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What does God want from you?

It Aint Necessarily So

Veteran Member
Premium Member
"Nobody in the Baha'i Faith administration collects money. Any contributions to the Baha'i Faith are strictly voluntary."
Is self contradictory-the second sentence contradicts the first. There is no obfuscation as even in context the first sentence is demonstrably false.
You're not wrong, but I have no doubt that @Trailblazer meant what she corrected her comment to after initially choosing her words badly. The second sentence suggests that, and I agree with her that the first must be read in the light of the second to realize that.

My disagreements with her are always about her reasoning, not her integrity. She seems true to her own conscience (just like you). I've never suspected her of lying or arguing in bad faith. I just don't believe what she does or think like she does, but those are intellectual differences. I'd say that all three of us have about the same moral values with the possible exception that she accepts Abrahamic homophobia as moral, or more correctly, doesn't consider it homophobia.


Well-Known Member
Baha'i Fund contributions are not used for spreading the religion.
Baha'i Fund contributions are not used for gaining followers, thereby making more money.
Individual Baha'is are not paid for teaching the Baha'i Faith, although sometimes Baha'i teaching activities are subsidized by Baha'i Fund..

Baha'i Fund contributions are used for various things. Bahá'í Funds - Bahai9

That is true, but there is no donation plate in the Baha'i Faith. All contributions are strictly voluntary and never solicited.
The Baha'i institutions do tell us the Fund needs money when there is a shortfall, but all contributions are strictly voluntary.

Baha'i Fund contributions are used for various things., but not to pass the word around. Why do you think that?

You do not KNOW what is going on in the Baha'i Faith. I have been a Baha'i for 53 years so I know what is going on. Nothing is hidden except the names of Baha'is who contributed to the Fund and how much they contributed. Everything else is out in the open for all Baha'is to see.

What we see in this world are not God's actions. Everything we see is the result of human actions.
Nobody ever 'finds' God.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!
You claim to know so much about baha yet it was others that showed baha do collect money and through their words do expect money so they can spread their beliefs. What else are you missing wearing those rose colored glasses?

You are wanting that middleman between you and God so you can ignore what is there. Why middlemen? Why do you limit yourself from God when, deep down, you know God is not unreachable at all and messengers that you use to keep your distance are not needed.

What has happened to you that made you decide to keep God unreachable? Who has convinced you that you are not good enough or do not deserve God in your life.?

It isn't God who is hiding. It's you. Why are you doing this??

That's what I see. It's very clear!!


Well-Known Member
Baha'i Fund contributions are not used for spreading the religion.
Baha'i Fund contributions are not used for gaining followers, thereby making more money.
Individual Baha'is are not paid for teaching the Baha'i Faith, although sometimes Baha'i teaching activities are subsidized by the Baha'i Fund..

Baha'i Fund contributions are used for various things.

What does the Bahá'í Faith do with the money they collect?

That is true, but there is no donation plate in the Baha'i Faith. All contributions are strictly voluntary and never solicited.
The Baha'i institutions do tell us the Fund needs money when there is a shortfall, but all contributions are strictly voluntary.

Baha'i Fund contributions are used for various things., but not to pass the word around. Why do you think that?

You do not KNOW what is going on in the Baha'i Faith. I have been a Baha'i for 53 years so I know what is going on. Nothing is hidden except the names of Baha'is who contributed to the Fund and how much they contributed. Everything else is out in the open for all Baha'is to see.

What we see in this world are not God's actions. Everything we see is the result of human actions.
Nobody ever 'finds' God.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!

No soliciting exists in the Baha'i Faith, implied or explicit.

No, it is not implied that we must contribute to the Baha'i Fund.

The Baha'i Faith does not use the funds to spread the religion. Although some teaching efforts are subsidized, that is not where most of the money goes.
The Baha'i Faith has no preachers so there are no preachers living in million dollar houses.

