Haha! The old fallback. When you've got nothing else, just claim "liberal elitism and condescension". Nice work.
We generally don't debate. You make wild, crazy, unsupportable claims, and then I refute them and try to find out whether you have anything that could be considered support for them, and you just dismiss my comments as irrelevant, liberal elitism and condescension. Then in another thread a few days later, you make the same claims, I call you out on them again, and you ignore it again, moving on to comments about irrelevant things in either a deliberate or unintentional move to distract attention from what you said before. When someone calls you out on something, you generally don't even respond directly to them, just going on another rant that covers several different topics, most of which aren't even relevant.
If we were to have a real debate, you would make a claim, I would call you out on it (or agree with it), and you would try to support it directly, and acknowledge my evidence against it. If you want to do that, I'm more than willing.
If you want to have another one on one debate, (after Christmas) we can do this. I believe the last time we had one was Thanksgiving before last. We can set up some ground rules to your satisfaction.
My biggest concern about you and I is, many times we are polar opposites. On the surface that is fine until we both get under each others skin. When we stop talking about the issues and start making it personal, it becomes unproductive.
We have both been guilty of this before.
I realise you become frustrated with my old man rantings just as I am guilty of ignoring some of your posts.
A good example would be when we where debating the inheritance tax. I went on about the need for the 5 million max and you was happy with one million.
You had a site where there was no farms lost in 2001. I then asked you if you where implying there where never any farms lost due to inheritance taxes and you ignored that question completely.
Let me give you an explanation why it needs increased. For the same reason the Presidential salary was increased from 100,000 to 200,000 and now 400,000.
100,000 grand used to be a grand salary. Now, it is not so much. Just like a million dollars is not what it used to be. Everything is subjective. To me, a million dollars is not what it used to be. To you, it seems like alot.
In some terms it still is. I will grant you that. What you miss out on is, many farms and small businesses may have equipment they acquired over generations that are over valued. Many small business between 1 and 5 million do not produce an income that would be able to pay the inheritance tax.
Think about it, many small businesses may be appraised at several million but barely have a 6 figure income after expenses. How could a person making 100 grand a year afford to pay a million dollars?
Another thing you miss out on is, say a small bakery employs 20 people and cannot pay the inheritance tax, it affects more than just the owner.
Now, if someone left me 5 million CASH, I could afford to pay the tax. If I had done nothing to earn the 5 million, I deserve to pay a tax.
There is a big difference between working along side your father for 20 years building a business and receiving a windfall. They should not be taxed the same.