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What if we accepted each others Religion?


Veteran Member
I edited my post. But this conversation we're having falls into line with how I think the world can get along. Stop talking religion for awhile anyway. Thanks for engaging. I'm in Edmonton, BTW.
I am not a big fan of talking about religion but I feel obligated to do my part, especially since I don't do anything in my Baha'i community.

I never made it to Edmonton when I was up there but I always wanted to get there to see that big mall. I could sure get a lot of exercise walking around there and that water park is really cool! Maybe someday.


Premium Member
I am not a big fan of talking about religion but I feel obligated to do my part, especially since I don't do anything in my Baha'i community.

I never made it to Edmonton when I was up there but I always wanted to get there to see that big mall. I could sure get a lot of exercise walking around there and that water park is really cool! Maybe someday.
First time we went to the mall in about 10 years was a month ago, for a specific purpose. After that was done, we got out of there straight away. I strongly dislike the place. The water park was useful when we had young kids because I'd buy a summer pass, and we'd go every second day or more. Now I grow flowers and cut grass.


We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
Which Holy Book did Abraham write? Even with Moses there's a good chance he wrote nothing. If not these "manifestations", then who did write the Bible and the other Jewish Scriptures? Then there is the NT... even with the gospels we are uncertain who wrote them. Yet, you trust that Jesus really said and did what the gospels say? No. As we all know, Baha'is only believe some of the things written.

You do remember that God sent a flood to kill everybody. He sent fire and brimstone to destroy a couple of cities. And that he ordered the Israelites to kill all the men, women and children in Jericho.

The Aztecs and other people have had religions where they sacrifice humans. Even religions mentioned in the Bible are called evil and false. Some religions of some people were just no good.

Yes, it's the Baha'i way that includes the Baha'i interpretation of what is true about the other religions.
Thanks CG for asking these questions and I’m sorry i cant always give you the best answer. I’m still learning and researching on all these questions you bring up and try as much as possible to avoid personal opinion but to just find for you what the Manifestation said so you are best informed.

When it comes to ancient religions, many records have been lost and so we Baha’is rely upon what the current Manifestation has stated. Abraham is recognised as a Manifestation .


“He established the oneness of God, for at that time the generality of mankind were idol worshippers.” (SAQ) I am unaware of any Book of Abraham. The Bible has many Books with many attributed authors and also some Books with ‘unknown’ authors.

The Torah of Moses

the Torah that God hath confirmed consists of the exact words that streamed forth at the bidding of God from the tongue of Him Who conversed with Him (Moses).

Know ye that the Torah is that which was revealed in the Tablets unto Moses, may peace be upon Him, and in that which He was commanded to do.... The glorious Book, the Mighty Decree, is what was in the Tablets which Moses, upon Him be peace, brought from Mount Sinai, and that which He proclaimed unto the Children of Israel, in accordance with the explicit text of those Tablets. (Abdul-Baha)

Know ye that the Torah is that which was revealed in the Tablets to Moses, may peace be upon Him, or that to which He was bidden. But the stories are historical narratives and were written after Moses, may peace be upon Him. (Abdul-Baha)

The Gospels

The Four Gospels were written after Him [Christ]. John, Luke, Mark and Matthew - these four wrote after Christ what they remembered of His utterances. (Baha’u’llah)

The Bible

THIS book is the Holy Book of God, of celestial Inspiration. It is the Bible of Salvation, the Noble Gospel. It is the mystery of the Kingdom and its light. It is the Divine Bounty, the sign of the guidance of God. 'Abdu'l-Bahá

Some of the stories like the flood, Adam and Eve, have been explained as not real occurrences but to teach us some lesson. Book of Certitude, SAQ)

Yes there are some religions which are man made that may be evil and human sacrifice is likely one of them.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
You are welcome to your view but please bear in mind that it is not shared by 55% of the world population.
Even if true that would only be refuted by a simple so what, fortunately it isn't true though since it is not 55% that believe in all those so called prophets, and even if you take a single one of them to try and get your numbers what they believe about Moses - ranging from an erring human directed by God to an infallible Manifestation of God it is clear enough that they believe in different Moses that lumping them all into one category for the sake of claiming common belief is just sloppy propaganda in my view.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
I have no idea what you are talking about. It must be my unconscious indoctrination preventing me from seeing the truth. Do you have any specific examples?
Baha'i don't proselytise they teach.
Baha'i don't have missionaries they have pioneers.

Those are just a couple of the top of my head, but perhaps you get the gist of what im saying.


We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
Baha'is, Christians and some "cult-type" religious groups go out and try to make friends with people. They shower them with love. That tactic works very well. Here on the forum LH has started threads that wanted the "oneness" of humanity to be taught in school. And then this one that wants us to accept all religions. This is basic Baha'i teachings. But it's not coming out and saying, "These are Baha'i beliefs, and the world would be better off if we all followed them."

