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What has Sarah Palin actually done?

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
Hi Contentius,

Birth control is one of the perfect tools for promiscuity for it promises the sexual pleasure of multiple partners without that nasty distraction of having a child.

I can deal with that verses unplanned pregnancies and STDs......Oh...the wearing of the condom and the woman taking a pill doesn't seem all that bad to me considering the alternatives....

You're NEVER going to be able to convince teens and adults to not have sex or multiple sex partners. The best you can do is teach them all how to protect themselves.

Kilgore Trout

Misanthropic Humanist
We all know that Sarah Palin is evil. However, there are people I know that like her. This is a problem. I can't do much to counteract it because I don't actually know much about her policies.

Besides claiming that she can see Russia from her house (the people deny that she ever said that), what else has she done? What are her policies, what is she planning to do as president?

As is the case with many politicians, what she has done is completely irrelevant. She is a manufactured marketing gimmick whose sole purpose is to serve as a personified symbol of religious-conservative "values." Her image has been engineered to attempt to appeal broadly to, what conservatives perceive as, "middle America."

Vile Atheist

Loud and Obnoxious
Joe Stocks, if you have no source of information that suggests what you're saying, you're almost literally pulling the statements from your rear.


Active Member
At least read the f'ing post before you make ridiculously idiotic comments on it. All of it. You obviously stopped at the Hitler picture.

Dude, you make it really hard to follow the rules on making personal attacks against other's intelligence, ya know?

it is not what you wrote that bothers me it is the fact that liberal demacrates like to use racist people to prove there points. i understand what you were saying. you have a point, but earlier in your thread you stated that all republicans are evil or something to that effect. now from where i am sitting the only way this could be true is if they oppose what demacrates believe to be good. Assuming that you are a demacrate.

Palin and foreign policy

1. she was the commander in chief of the Alaska National Guard.
2. she established a nuber of awards programs designed to highlight and encourage Alaska's international activity.
3. march 2007 palin renewed the Alaska Yukon Intergovernmental Accord with Canada providing a framework for the tourism and trade.
4. Palin worked to expand partnerships with Alaska companies oversees. during her first year in office, alaska exported to 100 foreign destinations exports reaching $3.9 billion worth of exports, an annual increase of roughly 3 percent.
5. Palin hosted delagations from all over the world.

Alaska has extensive relations with foreign nations. palin was governor of a state that oversees foreign econamic relations.

read up. Sarah Palin: Alaska as Foreign Policy Experience by Toby Westerman


Done here.
I'm just making the rather uncontroversial point that monogamy and promiscuity are at the opposite ends of the spectrum.
I think it's obvious that complete abstinence is one end of the spectrum.

Actually, by definition if a person is practicing monogamy then they cannot be promiscuous and vice versa.
Actually, monogamy just means being married to one person at a time. It's possible to be monogamous and yet be wildly promiscuous, provided you are only married to one of your sexual partners. But in all fairness, I have noticed how the word is used to mean "having one sexual relationship at a time."


Self-appointed Lunatic
it is not what you wrote that bothers me it is the fact that liberal demacrates like to use racist people to prove there points.
Ok, how about this:
"You follow the Chinese Emperor?!? I mean, you have to, or else you're supporting MAO!"
It demonstrates the point a bit less clearly, but neither Mao or whoever was Emperor when he and the communists revolted were racist as far as I know (er, wait, was there an emperor that Mao overthrew, or did China have a Republican government at that point? Sorry, not familiar with the time period very well...).
Assuming that you are a demacrate.
That's a dangerous assumption around these parts. Most real liberals aren't democrats. Most of RF is composed of real liberals.
but earlier in your thread you stated that all republicans are evil or something to that effect.
The Republican Party is evil, and I have yet to see a republican politician that wasn't evil (well, Ron Paul, but he's really a libertarian, he just ran republican because he knew he had no chance to win running for a third party). And I suppose anyone who votes for evil is evil themselves, or perhaps just ignorant/misinformed.
now from where i am sitting the only way this could be true is if they oppose what demacrates believe to be good.
So, since you're against communism, you must be a fascist, right? Fascists oppose what communists believe to be good. (How can I make the point that the two party system really really sucks more clear to you?)
Palin and foreign policy
I'ma let someone else answer this since they're probably more up to date than I am... however, I know that Sarah has a highly militaristic foreign policy. Do you agree with this (I mean her militarist policies, not the fact that she has those policies)?

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
it is not what you wrote that bothers me it is the fact that liberal demacrates like to use racist people to prove there points. i understand what you were saying. you have a point, but earlier in your thread you stated that all republicans are evil or something to that effect. now from where i am sitting the only way this could be true is if they oppose what demacrates believe to be good. Assuming that you are a demacrate.

