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What has Sarah Palin actually done?

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
We all know that Sarah Palin is evil. However, there are people I know that like her. This is a problem. I can't do much to counteract it because I don't actually know much about her policies.

Besides claiming that she can see Russia from her house (the people deny that she ever said that), what else has she done? What are her policies, what is she planning to do as president?

Here's her foreign policy and quote on Russia right here...Straight from the horses...ehhh uhmm.. ("Moose) mouth....:rolleyes:



"What has Sarah Palin actually done?"

Well nothing that should allow her to become the next president.


Active Member
I think it's quite obvious that's not his meaning.
You mean you support this guy?

sarah palin opposes obama so do i and this is what is said.


Active Member
This is a thread about Sarah Palin. Create your own thread about Obama, and you'll get the responses you deserve there.
sarah palin is against obama's plans. how is this not relevent? isn't this what makes her so evil.


Tu Stultus Es
it is not the demecrates i have a problem with. it is the liberal lies that are spread about Sarah Palin.

the truth is that there is no reason to shut down Gitmo. this medical plane will cost tax payers money. those that don't want a medical plane will be forced to get one, pay a fee. there is no transparency in this goverment. Sarah palin supports small government this is also true.

Oh my...:rolleyes:
Palin was zero foreign policy experience part-time mayor of a town of 9,000. I'll ignore the rest of your misguided post and focus on her libertarian claims.
Palin, during a six year run a smayor, increased government spending by 33%. She's also responsible for a 38% increase in taxes during that time. And no surprises here- the taxes she did cut benefitted coporate property owners. Palin inherited zero debt when she took office yet left that office with 22 million in debt. A million for a park, over 15 million for a sports complex, 5.5 million for road projects and a chunk off change for various petty wasteful expenditures like her remodelling City Hall several times including her office.

Trying to fire a librarian because they refused to listen to Palin's insistence to remove "offensive" literature from the library is not small government. She may run in 2012 but she hasn't a chance- Palin is a joke.

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
Why do you hope this? I'm guessing you'r an oboma fan and figure if Palin runs there will be no opposition for oboma taking the presidency again next election. Or you just want some entertainment, watching palin struggle to keep up with a group that's way over her head?

Oh...but can you then imagine the debates with Obama she'll have?...I mean it will be more entertaining than most of the crappy reality TV shows on now....At every debate..I'd be in front of the TV with my popcorn popped just waiting for that idiot to open her mouth...


Active Member
On her other foreign policy fronts, check out the state of Alaska’s annual trade report. Turns out that Palin had met a head of state before her whirlwind UN tour last week: on page 24 there is a photo of the governor with the president of Iceland (must have forgot about that one during the Charlie Gibson interview). Maybe it was pushing the constitutional envelope, but she signed an “intergovernmental accord” with the Canadian province of Yukon in 2008. Also check out this photo of Governor Palin surrounded by a gaggle of diplomats at the ”Alaska Fur and Ice 2008.” (Piper was there, too!) Perhaps Palin was behind the sister city arrangement between Wasilla and Mirniy, Russia?
As Julian has described, governors do have foreign policies these days, and I think that would extend to pretty much all of them. But obviously the experience level is going to vary with the size of the state and the length of the tenure. Palin’s is slight on both counts, although Alaska’s foreign involvements are likely to be greater than, say, Wyoming’s, by virtue of its geographic placement (not that seeing Russia or airspace have anything to do with it). As governor of Minnesota, for instance, also-ran Tim Pawlenty had led some sizable trade missions to India and China. If a governor of California were in the mix for a national ticket, no one would have any cause to question the candidate’s international experience, even if it didn’t involve any nukes. As along other dimensions, it’s too bad that Palin is giving a bad name to the good (or at least necessary) thing of gubernatorial foreign policy.


Active Member
And I don't have an internet connection equipped to download videos. Nor do I have sound. Want to state your arguments?

I'm still not seeing the "Obama is evil" thread you created.
Sarah Palin says " You Can see Russia From Land Here in Alaska"
The island of Big Diomede is part of Russia. The little island of Diomede is in the U.S. and part of Alaska. the islands are two miles apart.


Active Member
Political positions of Sarah Palin
Palin has been a registered Republican since 1982, and has described the Republican Party platform as "the right agenda for America".[6]


Moved on
Political positions of Sarah Palin
Palin has been a registered Republican since 1982, and has described the Republican Party platform as "the right agenda for America".[6]

Hey what do ya know, a convenient list of terrible and idiot Palin beliefs (no seriously, every single bullet point save the second is sickening.)

Magic Man

Reaper of Conversation
Oh how disgusting. You see why I believe Palin will be ridiculed, exploited, and not taken seriously because of her gender?

It's not because of her gender. There are plenty of female politicians who are taken seriously. Look at Hillary Clinton.

It's unbelievable to me how intimidated men in this nation are just because they know Mrs. Palin is more successful and intelligent than they could ever be.

Huh? I'm not intimidated. I'm just scared knowing that there is a decently-sized group of people out there that support her. There might be a few men out there that she's smarter than, but not too many.

But still, I think pictures like these are just proof that her gender is going to be used against her by people who often claim to support feminism.

I doubt supporters of feminism take jabs like this at her.

I did a google search for similar pictures of Hillary Clinton, and did turn up a few things (which is still an outrage), but not as much it seems. So why Palin? Is it just because she is, God forbid, an attractive woman?

It's because she's attractive and not very intelligent.

And of course this is not a real picture, I'm pretty sure that isn't even her face...

Exactly. It's not even her.


Back from the Dead
Hi Zephyr,

Hey what do ya know, a convenient list of terrible and idiot Palin beliefs (no seriously, every single bullet point save the second is sickening.)

LOL! Yeah, birth control has led to a decrease in promiscuity, stronger marital relations and less single mothers ... oops.


Back from the Dead
Hi Contentius,

I don't have a study off the top of my head. Are you arguing that promiscuity and strong marital relations are NOT diametrically opposed to each other?