Thou art That
Only if you first confess.....YOU.....will be there to carry on this posting.
Oh! that's right!....YOU don't exist.
Your postings are an illusion.
You're just a bad dream in a degraded thread.
You're just and illusion.
and you are fading into oblivion even as 'I' continue........
There is no such "I" that fades nor continues;
there is only fading and continuing, without a fader or continuer.
There is no thinker of thoughts called "I".
"You' and "I" are nothing more than ideas which consciousness has attached to and deluded itself into thinking them real.
Yes, there is real consciousness at the other end of your screen, but no "I".
There is thinking and composing and typing, but no thinker, composer, or typer.
Anything other than thinking, composing, or typing is excess baggage, baggage that fancies itself continuing on in a cotton candy afterlife in which it will continue to receive slurpy ego gratification from the Big Ego in the Sky.
Throughout the history of man, no one has ever found this impostor called "I", though they refer to him daily. "I" this, and "I" that, and so on ad nauseum, but still no "I".
The defenders of "I" even claim it was born and dies and goes to its Reward or Punishment, the Reward just another means of ego gratification that says: "MY 'I' is better than YOUR 'I'...ha ha ha!
Still others are terrified their "I" might get caught in some cold, forgotten grave, screaming its bloody head off for all eternity, with no one there to hear.
And yes, some even say their "I" simply comes to an abrupt halt when "I"s form ceases to function.
IAy yai yai!
Once and for all, let us put this question to rest:
Show us all, o sage of sages:
Where is "I"?