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What does your Abrahamic religion give you?


......unaffiliated...... anti-dogmatist
Premium Member
It's not complicated and I've alluded to it already. LDS believe that because all on this earth are God's children with equal standing before God, we consider it manifestly unjust to force someone into involuntary servitude without there being some justification for it such as debt. To force someone into slavery for one's own gain is to steal from that individual their time and labor. Without the justification of a debt to be paid, such theft is against God's law of "Thou shalt not steal" to say nothing of covetousness.

I understand. Now is what you just said in your scripture somewhere?


Active Member
I understand. Now is what you just said in your scripture somewhere?
The three fold repetition here seems to suggest that you think I'm not answering your question. Very well, how about this: From the Book of Mormon: Alma 27:9: "But Ammon said unto him: It is against the law of our brethren, which was established by my father, that there should be any slaves among them; therefore let us go down and rely upon the mercies of our brethren." The father referred to here was Mosiah... Mosiah 2:13: "Neither have I suffered that ye should be confined in dungeons, nor that ye should make slaves one of another, nor that ye should murder, or plunder, or steal, or commit adultery; nor even have I suffered that ye should commit any manner of wickedness, and have taught you that ye should keep the commandments of the Lord, in all things which he hath commanded you—"... Lastly; inasmuch as we consider the teachings of any prophet (including Joseph Smith) to be scripture; and slavery was spoken against (which is why the Mormon voting block was resented in Missouri); Joseph Smith prophesied about 30 years before it happened concerning the Civil War: "It may probably arise through the slave question. This a voice declared to me, while I was praying earnestly on the subject, December 25th, 1832"... The specific prophecy being recorded as: D&C:87:1: "Verily, thus saith the Lord concerning the wars that will shortly come to pass, beginning at the rebellion of South Carolina, which will eventually terminate in the death and misery of many souls" (circa Dec 25, 1832).

I hope that helps.


......unaffiliated...... anti-dogmatist
Premium Member
Sorry, I had a bad connection, the repetition was not intentional.

Ok, so this scripture of your discusses this. Let me ask you, were these ideas unclear to you before you read the scripture, or did this passage simply confirm what you already knew?

Next, my guess is that I could read through your scripture and find passages that we'd both disagree with. When you encounter such a passage, what do you do?


Active Member
Sorry, I had a bad connection, the repetition was not intentional.

Ok, so this scripture of your discusses this. Let me ask you, were these ideas unclear to you before you read the scripture, or did this passage simply confirm what you already knew?

Next, my guess is that I could read through your scripture and find passages that we'd both disagree with. When you encounter such a passage, what do you do?

It pretty much confirmed what I was already inclined to believe concerning slavery. I believe any fair minded person would feel this way. Excepting the issue of debt, I think the only people that would force another into servitude are insensitive, selfish and (dare I say it) evil people.

We might disagree, though I think it more likely that we would be in agreement. The doctrine is pretty well established and posted online at the church web site and at the apologist web site, and in many many explanatory books. In any case, the final arbiter is the prophet. As to what I would do in the case of a disagreement and depending on the question, I would refer you to one of the authorities I just mentioned.


I think the only people that would force another into servitude are insensitive, selfish and (dare I say it) evil people.

What about religious servitude, still goes on as far as i know but then they will say its god ways so i guess that makes it okay.

My own thoughts on the question "What does your Abrahamic religion give you" nothing really those scriptures where written thousand of years back and they took about four thousand years to write and then they stop almost two thousand years back, also i think peace lived better without religious servitude, no fears.


Active Member
What about religious servitude, still goes on as far as i know but then they will say its god ways so i guess that makes it okay.

My own thoughts on the question "What does your Abrahamic religion give you" nothing really those scriptures where written thousand of years back and they took about four thousand years to write and then they stop almost two thousand years back, also i think peace lived better without religious servitude, no fears.
Somebody has a chip on their shoulder. I really don't know (from my own experience) what you mean by religious servitude. I suppose that could have been the case during the dark ages when the Catholic church burned people at the stake for heresy, or beheadings in Islam today for those who don't convert, but I'm in my own faith voluntarily. So I guess it would depend on which religion you're talking about when it comes to servitude.