There are multiple Baha’i Funds: Local Spiritual Assembly or incorporated entity funds; Regional Funds; National Funds; Continental and International Funds; and the Huququllah (which is collected on behalf of the House of Justice and is used to pay for costs and expenses internationally and also to assist Baha’i communities in some countries financially). Most Baha’is give directly to a Local and/or National Fund but may direct portions given to be directed to specific other funds.​
The funds are spent for the benefit of Baha’is and the Baha’i Faith around the world. Most Baha’is live in developing countries. Baha’i Funds are audited annually and local and national fund reports are provided annually. The primary types of expenditures are:​
-News bulletins and communications with local communities and members​
-Information processing, Internet, and communications​
-Publishing trusts and supplying associated materials for the benefit of Baha’is and others​
-Subsidizing conferences and conventions for Baha’is and others​
-Construction, maintenance, and operation of Baha’is properties (Baha’i Centers locally and nationally, Baha’i Houses of Worship, Baha’i Holy Sites-primarily in the Haifa-Acre region of Israel, Baha’i administrative properties-offices and housing in some locations, Radio stations in a handful of places)​
-Administrative services (Most Baha’is volunteer to serve and provide such services, but professionals are paid for full-time employment and persons moving to places for full-time service may be paid stipends and provided housing sufficient to cover living expenses.)​
-Charities (particularly in more wealthy communities)​
-Promotional expenses​
Only Baha’is in good standing can contribute to the Baha’i Funds. All contributions are voluntary, private, and cannot be requested.. The Baha’i Faith does not profit from its activities. Any fees and charges (such as for materials and books or use of facilities) typically only defray costs and expenses.​
Contributions are usually made at the local level in communities with local spiritual assemblies or incorporated groups. Some contributions are given by individuals directly at the national level. Individuals may direct portions of their contributions to specific funds for specific purposes.​
The Huququllah is a type of tithe directly controlled by the Universal House of Justice, which is the nine person elected body that heads the Faith. A person is to give 19% of any accumulated excess wealth (beyond what is ordinary or necessary or exempted for one’s living expenses). For many people, there is no excess wealth accumulated in a given year. The discretion and calculation is solely left to the individual and a private matter. It is intended to cause us to budget and consider our needs and discipline ourselves.​

Do you realize that what you just said also applies to you?
Is there a reason why you never respond to what I post about my religion but rather act as if I never said anything?

Yes, we should determine if it is a smear campaign before hurling accusations. I did not do that so I had to apologize to @danieldemol later.

Whose Truth?

Do you ever question what you say is the Truth? If not questioned, one day you might Discover all you had all along were beliefs.

All you have are beliefs about God. You do not KNOW anything about God since you have no way to know.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!
Yes, you just proved it to everyone. Baha is definitely a religion. If you think they are not looking to gain followers along with more donations, you are kidding yourself.

I could never donate to Baha. They do not even know God. Further, by valuing and teach those petty things mankind holds so dear. They are teaching much more than they realize. It is not all goodness.

I am open to all possibilities. It has to be forward knowledge and movement. Mankind does not have the capabilities of the experience I have lived. If I experience anything greater, you can bet I will Question everything. Further, let's not forget the MATH I speak of that you are blind to see. Everything about God will add up!!

I can not go back. The Math has been perfect. The Knowledge has been amazing. The dynamics and the goals and the methods are genius. There is so much to learn. I'm too busy moving forward to go back. You see, I am not placing limits on myself. I am a hungry student. I am an ant. On the other hand, I am moving in the right direction. How do I know? An action of God: God created the world so brains win. Knowledge and wisdom bring power and strength. That is where I am walking. It kind of makes beliefs and believing a joke.

That's what I see. It's very clear.


Veteran Member
You claim to know so much about baha yet it was others that showed baha do collect money and through their words do expect money so they can spread their beliefs. What else are you missing wearing those rose colored glasses?
I have always known that my religion collects money, meaning that the treasurer collects the money that the Baha'is have voluntarily contributed.
What I was saying is that nobody in the religion solicits money from the Baha'is.

I already told you that that most of the Baha'i Fund does not go towards spreading the religion. I guess I have to post it again, not that you will acknowledge it. You just ignore what I post whenever it is something you don't want to hear.

