endowed every soul with the capacity to recognize the signs of God. How could He, otherwise, have fulfilled His testimony unto men, if ye be of them that ponder His Cause in their hearts. He will never deal unjustly with any one, neither will He task a soul beyond its power. He, verily, is the Compassionate, the All-Merciful.” Gleanings From the Writings of Bahá’u’lláh, pp. 105-106
You can only seek proof for yourself. I can not do it for you. You will not find the proof at the beginning of your journey.
I already found the proof.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!


Veteran Member
God gave everyone a different view to guaranty mankind a larger view than any one person could have. I'm sure everyone teaches from their viewpoint of what they want it to be, however regardless of viewpoint that does not change the words.
The bible does contain good words about Love, however do you really think God wants people humble and accepting valuing beliefs above all else? What about born with sin? What about Hell? What about Blame, Judging, Condemning, Punishing, Wrath and all the petty things mankind holds so dear that it values? The Bible reflects mankind more than anything else. On the other hand, God is in everything. Perhaps the words on Love reflect God to a point.
God needs no holy book. It stares us all in the face waiting to be Discovered. That's what I see. It's very clear!!
Yes, God "IS" love, God has wisdom, God has power, God has justice, God has mercy but only God "IS" love.
Born in adamic sin meaning imperfection inherited from fallen father Adam is where the blame lies.
Biblical hell is just the grave for the sleeping dead.
Can you or anyone think of anyone righteous who went to hell ___________
The day righteous Jesus' died Jesus went to hell - Acts 2:27 - went to the grave getting a well-deserved sleep.
Both Jesus and the OT teach ' sleep ' in death <- John 11:11-14; Psalm 115:17; Isaiah 38:18; Ecclesiastes 9:5
There is judging and there is judging:
We are Not to make personal judgements implying a wrong or bad motive to another. ( condemning )
Jesus will judge between the figurative 'sheep' and 'goats' - Matthew 25:31-34,37
Punishment for those who prove to be wicked is: 'everlasting destruction' - Psalms 37:38; 92:7; 104:35; 145:20

As far as God not needing a Holy Book, the Book of Creation speaks loud volumes for us - Romans 1:20
Yes, and waiting to be Discovered, and will be Uncovered during Jesus' coming 1,000 year governmental reign over Earth.


Well-Known Member
Yes, God "IS" love, God has wisdom, God has power, God has justice, God has mercy but only God "IS" love.
Meaningless. A mother has love for their infant newborn (children) about naturally. The experience of LOVE is a human experience and should be appreciated. Claiming what you just did, discounts the capability.
Born in adamic sin meaning imperfection inherited from fallen father Adam is where the blame lies.
Another claim that is rubbish. The A&E story is about the transition from instinctive life to conscious and capable.
Biblical hell is just the grave for the sleeping dead.
Hell is most often observed while alive. The suffering.
Can you or anyone think of anyone righteous who went to hell ___________
No place to go, but many live in hell as they stand.
The day righteous Jesus' died Jesus went to hell
Again suffering but never left or went elsewhere.
Both Jesus and the OT teach ' sleep ' in death <- John 11:11-14; Psalm 115:17; Isaiah 38:18; Ecclesiastes 9:5
In both time periods, the majority could not even define death. except as sleeping. Unconscious.
There is judging and there is judging:
We are Not to make personal judgements implying a wrong or bad motive to another. ( condemning )
For someone claiming to be incapable of judging, why do you?
Jesus will judge between the figurative 'sheep' and 'goats' - Matthew 25:31-34,37
Jesus taught people not to judge. To leave it to god
Punishment for those who prove to be wicked is: 'everlasting destruction' - Psalms 37:38; 92:7; 104:35; 145:20
Punishment? From songs of david?
As far as God not needing a Holy Book, the Book of Creation speaks loud volumes for us - Romans 1:20
You use a letter to a church (romans) to reference a book of creation?
Yes, and waiting to be Discovered, and will be Uncovered during Jesus' coming 1,000 year governmental reign over Earth.
All you just did was evidence to yourself and the rest of us that jesus did not fulfill. "The unveiling" Which is what proves which who is 'the coming' of long ago prophecy.


Well-Known Member
Of course God needs no holy book. It is humans who need holy books.
Whatever you Discover is only a product of your own ego. What good is that?

That's what I see. It's very clear!!
Holy books reflect mankind. God's actions can not be altered by anyone. If one seeks the truth, it stares us all in the face. Perhaps, it's no more than a test of Intelligence.

