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What does God want from you?

TLK Valentine

Read the books that others would burn.
It is true atheists do indeed have beliefs
Atheism begins to question or deny everything: religions, dogmas, God, scriptures, prophecies. In this sense, the American professor Philip Johnson asserts a man who questions a group of creeds is, in fact, a true believer in another set of beliefs, even if he claims otherwise

Well, only "everything" insofar as it relates to matters of God and religion... The non-religious can have all sorts of beliefs.

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, creator of Sherlock Holmes, was an agnostic for much of his adult life, but still an on-again/off-again believer in spiritualism, mysticism, psychic phenomena, and the like.

He famously formed a friendship with Harry Houdini, to the point where he believed Houdini's skills were the result of supernatural powers, despite Houdini's own assurances to the contrary.
He also fell, hook line, and sinker, for the Cottingley Fairies hoax -- even wrote a book on it: The Coming of the Fairies.


A benevolent God with supreme character would definitely desire that beings draw closer to the truth. God's goal would be to have equal relationship eventually; people to have true relationships with whom God can call true friends.

God wouldn't possibly want inferior character for all of eternity. God certainly wouldn't want enemies of his very soul, truth and existence.

God's truth would have to be the virtues. Those are the ways God wants us to discover and walk.
They are not hard to grasp only if you have the strongest conviction that they exist. If you put truth first and foremost above all things then you begin to be rewarded by discovering them. It's not enough to discover them. Then you have to become a person of the ways of virtues. Truth is the basis of trust and deserve. The utmost desire for a virtuous life is what a God wants.

Truth is of fair justice and the basis of everlasting peace and relationship. Truth has ultimate consequences and ultimate rewards. Universal Salvation is what God wants. Reject evil does not go unpunished.

Truth can be the loneliest of roads, but it's the only genuine road there is.

Whatever true victories people earn in their lives if they be truth it's to the honor of that person. God wants to give life and honor to those who are true. Whether through justice, or mercy, or earned right God wants equals.

Nature itself isn't exactly truthful. It's not looking out for your best interests. It is indifferent and hostile to the existence of life. Perhaps free will is letting people decide for themselves what road to choose with all roads being available. To choose truth is what God wants because it's the only genuine way of things.

However I'm not a believer in God's existence. A benevolent God would not create such a place as this. A God of no fair justice is not a God at all.

The issues of truth are unavoidable though. Everyone sane wants fair justice and not to live a lie, but to live what's true. What's true can never be forced or contrived.

Perhaps there is a God, but it'd be beyond comprehension in many ways. Who knows?
Honesty, objectivity and certainty in the search for truth and acceptance away from sectarian passions and personal aims are the best way to reach God.


Human life is a journey, either through time or space, "and these journeys vary in their motives. What the individual reaps from the two routes; therefore, the mission to God remains the goal of the majority of human beings. This goal is the purpose of human existence. Consequently, it is the journey from creatures to the creator, existing to existent, and the world of seen to the world of unseen.


Well-Known Member
The record shows you offer virtually nothing factual.

An interesting cultural difference. I define truth as a quality of statements, and a statement is true to the extent that it corresponds with / accurately reflects objective reality.

You'll see that provides an objective test for truth, not just a nice fuzzy feeling.

What definition of 'truth' do you use, and what test does it provide to check whether any statement is true or not?

No you don't. You've never described a real God to me, such that if I encounter a real suspect I can determine whether it's God or not.

And I'm looking forward to hearing how you define 'truth' and what objective test it provides you.
So you are saying you know all reality that everything must fit into your view? Can you even Imagine how much of reality you do not know? How can you hope to Discover anything with such a narrow view??

The search for truth starts with seeking truth. Math is important. How about being willing to venture into undiscovered country to Discover what is, rather than rely on the Beliefs of others?

I have described many aspects of God. Haven't I said you already know God whether you know you know or not? If you don't already know your suspect, it's not God!!

Is this really so hard for you to Understand?