The funds are spent for the benefit of Baha’is and the Baha’i Faith around the world. Most Baha’is live in developing countries. Baha’i Funds are audited annually and local and national fund reports are provided annually. The primary types of expenditures are:

-News bulletins and communications with local communities and members

-Information processing, Internet, and communications

-Publishing trusts and supplying associated materials for the benefit of Baha’is and others

-Subsidizing conferences and conventions for Baha’is and others

-Construction, maintenance, and operation of Baha’is properties (Baha’i Centers locally and nationally, Baha’i Houses of Worship, Baha’i Holy Sites-primarily in the Haifa-Acre region of Israel, Baha’i administrative properties-offices and housing in some locations, Radio stations in a handful of places)

-Administrative services (Most Baha’is volunteer to serve and provide such services, but professionals are paid for full-time employment and persons moving to places for full-time service may be paid stipends and provided housing sufficient to cover living expenses.)

-Charities (particularly in more wealthy communities)

-Promotional expenses

What does the Bahá'í Faith do with the money they collect?
You are wanting that middleman between you and God so you can ignore what is there. Why middlemen? Why do you limit yourself from God when, deep down, you know God is not unreachable at all and messengers that you use to keep your distance are not needed.
No, deep down I do not know that God is reachable.
I know that God is unreachable, not even with the Messengers. Not even the Messengers can reach God, and you think you can?
What has happened to you that made you decide to keep God unreachable? Who has convinced you that you are not good enough or do not deserve God in your life.?
God is unreachable because God resides in His own realm of Glory, where no man can ever go.
Whatever you imagine you have reached is not God, it is a figment of your imagination.

“And now concerning thy reference to the existence of two Gods. Beware, beware, lest thou be led to join partners with the Lord, thy God. He is, and hath from everlasting been, one and alone, without peer or equal, eternal in the past, eternal in the future, detached from all things, ever-abiding, unchangeable, and self-subsisting. He hath assigned no associate unto Himself in His Kingdom, no counsellor to counsel Him, none to compare unto Him, none to rival His glory. To this every atom of the universe beareth witness, and beyond it the inmates of the realms on high, they that occupy the most exalted seats, and whose names are remembered before the Throne of Glory.”
Gleanings From the Writings of Bahá’u’lláh, p. 192
It isn't God who is hiding. It's you. Why are you doing this??
God is hiding. Ask any atheist, they know the truth. If God was not hiding here would be no atheists. That's simple logic.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!


Veteran Member
Yes, you just proved it to everyone. Baha is definitely a religion. If you think they are not looking to gain followers along with more donations, you are kidding yourself.
I never said that the Baha'i Faith is not looking to gain followers, I only ever said that only a small part of the total donations to the Baha'i Fund goes towards promoting the religion.
I could never donate to Baha.
No, you could never donate to the Baha'i Faith because only Baha'is are allowed to donate.
They do not even know God.
Baha'u'llah knows God better than anyone has ever known God. Jesus also knows God. Other Messengers of God also know God.
You do not know God because you have no way to know God.
I can not go back. The Math has been perfect. The Knowledge has been amazing.
You have no knowledge of God. Everything you 'believe' about God is only a projection of your ego.

That's what I see. It's very clear.


Non-debating member when I can help myself
I can not go back. The Math has been perfect. The Knowledge has been amazing. The dynamics and the goals and the methods are genius. There is so much to learn. I'm too busy moving forward to go back. You see, I am not placing limits on myself. I am a hungry student. I am an ant. On the other hand, I am moving in the right direction. How do I know? An action of God: God created the world so brains win. Knowledge and wisdom bring power and strength. That is where I am walking. It kind of makes beliefs and believing a joke.
What does Math have to do knowing God except to a limited extent? It helps a miniscule amount. Mathematical equations are beautiful, but what they don't reveal much about God to me as some who has a B.S. in Mathematics. Here's what Einstein thought about God.

Religious and philosophical views of Albert Einstein - Wikipedia.

Albert Einstein himself stated "I'm not an atheist, and I don't think I can call myself a pantheist... I believe in Spinoza's God who reveals himself in the orderly harmony of what exists, not in a God who concerns himself with fates and actions of human beings".[2] Einstein believed the problem of God was the "most difficult in the world"—a question that could not be answered "simply with yes or no". He conceded that "the problem involved is too vast for our limited minds".

What he says makes sense to me. We can't use our limited minds to know or even prove the existence of God.

