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What has Sarah Palin actually done?


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
Yes. I think so. Here's my prediction: after the congressional elections in 2010, Palin will emerge as the "leader" of Glenn Beck's Tea Partiers. But I don't think she'll run as a "Republican". I think the bat**** crazy segment of the Republican party is going to splinter off into a third party called the "Conservative" party. She'll run on a pseudo-libertarian platform of promises but plans to run the country like Boss Hog - all nepotism, corruption, the use of state resources to settle grudges, ridiculous domestic policies that favour the ridiculously rich, and a foreign policy of perpetual war.

However, she will lose, and badly. The "third party" will split the right, while everyone left of bat**** crazy will hold their nose and vote for the democrats - resulting in a landslide for Obama's second term.

Remember folks, you heard it here first.



Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Alceste
Yes. I think so. Here's my prediction: after the congressional elections in 2010, Palin will emerge as the "leader" of Glenn Beck's Tea Partiers. But I don't think she'll run as a "Republican". I think the bat**** crazy segment of the Republican party is going to splinter off into a third party called the "Conservative" party. She'll run on a pseudo-libertarian platform of promises but plans to run the country like Boss Hog - all nepotism, corruption, the use of state resources to settle grudges, ridiculous domestic policies that favour the ridiculously rich, and a foreign policy of perpetual war.

However, she will lose, and badly. The "third party" will split the right, while everyone left of bat**** crazy will hold their nose and vote for the democrats - resulting in a landslide for Obama's second term.

Remember folks, you heard it here first.

No, I don't think so. And the reason is Ross Perot. The GOP may be dumb but they ain't crazy. While St Sarah has her fans who will walk over hot coals for her they are not enough of them to control the party. Nor do they have the $ or the influence to get on the ticket as a 3rd party in more than a few states. remember Ross had more $ in his wife's expense account than St. Sarah has ever seen - or will see. And the more mature on the right still remember how Ross gave them Bill Clinton.

They will hold their noses and get behind some more moderate candidate and St Sarah will either be co-opted or left to scream her nonsense to the faithful few but to little effect.

Unless there is a clear downtrend in unemployment by 2011 Obama will be in serious trouble. And if he is the GOP will smell blood and be more inclined to get behind whoever is seem as being able to beat Obama - ideology aside. I cannot imagine any scenario where that person is the Alaskan rogue.

St Sarah is one of those fascinating characters the American system throws up every now and again. Rather like Joe McCarthy or Jesse Ventura. But her long term impact will not be as great as those two passing fancies.

Remember you heard it here first.:D

Reverend Rick

Frubal Whore
Premium Member
Yes. I think so. Here's my prediction: after the congressional elections in 2010, Palin will emerge as the "leader" of Glenn Beck's Tea Partiers. But I don't think she'll run as a "Republican". I think the bat**** crazy segment of the Republican party is going to splinter off into a third party called the "Conservative" party. She'll run on a pseudo-libertarian platform of promises but plans to run the country like Boss Hog - all nepotism, corruption, the use of state resources to settle grudges, ridiculous domestic policies that favour the ridiculously rich, and a foreign policy of perpetual war.

However, she will lose, and badly. The "third party" will split the right, while everyone left of bat**** crazy will hold their nose and vote for the democrats - resulting in a landslide for Obama's second term.

Remember folks, you heard it here first.


Reverend Rick

Frubal Whore
Premium Member
Sarah Palin scares the hell out of Liberals. She flies in the face of women who think they have to have abortions to have a better life. She does not have to decide between this and that. The woman has it all. She is the ultimate woman who can be successful AND be a home maker and mother. She flies in the face of all these women's organizations.

When the "bat **** crazy" folks come crawling out of the wood work and make the ACORN voter registration drive look small, it scares the hell out of folks.

Folks are very afraid that this country could take a completely different direction in three years from now.

Conservatives are too smart to start a third party like the Liberals who vote for Ralph Nader do and lose elections for their ideals.

2012 will have four key players on the Republican side. Mitt Romney, Mike Huckabee, Sarah Palin, and former speaker Gingrich.

The Republican party members are team players unlike democrats. Our party will not split. What we will do is pledge another contract with America.


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
Sarah Palin scares the hell out of Liberals. She flies in the face of women who think they have to have abortions to have a better life. She does not have to decide between this and that. The woman has it all. She is the ultimate woman who can be successful AND be a home maker and mother. She flies in the face of all these women's organizations.

