Except that I have no contempt for Jesus whatsoever. 'Jesus' is a myth, but I do give credence to Yeshu, upon whom the Jesus myth was added.
You said you placed Jesus on a pedestal. Is that not idolatry?
Sorry, but no, I do not aspire to 'be like Buddha' in terms of following some role model. If you understood Buddhism, you would know that Buddha is not an external idol; it is an internal experience, which is why Buddhists say that, if you see the Buddha on the road, kill him; that is to say, if you see something becoming the Buddha, it is not the Buddha. You are already the Buddha, just as you already are in possession of the gifts of the Incarnation. The key is that the buddha nature, the Christ nature, is within. These are not two different things, but the notion of a Jesus bodily resurrecting and ascending IS different. It is saying that a historical Jesus performed these miracles, which is just so much fluff added to the story of Yeshu, who did NOT teach bodily resurrection; who did NOT teach blood sacrifice, and neither did the historical Buddha.
It is typical of those who idolize Jesus that they become personally upset when they think their idol is being attacked, because it is really about them, and not 'Jesus'. Idolatrous Love is one of the Five Egotistical States of Apparent Love, well understood in psychology. More on this later.....
(Please re-read the last part of post 1229, as I added more as you were posting your response to it.)