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What has Sarah Palin actually done?


Self-appointed Lunatic
We all know that Sarah Palin is evil. However, there are people I know that like her. This is a problem. I can't do much to counteract it because I don't actually know much about her policies.

Besides claiming that she can see Russia from her house (the people deny that she ever said that), what else has she done? What are her policies, what is she planning to do as president?

Rain Drops

We all know that Sarah Palin is evil. However, there are people I know that like her. This is a problem. I can't do much to counteract it because I don't actually know much about her policies.

If you don't know much about her, how can you pronounce her Evil.

People like you really annoy me. You might as well be one of her supporters if you aren't going to read current events or do some research.

Make decisions based on the facts, not because it's cool to be in some sort of club. :facepalm:

This is honestly constructive criticism: Learn about her first before you make a decision.

Myself I would say, it's not that she is evil, it's her followers.... who ignorantly follow the group mentality without research or discernment.


Self-appointed Lunatic
What has Obama done?

What does that have to do with anything in this thread?
If you don't know much about her, how can you pronounce her Evil.

People like you really annoy me. You might as well be one of her supporters if you aren't going to read current events or do some research.

Make decisions based on the facts, not because it's cool to be in some sort of club.

This is honestly constructive criticism: Learn about her first before you make a decision.

Myself I would say, it's not that she is evil, it's her followers.... who ignorantly follow the group mentality without research or discernment.
I see your point, but everyone I trust (that is, most of the people here on RF) hates her. She's also a republican, and she's an influential politician. I've never heard of an influential republican politician that wasn't evil. Why should I walk in assuming that I will find anything good about her?

If you have any evidence that she's not evil, I'd like to hear it. (Note: When I said "we all know that she's evil," I was refering to what you all know, not what I know. If I myself knew for a fact that she was evil, I wouldn't have made a thread asking what made her evil ;)).

EDIT: While I'm waiting for responses, I'll actually try and look up stuff. I've found that it's rather difficult to find overviews of her policies (most people seem interested in her family-related issues and how she looks O_O), but I've found this:
Sarah Palin on the Issues

I wouldn't vote for her, but judging by this list alone, I can't see what makes her such an evil person. Definitely an idiot, but where is the Darth Palin that I keep hearing about?

EDIT2: Er, she contradicts herself a few times...
Vetoed bill denying benefits to gays, as unconstitutional.
Comply with same-sex partner benefits despite disagreement.
Ok to deny benefits to homosexual couples.
No spousal benefits for same-sex couples.
Top priorities include preserving definition of “marriage”.
Last edited:


Admiral Obvious
What has Obama done?
1. Health Care
2. Communications
3. Transportation
4. Education
5. Cars
6. Pakistan
7. Cities
8. Engaging the Muslim World
9. Forests
10. Tone

  • Passing the "largest" economic stimulus bill in American history.
  • Ordering the closing of Guantanamo Bay military detention facility and abolishing "enhanced interrogation techniques."
  • Setting a fixed timetable for withdrawing U.S. combat forces from Iraq.
  • Ordering 21,000 additional troops to Afghanistan and enlisting, with modest new assistance, European allies in a new multi-layered strategy there and in Pakistan.
  • "Returning science to its rightful place" by lifting the Bush restrictions on federally funded embryonic stem cell research.
  • Signing laws to expand children's health insurance (financed by a 61-cent per pack increase in the federal cigarette tax the adviser did not tout).
  • Signing a law meant to improve the ability of women who allege pay discrimination to sue their employer.
  • Diminishing the role of lobbyists in the White House
  • "Forge a meaningful statement from the United Nations" criticizing North Korea's launch of a ballistic missile.
  • Lifting travel and remittance restrictions for Cuban Americans who seek to travel more frequently to the island and send more US currency to their immediate family.
  • Engaging world leaders in Europe, Turkey, Latin American and the Caribbean with "strength and humility."

But honestly, this is completely off topic.
How about you start a thread with your flame baiting?



Self-appointed Lunatic
Hmm, ok, I think I read enough...

I can see why she's evil (anti-gay rights, pro-war, anti-environmentalist, obsessed with security), but she's not the worst thing in the world. If I had to choose between her, Ronald Reagan, and George W Bush, I'd go with her.
By the way, the article mentions more than once that she acknowledges that the Cold War is over and that we don't need a new one. Do some politicians actually want a new cold war??? O_O


Is she going to run for president later?

Yes. I think so. Here's my prediction: after the congressional elections in 2010, Palin will emerge as the "leader" of Glenn Beck's Tea Partiers. But I don't think she'll run as a "Republican". I think the bat**** crazy segment of the Republican party is going to splinter off into a third party called the "Conservative" party. She'll run on a pseudo-libertarian platform of promises but plans to run the country like Boss Hog - all nepotism, corruption, the use of state resources to settle grudges, ridiculous domestic policies that favour the ridiculously rich, and a foreign policy of perpetual war.

However, she will lose, and badly. The "third party" will split the right, while everyone left of bat**** crazy will hold their nose and vote for the democrats - resulting in a landslide for Obama's second term.

Remember folks, you heard it here first.


Self-appointed Lunatic

... I is sad now. I don't know who/what Hamas is either :(. Judging by the article, they're a radical Islamist group that sought to take over a country in the mideast through the democratic system, but I've never even heard of them before. :(
She'll run on a pseudo-libertarian platform of promises but plans to run the country like Boss Hog - all nepotism, corruption, the use of state resources to settle grudges, ridiculous domestic policies that favour the ridiculously rich, and a foreign policy of perpetual war.
How do we know this? Has Palin done any of these things while in office in Alaska? If not, how do we know that she plans to do those things as president?


RF Addict
What's the word that means redneck, but for an Alaskan person instead of a person from the southern part of the United States?


Done here.
Besides claiming that she can see Russia from her house (the people deny that she ever said that), what else has she done? What are her policies, what is she planning to do as president?
I think you should direct that question to her admirers and their caregivers.


Done here.
I can see why she's evil (anti-gay rights, pro-war, anti-environmentalist, obsessed with security), but she's not the worst thing in the world. If I had to choose between her, Ronald Reagan, and George W Bush, I'd go with her.
I'd pick Reagan, who showed not the slightest inclination to go to church and who could easily have been removed from office if anybody had the will to do it.