Little Dragon

Well-Known Member
If you are an atheist, speculate. If God really exists and creates the universe and God creates you. What does God want from you?
Perhaps he/she/it wants a game of Warhammer 40K with me, in heaven? It's about the only thing I would like to do with God. I am sure God would give me a good game though. I'd best be on my toes.


Well-Known Member
I have always known that my religion collects money, meaning that the treasurer collects the money that the Baha'is have voluntarily contributed.
What I was saying is that nobody in the religion solicits money from the Baha'is.

I already told you that that most of the Baha'i Fund does not go towards spreading the religion. I guess I have to post it again, not that you will acknowledge it. You just ignore what I post whenever it is something you don't want to hear.

The funds are spent for the benefit of Baha’is and the Baha’i Faith around the world. Most Baha’is live in developing countries. Baha’i Funds are audited annually and local and national fund reports are provided annually. The primary types of expenditures are:

-News bulletins and communications with local communities and members

-Information processing, Internet, and communications

-Publishing trusts and supplying associated materials for the benefit of Baha’is and others

-Subsidizing conferences and conventions for Baha’is and others

-Construction, maintenance, and operation of Baha’is properties (Baha’i Centers locally and nationally, Baha’i Houses of Worship, Baha’i Holy Sites-primarily in the Haifa-Acre region of Israel, Baha’i administrative properties-offices and housing in some locations, Radio stations in a handful of places)

-Administrative services (Most Baha’is volunteer to serve and provide such services, but professionals are paid for full-time employment and persons moving to places for full-time service may be paid stipends and provided housing sufficient to cover living expenses.)

-Charities (particularly in more wealthy communities)

-Promotional expenses

What does the Bahá'í Faith do with the money they collect?

No, deep down I do not know that God is reachable.
I know that God is unreachable, not even with the Messengers. Not even the Messengers can reach God, and you think you can?

God is unreachable because God resides in His own realm of Glory, where no man can ever go.
Whatever you imagine you have reached is not God, it is a figment of your imagination.

“And now concerning thy reference to the existence of two Gods. Beware, beware, lest thou be led to join partners with the Lord, thy God. He is, and hath from everlasting been, one and alone, without peer or equal, eternal in the past, eternal in the future, detached from all things, ever-abiding, unchangeable, and self-subsisting. He hath assigned no associate unto Himself in His Kingdom, no counsellor to counsel Him, none to compare unto Him, none to rival His glory. To this every atom of the universe beareth witness, and beyond it the inmates of the realms on high, they that occupy the most exalted seats, and whose names are remembered before the Throne of Glory.”​

God is hiding. Ask any atheist, they know the truth. If God was not hiding here would be no atheists. That's simple logic.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!
When Baha buys centers for people to gather and recite their word, that is spreading the faith.

You are so conflicting in your reasoning. Like horoscopes, you are going to find a way to make it fit.
First you say God has messengers and next you say God has no associates. You can't have it both ways.

God is in His own realm of Glory??? Where do you find this stuff? Glory is all EGO based. Why would anyone value Glory?
Your math never adds up. Why would God create an infinite number of children then sit in a realm of His own? Do you ever Question these stories???

There is good reason God does not speak to the masses. God will never intimidate anyone's choices. Would not God showing up on your doorstep intimidate you? You would start reciting the Baha when the Baha isn't what is going on as the major system going on? You would just end up more confused than ever.

The journey is about Learning. God isn't going to give the answers away. God did not show up until I already knew what God was doing. Further, do not discount a true interaction with God. It could not be imagined as you think. Without a certain amount of understanding, most would just be confused by the experience.

You do not realize this world isn't about God. It's all been created solely for God's children.

Ask your atheists what they think of Baha.

Atheists might think God is hiding, however are they really looking or do they base God on what religion is saying. If they base God on what religion is saying, I understand why they do not believe. This is the very same reason I started my journey to Discover the Real Truth it's because the Math in religion is very lacking. Even you, when I mention Math, you do not even have a clue. You say Math and God have nothing to do with each other. There is so much you need to Discover before you can see that Math does matter. Everywhere!!

With God, it has never ever been about Believing!!!!!! Religion is who wants everyone believing. Why? Believing is all they have. This is not God!!

