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What if we accepted each others Religion?


Veteran Member
Even worse, some declare people of another religion have in fact got some of the fundamentals of their religion wrong and then go on to lay out what the religion really is all about. You can't get more arrogant than that.
Yes, that is arrogant. Whether or not you can get more arrogant than that is a matter of opinion.


We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
Contradictory narratives will still be contradictory narratives in 5-6 centuries. The Buddha was not a Messenger of the Abrahamic god two thousand five hundred years ago and he still won't have been one in 5-6 centuries. Etc etc etc.
We cannot be absolutely certain that we possess all of Buddhas authentic teachings. I personally believe He did teach the oneness of God.


Well-Known Member
Finding the universal truth is kind of what the OP is suggesting.
So who is up for the attempt?
It came out that what each religion has in common is that they all teach leading virtuous lives and to leave off all the man-made doctrines and dogma.
That's how I see it.
But a strong/true believer in a religion isn't going to do that. The doctrines and dogma are important parts of the religion.
Affraid you have a solid point there.
Now if we are talking about "weak" and very liberal believers in a religion, then I think that they would have no problem dumping the doctrines and dogmas of their religion, if the people in the other religions do the same.
Can you set the tone of such a conversation?
But then are we really talking about Christians, Jews, Muslims learning to get along?
They have for a long long time, in palestine and elsewhere.
Those people aren't the "fundy", hardcore believers.
Some are, some are not.
Then some Hindus and Buddhists seem to have a more accepting way of looking at the different religions... more like they are just different paths to the same destination.

That is what should be agreed upon at the start "just different paths to the same destination."
My complaints here have been aimed at the Baha'is because I don't think they intend to drop any of their religious beliefs for the sake of unity.
Almost like christians, they have their 'messiah' idea.
So, they are sort of in the same position as the "true believers" in the other religions...
I understand. But each have something to give.
They believe their doctrines and dogmas are true and came straight from God to their prophet.
Same joke from many belief systems.
So, why would they drop them?
"just different paths to the same destination."
But... that's what the OP is asking the other religions to do.
Now you see why you and I are trying.

Thank you.


We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
The problem is that 'what you see' as dishonesty is not necessarily dishonesty, nor is it your job to point it out.
Calling others dishonest is both arrogant and rude. Why not just tend to your own faults and leave others to tend to theirs?

26: O SON OF BEING! How couldst thou forget thine own faults and busy thyself with the faults of others? Whoso doeth this is accursed of Me.
The Hidden Words of Bahá’u’lláh, p. 10

66: O EMIGRANTS! The tongue I have designed for the mention of Me, defile it not with detraction. If the fire of self overcome you, remember your own faults and not the faults of My creatures, inasmuch as every one of you knoweth his own self better than he knoweth others.
The Hidden Words of Bahá’u’lláh, p. 45
Its unfortunate but some seem to resort to making It personal.


We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
This thread is about unity of religion. It’s ok to disagree with the views but NOT to get personal and put people down. Please stick to the topic everyone whether you agree or not and please don’t make this a platform for personal attacks. We can agree to disagree humanely.


We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
So who is up for the attempt?

That's how I see it.

Affraid you have a solid point there.

Can you set the tone of such a conversation?

They have for a long long time, in palestine and elsewhere.

Some are, some are not.

That is what should be agreed upon at the start "just different paths to the same destination."

Almost like christians, they have their 'messiah' idea.

I understand. But each have something to give.

Same joke from many belief systems.

"just different paths to the same destination."

Now you see why you and I are trying.

Thank you.
My humble understanding is that we are all believing in the same inner spiritual reality but just call it by a different name and have different outward expressions of worshipping that Reality.

The differences between the religions I view as such. ‘ we believe in the sun of Monday but reject the sun of Tuesday and the other days’ when in reality there is really only one sun the same spiritual sun we all worship. Inwardly I believe all the religions are one in essence.

Dao Hao Now

Active Member
it’s not religion which is causing the conflicts but disobedience to it. Religion teaches to love. If people choose to hate that’s their fault. Nothing to do with religion.
You are aware of what’s going on in Gaza and Israel, yes?
prompted by news from multiple sources which cited Hamas schools teaching children to hate and kill Jews.

As I stated previously:
That you yearn for peace and unity among mankind is admirable.
That you can’t fathom that religions are antithetical to that goal is naive.


Well-Known Member
My humble understanding is that we are all believing in the same inner spiritual reality but just call it by a different name and have different outward expressions of worshipping that Reality.

I agree. It's about natural to conscious life.
The differences between the religions I view as such. ‘ we believe in the sun of Monday but reject the sun of Tuesday and the other days’ when in reality there is really only one sun the same spiritual sun we all worship.

Although worship is a bit much to consider natural or an equal foundation
Inwardly I believe all the religions are one in essence.
That i do agree. The idea of a truth existing (eventually) and moral application


We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
You are aware of what’s going on in Gaza and Israel, yes?

As I stated previously:
That you yearn for peace and unity among mankind is admirable.
That you can’t fathom that religions are antithetical to that goal is naive.
Thanks. Both Judaism and Islam teach love and brotherhood. Obedience to that law would see both peoples living side by side in peace. There is no magic fix but to go back to their foundation and follow the laws in their respective holy books. Only killing and counter killing will create more hatred and hatred can only be conquered by love not violence and guns. So just cease firing won’t fix the real problem which is lack of love and brotherhood.

