When you are in dream-sleep, you may visualize living another life in another time, or being somewhere completely different. However, you are always right here, right now. When you awaken, you realize your dream was not real. In the same manner, we are asleep, living in a dream-world, which only seems real. This includes life and death. When these dualities are transcended and we awaken, we understand them as illusory. Most people live in Waking Sleep, the Third Level of Consciousness, in which they firmly believe themselves to be awake and that the characters they are playing are real; that their lives are real; that their deaths are real. But who, exactly, is it that lives and dies? Did you notice what Chopra said? He said that when you realize that you are not a person, then you are all set. He is saying that the character we live is not real, though it seems real. Only when we awaken and enter the Fourth Level of Consciousness, that of Self-Transcendence, do we see the illusory nature of what we normally think of as 'reality'. It is this spiritual awakening process that allows us to see that we never actually left; we have been here all along, acting out our dramas as characters in a play whose script has been written by others. We have been asleep.
What do you mean "We come to this life, and we go to the next..."? Where is 'this life' and where is 'the next'? Are you saying there are two realms of existence?
You say that life and death are 'absolute universal truths'. However, these are temporal states of existence, so how can they be 'absolute'? Once again, I ask you: who is it that lives? Who is it that dies?
No, Chopra is not merely saying that death is a continuum. He is saying we arrive where we have always been, and that is Here, Now, this eternal Present Moment. Yeshua said it:
'Before Abraham was, I AM'
Abraham was a product of history, of time. Yeshua is a spiritually awakened Master who has transcended both time and death, and lives only in the Present, where there is no history; no memory.
You see. We have all been taught that the past creates the present, but that is not so; it is the present which creates the past. The ship creates the wake; the wake does not create the ship. All things emerge from this living Present Moment to create the past.
Chopra is not saying, as religions do, that there is another world into which we go after death; he is clearly saying we return to where we have always been, and that is Here, Now.
Everything is occurring here and now. Life and death occur simultaneously, here, now.
The Buddhists tell us that to conceptualize a belief in 'another realm' is a substantial, delusive idea.
'Thou hast nor youth nor age, but, as it were, an after-dinner sleep, dreaming on both'
TS Elliot