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What has Sarah Palin actually done?


Well-Known Member
The Republican party members are team players unlike democrats. Our party will not split. What we will do is pledge another contract with America.

How many of those Contracts with America" can they transparently break before America wises up?


Well-Known Member
You right wingers are funny.

Two words...

Katie Couric

Palin will never get close to a nomination.


Self-appointed Lunatic
But no, I was not attacking you guys, merely pointing out that when Obama was running for office, I often brought up the exact same argument against him that you are bringing up against Palin, and that was the answer I got. When it comes down to it, I don't think experience really matters to anyone when we're faced with either a candidate who falls in line with most of our ideals or a candidate that is mostly opposite to most of our ideals. And I wasn't making fun of you, just pointing out that you called the woman evil when you admitted yourself that you know little about her policies.
Ah, ok. I misunderstood you.
However, I am disappointed that you still believe she's evil just because she has different ideas and different values than you.
Well, I can understand stuff like the whole free market thing (well, I don't understand it, but it's not "evil" if the person sincerely believes it), but when someone denies people rights, rapes the environment, and advocates imperialistic wars (which is what I got from what I read), I don't really know what else to call them =/.
Different ideas and different beliefs are what makes this country so beautiful. I like to see different political parties taking control through the years because a nation needs change through different opinions to be sucessful. Though I would hate to see Democrats remain in office for decades, I would also hate to see Republicans remain in office for decades (I am Independent).
Good to see another independent. I suppose you're a right-libertarian or somewhere in that area? Pretty good guys, usually. At least they espouse the same things they do, unlike republicans, who preach free market and practice corporationism.
I wasn't trying to sling mud on Mr. Obama. Since you are not a supporter of him, then surely we can both agree that neither Mr. Obama (prior to election) nor Mrs. Palin have done anything of great noteworthiness, and that should not truly diminish their ability to run for office and be elected.
Nothing of great noteworthiness? Eh, there was a list of things Obama did in another thread, I think, but I'll go with something negative: That healthcare bill is more talk than walk. No, scratch that, it's one talk and another walk - basically, from what I understand of it, the people either have to buy "affordable" insurance or face a tax. They want to lower the prices and make it mandatory to buy. That's not reform, that's a godsend to the insurance companies. Obama's too far-right, too conservative, too corporationist. Simply put, from what I know about him, Obama could just as easily have ran as a republican.
A sports center? You really think I would throw out a candidate based on a decision made on a local level in 2001? Anyone who knows about that issue could see that Mrs. Palin was certainly not the only one responsible for this, and though it arguably misguided in many ways, I still think it is commendable that she wanted to help her community with a sports center. One mistake as a small-town mayor is not enough to say she is an idiot and unfit for office.
True, but I doubt that was her only mistake. I'll let someone else give more examples since I don't really know a lot about her history.
That`s punny in so many ways.
LOL, I didn't see that... XD
I agree. Unless stupidity and incompetance is evil Palin doesn't deserve the adjective.
Never assume incompetence where evil may lurk. Especially in American politics.


RF Addict
A sports center? You really think I would throw out a candidate based on a decision made on a local level in 2001? Anyone who knows about that issue could see that Mrs. Palin was certainly not the only one responsible for this, and though it arguably misguided in many ways, I still think it is commendable that she wanted to help her community with a sports center. One mistake as a small-town mayor is not enough to say she is an idiot and unfit for office.

I hardly think her incompetence is limited to the construction of one sports centre. What about the Bridge to Nowhere, for example?


Oh boy did we Brits have a larf after we realised she was so dumb. We hoped initially that she was related to Michael Palin, a revered Brit who has a seat in both the House of Silly Walks and the House if Upper Class Twits. However, it was not to be. I reckon this link sums her up for me.
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Its only a Label
Here is Sarah Palin for you?
In hindi [indian langguage] sarah means *everything* and palin means *have got* so sarah palin would mean *have got everything*.