CG Didymus

Veteran Member
Its not your job to post on this forum, presumably you do it because its a privilege.

Ah the irony of calling someone arrogant and claiming in the same sentence we should only tend to our own faults - physician heal thyself.

That is your belief, not mine. My belief is that egregious faults should be corrected, and I see dishonesty as an egregious fault standing in need of correction.
There are too many religious conmen and too many religious cults out to not call them out. I'd imagine that many Baha'is believe that about Mirza Ghulam Ahmad. Or maybe L. Ron Hubbard. Or some of the "Christian" TV evangelists and faith healers.


Veteran Member
And religions that expect other religions to abandon their central tenants and doctrine, which they have demonstrated repeatedly through history that they are willing to kill and die for, are naive.
I certainly do not expect that to happen, not any time soon anyway. We certainly won't see it happen in our lifetimes.

CG Didymus

Veteran Member
And religions that expect other religions to abandon their central tenants and doctrine, which they have demonstrated repeatedly through history that they are willing to kill and die for, are naive.
As if Baha'is accept the central tenants and doctrines of the other religions. I asked LH is there was any other religion that Baha'is believe that has the truth, teaches the truth and practices the truth. One of them he mentioned was the Catholic Church. I really doubt that Baha'is believe in original sin, confessing sins to a priest, that Mary was immaculately conceived, that there is a Satan, hell, and purgatory and, something that is common to many Christians, the physical resurrection of Jesus.

Now if the Baha'is said should these tenants and doctrines be abandoned, I'd agree with them. But then when they tell me some of their beliefs, then I find some of those that I can't believe in. The main one being "progressive" revelation. And even with that if they instead said that religions and religious beliefs have evolved over time, I'd say "sure, I can believe that."

Oh, and I wonder even how many Baha'is, even LH, would participate in the snake handling service of some Christians? Some practices just got to be rejected. Although, the snake handlers, I'm sure, get a lot out of it.... Like an ecstatic spiritual experience... along with the occasional snake bite.

CG Didymus

Veteran Member
Thanks. Both Judaism and Islam teach love and brotherhood. Obedience to that law would see both peoples living side by side in peace. There is no magic fix but to go back to their foundation and follow the laws in their respective holy books. Only killing and counter killing will create more hatred and hatred can only be conquered by love not violence and guns. So just cease firing won’t fix the real problem which is lack of love and brotherhood.
Hmmm? You do realize that God had Elijah kill people in other religions. And people in their own religion were killed for breaking some of the laws. The God of the Bible wasn't all that loving and peaceful. Unless, like me, you believe those stories were myth.

CG Didymus

Veteran Member
I know what you mean. Even worse, some declare people of another religion have in fact got some of the fundamentals of their religion wrong and then go on to lay out what the religion really is all about. You can't get more arrogant than that.
Hmmm? Now which religion would do such a thing? Like telling those that believe in the resurrections of Jesus, or those that believe in reincarnation... that those things aren't true but have been misinterpreted and misunderstood by the followers of those religions?

CG Didymus

Veteran Member
As I see it, accepting the basic foundation of each others religion will require humanity to be highly spiritually developed. That is not now, which is why I believe there is some opposition to the idea, and it likely won’t really begin to be accepted for over 5-6 centuries. So I’m not surprised by the response. We Baha’is have no problems with accepting other Prophets, Teachers and Holy Books but the large portion of humanity still think this impossible or impractical because they see with the eyes of division and as of yet are unaware of Baha’u’llah ‘s unifying vision.
Why not reject them? Why not say, "You know what I know your religion believes this and that and that God did this or that but was any of it really true? Is it worth killing and hating each other over our ancestors' various myths?"
That is what should be agreed upon at the start "just different paths to the same destination."
Different "paths" is much better. A person doesn't have to pretend they believe in the things that the other religions says are true but just accept that the other religions are true for those other people.
This thread is about unity of religion.
I don't know about that. Ultimately, Baha'is say that all the other religions have false beliefs. How are you going to get them to agree with you and the Baha'i Faith without them admitting that their religious beliefs aren't correct? A Baha'is is not going to admit such a thing. Baha'is believe their religion is the new and absolute truth from God. And Baha'is believe the teachings of Baha'u'llah have replaced the teachings of the past religions. He has brought new laws and new social teachings that, Baha'is believe, is destined to unite the world.
The differences between the religions I view as such. ‘ we believe in the sun of Monday but reject the sun of Tuesday and the other days’ when in reality there is really only one sun the same spiritual sun we all worship. Inwardly I believe all the religions are one in essence.
Doesn't quite work. The teachings of one religion are not the same as the teachings of another. Even the teachings about who and what God is... aren't the same.

Dao Hao Now

Active Member
Both Judaism and Islam teach love and brotherhood.
And yet…..
news from multiple sources which cited Hamas schools teaching children to hate and kill Jews.
They teach love and brotherhood amongst their own tribes…not so much with concern to heretics, apostates, blasphemers, and
Actions speak louder than words, and history and modern conflicts has shown endless actions contrary to your naive interpretation of their teachings.