Palin and foreign policy

1. she was the commander in chief of the Alaska National Guard.
2. she established a nuber of awards programs designed to highlight and encourage Alaska's international activity.
3. march 2007 palin renewed the Alaska Yukon Intergovernmental Accord with Canada providing a framework for the tourism and trade.
4. Palin worked to expand partnerships with Alaska companies oversees. during her first year in office, alaska exported to 100 foreign destinations exports reaching $3.9 billion worth of exports, an annual increase of roughly 3 percent.
5. Palin hosted delagations from all over the world.

Alaska has extensive relations with foreign nations. palin was governor of a state that oversees foreign econamic relations.

read up. Sarah Palin: Alaska as Foreign Policy Experience by Toby Westerman

As much as you believe she has benefited the state she has equally cost them.

Palin has/HAD little to no direct dealings with Russia. Dealings with foreign countries with respect to the US is something that is done on a Federal level. Even if the federal government allowed such a thing... it is still unclear from your link what "she" did....

But this is what I found. While Palin was running (Wasilla 1997) Tony Knowles (A DEMOCRAT) Governor from 1994-2002 (Led trade missions) to Sakhalin, off the coast of Siberia - Press Release: Alaska Delegation Visits Sakhalin Russia to Promote Trade -, This is why she couldn't name any that she did because "she" hasn't.
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Done here.
Palin and foreign policy

1. she was the commander in chief of the Alaska National Guard.
2. she established a nuber of awards programs designed to highlight and encourage Alaska's international activity.
3. march 2007 palin renewed the Alaska Yukon Intergovernmental Accord with Canada providing a framework for the tourism and trade.
4. Palin worked to expand partnerships with Alaska companies oversees. during her first year in office, alaska exported to 100 foreign destinations exports reaching $3.9 billion worth of exports, an annual increase of roughly 3 percent.
5. Palin hosted delagations from all over the world.
Any governor could boast similar qualifications. The problem isn't Palin's lack of experience; it's a very rare individual indeed who has the experience to walk into the Oval Office and begin handling U.S. foreign policy singlehandedly. That's one reason every president has a host of advisors.

The problem with Palin goes deeper. She's not a careful thinker; her opinions about foreign policy (and almost anything else) sound like she got them from bumper stickers. When asked foreign policy questions, she tended to give answers devoid of substance and heavy on right-wing slogans and platitudes which may have something to do with the questions, but usually don't. She's not just ignorant, but willfully ignorant, and seems to mistake her ideological slogans for actual policy positions. She also has, like Bush, a disturbing tendency to disregard any advice that doesn't correspond to her established and ill-informed opinions. "Going rogue" is not a good quality in a president. A president who is ill-informed and not a careful thinker and who refuses to become informed or listen to careful opinions because she's convinced that her instincts are more or less infallible would be an unspeakably dangerous president.

Bush was a fool who allowed himself to be manipulated by a few select, smarter people. Those people were, by and large, the victims of their own hubris and led the country into disastrous policies. Palin, a fool who refuses to listen to anybody at all, would almost certainly be even worse.


Done here.
Most real liberals aren't democrats.
God, no. It's not just Republican opposition, but also the Democratic Party's own reluctance that makes it nearly impossible to accomplish any truly liberal reforms.

We have a conservative party (the Democrats) and a ******* crazy party (the Republicans). The only truly liberal/progressive parties are the Socialist, Communist, and Green Parties. I used to think the Greens were the best hope for progressive reform -- that they could become effective enough to draw the Democrats in a more progressive direction. But they have demonstrated a talent for shooting themselves in the foot that rivals that of the Democrats.

Vile Atheist

Loud and Obnoxious
God, no. It's not just Republican opposition, but also the Democratic Party's own reluctance that makes it nearly impossible to accomplish any truly liberal reforms.

We have a conservative party (the Democrats) and a ******* crazy party (the Republicans). The only truly liberal/progressive parties are the Socialist, Communist, and Green Parties. I used to think the Greens were the best hope for progressive reform -- that they could become effective enough to draw the Democrats in a more progressive direction. But they have demonstrated a talent for shooting themselves in the foot that rivals that of the Democrats.

