All the research I had to do to determine that Baha'u'llah was a Messenger of God. After that, I believed the other Messengers He wrote about also came from God.
I discount it because God does not interact with humans. I do not know what is possible for God, I only know what God does not do.
I don't have to put any limits on God since God puts limits on Himself.
Justice is not payback. Justice is not hate or revenge. Revenge is payback, and Baha'is are told not to seek revenge.
“In His Tablets ‘Abdu’l-Bahá explains the difference between revenge and punishment. He affirms that individuals do not have the right to take revenge, that revenge is despised in the eyes of God, and that the motive for punishment is not vengeance, but the imposition of a penalty for the committed offence. In Some Answered Questions, He confirms that it is the right of society to impose punishments on criminals for the purpose of protecting its members and defending its existence.”
The Kitáb-i-Aqdas, p. 203
Unconditional Love does not fix any problems and in cases of hardened criminals it would only maters matters worse.
Time in prison might be painful and hurt, but the criminal should have thought of that
before he murdered someone, causing their family pain and hurt.
Unconditional Love does no such thing. You live in a dream world.
Unconditional Love does no such thing. You live in a dream world.
Some people never learn, and if they do, it was not because of Unconditional Love.
So when the repeat offenders keep making the same choices to keep committing crimes those are the best choices.
Seeking justice is not about hate or hurting others.
You have no solution to the problems. Wisdom is not acquired by everyone on their journey, not by those who need it most.
Justice is not payback and revenge. Unconditional Love solves no problems. Understanding why people make bad choices does not lead them to make the best choices.
Then I wonder why people keep making the SAME choices.
Nobody needs to show God anything. God knows everything.
Can't you read? I have said this dozens of times. I am not condemning anyone since that is not my job. That is for courts of law.
I have not broken the law so my choices are not hurting anyone so they are not condemned.
Don't you see? Unconditional Love will never bring the best results regardless of the excuses one comes up with in order to justify it .
Justice does not need to be justified to you. You don't write the laws and thank God for that!
Can't you read and understand anything? Are you dense or are you so mired in your beliefs that you cannot understand the difference between justice and payback/revenge?