Has she not everything????:D:D:D


Love & rgds
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Self-appointed Lunatic
Here is Sarah Palin for you?
In hindi [indian langguage] sarah means *everything* and palin means *have got* so sarah palin would mean *have got everything*.

Has she not everything????:D:D:D


Love & rgds

LOL!! Are those pictures real?!? If so, how the heck does she keep such a good image among the conservatives, many of which are religious right? O_O


Its only a Label
Friend TAL,

Google image s will open up many more.
Religion is all about peeling layers of thoughts, just keep peeling and the TRUTH is when one cannot peel anymore.

Love & rgds


Steel Magnolia
Here is Sarah Palin for you?
In hindi [indian langguage] sarah means *everything* and palin means *have got* so sarah palin would mean *have got everything*.

Has she not everything????:D:D:D


Love & rgds

Oh how disgusting. You see why I believe Palin will be ridiculed, exploited, and not taken seriously because of her gender?

Yes, Palin has breasts, she is in fact, a female. Deal with it. It's unbelievable to me how intimidated men in this nation are just because they know Mrs. Palin is more successful and intelligent than they could ever be. And I'm not saying anyone in this thread specifically, I know this was purely for entertainment zenzero. :) But still, I think pictures like these are just proof that her gender is going to be used against her by people who often claim to support feminism. I did a google search for similar pictures of Hillary Clinton, and did turn up a few things (which is still an outrage), but not as much it seems. So why Palin? Is it just because she is, God forbid, an attractive woman?

And of course this is not a real picture, I'm pretty sure that isn't even her face...
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Self-appointed Lunatic
Oh how disgusting. You see why I believe Palin will be ridiculed, exploited, and not taken seriously because of her gender?

Yes, Palin has breasts, she is in fact, a female. Deal with it. It's unbelievable to me how intimidated men in this nation are just because they know Mrs. Palin is more successful and intelligent than they could ever be. And I'm not saying anyone in this thread specifically, I know this was purely for entertainment zenzero. :) But still, I think pictures like these are just proof that her gender is going to be used against her by people who often claim to support feminism. I did a google search for similar pictures of Hillary Clinton, and did turn up a few things (which is still an outrage), but not as much it seems. So why is Palin? Is it just because, God forbid, she is an attractive woman?

And of course this is not a real picture, I'm pretty sure that isn't even her face...

Er, well, my question was why the heck the religious right would vote for someone who would pose for pictures like that... but if it's fake, I guess the point is invalid ;).

While I hate what I know of Palin's entire platform, I sympathize with her in that area of her being portrayed as a promiscuous woman (assuming that she actually isn't a promiscuous woman).

Oh, and, uh, Palin isn't exactly successful or intelligent. If she was that intelligent, she'd know not to make jokes about being able to see Russia from her house, and other little incidents like that (there's a lot of blunders like that on Palin). Stuff like that is dangerous in politics O_O. And as for success, the democratic media pretty much destroyed her image (whether or not it deserved to be destroyed is open to debate, but the fact is, her approval rating went way down after all the mud that was slung at her during the campaign. Or at least, that's what I've heard...).


Its only a Label
Friend Lindsey- Loo,

Oh how disgusting.
Sorry, there was no intention to depict any perspective with the photograph or the message.
It is just how on'e mind react to any given situation.
Which your mind did.
Have full respect for you and your views. They are yours and you have every right.
Purely as consciousness effort, if any is only to allow that consciouses to reflect itself.
Personally being in India polices / personalities of other countries will have very very indirect effect to affect any change to someone living in India.

Back to the message - it simply was meant to state that as humans we have everything but finally what we make of it or how we use it results in the outcome which finally for every human is to understand TRUTH and be one with IT by Stilling all thoughts.

Love & rgds
Best Wishes.