Yes, but does she do all that and serve you coffee in the morning?

Actually, she doesn't scare me, Rick, because I see her as unelectable.


Self-appointed Lunatic
Friend TAL,

Could have made someone proud?::shrug:


[sorry, could not fix the image]

Love & rgds
Lol, nice. What do republicans say when you show them that picture? Would they be like "OMG shes hawt!" or "OMG U N00B THAT PICTURE WUZ CLEARLY PHOTOSHOPPED!!!111" (Ok, republicans don't actually talk like that, but sometimes they sound like that =P)?
Sarah Palin scares the hell out of Liberals. She flies in the face of women who think they have to have abortions to have a better life. She does not have to decide between this and that. The woman has it all. She is the ultimate woman who can be successful AND be a home maker and mother. She flies in the face of all these women's organizations.

When the "bat **** crazy" folks come crawling out of the wood work and make the ACORN voter registration drive look small, it scares the hell out of folks.

Folks are very afraid that this country could take a completely different direction in three years from now.

Conservatives are too smart to start a third party like the Liberals who vote for Ralph Nader do and lose elections for their ideals.

2012 will have four key players on the Republican side. Mitt Romney, Mike Huckabee, Sarah Palin, and former speaker Gingrich.

The Republican party members are team players unlike democrats. Our party will not split. What we will do is pledge another contract with America.

Ok, so let me get this straight... you're saying that the republicans will vote together based on party objectives instead of their idealogy, whereas liberals vote based on what they believe and not what their party tells them... and that makes republicans better??? Maybe a more efficient party, but how could you possibly praise people for sacrificing their idealogy so as to fit by party lines? Oh well, I guess that's what the republican party is all about, eh? :rolleyes:
I'd pick Reagan, who showed not the slightest inclination to go to church and who could easily have been removed from office if anybody had the will to do it.
Eh, that's true... hmm, if he could have been removed, why the heck did no one do it?!? And wasn't Reagan like a strong fundamentalist or something? He did vehemently oppose gay rights, and one of the guys he appointed, James Watt, said that we didn't need to care about the environment because the second coming of Christ was at hand (and of course, this guy was in charge of the environmental stuff)...


Steel Magnolia
I will be voting for Palin in 2012 because I think it's time we have a woman in office.

Sound familiar at all?
Besides, wasn't it all the libs who were saying that experience and feats of political prowess are unimportant as long as the candidate is smart, honest, and wants to bring about change in the Obama/McCain election? In other words, you are going to vote for the person you like and the person whose ideals most closely resemble your own, regardless of their background and regardless of how much the other side tries to sling mud on them for having done, in your opinion, relatively nothing. As Obama had done relatively nothing before he became President.

I could select sources that cite Palin's various governmental posititions and political accomplishments (being a state governor is really no small feat) but we both know that nothing I present will change your opinion about her, as you have already called her evil and quoted a single comment that she made jokingly (such a silly little female, isn't she?), which is really getting old. Is that really all you people have on her?


Active Member
I will be voting for Palin in 2012 because I think it's time we have a woman in office.

Sound familiar at all?
Besides, wasn't it all the libs who were saying that experience and feats of political prowess are unimportant as long as the candidate is smart, honest, and wants to bring about change in the Obama/McCain election? In other words, you are going to vote for the person you like and the person whose ideals most closely resemble your own, regardless of their background and regardless of how much the other side tries to sling mud on them for having done, in your opinion, relatively nothing. As Obama had done relatively nothing before he became President.

I could select sources that cite Palin's various governmental posititions and political accomplishments (being a state governor is really no small feat) but we both know that nothing I present will change your opinion about her, as you have already called her evil and quoted a single comment that she made jokingly (such a silly little female, isn't she?), which is really getting old. Is that really all you people have on her?

Yes, the hatred towards Sarah Palin has everything to do with her sex. It has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that she consistently supports horrible policies and that she shows herself to be ignorant. Based on some of her interviews and speeches I would say that it is pretty safe to consider her an idiot as well.

As for her accomplishments in governmental positions are talking about things like building an unsuccessful sports center that cost Wasilla lots of money because of lack of use and the fact that she went ahead and had it built on land somebody else owned?


