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What IF McCain Wins? What Will You Do?

The Voice of Reason

Doctor of Thinkology
McCain winning is unthinkable -- in the same sense that an all out thermonuclear war is unthinkable. That is, you can sort of image how devastating it would be, but not really imagine the full scope of the devastation.

I believe you meant to say "therm-o-nuke-u-lar".

We should at least be consistent from one administration to the next.


Depends Upon My Mood..
All I know is whoever wins..Im afraid either way..we are 55 to 60 TRILLION dollars in debt..An analyst I saw said to put that in perspective..That is $480,000.00 per American household..In other words it would take that much per household to bring us up to even...How in the hell are we going to get out of that?


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Life will go on, same as if Obama wins.

(I seriously think people are caring a LITTLE too much about this election now...)


Well it has been exciting..You have to admit..


But exciting "why"? Hasn't this election simply degraded into the typical Republican vs. Democrat situation? What exactly are the issues we're voting on anymore? It seems like the arguments for both sides have degraded into: if you vote for my opponent, you're SCREWED! (although that has been Obama's stump since the beginning, McCain's doing it too)


Just me
Premium Member
But exciting "why"? Hasn't this election simply degraded into the typical Republican vs. Democrat situation? What exactly are the issues we're voting on anymore? It seems like the arguments for both sides have degraded into: if you vote for my opponent, you're SCREWED! (although that has been Obama's stump since the beginning, McCain's doing it too)
Good topic for a new thread.

Personally, I think it's more an aspect of "fun" than "excitement". :)


Good topic for a new thread.

Personally, I think it's more an aspect of "fun" than "excitement". :)
Blech, I was having more fun when it was about the direction of the country and issues that mattered to people.

I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of independents skimped this year.


Depends Upon My Mood..
But exciting "why"? Hasn't this election simply degraded into the typical Republican vs. Democrat situation? What exactly are the issues we're voting on anymore? It seems like the arguments for both sides have degraded into: if you vote for my opponent, you're SCREWED! (although that has been Obama's stump since the beginning, McCain's doing it too)

Well..all be it it has gotten nasty..and its certaintly caused division..I for one cant be the only one who decided after my own careful thought and trying to be "fair" and listen to both sides and dotn really care if someone tells me Im screwed..

What really did it for me..was watching Palin ironically..And I can tell you without a doubt..I do NOT want to end up living in this country with her as the president..That thought actually terrifies me...

I was undecided..Untill she showed up.and even at first I liked her..But in the last few weeks..It has become apparent to me she is not even close to beign qualified to be the vice president..And beyond a shadow of a doubt definately NOT the president.

But in a real way..Her coming on the scene made me pay closer attention to both canditates..And I believe that besides the fact I can't fathom her winding up president..I am more in agreement with Obama's ideas/policy outline than McCains.......There are things I like about both of them..and things that sort of make me nervous..But Im for Obama...

I guess my point is..Im not "radically" divided to one side or antoher..Despite all the mud slinging and the drama.I decided using my own logic and trying to understand what the issues were that I am most concerned about....and trying to set aside emotions while doing that..


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Depends Upon My Mood..
Blech, I was having more fun when it was about the direction of the country and issues that mattered to people.

I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of independents skimped this year.

That wouldnt surprise me either..To be quite honest..Im not sure Im even going to vote..I dont beleive Obama will win Texas..But I do believe he will win the election..and I think Im more comfortable with him than with McCain..




That wouldnt surprise me either..To be quite honest..Im not sure Im even going to vote..I dont beleive Obama will win Texas..But I do believe he will win the election..and I think Im more comfortable with him than with McCain..


As much as I would hate to not vote (for President), I might have to. I don't feel like either candidate has "earned" my vote. In fact, I think that both candidates have "earned" a lack of my respect.


Depends Upon My Mood..
As much as I would hate to not vote (for President), I might have to. I don't feel like either candidate has "earned" my vote. In fact, I think that both candidates have "earned" a lack of my respect.

I've heard a lot of people say that..Even my son who can vote for the first time..and he is what you woudl call a liberal..He's not running out the door drooling to vote for Obama...If he does vote thats who he's choosing..But its not like he has a fire lit under his butt ....Same with my husband..he leans more towards McCain..but again its sort of like ..no real "eagerness" to see McCain win..OR for Obama to loose for that matter...




I certainly wouldn't MIND if either of them won. It's not like I think either of them will destroy America, but I would PREFER for it to have been someone else.


Depends Upon My Mood..
Oh and to answer the OP...If McCain wins??..I wish him the best of luck..He's going to need it..And then I'll try and go about my daily life..and pray we dont go into a full blown depression..But honestly? Thats the same thing I would do if Obama wins..Although I think I would feel a little more "hopeful" and not quite as fearful for whats going to happen in the next few years..




Active Member
What really did it for me..was watching Palin ironically..And I can tell you without a doubt..I do NOT want to end up living in this country with her as the president..That thought actually terrifies me...

I'm with you Dallas. I think I was leaning towards Obama from the beginning, though I had (and still have) some hesitation with regards to his experience. But when McCain announced his VP it made my decision very easy. I also thought his VP choice was indicative of his poor decision making skills. Obama seems much more thoughtful and level headed. McCain (and Palin for that matter) seem like a couple of loose cannons. I don't want them gettin all 'mavericky' in the whitehouse.


Did you happen to notice how Palin pronounced it "nuke-u-lar" in the VP debate?:p

Yeah - I also noticed how she pronounced it "nuclear" at the Republican National Convention - because they spelled it "new-clear" on the teleprompter. True!


What I'm going to do if McCain wins is hope somebody disguises the big red button as a box of light bulbs.

Reverend Rick

Frubal Whore
Premium Member
Perhaps we need to divide this country in half. Seriously, then both sides could be happy.

I have two words for you all: Bradley effect