I personally like the threads started by Baha'is, because it stirs things up a lot. But it is still promoting and teaching Baha'i beliefs. I kind of wish that the forum had a section for people in the different religions to just go for it and teach, preach and proselytize. It's happening anyway. Why not do it out in the open.
The threads were discussing principles not beliefs. The principle of oneness exists in many religions. Oneness of all beings can be found in Hindu and Buddhist teachings. The thing here is that in mentioning oneness I’m promoting a principle not my personal religion.

The idea of starting the thread on teaching the oneness of humanity in schools was prompted by news from multiple sources which cited Hamas schools teaching children to hate and kill Jews. I believe that the oneness of mankind being taught replacing the demonisation of Jews can bring about peace and harmony. It had nothing to do with trying to promote my religion but an honest and sincere attempt to offer a remedy for an illness called prejudice. So I had no reason to come out in the open because there was no hidden agenda to promote my religion just try and offer ways to stop massacres and wars in the future. Yet I have been misconstrued and misunderstood. My only intention was peace .

With the thread about what if we accepted each others religion it’s the same. If we did I believe wars would stop. It’s nothing to do again with my religion but us all seeing the merits in other religions, befriending them and trying to appreciate the beauty in each. There is so much hatred between religions that I believe can be mended by accepting each because they all teach basic truths.

If only the whole world would acknowledge the greatness of Muhammad and all the Heaven-sent Teachers, strife and discord would soon vanish from the face of the earth, and God's Kingdom would come among men.”‘Abdu’l-Bahá

It is the PRINCIPLE I’m promoting NOT the Baha’i Faith. If I want to promote my religion I would start topics like Christ’s return etc and sometimes on these threads it did get off topic but I categorically state that my purpose in starting these two threads was out of compassion for a deeply suffering world. I want people to be happy, enjoy life and not do unimaginable horrendous things to each other so I promote education throughout the whole world that we are all one human family which is not the case today and to teach to love all religions and religionists because this will make our world better and happier.

So whatever anyone deems me guilty of ban me, report me , ignore me but my sole intention is to try and humbly offer ways and attitudes and mindsets that can stop this madness of hate and killing going in. I cannot be silent while people butcher each other. So condemn me and accuse me of whatever anyone wishes but my sole intention is promoting principles which can bring about peace.

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Veteran Member
First time we went to the mall in about 10 years was a month ago, for a specific purpose. After that was done, we got out of there straight away. I strongly dislike the place. The water park was useful when we had young kids because I'd buy a summer pass, and we'd go every second day or more. Now I grow flowers and cut grass.
I guess it is the novelty of it all but I don't like crowded places so I would not be frequenting the mall that often.
There is a big water park only a few miles from where I live but I have never been there. I guess the grass is always greener on the other side.



We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
Which temple does she go to, if you know?
She’s lives in my area and I think probably goes to Sydney where she has family because she mentioned one of her relatives getting married recently so she had to perform some ritual or ceremony. I also have another Hindu friend who attends the Hare Krishna temple in Sydney.


Veteran Member
Even if true that would only be refuted by a simple so what, fortunately it isn't true though since it is not 55% that believe in all those so called prophets, and even if you take a single one of them to try and get your numbers what they believe about Moses - ranging from an erring human directed by God to an infallible Manifestation of God it is clear enough that they believe in different Moses that lumping them all into one category for the sake of claiming common belief is just sloppy propaganda in my view.
Last I checked, 31 + 24.9 = 55.9 so over 55% of people in the world believe in either Jesus or Muhammad or both.
Exactly 'what they believe' about these prophets is a red herring.

(1) Red Herring Fallacy

A Red Herring argument is one that changes the subject, distracting the audience from the real issue to focus on something else where the speaker feels more comfortable and confident.
20. How to Rebut Logical Fallacies - Public leadership Institute

Projected size of major religious groups for 2023[1]
Folk religions5.6%
Other religions0.8%



Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Last I checked, 31 + 24.9 = 55.9 so over 55% of people in the world believe in either Jesus or Muhammad or both.
That's shifting the goal posts to use an or statement, you said my view that they are false prophets is not shared by 55% when if we are talking about Muhammad for example much more than 55% believe him to be a false prophet.

And i notice you conveniently ignored the simple "so what?" Refutation.


Premium Member
She’s lives in my area and I think probably goes to Sydney where she has family because she mentioned one of her relatives getting married recently so she had to perform some ritual or ceremony. I also have another Hindu friend who attends the Hare Krishna temple in Sydney.
Sorry, I thought you lived in Perth. There are several temples in Perth. But then Sydney it is.