It was on fire when I laid down on it.
I don't much care for Sarah Palin as a political entity - at least not if I have to listen to her talk for four years. That alone would drive me ape**** crazy, regardless of what she was actually SAYING. The way she grabs onto a topic and doesn't come up for air for the next 20 minutes simply wears me out. She reminds me of a Boston Terrier with a tennis ball.

That being said, I admire her accomplishments as a woman, a wife and mother, a businesswoman and politician. I think one of the reasons why so many conservative women like her is because she apparently hasn't sacrificed her family or moral values to reach her professional goals. Also - come on, she's had a slew of kids and she still looks great. You gotta admit she's a looker.

As a libertarian, I don't care for her politics - and I can't see her running, let alone winning anything, as a representative for the libertarian cause, because, well - because she's not a libertarian. She's an ultra right wing conservative and libertarians won't fall for that nonsense.

I cannot imagine a world in which she could be President - but then, just a few years ago, I couldn't have imagined a world in which a man named Barack Hussein Obama - a man with next to no political experience who has never actually won an election in which he didn't run unopposed - could be President.

So - stranger things have happened. Batten down the hatches, baby - we're in for a rough ride.


Self-appointed Lunatic
I will be voting for Palin in 2012 because I think it's time we have a woman in office.

Sound familiar at all?
Besides, wasn't it all the libs who were saying that experience and feats of political prowess are unimportant as long as the candidate is smart, honest, and wants to bring about change in the Obama/McCain election? In other words, you are going to vote for the person you like and the person whose ideals most closely resemble your own, regardless of their background and regardless of how much the other side tries to sling mud on them for having done, in your opinion, relatively nothing. As Obama had done relatively nothing before he became President.

I could select sources that cite Palin's various governmental posititions and political accomplishments (being a state governor is really no small feat) but we both know that nothing I present will change your opinion about her, as you have already called her evil and quoted a single comment that she made jokingly (such a silly little female, isn't she?), which is really getting old. Is that really all you people have on her?

I almost listened to you. You almost had a point. You were making sense until you started attacking "libs" and making up stuff about us. Then you started making fun of me. Honestly, why do people expect me to listen to them when half or more of their post is composed of ad hominem attacks?

I made this thread so you people could tell me about her. I tried to be open minded, but you just say that it won't do any good to show me anything because I'm just a stupid closed-minded liberal. So since no one could tell me anything about her, I looked up stuff on her myself. I gave my source and told what I found a few posts ago.

And I indeed found evil. Less evil than Ronald Reagan, but still evil, and the more I think about it, the more evil I realize her policies are. She's against gay rights, she's pro-war, she wants to keep the Bush policies, she's an anti-environmentalist whacko. It's hard to make up for that, and frankly, the more I listen to people like you, the less confident I am that you have something constructive to say.

As for your attack against "libs," you may want to remember that many liberals are NOT Obama supporters, and nor am I. Why are you far-right people obsessed with Obama? This thread is not about Obama, and bringing him up only proves that you have nothing constructive to say. You know nothing good about Sarah Palin, so you sling mud on Obama, while assuming that I follow him.

Conservatives really wear me out... =/


Done here.
Sarah Palin scares the hell out of Liberals.
That's all in your imagination, Rick. Besides finding her insanity fascinating to watch, Palin tends to get our hopes up. Is it possible -- even remotely possible -- that the Republicans could actually nominate her? Because that would be so sweet.

Granted, I had a similar idea about David Beasley in 1994. I actually voted for Beasley in the Republican primary that year, on the theory that if they nominated an obvious ******* like Beasley, Nick Theodore would win an easy victory in the general election. Instead, the ******* became Governor of South Carolina. and the truth is that if he hadn't taken the Confederate naval jack off the State House dome, he probably would have been re-elected, too.

But South Carolina is ... well, let's say different.

The Republican party members are team players unlike democrats.
True. But only because they always give the Religious Right what they want. The price of social conservatives' support is that the Republican candidate must have the blessing of leaders like Dobson and must support the Religious Right's agenda unequivocally.

One of the following will happen:

1) Republicans will continue to be a coalition of religious fanatics and neo-cons, increasingly insane and increasingly marginal in importance.

2) Republicans will shake off the toxic influence of those two groups and return to their fiscally conservative, civil libertarian roots. This will mean a period of transition as the party tries to reach out to a broader base. The Religious Right will walk, possibly taking the neo-cons with them, and either join the Conservative Party or form another crazy minority party, something like the True American Lion of Judah Party. (Kidding, but only a little.) This scenario is, I think, the best one for the Republicans -- in the long run.