If you seek Beliefs, those holy books can fill you up. If you seek God, Truth and Great Wisdom, God has placed it around us all. Who can see? It waits to be Discovered.

Choose, what is it that you really seek?

I am one who will walk toward the High Intelligence, the Math that adds up perfectly, and the Higher Level. I am that hungry student who seeks. I am one who always must know!!

I am not the Believer who follows and accepts. That is no longer a viable choice I could make. Why not? It will not bring the best results. It is not an intelligent move. By holy books valuing so many of the petty things mankind holds so dear. It is not a Higher Level.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!


Well-Known Member
So what is your proof?

I have the proof that Baha'u'llah was a Messenger of God.

“Say: The first and foremost testimony establishing His truth is His own Self. Next to this testimony is His Revelation. For whoso faileth to recognize either the one or the other He hath established the words He hath revealed as proof of His reality and truth. This is, verily, an evidence of His tender mercy unto men. He hath endowed every soul with the capacity to recognize the signs of God. How could He, otherwise, have fulfilled His testimony unto men, if ye be of them that ponder His Cause in their hearts. He will never deal unjustly with any one, neither will He task a soul beyond its power. He, verily, is the Compassionate, the All-Merciful.” Gleanings From the Writings of Bahá’u’lláh, pp. 105-106

I already found the proof.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!
How does this prove Baha is a messenger of God? 1. He says so???? 2. what he says and how he acts? What about those petty things mankind holds so dear that He values and teaches? What about him teaching some are better than others in God's eyes? If he really came from God, he would tell you how to find God, but it's clear from what I have heard. He has no clue what God is all about.

Case in point: WE are talking about a Being capable of creating Universes. Why would God create a mess? He wouldn't. God created a Masterpiece. What has baha taught you? Has baha taught how to see the Masterpiece or has Baha taught you to see a mess, that people are evil, it's we against they.? Isn't Baha teaching you to hate??? Believe and you will never see it. Question and use Math and it becomes very clear. It isn't God who Baha is teaching people.

So what is Baha and your answer: BLAME!!!! It's mankind's fault. And you say you do not value petty things mankind holds so dear?? Give me a break!!!

Look beyond the hurt to see what exists beyond the surface. There is so very much knowledge you are missing. Most people like simple answers, however God is working on multiple levels with multiple views. You are just going to have to Stretch!! If you really seek the Truth.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!


Veteran Member
Holy books reflect mankind.
Holy books reflect God. That is why they are called "Holy."
God's actions can not be altered by anyone.
Of course not.
If one seeks the truth, it stares us all in the face. Perhaps, it's no more than a test of Intelligence.
If only one were to recognize it where it is located, in the holy books. Perhaps, it's no more than a test of Intelligence.
If you seek Beliefs, those holy books can fill you up. If you seek God, Truth and Great Wisdom, God has placed it around us all. Who can see? It waits to be Discovered.
If you seek God, Truth and Great Wisdom, God has revealed it in the holy books. Who can see? It waits to be Discovered.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!


Veteran Member
How does this prove Baha is a messenger of God? 1. He says so???? 2. what he says and how he acts?
We can only prove to ourselves that Baha'u'llah was a Messenger of God, and we do that by looking at the evidence.
There is no proof that everyone will accept as proof since everyone views the evidence differently.
What about those petty things mankind holds so dear that He values and teaches? What about him teaching some are better than others in God's eyes? If he really came from God, he would tell you how to find God, but it's clear from what I have heard. He has no clue what God is all about.
No, He would not teach that all men are equal in the sight of God because clearly they are not. Some people are more moral than others.
No, He would not tell us how to find God, He would tell us that God can never be found.
Case in point: WE are talking about a Being capable of creating Universes. Why would God create a mess? He wouldn't. God created a Masterpiece. What has baha taught you? Has baha taught how to see the Masterpiece or has Baha taught you to see a mess, that people are evil, it's we against they.? Isn't Baha teaching you to hate???
God did not create a mess. Humans created a mess in the world God created. So much for the Masterpiece.
Baha'u'llah did not have to teach anyone that people are evil. To know that all one has to do is turn on the TV and watch the true crime shows.
Baha'u'llah did not teach anyone to hate. You created that straw man in your own mind.
So what is Baha and your answer: BLAME!!!! It's mankind's fault. And you say you do not value petty things mankind holds so dear?? Give me a break!!!
All the evil in the world is mankind's fault. You can bet your bottom dollar on that.