Well first of all i don't have a chip on my shoulder but as far as i know Abrahamic religion covers many religious faiths and most of them do trace their common origin back to Abraham but okay, maybe your religion is the so call perfect one but i can tell by your reply, peace would definitely lived better without religious servitude and remember no finger pointing, we're all trying to live in peace here.


Active Member
Well first of all i don't have a chip on my shoulder but as far as i know Abrahamic religion covers many religious faiths and most of them do trace their common origin back to Abraham but okay, maybe your religion is the so call perfect one but i can tell by your reply, peace would definitely lived better without religious servitude and remember no finger pointing, we're all trying to live in peace here.
Are you sure we are all trying to live in peace? You say you have no chip on your shoulder, but you keep going on about religious servitude with the implication that all people of an Abrahamic faith bear some responsibility for depriving others of peace. As well..."first of all", a common origin with Abraham is not proof that all religions don't follow Abraham's example of peace. I do in fact believe that my religion is the one true religion; the one established by Christ, who's priesthood authority is once again restored and partakes of the covenant made with Abraham... otherwise I wouldn't believe it would I?

mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member
Some context for this thread:

- I'm not neutral on religion, I'm against it.
- I know that there are many folks on this forum who have a very liberal or broad definition of religion. I'm primarily (but not exclusively), interested in hearing from folks who mostly believe in their scripture and their clergy.

So the question is, what does your religion provide for you? Morality? Ethics? Culture? Community? Comfort?...
Religion defines human personality


Are you sure we are all trying to live in peace? You say you have no chip on your shoulder, but you keep going on about religious servitude with the implication that all people of an Abrahamic faith bear some responsibility for depriving others of peace. As well..."first of all", a common origin with Abraham is not proof that all religions don't follow Abraham's example of peace. I do in fact believe that my religion is the one true religion; the one established by Christ, who's priesthood authority is once again restored and partakes of the covenant made with Abraham... otherwise I wouldn't believe it would I?

Hello friend and peace be with you and those that join with you and your one true religion, to be honest i don't know what your one true religion is call and im almost certain that in very other religious faith you will find many who will say the same but if your one true religion makes you happy then that's what its all about, im not going to mention the chip on my shoulder thing again but you say i keep going on about religious servitude when in fact i only use those words twice in post and now again.

"first of all", a common origin with Abraham is not proof that all religions don't follow Abraham's example of peace

I'm absolutely certain all religions follow Abraham's example of peace and in their own religious beliefs still do just like your religious beliefs but lets imagine shall we, all religious faiths sitting down together and after all the hellos and greeting and friendships and everyone having a great time then one stands up and shouts "I do in fact believe that my religion is the one true religion" it was right then that Abraham's example of peace was thrown right out the window.

Religious history is certainly not a pretty picture but surely you must understand whether you like it or not that Abraham's example of peace can only come when all religious faiths can show the world tolerant and understanding and united in agreeing that truly there is no such thing as one true religion, also if that ever happens we might have to tide you to the chair and gag you but believe me friend (hope its okay to call you friend) that would be done in a very peaceful way and of course, i don't think you be alone (that was just me trying to be humorous there)

According to history Abraham was brought up with the belief of many gods which makes sense that eventually after im sure many conversations about the stories of one true god then one true god had to rule over the belief of many, which as far as i know all religious faiths agree on, so maybe what Abraham had in mind was not one true religion but one true god that all religious faiths could agree on and eventually live in peace and understanding with each other and none of this ridiculous mention of "my religion is the one true religion" (oh damn i think i said the wrong thing)

Somehow i don't think you're going to agree with any of that.

Peace be with you and all.

Paranoid Android

Active Member
Some context for this thread:

- I'm not neutral on religion, I'm against it.
- I know that there are many folks on this forum who have a very liberal or broad definition of religion. I'm primarily (but not exclusively), interested in hearing from folks who mostly believe in their scripture and their clergy.

So the question is, what does your religion provide for you? Morality? Ethics? Culture? Community? Comfort?...

My religion is Dementheology.

