BBC News - A Point of View: Is it better to be religious than spiritual?
I'm a Quaker, too, Tom, and I like your four options. But I think we have a different definition of spirituality. You seem to define spirituality as the beliefs one adopts as an individual. I think of it as the things one does—both faith and practice—to connect with the transcendent, to become more whole, a better person, more fulfilled inwardly, more attuned to the world around us, more compassionate and empathetic—more full of true joy. And I connect religion to spirituality this way: a religion is the spiritual practice of a community. A religion is the things the community does—both faith and practice—to connect with the transcendent. Usually, in an established religion, this means attempts to REconnect with the community's Source as a religious community. In this context, religion without spirituality is what most people practice and precisely what the SBNRs reject—a form without power. True religion—very hard to find, even among Friends—is community practice that actually DOES connect the members with their Source.
Steven Davison, Hopewell, NJ USA