“God hath in that Book, and by His behest, decreed as lawful whatsoever He hath pleased to decree, and hath, through the power of His sovereign might, forbidden whatsoever He elected to forbid. To this testifieth the text of that Book. Will ye not bear witness? Men, however, have wittingly broken His law. Is such a behavior to be attributed to God, or to their proper selves? Be fair in your judgment. Every good thing is of God, and every evil thing is from yourselves. Will ye not comprehend? This same truth hath been revealed in all the Scriptures, if ye be of them that understand.” Gleanings From the Writings of Bahá’u’lláh, pp. 149-150

That's what I see. It's very clear!!


Well-Known Member
Yes, God "IS" love, God has wisdom, God has power, God has justice, God has mercy but only God "IS" love.
Born in adamic sin meaning imperfection inherited from fallen father Adam is where the blame lies.
Biblical hell is just the grave for the sleeping dead.
Can you or anyone think of anyone righteous who went to hell ___________
The day righteous Jesus' died Jesus went to hell - Acts 2:27 - went to the grave getting a well-deserved sleep.
Both Jesus and the OT teach ' sleep ' in death <- John 11:11-14; Psalm 115:17; Isaiah 38:18; Ecclesiastes 9:5
There is judging and there is judging:
We are Not to make personal judgements implying a wrong or bad motive to another. ( condemning )
Jesus will judge between the figurative 'sheep' and 'goats' - Matthew 25:31-34,37
Punishment for those who prove to be wicked is: 'everlasting destruction' - Psalms 37:38; 92:7; 104:35; 145:20

As far as God not needing a Holy Book, the Book of Creation speaks loud volumes for us - Romans 1:20
Yes, and waiting to be Discovered, and will be Uncovered during Jesus' coming 1,000 year governmental reign over Earth.
This is not God. These are mankind's stories. Look at the entire picture of what you told me. Is this really an Intelligence way to run things??

Some of the petty things mankind holds so dear: Blaming, Judging, Condemning, Punishing, Wrath, Anger, Hate, Pay back, Revenge, Ruling, Controlling, Coercing, Intimidating, Manipulating and we against they.

How many of these things are incorporated in those beliefs and stories? Is this really a Higher Level of Intelligence? WE are talking about a Being capable of creating universes. Do you really think these petty things will bring the best results???

Born in adamic sin???? Give me a break!! Thinking is crucial!! How could this really be God?? Would not that and Hell make God a Monster??

Those holy books clearly were written by mankind for that is who they truly reflect!!

Let me really stretch your mind. Through the many many lifetimes and the many many lessons, one reaches a point where one understands what the best choices are. One understands how to create a Heavenly state for oneself and others. Guess what? There are no need for laws, ruling, controlling, or reigning. These petty things mankind values will become obsolete. On the other hand, much must be learned and Discovered before one reaches this level. I have been pointing the way for you to see.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!


Well-Known Member
We can only prove to ourselves that Baha'u'llah was a Messenger of God, and we do that by looking at the evidence.
There is no proof that everyone will accept as proof since everyone views the evidence differently.

No, He would not teach that all men are equal in the sight of God because clearly they are not. Some people are more moral than others.
No, He would not tell us how to find God, He would tell us that God can never be found.

God did not create a mess. Humans created a mess in the world God created. So much for the Masterpiece.
Baha'u'llah did not have to teach anyone that people are evil. To know that all one has to do is turn on the TV and watch the true crime shows.
Baha'u'llah did not teach anyone to hate. You created that straw man in your own mind.

All the evil in the world is mankind's fault. You can bet your bottom dollar on that.

“God hath in that Book, and by His behest, decreed as lawful whatsoever He hath pleased to decree, and hath, through the power of His sovereign might, forbidden whatsoever He elected to forbid. To this testifieth the text of that Book. Will ye not bear witness? Men, however, have wittingly broken His law. Is such a behavior to be attributed to God, or to their proper selves? Be fair in your judgment. Every good thing is of God, and every evil thing is from yourselves. Will ye not comprehend? This same truth hath been revealed in all the Scriptures, if ye be of them that understand.” Gleanings From the Writings of Bahá’u’lláh, pp. 149-150

That's what I see. It's very clear!!
And you do not see the petty things mankind holds so dear? Since it is incorporated in your religion and you blindly believe. It's no wonder you do not see. Worry not. The lessons will come until you Understand.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!