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That certainly is Christian "doctrine". It's incorrect, but that's certainly what people believe. I would suggest that his blood represents his life force (Spirit) and that his flesh represents his life purpose. In other words, his food (flesh/meat/bread) was to do his fathers will John 4:34. His drink (blood) was the Spirit which enabled him to do so. Blood = spirit. Flesh = life purpose. John 6:63. Unless we drink his blood (partake of the Spirit) and eat his flesh (live according to God's will) we will not be able to enter into the kingdom of God. His blood (Spirit) was "shed" (poured out) to free us of sin (remission). The Spirit (blood) was poured out upon all flesh Joel 2:27-29. The Spirit enables us to live according to God's will, just as the Spirit enabled Jesus to live according to God's will.
You're just embellishing and concocting stuff where none of that exists. What you fail to understand is that, by making Jesus a 'Special Case', he becomes the only one who is recipient of the gifts of the Incarnation. This is where the fatal flaw of Christian doctrine lies. The gifts of the Incarnation are accessible to all men and not just to the historical Jesus. This view reflects Buddhist thought as well, by which the Nazarene sect was heavily influenced. You want Jesus's blood to not just have 'special powers', but for that power to be exclusive to him alone. This is further separation of man from the divine essence, when the goal of all religious endeavor is divine union, not separation.
If death had a hold on Jesus, he'd not have risen.
He didn't. It's pure poppycock.
The message of the cross (in a nut shell) is life after death. This seems foolish to those who are perishing, or rather it is foolishness to those who believe (with worldly wisdom) that death is the end. However, for those of us who believe in the resurrection of the dead it is the power of God to save us and to raise us up in the heavenly kingdom. Worldly wisdom dictates that nothing comes after, hence God will destroy this type of wisdom. God likewise frustrates the intelligence of those who think themselves wise, or rather those who don't know God's power to raise us up and give us life.
No, the message of the cross is not life after death, but redemption, as in: 'Jesus died for your sins'.
You're free to view it any way you like. I view it differently.
Except that it's not my personal view. That Jesus was a Nazarene is clearly stated in the Bible.
Which goes back to my initial point. Proverbs 4:10-19
Morality is not Enlightenment. Enlightenment is beyond mere morality.
Bottom line is that blood sacrifice was infused into the pure teachings of Yeshu via pagan superstitious practices. The reason for this lies in the fact that Yeshu's teachings did not have wide mass appeal, but those of pagan blood sacrifice and submission to the deity did. Under the revised teachings, all one need do is bow down before Jesus and accept him as one's personal Lord and Savior. Simple. You didn't need to KNOW anything. Just believe and you were saved. Actually, more of a simple-minded, wishful thinking kind of activity. And so, the pagan teachings were overwritten onto those of Yeshu as a means of converting tens of thousands of pagans into Paul's new religion. Clever. The Church did much the same trick to millions of indigenous Indios of Mexico when it transformed their goddess of fertility, Tonantzin, into Our Lady of Guadalupe Hidalgo as a clever device to convert them to Christianity. Of course, the Indios just followed where their goddess dwelt.