Strange as it might seem. Atheists are every bit as important to God's system as Theists. Do you really think God looks down on Atheists or even any of His children? What are you teaching the children? Is it all really goodness? Widen that view!! You are missing so very much. Do you even see the results?

Perhaps, that would be a good task for you. Have a long talk with an atheist.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!


Well-Known Member
I never said that the Baha'i Faith is not looking to gain followers, I only ever said that only a small part of the total donations to the Baha'i Fund goes towards promoting the religion.

No, you could never donate to the Baha'i Faith because only Baha'is are allowed to donate.

Baha'u'llah knows God better than anyone has ever known God. Jesus also knows God. Other Messengers of God also know God.
You do not know God because you have no way to know God.

You have no knowledge of God. Everything you 'believe' about God is only a projection of your ego.

That's what I see. It's very clear.
Jesus did not write. Knowing the truth based on what others say comes up very lacking. The writings about Jesus show that the writers do not have a clue about God. They reflect mankind more than anything else.

The Baha are doing their own writing. Right? Based on what I have seen. Baha have no clue about God. They reflect mankind more than anything else.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!


Well-Known Member
What does Math have to do knowing God except to a limited extent? It helps a miniscule amount. Mathematical equations are beautiful, but what they don't reveal much about God to me as some who has a B.S. in Mathematics. Here's what Einstein thought about God.

Religious and philosophical views of Albert Einstein - Wikipedia.

Albert Einstein himself stated "I'm not an atheist, and I don't think I can call myself a pantheist... I believe in Spinoza's God who reveals himself in the orderly harmony of what exists, not in a God who concerns himself with fates and actions of human beings".[2] Einstein believed the problem of God was the "most difficult in the world"—a question that could not be answered "simply with yes or no". He conceded that "the problem involved is too vast for our limited minds".

What he says makes sense to me. We can't use our limited minds to know or even prove the existence of God.
If one was really really smart, everything could be in math terms. High Intelligence dictates Everything must add up perfectly. I have found everything about God does add up.

In a time-based causal universe God's actions can be seen. When one understands God's actions, one understands God. Put enough pieces together and one starts to see what is really going on and what it's really all about.

Putting the pieces together can be hard. Using Ebb and Flow of knowledge helps. Example: If I were to build a car. There are things all cars should have, an engine, a way to stop, a way to steer, a place to sit. You get the idea.

Einstein was very smart. He used some of the things I speak of. On the other hand, like most people, his view was narrow. Further, Religion can corrupt one's thinking when it teaches one to limit those views.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!


Well-Known Member
Perhaps he/she/it wants a game of Warhammer 40K with me, in heaven? It's about the only thing I would like to do with God. I am sure God would give me a good game though. I'd best be on my toes.
Be careful what you ask for. Living those Games, you will find is much more exciting than playing them.

God will grant His children anything as long as it doesn't interfere with their lessons or the lessons of others.
Who knows God might just fit you in. Are you up for it?

I think you are right. Best be on your toes. Things can happen when one least expect it. Still, I'll be pulling for you. Show God what you are really capable of. I believe in you!!!

That's what I see. It's very clear!!


Veteran Member
When Baha buys centers for people to gather and recite their word, that is spreading the faith.
Spreading the faith is one purpose for the Baha'i Temples, but not the only purpose.

The Baha'i centers are for Baha'is to gather in and have meetings, read prayers and study the writings.
You are so conflicting in your reasoning. Like horoscopes, you are going to find a way to make it fit.
First you say God has messengers and next you say God has no associates. You can't have it both ways.
The Messengers are not God's associates, because they do not associate with God. Nobody associates with God since God is one and alone, with no partners. The Messengers simply take down a message that God reveals to them, kind of like dictation.
God is in His own realm of Glory??? Where do you find this stuff? Glory is all EGO based. Why would anyone value Glory?
Your math never adds up. Why would God create an infinite number of children then sit in a realm of His own? Do you ever Question these stories???
Glory is not ego based, not when it describes God. The following paragraph explains why God is in His own realm of Glory.