3) The Religious Right will finally triumph, transforming the U.S. into a theocratic bastion of ignorance and intolerance -- I mean, even more than it is now.


Steel Magnolia
I almost listened to you. You almost had a point. You were making sense until you started attacking "libs" and making up stuff about us. Then you started making fun of me. Honestly, why do people expect me to listen to them when half or more of their post is composed of ad hominem attacks?

I made this thread so you people could tell me about her. I tried to be open minded, but you just say that it won't do any good to show me anything because I'm just a stupid closed-minded liberal. So since no one could tell me anything about her, I looked up stuff on her myself. I gave my source and told what I found a few posts ago.

And I indeed found evil. Less evil than Ronald Reagan, but still evil, and the more I think about it, the more evil I realize her policies are. She's against gay rights, she's pro-war, she wants to keep the Bush policies, she's an anti-environmentalist whacko. It's hard to make up for that, and frankly, the more I listen to people like you, the less confident I am that you have something constructive to say.

As for your attack against "libs," you may want to remember that many liberals are NOT Obama supporters, and nor am I. Why are you far-right people obsessed with Obama? This thread is not about Obama, and bringing him up only proves that you have nothing constructive to say. You know nothing good about Sarah Palin, so you sling mud on Obama, while assuming that I follow him.

Conservatives really wear me out... =/

I would never dream of attacking Liberals, and pardon me for not being politically correct. I forgot...one must always be politcally correct when speaking to Liberals. But no, I was not attacking you guys, merely pointing out that when Obama was running for office, I often brought up the exact same argument against him that you are bringing up against Palin, and that was the answer I got. When it comes down to it, I don't think experience really matters to anyone when we're faced with either a candidate who falls in line with most of our ideals or a candidate that is mostly opposite to most of our ideals. And I wasn't making fun of you, just pointing out that you called the woman evil when you admitted yourself that you know little about her policies.

But it's good that you decided to look up the info on her. However, I am disappointed that you still believe she's evil just because she has different ideas and different values than you. I don't agree with most Liberals, but I would never describe Obama, the Clintons, etc. as evil. Different ideas and different beliefs are what makes this country so beautiful. I like to see different political parties taking control through the years because a nation needs change through different opinions to be sucessful. Though I would hate to see Democrats remain in office for decades, I would also hate to see Republicans remain in office for decades (I am Independent).

I wasn't trying to sling mud on Mr. Obama. Since you are not a supporter of him, then surely we can both agree that neither Mr. Obama (prior to election) nor Mrs. Palin have done anything of great noteworthiness, and that should not truly diminish their ability to run for office and be elected.

Yes, the hatred towards Sarah Palin has everything to do with her sex. It has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that she consistently supports horrible policies and that she shows herself to be ignorant. Based on some of her interviews and speeches I would say that it is pretty safe to consider her an idiot as well.

As for her accomplishments in governmental positions are talking about things like building an unsuccessful sports center that cost Wasilla lots of money because of lack of use and the fact that she went ahead and had it built on land somebody else owned?

I would not presume to judge her intelligence based on one presidential election, but it seems to me that Palin really believes in what she believes and wants to protect certain rights that I also want to protect. Though she is admittedly unpolished, I have seen nothing that would make me believe she is an idiot.

A sports center? You really think I would throw out a candidate based on a decision made on a local level in 2001? Anyone who knows about that issue could see that Mrs. Palin was certainly not the only one responsible for this, and though it arguably misguided in many ways, I still think it is commendable that she wanted to help her community with a sports center. One mistake as a small-town mayor is not enough to say she is an idiot and unfit for office.


Well-Known Member
If you don't know much about her, how can you pronounce her Evil.

Myself I would say, it's not that she is evil, it's her followers.... who ignorantly follow the group mentality without research or discernment.

I agree. Unless stupidity and incompetance is evil Palin doesn't deserve the adjective. Although how anyone can take a woman who thought africa was as country seriously is beyond me.


Well-Known Member
I truly hope so.

Why do you hope this? I'm guessing you'r an oboma fan and figure if Palin runs there will be no opposition for oboma taking the presidency again next election. Or you just want some entertainment, watching palin struggle to keep up with a group that's way over her head?
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