1) Dementheology says that the Chosen People are the disabled. Everyone that is not disabled will burn in an ever burning flame in the pit of Hell, along with there god, Satan. This makes me feel good, for many of them deserve Hell, and I am glad they will spend eternity burning forever in flames.
2) Dementheology is a tribal religion. You can only join if you are disabled. We do not want or need Squares, nor do we ask them to deal with any of our problems. We insist it will be US, the tribe, that ultimately solves our problems. They can spend time ding other things and we will do this.
3) We are pacifistic. We do not believe in any form of physical confrontation or violence. The only exception to this rule is if an armed militia, army or military unit has declared or is carrying out ethnic or religious genocide. Then we will kill them by any means necessary
4) Dementheology believes in the Now. The Now is a meditative practice that our Mystics practice in the morning. We believe that it, along with the Holy Word, helps defeat Satan

Our religion is built on three things: Positive Thinking, Positive Action and Positive Attitude. It ives support to disabled people and puts non-disabled people where they belong-worthless in terms of spirituality and condemned.

Paranoid Android

Active Member
My religion is Dementheology.

1) Dementheology says that the Chosen People are the disabled. Everyone that is not disabled will burn in an ever burning flame in the pit of Hell, along with there god, Satan. This makes me feel good, for many of them deserve Hell, and I am glad they will spend eternity burning forever in flames.
2) Dementheology is a tribal religion. You can only join if you are disabled. We do not want or need Squares, nor do we ask them to deal with any of our problems. We insist it will be US, the tribe, that ultimately solves our problems. They can spend time ding other things and we will do this.
3) We are pacifistic. We do not believe in any form of physical confrontation or violence. The only exception to this rule is if an armed militia, army or military unit has declared or is carrying out ethnic or religious genocide. Then we will kill them by any means necessary
4) Dementheology believes in the Now. The Now is a meditative practice that our Mystics practice in the morning. We believe that it, along with the Holy Word, helps defeat Satan

Our religion is built on three things: Positive Thinking, Positive Action and Positive Attitude. It ives support to disabled people and puts non-disabled people where they belong-worthless in terms of spirituality and condemned.

What were trying to do is buid a spiritual culture. It may be possible for us, but as far as you, it is impossible. What we will end up with is you commiting suicide via nuclear warfare, Will I miss you ? NO.


Well-Known Member
My religion gives me explanation why we live and the purpose of life. It shows me the straight path. Without religion i would be reckless. Makes me behave good against humans.


My religion is Dementheology.

1) Dementheology says that the Chosen People are the disabled. Everyone that is not disabled will burn in an ever burning flame in the pit of Hell, along with there god, Satan. This makes me feel good, for many of them deserve Hell, and I am glad they will spend eternity burning forever in flames.
2) Dementheology is a tribal religion. You can only join if you are disabled. We do not want or need Squares, nor do we ask them to deal with any of our problems. We insist it will be US, the tribe, that ultimately solves our problems. They can spend time ding other things and we will do this.
3) We are pacifistic. We do not believe in any form of physical confrontation or violence. The only exception to this rule is if an armed militia, army or military unit has declared or is carrying out ethnic or religious genocide. Then we will kill them by any means necessary
4) Dementheology believes in the Now. The Now is a meditative practice that our Mystics practice in the morning. We believe that it, along with the Holy Word, helps defeat Satan

Our religion is built on three things: Positive Thinking, Positive Action and Positive Attitude. It ives support to disabled people and puts non-disabled people where they belong-worthless in terms of spirituality and condemned.

What were trying to do is buid a spiritual culture. It may be possible for us, but as far as you, it is impossible. What we will end up with is you commiting suicide via nuclear warfare, Will I miss you ? NO.

I'm new to the forum so i haven't read any of your other posts but you obviously have good reason to post your words but believe me im not posting to preach to you about any religious beliefs, but just to say you're wrong in thinking that all human beings are evil, the majority of us ain't.

The human race has come a long way in understanding and finding better ways and disability always had a voice and working in the understanding and finding of better ways regardless of what you believe.

Again i will say you're wrong.


......unaffiliated...... anti-dogmatist
Premium Member
My religion gives me explanation why we live and the purpose of life. It shows me the straight path. Without religion i would be reckless. Makes me behave good against humans.

Wow! I think that you're being extremely hard on yourself, and I think you should think much better of yourself than you explain in this post. I think you would not be reckless if you knew you were on your own.