“He, in truth, hath, throughout eternity, been one in His Essence, one in His attributes, one in His works. Any and every comparison is applicable only to His creatures, and all conceptions of association are conceptions that belong solely to those that serve Him. Immeasurably exalted is His Essence above the descriptions of His creatures. He, alone, occupieth the Seat of transcendent majesty, of supreme and inaccessible glory. The birds of men’s hearts, however high they soar, can never hope to attain the heights of His unknowable Essence. It is He Who hath called into being the whole of creation, Who hath caused every created thing to spring forth at His behest. Shall, then, the thing that was born by virtue of the word which His Pen hath revealed, and which the finger of His Will hath directed, be regarded as partner with Him, or an embodiment of His Self? Far be it from His glory that human pen or tongue should hint at His mystery, or that human heart conceive His Essence. All else besides Him stand poor and desolate at His door, all are powerless before the greatness of His might, all are but slaves in His Kingdom. He is rich enough to dispense with all creatures.”​
There is good reason God does not speak to the masses. God will never intimidate anyone's choices. Would not God showing up on your doorstep intimidate you? You would start reciting the Baha when the Baha isn't what is going on as the major system going on? You would just end up more confused than ever.
I agree that is the reason God does not speak to the masses.
The journey is about Learning. God isn't going to give the answers away.
I agree that the journey is about learning, so God does not give us all the answers.
God did not show up until I already knew what God was doing.
God never showed up.
Further, do not discount a true interaction with God. It could not be imagined as you think. Without a certain amount of understanding, most would just be confused by the experience.
Nobody has ever had an interaction with God, or ever will, except in their imagination.
Ask your atheists what they think of Baha.
I already know.
Atheists might think God is hiding, however are they really looking or do they base God on what religion is saying. If they base God on what religion is saying, I understand why they do not believe.
If they base God on what some religions are saying, I understand why they do not believe. The problem is that atheists only look at Christianity and base everything on what is in the Bible.
Perhaps, that would be a good task for you. Have a long talk with an atheist.
I have been posting to atheists on various forums for about 11 years so I know how atheists think.


Veteran Member
Jesus did not write. Knowing the truth based on what others say comes up very lacking. The writings about Jesus show that the writers do not have a clue about God. They reflect mankind more than anything else.

The Baha are doing their own writing. Right? Based on what I have seen. Baha have no clue about God. They reflect mankind more than anything else.
Both the New Testament and the Baha'i Writings reveal God's attributes and God's will. You have no way to know about God without Scriptures.

Everything you believe as been made up by you. You say you Discovered it, but anyone can say that and claim to know God. God's system doesn't work that way. We learn about God through God's Messengers.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!

Little Dragon

Well-Known Member
Be careful what you ask for. Living those Games, you will find is much more exciting than playing them.

God will grant His children anything as long as it doesn't interfere with their lessons or the lessons of others.
Who knows God might just fit you in. Are you up for it?

I think you are right. Best be on your toes. Things can happen when one least expect it. Still, I'll be pulling for you. Show God what you are really capable of. I believe in you!!!

That's what I see. It's very clear!!
I started playing chess at three years old, taught by my dad, father was one of those helicopter parents, he did the same with my siblings. Then when I was about five he taught me to play Axis and Allies, a 2nd world war simulation board game. Then table top gaming. With model tanks and infantry etc. So yeah, God would get a game. I am sure he/she would still win, but it wont be a walk over!


Well-Known Member
Spreading the faith is one purpose for the Baha'i Temples, but not the only purpose.

The Baha'i centers are for Baha'is to gather in and have meetings, read prayers and study the writings.

The Messengers are not God's associates, because they do not associate with God. Nobody associates with God since God is one and alone, with no partners. The Messengers simply take down a message that God reveals to them, kind of like dictation.

Glory is not ego based, not when it describes God. The following paragraph explains why God is in His own realm of Glory.