Premium Member
I guess it is the novelty of it all but I don't like crowded places so I would not be frequenting the mall that often.
There is a big water park only a few miles from where I live but I have never been there. I guess the grass is always greener on the other side.

Well, that's something else we have in common. I go shopping for groceries before 7:30, as the store opens at 7. Somebody would have to pay me a lot to go on Saturday afternoons.


Veteran Member
Well, that's something else we have in common. I go shopping for groceries before 7:30, as the store opens at 7. Somebody would have to pay me a lot to go on Saturday afternoons.
I don't get up early to go shopping in order to avoid the crowds, but I always try to go when there are the least people in the store.
I would NEVER go grocery shopping on Saturday or Sunday when there are the most people in the store...

Costco is the worst.... You could no drag me into Costco on a Saturday if you paid me! I normally go there on a weeknight just before closing, when the least number of people are there, but unfortunately I don't like driving in the dark when it is raining so this time of year I have to go during the day.


Premium Member
I don't get up early to go shopping in order to avoid the crowds, but I always try to go when there are the least people in the store.
I would NEVER go grocery shopping on Saturday or Sunday when there are the most people in the store...

Costco is the worst.... You could no drag me into Costco on a Saturday if you paid me! I normally go there on a weeknight just before closing, when the least number of people are there, but unfortunately I don't like driving in the dark when it is raining so this time of year I have to go during the day.
7 AM is when there are the least people. Two weeks ago Boss decided to come with me just to 'look around'. (Normally we make a list together but I go alone. That's a leftover from Covid) Quite often there are less than 5 people in the store. One till out of a dozen is open. But I get it, not everyone is an early morning person like me. I arise at 5 or earlier.


Veteran Member
7 AM is when there are the least people. Two weeks ago Boss decided to come with me just to 'look around'. (Normally we make a list together but I go alone. That's a leftover from Covid) Quite often there are less than 5 people in the store. One till out of a dozen is open. But I get it, not everyone is an early morning person like me. I arise at 5 or earlier.
No, I am not an early riser because I am usually up late.
I tried to go to Costco once when they were just opening, at 10 AM, but people were already waiting in the parking lot to get in and by 10:30 it was just as crowded as usual... Can't win for losing!


Premium Member
No, I am not an early riser because I am usually up late.
I tried to go to Costco once when they were just opening, at 10 AM, but people were already waiting in the parking lot to get in and by 10:30 it was just as crowded as usual... Can't win for losing!
I've never been a member. They have very little of my kind of stuff. Now they don't even let you into browse to see if you want to be member without being a member.


Ontological Naturalist
Premium Member
Firstly I am only referring to the major religions.

Next I’m speaking of accepting the Founder and the spiritual teachings such as virtues and prayer etc not the laws. The administration of each faith would remain.

So Christians would accept Buddha and Muhammad, Buddhists would accept Christ and Baha’is etc

And instead of segregating ourselves in our own churches, pagodas, temples and synagogues, we would visit each others places of worship to meditate and pray together. We Baha’is already do this and read from all the sacred scriptures of each religion in all our services.

In this way we can celebrate our diversity. I think in many places this is happening and also interfaith breaking down barriers. I myself I accept all the major religions and their Founders and Holy Books and find this enriches me greatly. So I read something Christ or Buddha said and it’s a great experience. Christ says to love and Buddha says to fight hate with love and that the greatest of all conquerors is he who conquers his own self. So much wisdom from all these faiths. Why should we deprive ourselves.? If you have any favourite verses please feel most welcome to share them.
For a Christian to accept Buddha, or Allah, or Zeus, is logical nonsense. and the other way round.

All these divinities are mutually exclusive. So, it would be like asking a physicist to accept the theory of flat earth. It won't do.

So, the only belief you all guys should embrace in the interest of diversity, is the belief that there are no divinities. What a great way to celebrate your diversity, by actually finding a common denominator by utterly denying it. Isn't that the greatest compromise of all?

So, you should not all meet in your respective churches, synagogues, mosques, which are still a symbol of diversity, but you should simply destroy them buildings. Or turn them into some nice condos.

What do you think about it? Don't you think all religious conflicts would be solved then? At the end of the day, accepting mutually exclusive beliefs is like accepting none.

I am just trying to help you guys, since you seem rather confused with all those gods, goddesses, and such.


- viole
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Veteran Member
I've never been a member. They have very little of my kind of stuff. Now they don't even let you into browse to see if you want to be member without being a member.
I don't usually go there for people food. I usually only go for cat food, cat litter and bird food, although they have good prices on vitamins and other supplements, and I go there for gas, since it is considerably cheaper than the other gas stations. The money I save easily pays for my membership.