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What IF McCain Wins? What Will You Do?


Somewhere Around Nothing
doppelgänger;1321486 said:
She wants politicians to represent her religious beliefs and values in office. I think her beliefs and values and what she wants elected leaders to do about them becomes entirely fair game when she makes her decisions on that basis.
Are you serious? Since when is it wrong to want your local politicians to do what you consider right? Just because you do not agree with all of her values does not give you a right to tell her she is wrong. People around here seem have a very large problem realizing other people are entitled to differing opinions, on both sides.

The Voice of Reason

Doctor of Thinkology
Are you serious? Since when is it wrong to want your local politicians to do what you consider right? Just because you do not agree with all of her values does not give you a right to tell her she is wrong. People around here seem have a very large problem realizing other people are entitled to differing opinions, on both sides.

That's a strawman, Apex.

Dopp didn't say she had no right to expect a politician to represent her values. What he DID say was that, once she bases her support of a politician based on those values, the values themselves become fair game for debate.

The Voice of Reason

Doctor of Thinkology
don't worry, elections are rigged, he'll lose.
Yea, that's right. McCain won't lose because he represents four more years of failed economic policies, looks like a hawk just waiting for a chance to push the button, has a short temper, and makes rash decisions without doing his homework (a la Palin).

He'll lose because the election is rigged.


Reverend Rick

Frubal Whore
Premium Member
The polls are skewed

The Bradley effect will happen

McCain always comes back from behind, he is the ultimate under dog

If the vote is rigged, it will be slanted towards the republican side

Kerry was way ahead and look what happened last time.

Republicans will turn out in record numbers

People will crawl out from under rocks to stop this from happening

Many will not vote even though they registered because they think Obama has this thing won

The Voice of Reason

Doctor of Thinkology
I'm telling you one thing, Rick.

If the rest of the Republican party were as dedicated as you, they'd still lose, but they'd never concede.


Through the Looking Glass
Are you serious? Since when is it wrong to want your local politicians to do what you consider right? Just because you do not agree with all of her values does not give you a right to tell her she is wrong.
When she wants to impose them on me, my family and my community through the force of the state, you bet your sweet bippy it does. And I'm always serious.

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
Are you serious? Since when is it wrong to want your local politicians to do what you consider right?

When what you consider right really isn't. Don't even try to pretend you would be indifferent towards politicians and their supporters who tried to pass laws you find deplorable. Since when did voicing disagreement become an act of cruelty?

Just because you do not agree with all of her values does not give you a right to tell her she is wrong.
People have been doing it forever here on RF, and now all of the sudden it's wrong? Hmm... Besides, that's how debates work.

People around here seem have a very large problem realizing other people are entitled to differing opinions, on both sides.
True. Likewise I'm entitled to my opinion of her opinion. I can handle people voicing their opposition to my views. In fact I invite them to do so.
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The Devil's Advocate
doppelgänger;1321486 said:
She wants politicians to represent her religious beliefs and values in office. I think her beliefs and values and what she wants elected leaders to do about them becomes entirely fair game when she makes her decisions on that basis.
Umm... don't we ALL make our decisions based on wanting the politicians we elect to represent our beliefs and values?

I know I do.

And there are threads where I would fully expect to have to defend my beliefs and values as a result. But in this case, IMO, Dawny's comments were innocuous. And given that several people, not just you, then demonstrated hostility towards her for it, the impression that I got (and I'm an Obama supporter!) is that there was no room for difference of opinion here. No tolerance.

Honestly, I don't think that's what Obama is about.


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
Yea, that's right. McCain won't lose because he represents four more years of failed economic policies, looks like a hawk just waiting for a chance to push the button, has a short temper, and makes rash decisions without doing his homework (a la Palin).

Why do you hate America, Bill.


Through the Looking Glass
Umm... don't we ALL make our decisions based on wanting the politicians we elect to represent our beliefs and values?

I know I do.
Of course, Lil. Which is why I wasn't attacking Dawny in the way you were implying I was. Don't get amnesia about where this discussion started please. ;)

And there are threads where I would fully expect to have to defend my beliefs and values as a result. But in this case, IMO, Dawny's comments were innocuous.

A hypothetical for you: "I'm voting for McCain because he's going to take away the right of gays and lesbians to equal civil rights because that's what I think is more Christian." Innocuous?


The Devil's Advocate
doppelgänger;1321942 said:
A hypothetical for you: "I'm voting for McCain because he's going to take away the right of gays and lesbians to equal civil rights because that's what I think is more Christian." Innocuous?
That's not what she said.

And in reality, the two candidates are NOT that different on BGLT rights. Obama, disappointingly, is against marriage equality.


The Devil's Advocate
doppelgänger;1322057 said:
What part of "hypothetical" do you not understand? :shrug:
What part of "hypothetical" is relevant here?

she could have said she hopes McCain bombs Iran. So should everyone accuse her of that even tho she didn't say that?