“He, in truth, hath, throughout eternity, been one in His Essence, one in His attributes, one in His works. Any and every comparison is applicable only to His creatures, and all conceptions of association are conceptions that belong solely to those that serve Him. Immeasurably exalted is His Essence above the descriptions of His creatures. He, alone, occupieth the Seat of transcendent majesty, of supreme and inaccessible glory. The birds of men’s hearts, however high they soar, can never hope to attain the heights of His unknowable Essence. It is He Who hath called into being the whole of creation, Who hath caused every created thing to spring forth at His behest. Shall, then, the thing that was born by virtue of the word which His Pen hath revealed, and which the finger of His Will hath directed, be regarded as partner with Him, or an embodiment of His Self? Far be it from His glory that human pen or tongue should hint at His mystery, or that human heart conceive His Essence. All else besides Him stand poor and desolate at His door, all are powerless before the greatness of His might, all are but slaves in His Kingdom. He is rich enough to dispense with all creatures.”​

I agree that is the reason God does not speak to the masses.

I agree that the journey is about learning, so God does not give us all the answers.

God never showed up.

Nobody has ever had an interaction with God, or ever will, except in their imagination.

I already know.

If they base God on what some religions are saying, I understand why they do not believe. The problem is that atheists only look at Christianity and base everything on what is in the Bible.

I have been posting to atheists on various forums for about 11 years so I know how atheists think.
your quote:I already know.

My Answer: Ego gets in the way of so much learning.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!


Well-Known Member
Spreading the faith is one purpose for the Baha'i Temples, but not the only purpose.

The Baha'i centers are for Baha'is to gather in and have meetings, read prayers and study the writings.

The Messengers are not God's associates, because they do not associate with God. Nobody associates with God since God is one and alone, with no partners. The Messengers simply take down a message that God reveals to them, kind of like dictation.

Glory is not ego based, not when it describes God. The following paragraph explains why God is in His own realm of Glory.

“He, in truth, hath, throughout eternity, been one in His Essence, one in His attributes, one in His works. Any and every comparison is applicable only to His creatures, and all conceptions of association are conceptions that belong solely to those that serve Him. Immeasurably exalted is His Essence above the descriptions of His creatures. He, alone, occupieth the Seat of transcendent majesty, of supreme and inaccessible glory. The birds of men’s hearts, however high they soar, can never hope to attain the heights of His unknowable Essence. It is He Who hath called into being the whole of creation, Who hath caused every created thing to spring forth at His behest. Shall, then, the thing that was born by virtue of the word which His Pen hath revealed, and which the finger of His Will hath directed, be regarded as partner with Him, or an embodiment of His Self? Far be it from His glory that human pen or tongue should hint at His mystery, or that human heart conceive His Essence. All else besides Him stand poor and desolate at His door, all are powerless before the greatness of His might, all are but slaves in His Kingdom. He is rich enough to dispense with all creatures.”​

I agree that is the reason God does not speak to the masses.

I agree that the journey is about learning, so God does not give us all the answers.

God never showed up.

Nobody has ever had an interaction with God, or ever will, except in their imagination.

I already know.

If they base God on what some religions are saying, I understand why they do not believe. The problem is that atheists only look at Christianity and base everything on what is in the Bible.

I have been posting to atheists on various forums for about 11 years so I know how atheists think.
your quote:I already know.

My Answer: Ego gets in the way of so much learning.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!


Well-Known Member
Both the New Testament and the Baha'i Writings reveal God's attributes and God's will. You have no way to know about God without Scriptures.

Everything you believe as been made up by you. You say you Discovered it, but anyone can say that and claim to know God. God's system doesn't work that way. We learn about God through God's Messengers.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!
If you must have a Belief system written by mankind, I think you have found one you like very well.
I can not value any Belief system especially one that reflects mankind, values and teaches those petty things mankind holds so dear, and has absolutely no clue about God. Like you, they assume what they want to be true instead of Discovering what actually is.

I place Real Truth in the world. What anyone chooses to do with truth is up to them. If you believe what I say is not Real Truth, you have two choices. Journey to Discover what I say is Truth or simply walk away. Choose! It has always been in your hands!!

I'm unconditional. I'm happy regardless of your choices. I know whether you take your journey now or in one of your many other physical lifetimes; you will Discover all this for yourself.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!


Veteran Member
your quote:I already know.

My Answer: Ego gets in the way of so much learning.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!
Bird 123 said: Ask your atheists what they think of Baha.
Trailblazer said: I already know.
Bird123 said: Ego gets in the way of so much learning.

That is not ego. I know because atheists have been telling me for 10 years.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!