If you want leftier politicians, just kidnap some Canadian ones. We don't mind. Hell, we encourage you to take them :)


Active Member
Ok, how about this:
"You follow the Chinese Emperor?!? I mean, you have to, or else you're supporting MAO!"
It demonstrates the point a bit less clearly, but neither Mao or whoever was Emperor when he and the communists revolted were racist as far as I know (er, wait, was there an emperor that Mao overthrew, or did China have a Republican government at that point? Sorry, not familiar with the time period very well...).That's a dangerous assumption around these parts. Most real liberals aren't democrats. Most of RF is composed of real liberals.The Republican Party is evil, and I have yet to see a republican politician that wasn't evil (well, Ron Paul, but he's really a libertarian, he just ran republican because he knew he had no chance to win running for a third party). And I suppose anyone who votes for evil is evil themselves, or perhaps just ignorant/misinformed.So, since you're against communism, you must be a fascist, right? Fascists oppose what communists believe to be good. (How can I make the point that the two party system really really sucks more clear to you?)I'ma let someone else answer this since they're probably more up to date than I am... however, I know that Sarah has a highly militaristic foreign policy. Do you agree with this (I mean her militarist policies, not the fact that she has those policies)?
funny you mention ron paul i voted for that Guy. what is so evil about sarah palin? you brought up all republicans being evil or aleast most. what persuades you to believe that they are evil? who would you consider to be not evil in the political realm.(setting aside ron paul)


Moved on
funny you mention ron paul i voted for that Guy.

Why would you vote for a thinly-veiled racist who proposed returning to the gold standard (which, by the way, would utterly crush our economy even further than it already is)?


Self-appointed Lunatic
what persuades you to believe that they are evil?
Some of what they say and almost all of what they do.

The fact that Ronald Reagan is the party's ideal is telling. You know, Reagan, the guy who funded terrorist groups in Latin America to try and tear down the elected Marxist governments, the guy who paid the Iranians not to release hostages until he was elected president, the guy who nixed our hard-won environmental programs that took decades to achieve, the guy who went out of his way to demonize communists and bolster the military while cutting back taxes and social programs that actually benefitted the people, the guy who caused the US to go from the world's largest creditor to the world's largest debtor, the guy who funded Al Qaeda and the Taliban and hired Osama, you know, THAT guy. And that guy is worshipped by Republicans and even many Democrats.
who would you consider to be not evil in the political realm.
Uh, good question. Hmm... well, El Tinklenberg sounded like a good guy, from what I knew of him, but he was beaten by Michele Bachman. :(
Why would you vote for a thinly-veiled racist
Ron Paul was a racist???? I have not heard this before... O_O
who proposed returning to the gold standard (which, by the way, would utterly crush our economy even further than it already is)?
How would that crush our economy? We NEED the gold standard, or some kind of standard. The only value it had before was that it was used in the oil trade, and now that's gone, the dollar is WORTHLESS. The only reason it hasn't spiked downward yet is because China still needs us. Once China doesn't need the US... the dollar will just be a piece of paper. At least with the gold standard, it would represent something other than thin air.


It was on fire when I laid down on it.
I think I was clear enough when I said...."just waiting for that idiot to open her mouth...")

Then you must have been on some euphoric high during the reign of King Bush......:sarcastic

1) I was being sarcastic on the first point. My point being that neither Obama nor Palin is knocking me over with their qualifications OR their effectiveness.

2) I have never been a Bush supporter. I think he was a very inept President.

Just for the record.


RF Addict
4. Palin worked to expand partnerships with Alaska companies oversees. during her first year in office, alaska exported to 100 foreign destinations exports reaching $3.9 billion worth of exports, an annual increase of roughly 3 percent.

I don't really think we need to congratulate Palin on that one - the businesses in Alaska could well have done this on their own. Even if Chuckles the Monkey was in charge.


Well-Known Member
funny you mention ron paul i voted for that Guy. what is so evil about sarah palin? you brought up all republicans being evil or aleast most. what persuades you to believe that they are evil? who would you consider to be not evil in the political realm.(setting aside ron paul)

Ron paul made it to the elections? I thought he dropped out early in the race?


Self-appointed Lunatic
Oh, about Zephyr's claim of Ron Paul being a racist...
Ron Paul's race problem

I will never see Ron Paul the same way again :(.

EDIT: Actually, the comments after the article bring up some good points. I don't think he should be discredited based on something his news article said in the 1980s alone.
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Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
1) I was being sarcastic on the first point.

Yeah, it wasn't obvious to me......:D....I get ya..

My point being that neither Obama nor Palin is knocking me over with their qualifications OR their effectiveness.

I understand. For me I could care less about Palin. I just don't think she's smart enough to be our next President. I'm actually fine with Obama....(for now)....I also realize that a president can't and does not make "all" the decisions that run this country. Most of what he and his advisers propose is up for debate and vote.

2) I have never been a Bush supporter. I think he was a very inept President.

Just for the record.

He could have possibly had some good points about him but after his fist term I was ready to see him go......but then he was in for another term and I felt as though Americans had gotten it completely wrong....but then again, all sides share in the blame.....
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