That's what I see. It's very clear!!

blü 2

Veteran Member
Premium Member
So you are saying you know all reality that everything must fit into your view? Can you even Imagine how much of reality you do not know? How can you hope to Discover anything with such a narrow view??
Sorry, you were saying that you DO answer questions frankly and without evasion, weren't you?

So the question here is,

a) what is your definition of truth?

b) what objective test for truth does it provide?


Well-Known Member
Sorry, you were saying that you DO answer questions frankly and without evasion, weren't you?

So the question here is,

a) what is your definition of truth?

b) what objective test for truth does it provide?
Truth is what is.
Truth must always be questioned. One might think one has the truth, only to find out it was a Belief all along once more knowledge and information is Discovered. Example: At one time it was thought that the smallest part of an element was an atom. When more knowledge was Discovered, it proved that was not the truth.

There is always more to Discover around everything. God has placed knowledge with depth. Everyone at any level of understanding can learn and Discover something. As our knowledge increases, we walk closer and closer to absolute truth.

Each must decide for themselves what truth is based upon the evidence they Discover when they SEEK answers. Further, one must be prepared for changes upon Discovery of new evidence or knowledge.

Truth is not an Accepting or Believing thing. On the other hand, many use Accepting and Believing to prevent doing the work Discovering the answers take. Following Accepting and Believing, many dig in and hold onto those Beliefs so they do not see themselves wrong, especially if they really like the Belief they hold onto for dear life. Truth will not always be an agreeable thing.

Like everything in life, there are many sides to Discover before one acquires the best results and the best answers. Language is another factor. Is anyone really it's master?

Think Multi-Angular. God does. You will be well on your way to Discovering what Truth actually is.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!


Veteran Member
Truth is what is.
It's not what you think it is.
Truth must always be questioned.
Your type of subjective "truth" must be questioned. Facts don't have to be.
One might think one has the truth, only to find out it was a Belief all along once more knowledge and information is Discovered.
This describes you.
Example: At one time it was thought that the smallest part of an element was an atom. When more knowledge was Discovered, it proved that was not the truth.
Correct, we trust experts in the sciences. Notice they haven't discovered any gods.
There is always more to Discover around everything.
Read valid info.
God has placed knowledge with depth.
No gods are known to exist. None have been discovered.
Everyone at any level of understanding can learn and Discover something. As our knowledge increases, we walk closer and closer to absolute truth.
There is only truth, which means valid knowledge. "Absolute truth" is means no more than truth.
Each must decide for themselves what truth is based upon the evidence they Discover when they SEEK answers.
How can truth depend on what an ordinary person decides? That's how we get creationists. Truth is objective and factual, not up to personal whims.
Further, one must be prepared for changes upon Discovery of new evidence or knowledge.
All that does is affect false beliefs, like those who think Gods are real. swsx2s 2sq1q
Truth is not an Accepting or Believing thing.
So when you accept results of a test those results aren't truth?
On the other hand, many use Accepting and Believing to prevent doing the work Discovering the answers take.
Well you aren't a scientist so you can't do their discovery, so your rule means you don't have access to results in science.
Following Accepting and Believing, many dig in and hold onto those Beliefs so they do not see themselves wrong, especially if they really like the Belief they hold onto for dear life. Truth will not always be an agreeable thing.
That is a problem with belief like belief in a God.
Like everything in life, there are many sides to Discover before one acquires the best results and the best answers. Language is another factor. Is anyone really it's master?
The knowledge is available for free.
Think Multi-Angular. God does. You will be well on your way to Discovering what Truth actually is.
Gods still aren't known to exist.


Well-Known Member
It's not what you think it is.

Your type of subjective "truth" must be questioned. Facts don't have to be.

This describes you.

Correct, we trust experts in the sciences. Notice they haven't discovered any gods.

Read valid info.

No gods are known to exist. None have been discovered.

There is only truth, which means valid knowledge. "Absolute truth" is means no more than truth.

How can truth depend on what an ordinary person decides? That's how we get creationists. Truth is objective and factual, not up to personal whims.

All that does is affect false beliefs, like those who think Gods are real. swsx2s 2sq1q

So when you accept results of a test those results aren't truth?

Well you aren't a scientist so you can't do their discovery, so your rule means you don't have access to results in science.