Active Member
What has Obama done?
he has lied and is currently pushing the united states towards communism. Palin is a good person and speeks the truth. She doesn't like big government that is a big plus. People today want government to solve there problems what a shame. now you want to talk about evil lets talk about nancy pole and barney franks. or how about the naacp.


Admiral Obvious
he has lied and is currently pushing the united states towards communism. Palin is a good person and speeks the truth. She doesn't like big government that is a big plus. People today want government to solve there problems what a shame. now you want to talk about evil lets talk about nancy pole and barney franks. or how about the naacp.


Steel Magnolia
Friend Lindsey- Loo,

Sorry, there was no intention to depict any perspective with the photograph or the message.
It is just how on'e mind react to any given situation.
Which your mind did.
Have full respect for you and your views. They are yours and you have every right.
Purely as consciousness effort, if any is only to allow that consciouses to reflect itself.
Personally being in India polices / personalities of other countries will have very very indirect effect to affect any change to someone living in India.

Back to the message - it simply was meant to state that as humans we have everything but finally what we make of it or how we use it results in the outcome which finally for every human is to understand TRUTH and be one with IT by Stilling all thoughts.

Love & rgds
Best Wishes.

Thank you zenzero, but I knew you were not trying to offend. It's the fact that someone would portray Palin in this way that disgusts me, not that you posted it to make a point. You had no way of knowing that gender equality in politics is one of my great passions. :D

Er, well, my question was why the heck the religious right would vote for someone who would pose for pictures like that... but if it's fake, I guess the point is invalid ;).

While I hate what I know of Palin's entire platform, I sympathize with her in that area of her being portrayed as a promiscuous woman (assuming that she actually isn't a promiscuous woman).

Oh, and, uh, Palin isn't exactly successful or intelligent. If she was that intelligent, she'd know not to make jokes about being able to see Russia from her house, and other little incidents like that (there's a lot of blunders like that on Palin). Stuff like that is dangerous in politics O_O. And as for success, the democratic media pretty much destroyed her image (whether or not it deserved to be destroyed is open to debate, but the fact is, her approval rating went way down after all the mud that was slung at her during the campaign. Or at least, that's what I've heard...).

No, Palin knows full well that if she ever posed like that for real, die-hard Conservatives would not vote for her...at least the ones that I know, lol. As far as I know, Palin is devoted to her husband, but her personal life isn't really a great concern to me. However I think Americans are fascinated with that kind of thing, I mean you wouldn't believe the headlines on so many of the magazines out now (last one I read while standing in line at the grocery store proclaimed that Michelle Obama is unable to get pregnant...I mean, even if that were true, who cares?!).

I'm sorry that Palin's personality and humor aren't to your taste. Some politicians make me cringe everytime they open their mouths, too. I've already said she's unpolished, but hopefully as she gains more experience and maybe even with more age she will learn what is appropriate to say and what is not. I personally love her humor, but I understand that not everyone sees it that way. The bottom line is that we have to look at what she believes in, not every little sarcastic comment that comes out of her mouth. You've said you don't agree with her on the issues, and I respect that. I think several politicians are incredibly dumb, but I know that really is just a matter of my opinion.

As for the Democrats destroying her image, I wouldn't say it's destroyed. The media doesn't have the power to destroy, only to twist and diminish. Only Palin herself has the power to destroy her image. You will know it has been destroyed when both Democrats and Republicans hate her, not just Democrats. And we all know Palin's approval ratings aren't the only ones that have gone down lately. During times where no one is satisfied, most people are looking for someone to blame.


Its only a Label
Friend L-L,

ou had no way of knowing that gender equality in politics is one of my great passions
Yes, am one with you on gender equality. Respect each individual equally just as a BEING!

The media doesn't have the power to destroy, only to twist and diminish. Only Palin herself has the power to destroy her image.

It is in each one of us, how we make the best of this Garden of Eden we live in.
Most take the route of Adam and Eve others try and regain that paradise lost, well But TRUTH is somewhere in between. Between both heaven and hell.

Love & rgds