That is a problem with belief like belief in a God.

The knowledge is available for free.

Gods still aren't known to exist.
God is known to exist. On the other hand. you do not know that you know God.

Did you even read my answers? They do include you even if you choose to ignore them.

Do facts really not need to be questioned? It was a fact at one time the smallest part of an element was the atom. That turned out to not be a fact after all. How many of your facts have you failed to question? How many Beliefs are you hanging onto as facts? Assuming only limits your view from the facts in favor of your Beliefs. Are your Beliefs so comfortable that you can choose to ignore any knowledge outside Beliefs?

Patience. Scientists will Discover God. in time. Unlike religion, they are walking toward God.

Won't you be surprised when you bump into God and realize you already know God? This fact will be Discovered by you at some point. Until then, feel free to hang onto those beliefs you deem as facts. Truth always comes to light.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!


Well-Known Member
Well, Superman "is" (as you put it), but in what sense is Superman true, or not true?

Talk me through it.

And show me how the test you apply is an objective test.
There are many Supermen in the world. Each defines what characteristics they deem makes a man super.

I assume you are talking about the comic book character Superman. I have evidence Superman is a comic book character. I have seen many comic books with Superman. Superman is also a popular comic book character. There are many movies about Superman and there will probably be many many more.

The evidence is the comic book. Surely, you already know Superman comics.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!

blü 2

Veteran Member
Premium Member
I assume you are talking about the comic book character Superman. I have evidence Superman is a comic book character.
Quite so. Superman "is".

But we're looking at your definition of "truth", and the question is, in what sense "is" Superman?

Do you say the statement "Superman is" is true and sufficient?

Or do you say, "The only manner in which Superman "is" is as character in fiction"?

Revelation 21:4

Revelation 21:4

What does God want from you?​

micah 6:8
And what is Jehovah requiring of you?
Only to exercise justice, to cherish loyalty, And to walk in modesty with your God!


Veteran Member
Premium Member
OK. God creates the universe and God creates you. What does God want from you?

If you are an atheist, speculate. If God really exists and creates the universe and God creates you. What does God want from you?

Before you just give a quick answer, consider a Being capable of creating the universe and you has to be very very smart. Consider High Intellect with your answers. Make God's answer High Intellect.
God is a generous being. If he could've created us as his equals, he would have. But he is absolute and there is no repeating that. That cannot be but one being. It's inclusive of all possible life.

What does God want? He wants to bless me with his unseen treasures which include incredible powers and might. However, he can't force it without it harming us or he can make it easy from the start, and there is little ascension and paradise becomes a pale materialistic place. We have to embrace him and the blessings, and believe in the unseen guides and signs.

He hid himself to some degree, so that obedience to him has meaning. He wants us to obey him and trust in his guidance, not of benefit for himself.

The greatest thing he can bestow is recognition of his praise, which will give us love and appreciation and trust in his guidance.

When he created all things he called them and took a pledge like a person scratching lotto tickets wanting to win the jackpot. The jackpot in my view is Mohammad (s) and his family (a) - they loved him and responded with utmost submission and completest form of trust and love.

After that, he looked again, took a pledge from Mohammad (s) and his family (a) upon creation. The strongest to respond where the Prophets (a) and Messengers (a) and holy ladies (a) with those chosen households (a).

He took a pledge so that all of creation would be blessed through his trusted representatives.

In his pre-books before the world came to be, there were many plans and back up plans, and back up plans to back up plans.

What God wants from me is to worship him not thinking I can favor God or bestow blessings to God or feed God.

He also wants me to trust him against the evil creation and use his light as a force against darkness. He allowed this place of battle so I can rise by this to reliance on him and his guides and guidance.

Why are we all in this together? So we can help one another towards righteousness and hold each other away from evil.

It has he expressed:

وَمَا خَلَقْتُ الْجِنَّ وَالْإِنْسَ إِلَّا لِيَعْبُدُونِ | I did not create the jinn and the humans except that they may worship Me. | Adh-Dhaariyat : 56
مَا أُرِيدُ مِنْهُمْ مِنْ رِزْقٍ وَمَا أُرِيدُ أَنْ يُطْعِمُونِ | I desire no provision from them, nor do I desire that they should feed Me. | Adh-Dhaariyat : 57
إِنَّ اللَّهَ هُوَ الرَّزَّاقُ ذُو الْقُوَّةِ الْمَتِينُ | Indeed it is Allah who is the All-provider, Powerful and All-strong. | Adh-Dhaariyat : 58


Veteran Member
God is known to exist.
Only to people who don't realize they don't actually have such knowledge. It's not unusual that some religious believers treat their beliefs as certain, factual, and knowledge when it isn't.
On the other hand. you do not know that you know God.
The word "God" is too broad and poorly defined for anyone to actually claim they have knowledge of one, or more. It's also not unusual for religious believers to attempt imposing their beliefs onto others without any authority or permission. It's a sort of attempt at bullying.
Did you even read my answers? They do include you even if you choose to ignore them.
Your answers are claims. You offer no evidence. You are oblivious to what you are attempting here as explanations.
Do facts really not need to be questioned?
Facts are observered and demonstrable.

But think of the dilemma you create for yourself, you insist we know a God exists, but if you suggest we question facts how can you really know?
It was a fact at one time the smallest part of an element was the atom.
No, that was the limit of knowledge.
That turned out to not be a fact after all. How many of your facts have you failed to question?
Misleading question based on your previous untrue comment. But feel free to question if your God exists.
How many Beliefs are you hanging onto as facts?
One less than you because I don't assume a God exists as knowledge.

See how trying to be clever backfires?
Assuming only limits your view from the facts in favor of your Beliefs. Are your Beliefs so comfortable that you can choose to ignore any knowledge outside Beliefs?
You apply this to yourself, then get back to us when you are an atheist.
Patience. Scientists will Discover God. in time. Unlike religion, they are walking toward God.
Wait, you claimed above that God was known to exist, now you admit it isn't known to science.
Won't you be surprised when you bump into God and realize you already know God?
Will it happen at the mall during holiday shopping? At a concert? I will be surprized.
This fact will be Discovered by you at some point. Until then, feel free to hang onto those beliefs you deem as facts. Truth always comes to light.
You should question that "fact".

CG Didymus

Veteran Member
Only to people who don't realize they don't actually have such knowledge. It's not unusual that some religious believers treat their beliefs as certain, factual, and knowledge when it isn't.
Yeah, everybody "knows" their God exists and they have proof or evidence. A lot of which is... "We know because our Scriptures say so." And like I've said before, I believe they have experienced their God or things have happened that show them that their God is real. But they all say that, and they all believe something different about God.

Conclusion? No matter what the beliefs, they seem real and become real to those that believe. So, a true believer in one religion "knows" their stuff is true and "knows" that the stuff someone else believes in another religion isn't true... and vice versa.


Well-Known Member
Quite so. Superman "is".

But we're looking at your definition of "truth", and the question is, in what sense "is" Superman?

Do you say the statement "Superman is" is true and sufficient?

Or do you say, "The only manner in which Superman "is" is as character in fiction"?
Superman is a fictional character. This is true and sufficient. On the other hand, If I were to come across evidence to the contrary, I would investigate. Why? Curiosity. Of course, I do not seek information about Superman being anything other than a fictional character. Why not? To what end? What would be gained? Not much even if I found Superman was a real person.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!


Veteran Member
Superman is a fictional character. This is true and sufficient.
Show us how any version of God has any more evidence for existing than Superman. Your belief, and your claims are not evidence.
On the other hand, If I were to come across evidence to the contrary, I would investigate. Why? Curiosity. Of course, I do not seek information about Superman being anything other than a fictional character. Why not?
Right. Let's say you pass by a phone booth and look inside since so few exist these days, and you see a cape. There's your evidence for Superman existing right there. Got to investigate, right?
To what end? What would be gained? Not much even if I found Superman was a real person.
Knowledge would be gained. But don't worry about because critical thinkers know fictional characters from real beings. Thus far all gods we hear about fall into the imaginary category. Sorry.
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